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Approved Tech Syn Talisman

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[SIZE=10pt]Image Source:[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt][/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] (Closest to the Murr and Drepya talisman I could find.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] To bring to light a Sith artifact that is commonly overlooked/forgotten and expand upon it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Development Thread:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Jedi Down (32 posts, Bit over 10k words)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Sorzus Syn
Model: Sith Amulet
Affiliation: Sorzus Syn, Many Others, Nikias
Modularity: No
Production: Unique

[SIZE=10pt]Material: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Alchemy-Forged Metal [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Alchemized Gems[/SIZE]

Special Features
  • Decelerated aging: The talisman slows the aging of the wearer when compared to other beings in the galaxy.
  • Dark Side Nexus: The talisman projects a darkside nexus that can be drawn on by those willing to do so. Though it is nothing like one found in an alchemical weapon and trying to use it in combat will be pointless.. (More so to use in alchemy)
  • Sorzus Syn's abilities: As the amulet was meant to aid Syn's abilities in Sith Magics and Alchemy those trained and willing to accept her power can use it to control Alchemical beasts they've created with ease. (Not able to be used by those untrained in these arts.)
  • Boost: Just as Muur's talisman boosted Celeste's abilities the same happens for the hosts of this talisman though it will not make something out of nothing. (AKA no power jumps from padawan to knight or to master. Their abilities are still in the same league they were before.)
  • Knowledge: For those Sith able to get on Syn's good-side theres a chance she'll share her knowledge. (Jedi need not try it won't happen.)
  • Corruption: The longer and more that one leans on the talismans abilities the more they will be corrupted by it and will commit atrocities they never would have. Even if one doesn't use the abilities the corruption will still take place but at a slower rate.
  • Insanity Spells: The talisman is enchanted with spells of madness to drive wearers insane and weaken their resolve making it easier for Sorzus to take their body over completely.
  • Memory Merger: The talisman bears all the memories of bast bearers and with each passing the current host is assaulted by their memories that can lead to mental disorders and a loss of ones own self.
  • Darkside Aura: Due to it being a Sith alchemical creation and containing the essence of Sorzus Syn it acts like a beacon in the force alerting and and all trained force users to it. Even untrained users can sense it.
  • Force Nullification: Like any other Alchemical creation once inside a Ysalimir's bubble it becomes nothing more than a regular piece of jewelry. The same applies when Force Suppression is used on the object until the effect wears off.
  • Mental Manipulation: If the essence of Syn doesn't agree with the new host she will aim to manipulate others nearby into killing the current host.
  • Spiritually binding: Even if one has mental immunity the spirit of Syn is still there and will try to drive the host insane if she doesn't approve of them.

[SIZE=10pt]Description:[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Sorzus Syn, the greatest of the Master Summoners that fought during the The Hundred-Year Darkness, and one of the best alchemists to grace the Sith order created many amulets and talismans in her lifetime. Just the mere mention of the talismans can cause Jedi to shake in fear and Sith to envy those who possess them. The most well-known of these talismans was the Murr Talisman though there were two others created with a similar purpose. The second of these amulets was graced to Sith Lord Dreypa, and the final and most powerful of them all was created for Sorzus herself. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The talismans were created using Sith alchemy akin to how Sith Swords themselves are created using a mixture of metals and the blood of those struck down in rage. Each one of the Talismans served their own purpose as Murr’s amplified his abilities with creating Rakghouls and turned the weak minded and feeble into said monstrosities. Similarly, Dreypa’s was created to enhance his own use and strength with the force. While Syn’s was created as a way to enhance her own abilities with Alchemy and Sith Magic. All three of these amulets could trap the essence of their wearers inside the amulets if they ever fell in battle. In such a situation the amulet would search out a new host or fall into disuse till rediscovered by some unsuspecting fool. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Sorzus’ own talisman was enchanted with spells of insanity akin to the very same ones on the first Sith scrolls she had retrieved. The spells were meant to drive the original wearer insane over time and break down their will to live to make it easier for the essence of Sorzus to take over their body. Only incredibly well trained Force Users, or those immune to mental influence can survive these spells with their mentality intact. However, even the best trained force users in the galaxy aren’t immune to the effect of the bonding process. Similar to the Murr talisman once attached to someone the essence of the Sith merges with that of the host and thus begins the battle for dominance. Those with strong mental defense’s such as Hutts, Toydarians, Epicanthix, stand a better chance of fighting off the influence of the spirit but must remain ever vigilant or else they shall also fall under its influence. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Once bonded with a host it is impossible to remove unless the current owner is killed which for some could mean a lifetime being tortured by the Sith spirit. Even the most devout of jedi will find themselves being corrupted by the amulets nature. There are far more negatives to possessing the amulet for the bearers as they are not the owners due to the spells of insanity and the battle for dominance, but that isn’t all. The talisman gives off an incredibly powerful darkside aura that can be felt by trained force users for yards and sometimes even miles making the wearer stand out like a beacon. The essence of the spirit trapped in the talisman will even try to influence those nearby into trying to kill the bearer if they do not agree with them or if they find one more malleable. Even if one is able to survive the attempts on their life, and the battle of attrition against the spirit they still have to worry about the merging of memories from the past owners. This could include hallucinations at anytime and anywhere. The amulet of course loses its abilities when inside a force nullification field and cannot bond itself to the force dead.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The benefits for those the amulet has bonded itself to is that they gain immortality to the extent that they no longer age. It even acts as a well of darkside energy similar to a nexus that one can gain access to if they’re willing to accept the darkside, this doesn’t include the natural power that they can draw from Syn’s essence. Though the more one draws on this energy the closer they approach the dark and will often times find them committing atrocities they never would’ve before. Sith and those closer to the dark will find Syn’s spirit more accommodating and she will possibly take on a role akin to a holocron sharing her knowledge in Sith Alchemy and Magic with the host. The chances of this happening for a jedi is so low they might as well not even try and often times the Spirit will do its best to kill them or turn them to the darkside if she can’t have them slaughtered by another. Any alchemical creatures created using the power of this amulet can be controlled the same as how Murr’s talisman could control Rakghouls.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]No one truly knows how Sorzus Syn died, or who defeated her. But one way or another it happened and just as the other talisman’s had been hunted by the great Sith Lords so to was hers. Many have been the host of Sorzus Syn’s spirit but the last owner before Nikias was a jedi master who had been exploring Ziost and had killed the last host. Attaching itself to the jedi master and her not willing to let Sorzus escape the planet used the powers of the amulet to bind them to the planet Ziost where they could never leave… Eventually over time Syn was able to claim the jedi’s body but no other potential hosts had come or could survive the alchemical creations that Syn had created out of boredom. At least till Jedi Knight Nikias arrived on the planet following a rescue beacon that Syn had set up to lure others in. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Nikias barely survived Syn’s alchemical creations and when he came face to face with the Sith she easily defeated him, and began the surgery to heal Nikias to make him a better host for her spirit. Killing the last host hoping to stop the Sith Nikias unknowingly sealed his own fate. Unbeknownst to Sorzus was that Nikias’ species was immune to mental manipulation and provided him a slight leg up on keeping the spirit at bay. It was this occurrence that forced Nik to accept both the dark side of himself and his original self to retain the willpower to fight off Syn’s complete control. So the long struggle between the two has begun with Nikias vowing to keep the Sith imprisoned as long as he breathes. [/SIZE]

Primary Source:
(Can provide Quotes and sources from Book of Sith as well)

This is a canon item
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Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
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[member="Braith Achlys"]

Well I thought immortality was when one is able to not die period, which the wearer of this can easily die the same as any other. Didn't know it applied to age was just going by the Muur talisman and the Book of the Sith. However, edited.
Invincible is where no harm is able to come to a person (as in, stabbing someone doesn't do any damage and nothing can hurt them), Immortal is being able to live forever, or never die, or many other specifications of the term.

Pending admin approval.
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