Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Sword of Destiny


Location: Christophsis
Equipment: Trench Longcoat, DC-15 Side Arm Blaster, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun


When Jax's Lightsaber was destroyed by Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , he meant to create a new one. There was one tiny problem though, Jax lost his connection to the Force. The Lightsaber is considered to be an extension of the Jedi. A symbol of defense and order when negotiation failed but for the third time in his life, Jax had his Lightsaber destroyed. It was starting to become habit now and it would've something that Jax found humorous if the context behind losing his current Lightsaber weren't so.... disturbing. The Jedi found himself on Christophsis and though Jax was still reeling from his deep dive into the Dark Side, he was determined to cleanse himself and start again. "The question is," Jax mumbled approaching a crystal cave. "How can you pick up the pieces after everything has been shattered?"

Jax took a deep breath, he needed to focus. "Remember the tenets of the Living Force," Jax said. "Focus on the here and now."

Though Jax no longer had access to the Force, the wisdom and knowledge he attained from past Jedi Masters was still beneficial. Jax didn't need to worry about the future, it's constantly changing. As he stepped inside the crystal cave, his eyes marveled at the glittering lights created by the large crystals embedded. He wanted to recreate his Lightsaber and try to reconnect with the Force. He had the materials he gathered while on Terminus all that's left is to allow the Force to come back. "Easier said than done," Jax said sitting on a rocky platform and closing his eyes.

"Come on," Jax said concentrating deeply. "Focus and reach out. The Force is with me, I just need to find that missing link."

Jax Thio Jax Thio

"Oh, excuse me," Tiland said, coming up to the cave entrance. "I didn't know there was anyone else here." He paused, assessing the situation.

"I think there is no coincidence there we both find ourselves here on this day." Another pause as he considered the situation. "The Force guided us here for a reason I do not know."

That said, he bowed deeply. "I am Jedi Master Tiland Kortun. I had come to meditate but just received part of a message on my comlink, but didn't have the signal to take it. Were you the one who called, by any chance?"


Location: Christophsis
Equipment: Trench Longcoat, DC-15 Side Arm Blaster, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

Jax jumped and whipped around at the sound of the voice. He kept forgetting that his Force Sense was gone, and he needed to be more alert now. "Hello," Jax said slowly getting up wiping the dust from his coat. "Nice to meet you Master Kortun."

The former Jedi gave him a bow. "My name is Jax Thio," he continued feeling a mixture of sadness and shame at the fact that Tiland was the first Jedi that he had seen since Empress Teta. "I would like to say that I am Jedi as well but what's a Jedi if they can't use the Force?"

He sighed and shook his head. "So, what are you doing here Master Tiland?" Jax asked.

Jax Thio Jax Thio

"A Jedi without the Force?" Tiland considered, running a hand through his beard and along his mustache for a moment. After a moment, he smiled. "What makes you think the Force defines a Jedi, hmm? Well met, at least, Jedi Jax Thio. "

It was an interesting question. One, he thought was not quite the same sort of question as Jax seemed to think it was. It was one reason he always pushed the Pilgrims and Light Hand to have skills outside the Force.

"I had felt a guidance in the Force to come here, although it was a reason I did not know," Tiland explained, setting down on the floor and clasping his hands together. "Coincidence, perhaps, or luck, others might say."


Location: Christophsis
Equipment: Trench Longcoat, DC-15 Side Arm Blaster, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

Jax sighed. "I'll be honest," He began. "I'm not sure what I know right about what it means to be a Jedi now. Not too long ago, I did..... a bad thing and now I'm lost without my Force abilities, and I just need some answers."

He turned to face the old man's gaze. "Are you a Jedi?" Jax asked. "Are you part of the New Jedi Order? The Silvers? What about the Ashlan Crusade?"

Jax Thio Jax Thio

"Ahh, excellent then," Tiland said, a mysterious smile flickering through his beard. "Admitting how little we know is the first step toward wisdom. And as for doing a bad thing," he shrugged. "We all do terrible things. We make the wrong choices. We sacrifice the wrong thing. We choose the easy path in hopes it can give us the solutions we look for.

He paused at the question, his smile growing wrier at the questions. "I am a Jedi, yes, although I belong to none of those orders. I am far too old to be running out with youths like them in most cases." That brought a small chuckle that quickly passed. "I am simply a Jedi, although I created the Way of the Light Hand and lead its Circle, as well as helped organize the Jedi pilgrims in the Outer Rim. But my Jedi heritage dates back to the days of the Galactic Republic before the rise of Palpatine's empire."

But he held out his hand. "But now, what about you? The meaning and identity of a Jedi has never been easy, so perhaps that is something to examine first, hmm?"


Location: Christophsis
Equipment: Trench Longcoat, DC-15 Side Arm Blaster, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

"So, you're a nomad?" Jax asked staring intently at the old man. There were laugh lines around the corners of his mouth and his eyes were alive and eager. If Jax had to guess, Tiland desired to know more about him though he didn't feel comfortable in divulging that information. He was just tired and emotionally beaten travelling around the Galaxy and not finding the answers he sought.

"I've never heard of the Way of Light," Jax said. "Is it some sort of religious organization?"

He raised an eyebrow when Tiland mentioned that his lineage went all the way back to the Galactic Empire days. There were many Jedi who forsaken their vows of celibacy to start families. It was through that realization that the survivors understood that love did not doom them to the Dark Side, and they quickly adapted to the New Jedi Order. "Let's just say I'm a man who needs to rebuild what I've lost," Jax answered still trying to avoid the question. "The first step is building a Lightsaber but without the Force, I'm like a blind man trying to walk past an active Volcano. Given the Empire attacking Illum, Christophsis is the next best thing for Lightsaber Crystals."

Jax Thio Jax Thio

"In a way," Tiland agreed, "Although not quite. Some call us pilgrims, monks, mendicants." He shrugged after a moment. "I am simply who I am. And it's the Way of the Light Hand, my friend. A bit different."

His mouth twitched as he recited, "The hand of a Jedi should be held lightly, slow to close into a fist, quick to offer aid, and quicker still to open in reconciliation. It is a philosophy, although the Circle is a Jedi Circle in the Outer Rim."

He leaned back, considering and assessing. "The lightsaber is the symbol of a Jedi's connection to the Force. Perhaps that is why you are finding it difficult. Without the Force, that link is... perhaps impossible to create."


Location: Christophsis
Equipment: Trench Longcoat, DC-15 Side Arm Blaster, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

"I know," Jax responded gazing at the crystals in the cave. "But considering that I lost my connection the to Force, I just want to gather all the materials for the Lightsaber so when I finally reconnect, I can forge it."

He didn't realize how much he missed wielding his Lightsaber. For years Jax took his Lightsaber talents for granted, believing that he would maintain his skills. However, without the Force, Jax felt like an infant trying to lift a boulder. The former Jedi stared at the old man frowning. "I've made too many mistakes." Jax mumbled. "It led to the Force leaving me and now here I am trying to pick up the pieces but I don't know what to do, where to go?"

Jax Thio Jax Thio

"Perhaps it was an act of the Force," Tiland said, studying the crystals in the corridor that led deeper into the crust. "Good, ill, unknown, the movement of the tides of the Force are often mysterious and not uncommonly uncomfortable."

At the rest of the words, he leaned back with a sigh, considering as he ran a hand through his beard in thought. "The Force never leaves us, any more than our DNA can leave us." He waved one hand in the air. "It remains within each cell of your body, each cell of mine, within the micro-organisms that fill the air, coat our skin, and inhabit our nostrils."

That brought a bit of a wry smile. "Whether or not we can always feel it is another matter. That..." He considered. "Can be undone, in time, for some. Not always for everyone, however."


Location: Christophsis
Equipment: Trench Longcoat, DC-15 Side Arm Blaster, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

"I need help," Jax sighed. "I don't know what I need to do I feel lost." He felt lost ever since Carnifex revealed to Jax that he was his father and it went downhill from there. What use is Jax is without the Force to guide him? He spent all those years training, only for him to be back at square one.

Who was he really? Jax thought he had it figured out, he had everything that he wanted. Strong connection to Force, friends, family, and a purpose. To protect the Galactic Alliance and protect the people. But now, Jax had the rug thrown out from under him and he's just searching for answers like he did when he was a kid. "You're right," Jax said. "But I need to feel the Force again..... there's just something I'm missing."

Jax Thio Jax Thio

"The Matukai learned how to increase Force sensitivity in otherwise non-sensitives," Tiland explained after a moment. "Their methods take time, but could be a possibility."

He could feel the turmoil and the uncertainty in the younger Jedi and he leaned back, considering. "Perhaps you're trying too hard."

One finger traced a path along the palm of his hand. "Stillness is the Jedi's path, and acceptance."


Location: Christophsis
Equipment: Trench Longcoat, DC-15 Side Arm Blaster, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Tiland Kortun Tiland Kortun

Jax sighed, Tiland's words rang true Jax spent too much time trying to block out all of the fear and doubt mainly due to Carnifex. But all it did was make things worse. It was like Master Oda said: A calm mind is the root to understanding. In a way, Tiland reminded Jax of him. "Yeah," Jax sat down and took a deep breath closing his eyes. "I need to stay focused and diligent."

There was only one problem though...... vicious blood red orbs staring at him ready to invade his mind the moment he taps into the Force.

"But every time I close my eyes," Jax said shaking his head. "I see his face, the very pit of evil ready encroach my soul."

Jax Thio Jax Thio

Tiland tilted his head, listening, eyebrows raised. "Who might that be? Perhaps then it is not the Force that has separated from you, but there is something you are trying to protect yourself from?"

He interlaced his fingers, considering. "Or perhaps it is better to start from the beginning?"

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