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Surprise Droid Party [Metal Lords - Commenor Diplomacy Exchange]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

It was seemingly another ordinary day in the Denon sector, space was calm, for once the system was not being torn by interstellar conflict like it was in the ages past under the One Sith dominion, occupants of the various planets within the space went on about their daily business, and the local major powers neighboring the hex continued with their designs undisturbed. At least they did so until a flash of light erupted out at the edge of New Plympto system and an old decrepit cruiser phased into real space, sailing out towards the planet. Soon after there was a couple more flashes of light as newer corvette models sailed out besides it. More flashes as additional ships exited out of hyperspace.

Suddenly fleets appeared around various planets in the system, coming out from long forgotten and ignored hyperspace routes leading out towards the darkness of deep space and some unsavory shadowports, they entered the systems at their edges, an amalgam of derelict scavenged ships made functional only through sheer technical ingenuity and willpower it seemed as the various vessels looked like they had no right still functioning after all this time. There were Republic, Imperial, and Confederate models among them from various ages of Galactic Society, as well as some even older and stranger models still, backed by a presence of newer vessels, corvettes, frigates, cruisers, although they were smaller models they were a sign that some current powers or companies were backing this incident.

The vessels sailed towards the planets as now bases begun to appear behind them, they had only one pressing intention- claim new home and sanctuary for the machine-kind.

Objective A (Diplomacy on Denon)- I Denon-ce You! [member="Kida"], possibly [member="WD-334"], [member="Macharius Solaire"],

HK stood at the bridge of his hammer-shaped aged frigate, the Siege Tower, a vessel granted to him back during his service under the Omega Protectorate. He watched the metropolis world of Denon through the viewport of his ship as they crept closer towards it. Denon was to become the Lords' new capital and the droid was there to make sure that it would happen peacefully, claiming right as the governor of the planet over other Metal Lords, HK did not entirely trust his other brethren to be as willing to work with the current government of Denon as he was.

"Make the transport ready, and bring Kida to me, I wish to speak with her before we leave."

He called out to one of his his officers, the other droid nodded to him,


Before leaving to carry out the orders. If WD wished to join him during the negotiations as a guard, he was free to do so.

As the ships grew closer and the Knight of the Eclipse was being prepared, HK's personal transport, the sky above Denon would have the visage of an ancient Venerator cruiser pass overhead, with a star base being towed behind it. The droid may have been there to resolve things peacefully, but he did brought with his escort and insurance in case things turned sour.

Objective B (Diplomacy and Neutral Trade Port Development With Commenor)- Chips and Blitz [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Lady Kay"]

It was in no doubt that the neighboring major powers would notice the large number of strange derelict fleets entering the system, or perhaps even notice them using the forgotten hyper-ways. Commenor and GA have been the closest factions to claim territory by their soon to be capital sector, as such the Metal Lords needed stable borders with both of them. Ultimatum has been dispatched with mission to contact Lady Kay of Commenor before their scouts or other forces would potentially enter the new Metal Lord space, he was to negotiate truce and the first basis of an alliance between the two factions.

Assigned to him were also teams of construction droids to build a neutral base on the border between the two factions where they could meet repeatedly with trade and commerce.

Other droids were free to join him as well, and of course Commenor would bring whoever they wished along for the talks.

Objective C (Development on New Plympto, Diplomacy with GA on Duro, Machine God Cult Subplot)- Stronger Than Duro-steel [member="Archim Calixis"], [member="Six-O"], @GA Representatives

Just as the Metal Lords had Commenor to worry about on one side, so they had the Galactic Alliance on the other. Little did they knew the Alliance had interested in the world of Duros near the New Plympto where the Metal Lord vessels first appeared to set up their presence in the system, their goal to establish bases on Plympto before moving to Duros. The GA may have had their agents on the planet already but some of the powers within Metal Lords established a connection on the planet before hand as well. Rumors of a cult of Machine God circulated around the Duro planet, some said it spread through the use of some sort of virtual reality device, most dismissed such tales as urban myths and nothing but that.

Unfortunately in every rumor there is some truth, will Archim and Six uncover this planet while caught in the middle of a border dispute over the planet, or will they even succumb to the cultists and the powers they serve and join them?

Objective D - Bring Your Own Objective!

With other planets in the systems, such as Nubia, Loronar, and Antar, there is still plenty of tales to be told in this sector. Tales of combat, piracy, diplomatic disputes, company development, and world governing, the limit is your imagination. And this hex, I'm pretty sure it has to take place in this hex. Maybe. Just have fun with it.


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
Location: Enroute to Nubia
Objective: Investigate and capture the droid factories
Posts: 1.37 (if needed)

​Moving through space at high velocity, the stolen Sith warship ​Yukoton ​cruised toward the planet of Nubia where several droid factories and shipyards awaited to be activated; thrusting a source of strength into the hands of the Metal Lords. Stalking the bridge, the self proclaimed Cyborg Queen tapped mechanical fingers across her armored body running possible scenarios with plausible outcomes as to how to achieve a great victory for the Lords of Metal. She had much to prove to them. She had been there at the starting point of their crusade, only to abandon them when they might have needed her most. She didn't believe in feelings, the Sith and the mad Doctor that constructed her robbed that from her; but she felt something. Shrugging the annoying feeling of something away, she stopped at the massive, cracked viewport staring through the blood smeared glass at the blue lines associated with lightspeed travel.

​"My liege," came the droid voice from one of her soldiers in the TDSBMDA ​disrupting her memory of how they killed the crew of this Sith ship for their own needs. ​"By all calculations, we shall be arriving to Nubia within the hour. Your orders?"

"I'll be taking twenty droids with me. The rest, along with this ship, will orbit the planet and observe the sector for any incoming hostile ships. Has this ship's signature been wiped?"

​"Yes my Queen. We are a neutral trading vessel by all accounts."

​"Very Good. Now leave me."

​Running a hand on the dried blood, she smiled inwardly. Soon the Sith would begin to feel the pressure of her revenge on their throats, and just as they preach granting mercy is for the weak of heart; she would bend them all to a knee assimilating some to her ranks whilst killing the rest.
Location: Near the Commenor border off Antar
Objective: (Chips and Blitz) Bilateral Treaties and Neutral ground

As the flotilla of ships had enter Denon's system, Ultimatum had dropped near the Antar system with several construction ships and his transports packed full of materials. The artificial had been ordered to construct a station here, initially for the purpose of a diplomatic moot, but with the long term goal of being a trade station. To that end he had the construction ships begin to put into place a small core section of what would be the trade station. What would be the meeting room for the conversations would likely remain a meeting room for the trade station, which was a pleasant simplicity.

The station had part of hangar and two rooms before Ultimatum finished sending his message to [member="Lady Kay"]. He wanted to ensure that the message was sufficiently professional for the occasion, it would be his first invitation to be sent for a very formal meeting. But it would not be his last. Truthfully the artificial was working as best he could off the assumption that such important meetings were naturally formal and friendships took a relative backseat. He decided to adjust his attitude to what Kay showed when she arrived. "Queen Kay of Commenor, this is Ultimatum of the Metal Lords. As part of the Metal Lords movement into the Denon system and surrounding worlds I have been given the pleasure of setting up a diplomatic meeting to discuss peaceful and profitable relations between our two Sovereign Powers. I have taken the liberty of beginning the construction of a station in current neutral space off of the Antar System near Commenor borders at the coordinates attached to this message. I would be most appreciative if you could come to the station to conduct the moot in person. You may bring whomever you wish." It felt a little awkward for the droid, the message did not sit well with him, but it covered what he needed to say and thus he sent it off to Kay. He had no doubt that the message would probably be checked by some form of security, after all a message sent to the Queen of a world needed to be checked for any hostile or malicious intentions.

Now Ultimatum turned himself back to coordinating the construction effort. He wanted to complete as much of the station as possible before company arrived, or at the very least a hangar and the room.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Royal Palace, Chasin City, Commenor
Objective: Alliance and Treaty with the Metal Lords
Post: 1

It was a curious message that she had received. Normally [member="Ultimatum"] wasn't quite so formal. He was always polite, but not quite like this. Still, upon reading the message further she had discovered why. The Metal Lords? They were new. It brought to her images of droids brandishing cloaks and medals of valour. But that was just her imagination working. Too many mysterty/adventure holonovels.

It didn't take long for her to whip up a message:


Thank you for the invitation of which I gladly accept. A small team and myself will attend in two standard days.

Kindest regards,

Lady Kay
Queen of Commenor
Chancellor of Commenor Systems Alliance~

The message was sent off as soon as it was completed. Now came the task of gathering her team. She picked up her commlink and sent word to three of her people, [member="Rex Cruger"] , [member="Darben Skirae"] and [member="Darlyn Excron"] to come to her office.
Location: Royal Palace, Chasin City, Commenor
Objective: Alliance and Treaty with the Metal Lords
Post: 1

He sipped on his morning coffee as he read the Commenorian national newspaper scanning it over as he sat outside Kay's office in his casual appearance with a fake pair of glasses appeared on his face. He liked to look fancy while he read. His eyes glanced over the article about the coronation and other mambo jambo, he just liked to read the fun sections and the cartoons, Garfeld was his favorite comic strip, but he liked people to think that he was a intellectual.

As he was sitting there he received a message from [member="Lady Kay"] addressed to [member="Darben Skirae"], [member="Darlyn Excron"] and himself. He raised a brow slightly but nodded and put his things away and made his glasses disappear as he made his way into her office and gave her his formal bow before straightening back up.

"You called for me, my lady?"

He asked her waiting for the explanation of why they were called.


Macharius Solaire

In the Prime Ministers office Macharius Solaire was typing away on an e-mail. Legislation needed to be discussed but lots of MP's just didn't have the time to work in person with one another. And Denon had a lot of them. A few more minutes passed by and he'd nearly finished composing the letter when a holocall beeped and brought him out of focus. Few had direct access to his number, the rest had to go through his office secretary. "Prime Ministers office, Solaire speaking." The caller was the Minister of Defense and sounded pretty panicked. "What do you mean we're under attack........ You don't know by who? Alright, toss up the planetary shield and get all spaceborn traffic to ground or out of the system. Put the military on red alert and get a hail on whoever the heck is dumb enough to do this. I'll inform the Parliament. Get on it Minister, I'm going mobile. Solaire out."

"Just freaking great. This is gonna cost us millions. Panic the hell out of everyone and ruin my schedule. At least I'll get to kick some teeth in." Solaire wasn't shocked at all. Annoyed is about to the level he'd reached. Denon boasted some extreme defenses. The shields were unbreakable to any fleet. Their own was pretty strong. And if they somehow got through both and onto the ground Denon's true power lay with the Army. They fought off any who'd dared to cause trouble on Denon in the past. And would do so again if necessary.
For all this might she had one flaw though. Supplies. While the military could hold out indefinitely. The populace couldn't. Constant trade needed to flow into the world to keep everything going. Resolving this peacefully would be best. Returning to normality was paramount. Mach saved his e-mail to a draft and would get back to it latter. The old man got up, grabbed his coat, and left the office.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Macharius Solaire"],

While HK waited for Kida, WD, and any possible other companions who would join him on the venture to arrive and get ready into their positions for descending down upon Denon, he too received a message from one of his subordinates, a commanding officer of a vessel ordered to focus on conducting scanning and surveillance of the planet, an old greyed Lucrehulk battleship with additional sensor and scanner packages somewhat crudely attached over its ring shaped exterior.

"Your Lordship, we have received reports that Denon has raised their planetary shields in response to our presence. Civilian traffic has been grounded and there is activity from the planet's sizeable military on the surface. No military naval presence in orbit."

HK calculated for a second hearing the news, it did put a bit of a spoil into his plans on getting to the ground with a delegation and seeing the planet, and its officials, in person before doing anything else.

"Thank you, Commander Gra'kt, I will deal with this."

Gra'kt was one of the few organics who served within HK's forces, a Gados from Abregado, tall, lanky, and covered in fur like the rest of his species, a commander with the Pyre in ages past, his allegiance swayed towards the Guild of Hammers after the Protectorate fell apart and now he commanded various corporate ships for the Guild, and by extension, for HK. Like Macharius and the droid Iron Lord, he too was a veteran of wars with the One Sith.

Either way, HK commanded to his communications officer, another droid this time,

"Open up a channel to Denon and hail their governing officials, begin a transmission when ready."

"Yessir, channel open, holo-transmitting now."

"Greetings, Current Governing Forces of Denon."

HK begun his message to Denon's government and unknowingly, Macharius, the blue hologram would be a tall thin shape wrapped in black cloak, they were covered in some sort of organic dark grey substance however, the armored Vong biot HK used as his now regular suit of armor. Somehow the droid managed to get a hold of one of the Vong shaped creature-armaments and took liking to the suit's various abilities, however the fleshy and chitinous substance covering him would probably hide for now the fact that he was a droid, at least in the hologram.

"Do not be afraid, we come in peace. Please, lower a section of your shield if possible momentarily to allow delegation of our representatives way to your planet and select a suitable meeting point. We are sending a single shuttle with escort to parlay with you."

At least he said "please". The transmission would cut then, perhaps Denon had one of those space gates that allowed some ships to enter through the planetary shield while it remained active, like the one on Scarif, perhaps they would had to shut down the shield entirely briefly if they decided to accommodate them, the droid did not really care, there were no other forces to endanger them in the orbit, right now at least, so the way he saw it he had advantage.

While he claimed to come in peace the ships in the planet's vicinity would begin to spread, moving in even closer on the planet, with their planetary shields up and no noticeable naval presence from natives, the Metal Lords were free to be a bit more daring. Their ships would begin to surround and encircle Denon slowly, with some additional vessels still jumping in into the edge of the system. If HK would come down to Denon in the end one would be concerned about them just raising their planetary shields back up and trapping the droid, along with his representatives on the planet surface with their sizeable army. However, HK's narcissism knew few if any limits, the way he saw it that would work to their advantage as Denon's forces would have nowhere else to run from him, should it come to combat. The way he saw it, it would be more that they were trapped in there with him, rather than the other way around.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Royal Palace, Chasin City, Commenor
Objective: Alliance and Treaty with the Metal Lords
Post: 2

Kay nodded, not at all surprised that [member="Rex Cruger"] was the first to show up. The guard liked to remain as near to her as possible, yet gave her a bit of space when she asked for it. In truth she figured that he worked too much as more than once he had turned down taking a short vacation. Rex hadn't even taken a sick day yet.

She nodded to him as she picked up her cup of tea. "I did. It seems that we're going on a short journey. A new government is seeking diplomatic relations with us. They are constructing a station just outside of our borders. [member="Ultimatum"] is who we'll be meeting with, so I don't expect any trouble at all. He has never meant to cause me harm. But...I know that you'll want to come with me anyways." Kay sipped her tea.

She hoped that [member="Darben Skirae"] and [member="Darlyn Excron"] would join them, but she didn't know what was on their schedules.
Darben Skirae had received the call from [member="Lady Kay"], another 'mission'. He was beginning to think of them like that, as they were the most biggest chance of excitement he was getting out of life. The title just added a little more. He met her, and [member="Rex Cruger"] in Kay's office. Rex Cruger he had not met personally, or really at all. Only spotting him on large events, like the wedding where Darben had been mostly silent. Besides the chat he had with the pilot that helped him with the Nemoidia mission. He did not know that [member="Darlyn Excron"] could potentially be joining them as well, or the full story on the current matter at hand.

"Ultimatum" he said, as he came in just at the right moment to hear the name. He had Mute as his assistant like always, and gave her a questioning look, as if he had heard that name before. "Has he attended an event with us before? I feel like I've heard the name somewhere." He was somewhat glad to hear that Rex was there to protect them from harm, or so he assumed by how Kay spoke of him.
Location: Royal Palace, Chasin City, Commenor
Objective: Alliance and Treaty with the Metal Lords
Post: 2

He didn't like to take vacations or breaks, it was against his nature. He was born working and he would die working, that was the essence of his being and that's how he wanted his life to be. He also didn't want anything to happen to [member="Lady Kay"], she was his charge and if anything happened to her it would be his fault, and he didn't want anything to happen to her.

As she picked up her tea he gritted his teeth a little, he still hated tea. "Very interesting... I never would of thought of this development happening, it seems unusual but thinking about it, it almost seems inevitable that this was going to happen." As he said this he stroked his chin thinking about it with a slight nod as he looked as [member="Darben Skirae"] walked in.

He wondered what exactly this trip had in store for the group.

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Lord Mettallum exited hyperspace above Loronar. While everyone else was busy doing diplomatic stuff Lord Mettallum wanted to setup a droid factory and heard Loronar had an old shipyard he could claim. Lord Mettallum's Star Galleon landed on the planet and he exited the ship. Maybe if he was lucky enough Lord Mettallum might get to fight some local bandits or if his unlucky might have to deal woth the local authorities. Lord Mettallum looked around trying to figure out the perfect place to set up a factory. Looking north he could see the loronar shipyards and looking south he could see what seemed to be a decent flat plot of land to build the foundations of what would hopefully become a giant functional droid factory.
Rumors of a droid-run army spread quickly among certain groups throughout the galaxy. The emergence of an almost derelict looking fleet in the Denon sector brought a lot of attention as well, also confirming the validity of the rumors that IG-801 had received. Knowing that this might be his only chance of truly discovering his purpose, the MagnaGuard had set a course for the sector, the hyperlane he took dropping him above Loronar's orbit. Scans conducted by the droid skeleton crew picked up another ship, one that was heading to the planet's surface in a hurry.

The ship had no signs of life on board, and so IG-801 suspected that it too was commandeered by a fellow droid. The probability was great, considering what was occurring over other planets in the sector. A small group of patrol starfighters had just appeared on the sensors, having missed the other ship by mere minutes.

They spotted the Warrior-class gunship, and then advanced on it's position, breaking away from Loronar's orbit. Typical of organics, they always needed to have control over the unknown. The gunship engines engaged, causing the one hundred and ninety meter long vessel to rocket through the reaches of space. Closing the distance between them fairly quickly, a blaze of turbolaser and laser cannon fire was exchanged between the parties, the patrol ships ultimately being torn to shreds by the superior firepower. Continuing through the wreckage, IG-801 had the robotic pilots plot a course for the surface, following the trail that [member="Lord Mettallum"]'s vessel had left. The gunship would touch down not too far away from the Metal Lord's location.

Macharius Solaire

Macharius listened to the demands of the invaders over an ear piece. He moved with guards flanking him lower into the Parliament building to a secure room for the time. Preparing Denon's next move in his mind. The room was spartan. Just a long table lined with chairs and some screens along the walls. Mach took up his seat at the head of the table, now alone from his guards but the chatter in his ear piece fed him information. The holo projection they'd sent was given to him, which he viewed. The being in it was unidentifiable. Something scratched at him within but he could not place why.

For every time a fleet sailed into a system hailing the intentions of peace. A demand was sure to follow. And so it was the obvious one. Lower your shields and lets meet. It was rather cliche whoever was doing this. In fact that was at the forefront of Macharius' thoughts. They never said who they were. They'd stuck to the script so well but forgot one of their lines. Nothing is perfect in this universe though, and the play must move it's first act forward.

Solaire finally reacted to the message twenty minutes after they'd received it. "This is Macharius Solaire. Prime Minister of Denon. To the unknown fleet I ask you identify yourselves. We will not consider any negotiation until you do. I also protest this unprovoked and hostile invasion of our neutral and sovereign space. I'll await your response."



тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
Location: Nubia (Landing Party)
Objective: Investigate and capture the droid factories
Posts: 2.37 (if needed)

​The dry, arid air reached out to greet the shore party as they emerged from the transports; with gusts of dirt infested wind attempting to swat their faces like Bantha tails swatting sand flies. Nubia was a mixture of different climates, and as fate would have it; the droid factory was situated in the middle of a humid jungle surrounded on all four sides by a desert. To further make this adventure interesting, the jungle foliage had engulfed the factory and surrounding area erasing any notion of a close landing, forcing the party to trek through sand under a hot and unforgiving sun. For her droids, this was no problem; but for her, it was a minor annoyance being she was a cyborg and parts of her new construction held fleshy components.

​With one foot on a crusty rock, she utilized the micro-binoculars on her Eye of Domination ​scanning the land for any visual signs of competitors. If there had been anyone before her, the sand had done a remarkable job of hiding the evidence. ​"We go in tight formation, and in twos," ​she said lowering the long-distance viewer from her line-of-sight. There was little information on Nubia, but each and every planet in the galaxy held secrets; and some secrets were deadly. She wished she had time to plot and scan the planet, but time as they say was of the essence.

"Stay alert," she ordered as she began to lead her droids across the desert. "And shoot to kill."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"It's better to have them wanting to work alongside us than against us. Plus they could be a buffer to deter others from attacking. Invading forces would have to go through their territories first. But thankfully we have no enemies to speak of."

Kay nodded to [member="Darben Skirae"] as him and Mute walked in. At times she wondered what the voice of the little girl sounded like. Maybe one day she'll find out. Unless of course the poor girl had no vocal chords. " [member="Ultimatum"] was at the wedding and coronations ceremony. He also has been helping us with our shipyards to get them running. He's a good one to have on our side."

She chewed the inside of her cheek, wondering where [member="Darlyn Excron"] was. Perhaps the Minister of Justice was busy with some other affair. She wasn't sure. "If Darlyn doesn't show soon, we may have to go without him."

[member="Rex Cruger"]
He gave a slight nod to [member="Lady Kay"] as she explained the situation to him, he understood where she was coming from and they all didn't need anyone attacking them or threatening them, he didn't want to have to deal with that.

Giving a side wards glance to [member="Darben Skirae"] as he walked in with his mute he gave him a slight nod as he focused his attention on Kay standing straight with his arms behind his back turning from his more casual and relaxed mind-set to his bodyguard one that was more serious and strategic and more aware when it came down to anything going awry.

A slight sigh escaped his lips as Kay gave a warning that if her dear friend [member="Darlyn Excron"] didn't come soon they would have to leave without him, he was a good man and was Kay's bodyguard before he got his promotion and was the person who interviewed him for the job. He just hoped that he made it there soon.
Post 1

The curious thing about armor befitting, it was a surprisingly delicate process. Of course it wasn't entirely something that was simple to do, certain parts could or couldn't be shifted to to fit a new form, but what was surprising was the minute changes. Interior additions to ever so slightly expand the body where gauntlets or boots could not be adjusted, places the armorweave had to be expertly maneuvered so not to sag. The end result would, no doubt, be one of perfection, but the process itself was time consuming.

Thus it was little surprise Darlyn was running behind, having everything tended to took a while. He hasn't even had a glass of brandy yet. Or a bottle. Or tea! It really wasn't his day. So it was with a sigh that he had a message transferred, a short audio call to [member="Lady Kay"].

"I may be a short while longer Kay.. Would you mind getting a ship prepped? Regardless to how my current task ends I'll be meeting you there shortly. Just a matter of finishing what I can."
Location: Near the Commenor border off Antar
Objective: (Chips and Blitz) Bilateral Treaties and Neutral ground
Post: @
Related: [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Rex Cruger"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Darlyn Excron"]

Ultimatum continued the work he had begun. The design was of a utilitarian take, as was to be expected from his past decisions. While maintaining heavy functionality there remained a small gem of aesthetically pleasing architecture within. A flamboyant use of metal here and a touch of curvature there. This was not to be his domain, but that of organics and Metal Lords alike and therefore had to be pleasing to both. He could not attest to the receptiveness of those who would come to the treaty, but he was fairly certain that they would be able to appreciate the system he had set up.

When he received the message from Kay he contemplated sending a response, but decided that perhaps it would be more professional to simply remain silent. He had heard and he was certain that Kay knew he had caught the message. Therefore there was little reason in beginning a conversation when it was more prudent to wait until a face-to-face could be accomplished. The station's integral parts would be in place by the time the delegation arrived, Ultimatum had calculated based on even the most optimistic potentials. Thus he would continue his work at full effort until his friends arrived.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Royal Palace, Chasin City, Commenor
Objective: Alliance and Treaty with the Metal Lords
Allies: [member="Rex Cruger"] , [member="Darben Skirae"] , Mute and [member="Darlyn Excron"]
Post: 4

Kay glanced over to Rex, half expecting a funny remark from him. He had a funny sense of humour that she enjoyed. Sure he poked fun at her, but it was never in a mean-spirited way.

Darlyn's message was patched through. He was a bit busy, but was still planning on joining them. Good. It made her curious as to what he was up to. No doubt she'd find out soon enough. Kay brought up her commlink and responded. ~Understood, Darlyn. We'll take The Free Lady and meet you on the landing pad.~

She got to her feet and walked around her desk. There was no need to pack tea as there would already be some on board, much to Rex's dismay. She led the trio out of her office, anticipating this meeting to go pretty well. Most of her meetings with allies went without a hitch. Yet it would be good to learn more about their new neighbours and what their motivation is. [member="Ultimatum"] didn't tend to keep things from her, as much as she was aware. So it should all go smoothly with no intimidation.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Macharius Solaire"],

While the droid waited for everything to get ready to send out a delegation from his flagship towards Denon, and a confirmation of passage onto the planet through their planetary shields he received the response from Macharius and prepared an answer of his own, sending out a transmission with the same black flesh and chitin covered image,

"We are travelers, homeless and wayward until we find new place to settle and integrate with. We travel in large numbers for such is our nature, it was so for eternity and still it continues. We have no names for each other and do not care for the titles others gives us, our path is charted by the Sparklords."

HK did his best to explain to Macharius who they were and provide an identity to him, of course the term "Metal Lord" was coined by organics who the droids came upon in their journeys,

"Your protests are noted but it is in our belief you misunderstand the current situation you are in. Our weapon systems are powered off, while your system lacks proper defensive fleet, and your planetary shield, while impressive, is not infinite, not when compared to the technology we have access to. This is not a threat, it is merely a highlight of the fact that if we were hostile we would not be having this conversation, our weapons would be charging right now and this system would be turned barren. We will not fire upon Denon soil or Denon forces unless the first shot is fired by you."

The secret machine hidden behind veil of Vong biot-spawn tried to explain further before adding,

"Our delegation is ready to speak with your representatives in person and come to peaceful conclusion. Any further refusal to welcome our delegates on Denon or Denon stations will be seen as conclusion to diplomatic attempts on solving our presence in your system. I advise to stray away from such course of action for both our people's sake."

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