Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Support Call | Theed, Naboo

Theed, Naboo
Local Time: 9:03PM

Throwing a wrench across the build room with a deafening crash, Charbrin shouted over his shoulder:

“E1, where have you put the socket spanner?”

A series of protesting beeps was the response he got. Turning to the MSE-6 unit, Charbrin strode over to it and flipped it treads-up, holding it aloft.

“If it’s not the spanner, it’s the box of chips. If it’s not the chips, it’s the comlink! Why can’t you just put things back where they belong like I ask you to?” Charbrin growled, shaking the droid like a jar of table spice.

E161Y trilled out loudly, spinning his treads in an attempt to escape. Charbrin turned him right ways up; just in time for E1’s manipulator arm to shoot out and smack him dead in the face.

“AGH!” Charbrin cried, dropping the droid suddenly and holding his nose. The MSE unit carted off, letting out a pattern of rapid beeps mimicking laughter. Charbrin sat down at the workshop table rubbing his now throbbing face.

He faced towards the half-completed R5 unit, laid out on its side, with wires and components bare to the world. Strewn about the table was an assortment of tools, parts and cables destined to make up the droid. Feeling his way to the droid itself, he put a hand inside of it and felt around the interior of the chassis.

“Let’s see,” he muttered to himself, “Motor, cable, cable, bat- AH!”

Feeling something inside a mount point, he gently pulled it out and felt it with both hands. Despite the setbacks of having the sight of aged bantha set for an early retirement, he had become quite adept at identifying his tools by touch; crooked curve, two jutting heads, smooth handle.

Charbrin had found the socket spanner.

Running his teeth over his bottom lip, he turned just in time to hear E1 wheeling towards him frenziedly making a series of high-pitched beeps. No, these weren’t MSE beeps; these were the beeps of his comlink.

He leaned out of the chair and reached out a hand, feeling the comlink hit his open palm. “Thanks, E1.” said Charbrin, flipping it and putting it to his ear.

“Curos Repairs, how can I help?” answered Charbrin, clicking the comlink to accept the call.

There was no noise on the other end other than a crackling, as if somebody were fiddling with their link. He straightened up in his chair and stated again, more flatly, “Curos Repairs, can I help?”

“Hello?” came a soft, cracked voice. Charbrin’s heart sank. It was Sator Beba for the third time this week. A one-time dancer in her younger years (or so she had told him the last two times he was helping her), she owned an old C1-series Astromech that had been fitted with a catalogue of old dance tapes of herself. The mech was on its last legs; battery had been replaced twice, the treads had dropped off due to the rust on the interior wheel arches and he was convinced the chip was corrupted, as it took about seven commands to perform even a simple task.

He had offered to upgrade her to a newer build, offering to even transfer the holotape data over to the new droid for no extra cost, but she was sentimental about it. It had been her baby since she first started in the cantinas and now, in her twilight years, she couldn’t bear to put it out to scrap.

Charbrin sighed under his breath and replied flatly, “Hello Ms Beba, are you having issues with P6 again?”.

“Yes baby, P won’t play any of my tapes. I ask him several times over and- “

“He doesn’t respond until the seventh time,” intercut Charbrin frustratedly, “As I said to you yesterday Ms Beba, I’d be more than happy to get you a new droid. I know you’re attached to P6 but he’s not in a good shape.”

There was a pause on the phone, in which more crackling occurred. The line suddenly disconnected; she had accidently hung up.

Just as Charbrin reached to tap on the link to call her back, another series of beeps came in. He answered quickly with his usual opening:

“Curos Repairs, how can I help?”

“Charbrin, how are you doing?” came a warm voice. Charbrin smiled at hearing from his old mentor Stiv. When Charbrin first came to Naboo, he thought he would never get a chance to find a job. Stiv saw something in the Miraluka that not many others did, and took the chance on him to become an apprentice in his engineering guild.

“Yeah Stiv, had easier days but currently working. We should catch up soon, maybe go to the cantina?” replied Charbrin. Stiv laughed softly. “Funny you should say that, I’m calling you from outside the bar now. I need to talk to you about something urgent, preferably in person. You tied up?”

Charbrin thought of Ms Beba, probably trying to ring him at this very moment. He stood up and made for the door. “Not at all, Stiv. Always free for you.” Stiv laughed again and hung up. Throwing a jacket over his work clothes. Whistling for E1, he put his link on the table, picked up his staff and turned off the lights.

“Come on E1, let’s go.”

With that, him and the droid left the workshop into the cool night air of Theed. It was a fresh night, one of those early spring airs right after the chill of winter. The ornate lanterns hit his eyes like piercing stars through a sea of dark waves. He turned right and walked along the street, making a beeline for the cantina.


"Are you sure that he is here?" "We're certain. Everything we could find on him traced back to the city of theed." "Spectacular. Then all of my efforts have not been in vain." Ravenous flanked by two Defilers cruised down the golden-lit street panned out before him the architecture of the buildings and sweet smell of spice reminding him of his own homeworld and all the troubles and trauma that came with it. Leaning back in his seat Ravenous took in a deep breath of air the humidity in the atmosphere blowing over his face as his speeder tore through the road.

Soon the vehicle came upon a colorfully lit building with huge strobe lights lining the edge of the roof and the pungent scent of booze wafting out the front door. "Ahhhh...A cantina, where I'm most at home knee-deep in cheap alcohol and bile!" The onyx-painted speeder came to a screeching halt its propulsion engines sending gusts of dust in every direction as it parked outside the noisy cantina. CLANG!! Ravenous descended onto the pavement with a resounding thud his golden gaze surveying the area in the way a hunter stalks its prey...Meticulously and aloof.

Ravenous reached into his cloak his armored hand returning with a white bone mold mask clutched tightly in his hand. Slipping it on the dark Jedi donned its terrible presence once more and all the depraved darkness that came with it. "Lock us down." "At once preeminent." The two soldiers darted around the block pushing and shoving their way through the large crowd.

The metal door hissed and wheezed as it slowed to open to the den of iniquity inside a purple haze floating through the air and through his nostrils with a common smoky scent. "Deathsticks? I thought they were banned." "Yes, they are. But it's much easier to just let it slide on the weekends trust me..." A leathery brown Ithorian shouted from behind the counter a delightfully rotten cocktail sitting in his hand. Without promoting the bartender slid the drink across the table and into Ravenous' gauntleted hand. "Normally I'd down this whole thing but I'm actually waiting for someone and it's probably best that I remain sober."

"Hey now! It's a beautiful evening and I don't..." "Don't despair. If I intended to murder someone, I wouldn't be telling you!" "Come on now...everyone knows your a liar! Your not exactly the most reputable person I know and I know a lot of psychotics on this side of town." "Rest assured friend no blood will be spilled in this cantina. But I will be making the top of your list tonight."

Charbrin Curos Charbrin Curos
Before the bright lights of the neon cantina sign hit his eyes, Charbrin knew he’d arrived by the familiar sounds of revelry. As he neared the front entrance, he heard two voices to his left; both male, both very drunk. They were discussing a speeder, their own or another’s Charbrin could not tell. He mused on how much easier his work visits could be if he could drive.

Making his way inside, Charbrin’s nose immediately recoiled as the putrid smell. This bar had gone downhill since that lowlife Ithorian had taken over management. As he pushed his way through the crowds and shapes, he listened for the whirring of E1’s treads across the cantina floor as the droid weaved in and out of peoples legs. He followed the noise, tapping his stick as he went to avoid a collision and inevitable brawl.

Approaching the bar, he rapped his ring on the counter and leaned forward.

“Good to see you, Charbrin. You haven’t been in for a while.” Said Thak the bartender. Charbrin nodded and gestured behind the Ithorian.

“I’ll have a jar of the ale. The off-world stuff, not that in-house swamp rot you serve.” replied Charbrin. Thak disappeared for a moment and returned with his drink. Charbrin reached into his pocket to pay, before being intercut by a familiar voice behind him:

“Keep your money Char, this one’s on me.” Said Stiv, sitting down on the right of the Miraluka. Charbrin grinned and reached out his hand to his old friend.

“Figured you’d find me in here soon enough, it’s not like I’m conspicuous with this one.” Laughed Charbrin, tapping the MSE droids top with his staff as he pivoted in circles, seemingly chasing himself. Stiv looked down at E1, quickly looking at the bartender then back at Charbrin.

“Surprised he even let the droid in here. Is Thak aware you have E1 with you?” said Stiv quietly. Charbrin took a sip of his drink and turned his face to the barkeeper, seemingly attending to another patron.

“Probably not. E1s so small I don’t think anybody ever really notices hm.” Charbrin replied, turning back to Thak. “So, what have you brought me here for? I know there is something or you wouldn’t have called.”

Stiv shuffled in his seat and took a gulp of his own drink. “Yeah, alright. I’ll get to the point,” he said, “Do you remember back when you first came to Theed? When we first met here back when Jerol was running the place?”

“Yeah,” said Charbrin, “When you first asked me to come on board with the guild?”

Stiv nodded. “Do you recall that I mentioned how the guild was going through some… financial woes?” Charbrin stared back in Stiv’s direction, but said nothing to let him continue.

“Well,” continued Stiv, “I took out a loan to pay back our short-term debts. Repayment has been overdue for a long while and the collectors are getting, shall we say, pushy?” He stopped to take a quick draft of his drink. “The guild is still not in good credit and the lenders won’t let us delay any longer.”

Charbrin cocked his head to the side and took a moment to take this in. He felt his foot being gently nudged as E1 ran himself in to it repeatedly, seemingly bored. “So, what does this mean?” he finally answered with. Stiv scanned his eyes over the bar and its partying denizens. “It means all guild property is being confiscated, including you workshop. I’m sorry Charbrin, there’s no other way.”

Charbrin stood up, downing the rest of his jar. He looked towards Stiv, now also rising from his feet, and growled, “No, we are not giving up without a fight. Where are these lenders? We’re going to go and see them. Come on, E1.”

As he strode for the door, Stiv grabbed Charbrin’s shoulder. Turning back to his former mentor, Charbrin scowled. Stiv stared at him, his eyes unusually calm for a man about to lose his life’s work. “Charbrin, you need to understand; we cannot go to the lenders. They have no other choice.”

Charbrin moved Stiv’s hand off his shoulder and snapped back, “what do you mean ‘they have no choice’? They can give us another extension, it’s their money.”

Stiv looked past Charbrin; past his shoulder and across the cantina to the entrance. By the door a hooded man stood, clad in armour. Darting his eyes back to Charbrin, he leaned forward and muttered:

“No, Char, it is not their money. And I think the actual owners are here to collect.”



Golden eyes stoically tracked their quarry a dangerous hunger in them and a lethal intent behind the darkness they represented. This blind man, he's fearful. He's fearful that he might lose his shop and all the work and love and energy that he's put into it. All the vestiges of his Mechanics were about to be wiped away as if they were worthless and that truly scared him because without any money backing it...the shop was worthless. It was worthless as an establishment and it was worthless as an investment, at least in Ravenous' eyes.

The two friends broke for the door which prompted Ravenous to intervene.

"You are correct. Debts will be paid and retribution...exacted." Ravenous reached deep into his cloak and pulled out a small obsidian card a strange string of crimson sigils carved into it. He held it out to the duo not caring which one of them decided to take it. "That language is ancient Sith. It reads: Ravenous master of villainy, paragon of the dark arts, and hunter of hot chicks." Ravenous stepped out of the doorway and allowed the two to pass where a line of defilers was waiting for them their blasters primed as they aggressively guarded the onyx speeder behind them its engine humming as a crowd of people began to observe its shiny armor plating.

"Get in. I want to discuss how you two intend to pay me." Ravenous snapped his fingers motioning for a defiler to bring over a large metal box with tubes of red liquid running in and out of it. "Open her up." The defiler opened the box to a severed head its eyes bloodshot and its mouth agape in perpetual agony. Wires and crimson tubes were dug into its neck, nostrils, and temples as a small monitor beeped incessantly with each passing moment a small wavering green line stretching across its tiny screen. The head's skin from the neck down was pale and writhed with decay while the rest of his face was perfectly preserved if a bit sickly. The huge armored man placed a firm hand on its bald severed head its wrinkled face wincing at the metal's cold touch.

"He's been alive like this for about three months now. He's completely conscious and aware of everything happening to him. He went deaf about a week ago but his sight is intact and his pain receptors...well they didn't exactly turn off..." Ravenous rubbed the severed head patronizingly. "Did they?" Ravenous returned his focus to Charbrin and Stiv. "To think he could be at home with his beautiful wife and children if he had not slumped into a drunken rage and challenged me to a fight..." Ravenous smiled under his mask. "Still his oh so gorgeous wife was pretty gentle when I had a talk with her...before burning her house down... A-Anyway, I've droned on long enough."

Ravenous gestured toward the speeder. "After you."

Charbrin Curos Charbrin Curos
From the moment he stepped outside the cantina door, Charbrin felt an unease he had never felt before. His heart raciing in his chest, he thought back to his life on Rori. The fighting, the spite in his father. All of this, and so much more, he could feel from this figure in front of him. Where the darkness than emanated from his father was like a chill in the night, the presence of Ravenous felt more like the dead freeze of oblivion.

Charbrin bent down to scoop up E1, hoisted himself up on the speeder with his staff and took a seat. Stiv climbed in behind him and sat, passing over Ravenous' card with an unsteady hand. Charbrin looked at the card and felt his blood freeze. While the card itself was obscured in grey shapes, the crimson runes shone out brighter than anything he had ever seen; perfectly visible, if not at all legible. It was if somebody had imprinted the strange symbols into his mind, surpassing his broken vision to sit in his psyche. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

Stiv leaned over, whispering, "I am so sorry to bring you into this. I promise I will get you out of here the moment I get a chance." His voice was shaky and low, not at all like the guild master he had always known as so calm. Charbrin turned his gaze from the card and faced Stiv.

"Somehow, I think neither of us are ever going to be returning the same again."



Ravenous virtually crawled inside the onyx speeder as he took a seat across from Stiv and Charbrin the dark stifling atmosphere of the speeder brightened only by the dim amethyst light adorning the walls and doors. There was a large tinted window behind the two engineers and four Defilers present in the speeder, two seated next to the duo and another pair flanking Ravenous. Divine eyes burning with hatred and fury watched the two as they murmured to each other conveying their sensation of dread and apprehension.

"Entertain me. Tell me exactly how you intend to pay me, Guild Master. Because I'll tell ya, the guild is starting to look less like an organization and more like a fool's den. Should my presumption be true well then I'd have to take another form of payment from you two." Ravenous tapped his fingers on what he called his "Tapping Piece" which essentially consisted of a black piece of wood installed into the speeder for the express purpose of Ravenous having a place to tap his fingers menacingly.

"Got a wife, Stiv? Children? Any brothers or sisters? Any family or friends will do really. I'm a very patient man especially when I was giving you a seven-month extension on your payment."

Charbrin Curos Charbrin Curos
As Ravenous spoke, Charbrin took in the surroundings. The Defilers either side of him sat deadly still, enraptured in silence at their leader's words. His mind raced as he listened at the sounds around him; the callous words of the crime lord, the shallow breathing of Stiv, even the unusual silence of E1. He knew all in attendance felt the gravity of the situation they faced, but Charbrin had the gut feeling only he would be able to work their way out of it.

Being brought back by the loud rapping, Charbrin directed his gaze towards Ravenous. Even thought he could see nothing, the ever-present sea of dark waves churning in place of light and colour, he could hear the weighted emotion in the hooded lord's voice; a hostile, unyielding spite abated by the façade of a cool, dead exterior. His questions towards Stiv lingered in the air for a moment, before Charbrin replied in Stiv's place:

"No, I think we can handle this without going down that road. The money is what you need, and the money is what you deserve." He stopped for a moment and turned to Stiv. "Do you have the money for this man? Anything at all you can hand over now?" Stiv's face was a deathly white as he looked from one person to another; Charbrin, Defilers, Ravenous and then back to Charbrin. "N-No. There was one payment m-made to the lender, but not the full... the ful amount."

Charbrin lowered his gaze fo a moment, looking at the card. The burning crimson runes had been catching his eye since he first looked at them. He could not decipher them at all but there was something about them that was... mesmerising. Stiv spoke, "Please, Lord Ravenous, I can't lose my family. I just can't. I'll give you anything you need." His tone was panicked and despairing. He stared at Ravenous in wide-eyed fear. "I'll do anything. We both will. We're the only two still on Naboo in the guild, but we can both work."

Charbrin looked up suddenly. It felt as if his stomach had flipped over itself; what did Stiv mean 'we' can both work? For all intents and purposes, Charbrin had come to this planet to escape the horrors of his own life, and now he was being offered up for another mans mistakes?

He found his hand on Stiv's forearm in a familiar but firm grip. "What do you mean 'we'? You are the reason we are in this state. You would look to put me into an indentured servitude to pay our way out of your mistakes?" Stiv stared back at the Miraluka, his fretful expression now furrowed by his brow. Ravenous stayed quiet, watching.

"I took you on from nothing. If it wasn't for me, you would still be wandering the streets of Theed doing Force-knows what. This guild is a family; we watch each others backs." Charbrin leaned closer to his former mentor, his teeth now gritted. "Let me make one thing perfectly clear," the Miraluka spoke, "WE are not family; I have no family. The kindness you showed me has been more than made up for in kind by oil and sweat. The money I have brought in for this guild more than repays the debt I may have omce had!" The repressed rage started to build inside of him. What was all he had worked for worth if it can be revoked at the whim of crime bosses or old friends?

There was a beat. Charbrin let go of his friends arm slowly and spoke quietly. "Hold on. If Ravenous gave you a seven-month extension on this money, how long have you actually been borrowing for?" He put his hand to his mouth and breathed quietly. "I know the guild ledger was in credit last year, so no amount on m-; why would you take a loan out for?"

A silence hung. Stiv remained facing Charbrin, as if frozen in a void. His pale face, now flushed with a pink hue, remained focused on the Miraluka. Seconds passed without a single movement. Charbrin broke the silence:

"Stiv. what did you take the loan out for?"

Charbrin felt the card in his right hand digging in to his palm as his fist clenched. The old guild master's vision stayed locked on Charbrin, his hand now moving to his pocket. He produced a small, powder-filled vial and placed it on the arm reset between himself and the blind man.

Charbrin did not need to see it to know what it was. He knew what it was.


"AHHHH! The truth comes to light!" Ravenous clasped his metal hands together the golden glow in his eyes intensifying as they cast a dark shadow on the pair before him a satisfied grin forming under his runed mask. "What hides in the shadow of the night is plainly visible by day. Your guild master could not overcome his urges and it has cost him and YOU...dearly." Ravenous's tone became softer and less distant. "And please just 'Ravenous' is fine. The title of Lord makes my skin crawl." Ravenous leaned forward his hood falling farther over his face further casting him in darkness.

"You've given me a sob story when I've asked for money. You talk about how much you need your family but they didn't seem to factor in when you were in a colorful haze. You lecture your friend about how much you've done for him since you've taken him from the streets but you offer him up the moment your scrawny neck is on the line." Ravenous pointed towards Charbrin his gaze locked with eyes that weren't there and understanding that didn't exist. There was generosity in his tone yet fury body language as he shifted his cumbersome armor around his body. "This man does good work. He helps people, people who might not even deserve it. Day in day out he toils away in that shop doing something he can't convince me he doesn't love even a little. Honestly if Ms. Beba didn't vouch for you I would have just killed you both by now."

Ravenous reached into his cloak and returned with a black cylinder object heavy in weight and humming with energy. "Let me show you something Charbrin." Ravenous shoved the hilt in Stiv's chest his smile fading. "If you kill Charbrin I let you go." Ravenous wanted to test this man and test Charbrin in the process. Still, even if Stiv chose self-interest the blade would not ignite for the switch was on the inside of the hilt. Can't have people stealing your weapon after all!

Charbrin Curos Charbrin Curos
From the moment the spice was placed in between the two former friends, something in Charbrin snapped. It felt as if a billion needles shot through his head, searing into the backs of his vestigial sockets. This pain sent Charbrin spiralling in to an ecstasy of fury and spite. Stiv gazed in to Curos' glasses; only for the Miraluka to stare back at him.

Like the rising of a white sun over a sea of darkness, Charbrin could see the interior of the spede.r. The Defilers, head to toe in armour positioned like toy soldiers on all sides. Stiv, his face gaunt and hair unkempt, clutching an object to his chest. Ravenous; Ravenous.

Charbrin stared at Ravenous and saw into the pit of oblivion. A great beast thrashed in the core of the man, emanating furious arcs of crimson-red energy that climbed and arced like electricity. Charbrin could see what he had felt the moment the masked man had entered their presence. He could see the mans soul; an aura of pure darkness.

In that moment Charbrin knew there was no other way. He already knew, from the moment he stepped foot into this speeder, that this would end with the decision he made. He lept upon to the old mentor, knocking the vial to the floor. His hands found their grip of Stiv's throat and pressed down hand. The man began thrashing, kicking his legs like a wild animal. His hands fumbled with the cylindrical object, trying to push it through Charbrin's chest to no avail. His heart pumping and brain wrought with adrenaline, the Miraluka leaned forward as he viciously strangled the older man. Stiv's face went from white to a sickly blue, eyes bulging and lips trembling. The Miraluka clenched his teeth as spit ran from the corners of his mouth as he heaved a heavy push.

There was a loud crack and Stiv's head slumped over, his windpipe crushed. The Defiler to the left of the dead man looked down at the body then met Charbrin's gaze. The waves of the ocean crashed over the glow of the Defilers mask, until the burning flare of the white sun dissipated into shadow. He leaned back, panting with a mixture of trembling anger and grief. A soft beep came from underneath his seat, as his droid companion came out and gently nudged up against his leg. He looked towards Ravenous, again seeing nothing but a collidscope of moving grey shapes.

Charbrin wiped his mouth and spoke: "I really hate spice."



Ravenous picked up the small vial of powder his eyes seemingly fascinated with its contents. "Meh. Spice ain't that bad, though it makes people do some really stupid things." Ravenous looked to the floor. "Ain't that right, Sitv?" Ravenous breathed deeply a great fierceness washing over him like a wave of heat. There was emotion in Charbrin's stance and anguish hidden behind the two holes where his eyes should was beautiful...

The Dark Jedi saw an ocean blue and glimmering as the sky turned pale and bright at the summoning of a giant star its burning white hue and glowing core bathing the water in its radiant light. The core grew bigger and brighter sending flares of energy shooting in all directions. The surface of the star writhed and bubbled liked boiling water threatening to spill over. Ravenous slumped into his seat another grin replacing his lips. "The man you just killed was holding a Lightsaber, one of the most destructive and revered weapons in the history of the galaxy...and you killed him in under a minute..." Ravenous made a small gesture of the hand imposing his will onto the world itself as Charbrin was forced into his seat his legs unable to disobey Ravenous's command.

"I had a feeling you were different and this much confirms it. You're a Force wielder Mister Curos." Ravenous held out a hand his fingers wiggling as he awaited for Charbrin to reciprocate. "By the way, I lied. That card doesn't tell you my name. It's a command. It says one word and one word only." Ravenous pointed toward the floor to which a Defiler retrieved his hilt its spit-covered exterior appalling to the Ravenous. "Have this cleaned and polished immediately." The Defiler backed away his head bowed in regard to his master. "Yes Preeminent." The soldier spoke in a raspy mechanical voice void of mention or even singularity.

"Forget. The card says forget."

Charbrin Curos Charbrin Curos
Charbrin's mind was a fog as he came to his surroundings. He sat up from a laying position, head numb from its compression against a hard surface. Moving his hand around himself, he felt the familiar texture; definitely on the floor.

He leaned on to his knees, steadily getting himself up. As he did so, he felt something wet touch his hand. Charbrin paused for a second. Tracing the spot where it touched him, he traced in the four cardinal directions; east, south, north... the liquid was coming from in front of him. It was at this moment the smell hit him. The air was permeated with the sickly metallic odour of what was unmistakably blood.

Charbrin quickly stood up, his breath now heavy in his chest. Where was he? All he could remember was leaving the workshop to go the cantina for something... for an appointment? He shook his head as he began walking carefully, his right hand extended to avoid collision. It wouldn't be an appointment at a cantina; unless that moronic Ithorian had tried to buy another black market scrapper to serve drinks again. He found his way to a wall, siding his body along it before hitting a door.

He heard the sound of treads behind him. "E1, is that you?" Charbrin said, finally finding his voice. The familiar beep of his old companion gave him a pang of relief, but did not completely remove the feeling of dread now sitting in his stomach. Charbrin turned to face the direction he heard the MSE in. "You need to get me my staff, we are getting out of here now." E1 complied, wheeling over to where the Miraluka had walked from. He heard a loud thudding noise and the sound of something sliding, before feeling a knock against his foot.

Reaching down, he felt the familiar coarse wooden shaft of his staff. He picked it up, finally feeling confident enough to step away from the wall. The droid bundled towards him and he outstretched a leg. With a sudden burst, the droid swung its treads up the back of his thigh before attaching to his belt with a loud 'TING!'; he knew that magmatic belt was a good purchase. With the droid now holstered, he opened the door and left the building immediately.

As he walked the streets of Force-knows where, Charbrin tried to think back to his movements up until now. He had received the call from Ms Beba, something about her droid malfunctioning again. He then received a call from..... a client? The engineer put his hand to his head, pressing his fingers on the bridge of his nose and gently rubbing it. Wherever he was, however he got here, all he could think about was sleep.

After walking for what seemed like forever, he finally heard a familiar sound of a shuttle flying overhead and terrible cantina music. He had made his way back to the bar he had left; he knew his way home from here. He continued down the street, his footsteps echoing more and more in the deadness of the night. Mind wandering, he let himself drift as he made his way from street to street, tracing his way to the workshop.

Why did that place smell like blood? Should he have even left; what if somebody was hurt? Charbrin mulled on this as he finally rounded the corner. He had absolutely no recollection of anything between leaving the shop and waking up at that place... not a good look if somebody HAD been killed. He was now at the door to his workshop. He definitely made the right choice leaving; even if somebody had been hurt, it was not his doing.

"I am not a murderer." Charbrin muttered, entering the pass code on his door entry pad. It let out a high pitch and the door swung open as he stepped inside. The room was completely silent, bar the whirring of his ventilator system. Charbrin made his way to his bedroom, unclipping his belt and the hibernating MSE unit on it. He placed it beside his bed as he laid down.

"Good night E. Hopefully we get some answers in the morning".



"Answers don't come so easily Mr. Curos." Ravenous muttered to himself his cloaked armor-clad figure sitting casually in the sil of Charbrin's clandestine window the light of the moon obscured by his sinister silhouette. Ravenous gave a gentle tap on the window his smile broadening. "Rest well Mr. Curos, but know that there will be no slumber for those that are wicked and depraved. No peace of mind and certainty of comfort for beings such as us." Ravenous descended onto the pavement his powerful ballast breaking apart the titles and stones that once laid under his feet. His steel armor glistened in the blue moonlight a sight he shared with the small army waiting just outside the Mirilukas door.

Some of these troops had on spec ops gear that included night-vision goggles and heavier armor while others were simply common foot soldiers a baker's dozen by all accounts. Only five of these men remained still as their comrades loaded up into a large transport its old engine growling violently each time it expelled jet black clouds of smoke into the air. "Hurry it up! We're on a tight schedule!" A woman with bright orange skin and two long white horns adorning her head stepped out the transport her body coated in a skin-tight black leather suit unremarkable in design save for a long zipper running down the back and a small rip behind the upper thigh. Her eyes were tired and her expression forced as she unloaded a crate full of misc items their purpose anyone guess.

"Remind me why I have to wear this Karking suit again?!" She whined clearly upset with her apparel. "You lost the bet remember? Since I beat you at darts I get to see you in that for twenty-four hours!" "You were cheating!" "Bantha shit!" "The dart took a ninety-degree turn mid-air! You were using your bogus little mind powers and you know it!" "A deal is a deal Arizelva and if this whole endeavor has a lesson it's to not cross me in a deal. Now load the crate into his workshop!" The Togruta stepped inside the transport and returned with a large metal crate which two defilers hastily took hold of Ravenous not far behind them.

Violently Ravenous swung his arm to his left imposing his dark will upon the world and the things in it. He felt the energy around the door and connected with it until he felt the hinges which he quickly severed as the door was quickly jerked from its frame. The two defilers quickly marched in and plopped the large crate in the center of the room before racing back out the front door. The Dark Jedi strode across the kitchen his loud footfalls low and menacing as he opened Charbrin's fridge and "Helped himself to some of his snacks."

"HuRry iT uP! weRe oN a tIGHT scHeduLe!" Ari mocked in a voice that sounded more like Ravenous than he'd like to admit. "I can without the commentary thank you!" Finally Ravenous found an uneaten slice of supreme pizza in the back of the fridge much to his delight. Ravenous banged on the side of the transport his seatbelt bucked firmly across his waist (Yes the possessed Dark Jedi crime boss obeys traffic laws). "Let's get it!" The transport sped off down the street leaving a cloud of smoke in its wake. Inside Charbrins workshop was now a crate filled with deadly toxins, five vials to be exact as well as a holo message detailing their use.

Dear Mr. Curos

Congrats! I figured out how you can repay me for all that money I backed the guild with!
You see Naboo is home to a certain someone I don't particularly like very much
and I'd like them to be dealt with without my involvement evident, for business reasons of course!
Now as for those five vials I had shipped into your house! I have given you coordinates to three water treatment plants I want you to head to and at each, you will dump that
poison in! Now don't worry Naboo's auto filtration system will detoxify the water before
anyone dies but that is what the remaining two vials are for!
Once that filtration is in effect you will head to the royal palace and dump the remaining
poison directly into their water reserves which should turn on as soon as it becomes clear public water has been poisoned.
Believe me, my plans are far too nuanced for you to understand so don't bother asking
just follow orders!
Oh and It should be noted that the city reservoirs are under droid patrol so...yeah be careful because if you
are captured I will kill you before you can spill the beans!

One last thing before you go! I have over thirty hostages at gunpoint and I WILL NOT HESITATE
to kill them all if you try to double-cross me I'll know...

...Yours truly, Ravenous the master of villainy.

Charbrin Curos Charbrin Curos

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