Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Strength and Weakness REDUX

Howdy all,

Just like to make a quick suggestion that (I think) would make characters more interesting and balanced. Before I do though, I'd like you to compare the following set of strengths and weaknesses with each other. When doing so, see which one is more balanced to you.

Set A:


Good Swordsman
Ace Pilot

Has Trouble Making Friends

Set B:

Crack Shot
Excellent Podracer

Poor Swordsman
Afraid of Sith

Which one is more balanced? In my opinion SET B is more balanced and here's why. All of Set A's weakness are personality or just general weaknesses. Sure, this is a created and manufactured list, but under the current rules either set would be viable to use. And, if you'd like to see examples of this just take a look at any of the numerous character creations. Some writers will have combat orientated strengths and personality orientated weaknesses which can tend to make things unbalanced because those weaknesses never really come into play. I'd like to suggest a simple, but easily implemented suggestion: 3 categories of strengths and weakness. Here they are:

General Strengths and Weaknesses.

Generals strengths and weaknesses can best be described as the way your character interacts with the world. Think anything that relates to D&D attributes or any specialization in non-combat abilities (clockmaking, lightsaber crafting, slicing, podracing, underwatch basket weaving etc. etc.). Fast or slow? Agile or clunky? Good swimmer? Quick thinker? Indecisive? All these go here.

Social Strengths and Weaknesses
Social Strengths and Weaknesses can best be described as the way your character interacts with other characters. Think personality traits, fears or behaviors. Rude? Zealot? Kind? Humble? Outgoing? Indecisive? Disagreeable? All of those go here

Combat Strengths and Weaknesses
Combat Strengths and Weaknesses can best be described as the way your character interacts in combat. Think about mastery of a certain kind of weapon or fighting style. Juyo Master? Poor shot? Master of staff wielding? Sniper? All of these go here.

Basically, these three categories are implemented into the character sheets and every character as a strength and weakness in each category.


Disney's Princess
[member="Rhane Varless"] - Very cool. :D

Have you ever thought of making a guide? We could always use more. Cheers Rhane.
Factory Judge
[member="Rhane Varless"],

People do these all the time. Even in some cases where they have a mix of all of those as their strengths and weaknesses.

Making people have three sets of weaknesses, and strengths mean little to nothing really.

You will get the people who do actually have weaknesses and use them correctly. Those are good writer. In which case, they will already have a ton of weaknesses, or at the very least, viable ones. Bad writers, or writers who have a lack of understanding for how Post-by-post RP works, will have little to nothing.

In some cases people will only put one or two strengths and weaknesses down when they first start, just have have the general idea. Over time, their strengths and weaknesses expand depending on the RP.

Would it be nice to see this listed? Yes. Do I think it would be necessary or actually become a requirement? No.

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