Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stranded in the Unknown (Open)

The Outer Rim, Unknown World.​
Darkness, it was all that Kyrel could remember as he looked around in between bouts of consciousness. He awoke once again to see the sounds of insects, his smashed TIE Silencer cockpit was flooded with a ray of moonlight, the Enforcer of Ren's HUD was garbled only briefly before readjusting the mask's systems switching to Night vision. "What is this place?" He asked himself curiously as he slowly moved, looking for the ration pack and his lightsaber that had fallen towards the floor during the crash.​
Retrieving it he slowly started to crawl out to hitting the outside. Moonlight had illuminated the ground below, and from what he could see he was surrounded by nothing except tall grass. Memories slowly started to come back to him as he stood up and tried to gain a sense of his surroundings. He was on his way to a nearby system to deal with a group of terrorists within the Order when something had damaged his ship. His fists only clenched in anger as to how someone would maroon the Master of Ren on what looks to him as a barren rock he did not know. Reaching out with the Force he could sense that the world was filled with life indeed, and perhaps even predators that would soon approach him at this hour. It did not matter Kyrel Ren would make it off the world somehow. All he had to do was set up a homing beacon as part of his survival pack. Anyone if not a patrol within First Order space would arrive, but it seemed doubtful. He would be thankful for anyone who would hear the beacon's call.​
He had said nothing, only moving forward through the tall grasses, nothing was there at the crash site except twisted wreckage. Kyrel could only calmly move forward, his senses heightened as he could hear faint growls of animals, and whether or not anyone else was here. But one thing remained for the Master of Ren. He would have to make it off the planet or die.​



"TIE is down, but not eliminated. The direct hit disabled her enough to drop into the atmosphere. Sensors have located the crashsite."

"Good. Have a dropship fueled and ready with a dozen men. I want them fully armed." Bates stood up from his Captain's chair as he looked at the planet from the bridge of his ship The Vindicator. The vessel had followed the TIE as soon as it had entered into this sector. Just what the ship was doing here, he didn't care. Normally a TIE wouldn't be out there on it's own. Yet strangely enough this one was. And that made Bates very curious. "Perrtu, you have the bridge. I'm going down there."

"Yes sir."


An hour later, just as [member="Kyrel Ren"] was waking up for the final time, Bates and his men already had the crashsite surrounded. However neither were closer than 600 metres. Each were lying down in the tall grass, using it for cover. From the air, one would assume that they were a positioned in clock formation, with the crashsite at it's center. Bates was in the position southwest, laying on his stomach and observing the Knight of Ren through his nightvision binoculars, with his Punisher pistol holstered on his right thigh. His eyes narrowed as he observed Kyrel pick up a lightsaber. A Force User. How unfortunate. With an almost animalistic growl, Bates gave out a bit of a warning to his men. It was a signal for extra precaution. This one won't be so easy to bag.

Further down the field, a full 4 kilometers from the crashsite was a dropoff. It was there that the dropship was hidden along with the pilot. The ship was locked down and awaiting a certain signal. To the pilot on board, this was all routine. They've done it dozens of times before. He just needed to wait.
Outer Rim, The Romance Explorer

Groz was hauling cargo of a certain variety to some miscellaneously notorious criminal outpost in the outer rim. It did not bother the Wookie that open conflict plagued this region of space. He didn't care about the First Order, or the Galactic Alliance, or "ORC", he was just a smuggler watching his own back in one of the most unassuming ships one could find in the Outer Rim. His cargo? People naturally. All of the misbegotten folk who put their trust into the honor of a Wookie starship captain. Sure, most people looked at a wookie and considered the animals, most heard the stories of their strength and delimbing abilities, and few could remove the image from their minds that a wookie could become a lifelong companion due to life debts.

Groz snickered at the thought. Aliens were such stupid creatures, mostly because half of them didn't live long enough to experience a fully functioning brain. Hell, some wookies were alive that were as old as him that were as dumb as an alien... or at least they acted dumb, value tradition over their own livelihood. Granted, a life debt to a human wouldn't be so bad. It'd only be a short time before the debt was over... but man, some wookies took too damn far. Some wookies dedicate their debt to their damnable families. These are the same aliens that have enslaved their populations more than once throughout Kashyyyk history. No, they weren't necessarily stupid,not like humans. They were just beholden to traditions that have done them a disservice. As for the prisoners on his ship? Well, Grozkkatta had long since vowed to make it his mission to even the debts between the aliens and the wookies, and force life debts on to the unsuspecting and undoubtedly stupid, before selling them into slavery or toying with them for his own amusement.

One such pet, sat (like a dog) just outside the door of his cockpit. He liked it sitting like that. Made him feel good. That pet's name was Olos Nah, and he was one of the many humans that owes Groz a life debt. He was actually the first life debt owed to him, one of hundreds... perhaps even thousands of life debts owed to him, and he has kept little Olos by his side ever since, as some sort of mix between object of endearment and trophy. Of course, he never used Olos's name (considering he couldn't speak it anyhow), he usually referred to him as -

"Aoooro!" <Toy!> The human exploded from his position and sprinted to the wookies side. Groz slammed a finger against a blinking light. "Oorwhoooh aoacraao?" <Know that?>

"Uh, it's a homing beacon." The man, who was treated as little more than a boy said with some apprehension. He had acted as the wookies translator all his adult life, but was never really shown anything having to do with piloting the ship... only maintaining when Groz didn't do it himself. The wookie made a viscous grinning face. His finger tapped on the light.

"Anahwwwo waworhao!" <Life debt!> The wookie's freighter made a beeline for the homing beacon, hoping to cash in another prisoner to his collection.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Olos said aloud what he ought to keep in his head. Groz swiftly smack his head out of the cockpit with an aggressive grunt, sick of his company as quickly as he had summoned it. His mind was now upon the profit he could be making depending on the value of this distressed little marooned pilot might be.


Some time later, the Romance Explorer would arrive out of hyperspace, and delve deeper into the system until the homing beacon was loud and clear. As the freighter entered the atmosphere and approached, the wookie would see a wreckage that looked too small to be anything other than a fighter, and what remains could be identified, possibly some sort of TIE variant. This was looking to become a very lucrative operation. The Romance Explorer set down beside the wreckage after circling it a bit searching for any obvious evidence of a survivor nearby. Once satisfied the survivor was not near the crash site, the wookie decided it was time for some hunting. The wookie stepped off the ramp holding his bowcaster strapped over his back, an "Electro-whip" at his hip, and a droid controller in his hand.

The wookie was not aware of whatever militant forces had installed themselves surrounding the crash, and this unawareness would make him extremely upset if he were to discover it. Such matters would complicate things, particularly if they were of a variety that would take issue with his particular brand of cargo. Luckily his ship was guarded by a number of probe droids on the inside, like the one that was following him around. Additionally, the probe droids were programmed to take hostages and self-destruct the moment a police force entering his ship didn't comply with its demands. That, at least, should keep intruders from attempting to free any of his prisoners should they be discovered.

At the moment however, Grozkkatta would appear as nothing more than an innocent and selfless good samaritan going out of his way to search for and rescue a survivor of a terrible crash they were lucky to survive. The wookie began scanning for life forms out in the tall grass where he smelt faint human stench, and saw freshly broken stalks. The hunt was on.

[member="Bastin Arenais"], [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Kyrel Ren was a name that made her skin tense up, for more then one reason. He was a powerful Ren, someone who had been baptized in fire and pain, increasing his power through rage and hatred, a person you would not want to face in combat unless you where prepared to take as much pain as you could dish out, thankfully Kurenai was one of those people. The last duel between the two had left her wounded, with a sabre stab that would render others immobile or dead, her just a few hours to shake things off, but in addition the master of Ren did not escape unharmed. Though now, now she was much stronger, the ancient vampire delving deeper into her force powers since that day, gaming a powerful Sith Lord as her teacher, herself rising to the rank of master in the CIS, though unfortunately she was not the first to track down the man for revenge.

Maybe it was a little odd or obsessive to use her assets in the CIS intelligence in order to keep track of the Ren, but it turns out she was not the only one keeping tabs on Kyrel, a certain [member="Bastin Arenais"] having beat her to the punch. Not surprising since the mans hate for force users if what her son had said turned out to be true, the young boy being hired by the man to pick of force users and sell them as a ransom, perhaps he was still up to those old tricks. It was not like it mattered, she doubted the soldiers under his command could take on the master alone, they would nee help, but the question was would it be hers?

For the moment the veteran solider slowly snaked her way through the tall grass, heading slowly towards the crash side, using force conceal to hide her signature, her heightened sense smelling the air for any change though that would not really be needed as a new person entered the fray. It was a wookie, by the looks of things merely looking at the crash site, but with the help of the force, feeling his true intention she knew the individual was looking to make money of the unfortunate crash, oh how he would be in for a nasty shock once Kyrel awoke.

[member="Hutuun'Kyramud"] [member="Bastin Arenais"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]
In the waist high grass, the wookie stalked the broken blades openly. He made no effort to conceal his whereabouts, scanning the landscape with his nearby probe, his act was convincing. When you saw a crash, you searched for survivors, and that's what he was doing. He was also aware of the potential of predators, from the various noises coming from the adjacent forest, hence the Bowcaster and the whip. Something here though, was upsetting him more than just the presence of common beasts, he could smell it.

The stench in the air was too thick to have housed a single human in a fightercraft, and the broken stalks of grass, they were far too numerous to be a single trail. That could be accounted for with animal traffic, but it didn't bode well when matched against the scent in the air. It was definitely a group of non-animal, humans likely scattered about in the field. This was beginning to feel like a trap. He's heard of pirate gangs setting up false emergency beacons to attract ship goers and capturing their ships... and this was feeling more and more like that. Grozkkatta took out a commlink from his bandoleer, and punched in to his ships cockpit.

"Aoooro!" <Toy!> Very quickly, Olos picked up his comlink.

"Groz?" The wookies lifesigns meter began to register more heartbeats. Or course, could be animals, but the wookie suspected the worst.

"Coarawhwhworc cwowo rawhroaoacahwhrr? Ooaoacworc cacahakc?" <Scanner see anything? Other ships?> Grozkkatta paused in the field, looking carefully around. He didn't want to give up yet, but the situation looked more and more against his favor, and if it was against his favor...

"Uhhh, I'm not sure, I think so?" Olos Nah said hesitantly, unsure if he was even looking at the correct device to determine what the scanner saw. Angrily the wookie roared, and stomped his feat, which hopefully wouldn't attract any unwanted attention to himself.

"Ahwaahooao! Ahscrhwooaahanwo! Caoraro!" <Idiot! Imbecile! Stay!> Grozkatta let out a roar as he turned heal, returning back to his ship. Looks like he wasted his time, unless of course... there is an intervening event that prevents his immediate departure.

[member="Kurenai Yumi"], [member="Bastin Arenais"], [member="Kyrel Ren"]


Well that was unexpected. From his position, Bates watched the new vessel arrive, the blades of grass whipped by the updraft concealing him and his men even further. He gave no signal to move yet as the Wookie [member="Grozkkatta"] disembarked and started to move towards the crash site. For the moment it would appearthat he was oblivious to them even being there.


Bates followed the Wookie's movements with just his eyes, now noting that [member="Kyrel Ren"] seemed to have disappeared from view. More than likely it was some kind of Force trick. Yet it wasn't as though he was going to call anything off. Patience was needed here.

And now it would seem that the Wookie was departing, yelling into his comms about one thing or another. Bates didn't care. He didn't understand the language anyways. His eyes narrowed as he watched, making sure that the Wookie was leaving. His men might have wanted to open fire, but Bates didn't give them the signal. The Wookie wasn't a part of their objective.

All eyes then moved to the crash site. It was quite odd how their quarry disappeared. Perhaps he was only hiding to wait everyone out. Only time would tell, and they had plenty of it.

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