Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Stormforged Secrets


Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
Braze and Ko had ventured to a small, uninhabited planet in the outer rim of the galaxy. The planet was desolate and sparse, with vast open fields stretching as far as the eye could see. Its isolation made it an ideal location for practicing the forbidden Force technique known as "Stormforged Wrath."

The two Jedi stood in the middle of one of these open fields, surrounded by nothing but the barren landscape and a boundless sky above. The air was still, and the silence was almost deafening. It was as if the very planet held its breath, anticipating the powerful demonstration of their abilities.

"I think... this is far enough away from people to practice it without collateral damage yeah?"
Braze asked.



Location: Drytopia
Tag: Braze Braze

It was strange being in a world like this. A world where a primordial soup even struggles to cook. It was difficult for him to ‘see’ anything here. But it seemed like the kind of place ideal for what they were doing, and what Master Uduud described within their old holocron. But even here Ko found a pleasant sereneness to it.

This would be a good place for him to practice and hone his earth shaping as well as relying on The Force to grant him sight, since there was hardly any life, Braze stood out like a massive bonfire in a darkland. Hearing the young boys words, Ko nodded.

“Yeah, we’ll be good here. I’m unsure how well the atmosphere will cooperate. The stillness of the air might make things a bit more difficult.” Ko hypothesized to himself that because of how barren the world was, practicing here would be like how some perform altitude training and conditioning. Adapting to less hospitable to perform better in more comfortable positions. Similarly to Braze’s own interest in often training blindfolded. Ko wondered if they choose to blind themselves today and if so, if they struggled to observe the world as well.


Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Braze looked around the arid landscape, the scorching sun beating down on them. He nodded in agreement with Ko's assessment. "You're right, it's incredibly dry here. Changing the weather conditions might just be what we need to bring life back to this place."

As he contemplated the task at hand, Braze began discussing different types of thunderstorms and their formation. "There are several types of thunderstorms, each with its unique characteristics. The most common is the ordinary or single-cell thunderstorm, which forms when warm, moist air rises and cools rapidly, creating a cumulus cloud. As the cloud continues to grow, it can develop into a thunderstorm if the conditions are right."

He pointed to the sky, where they could see towering cumulonimbus clouds in the distance. "Those are the ones to watch out for. They can bring heavy rain, lightning, and strong winds."

Braze's gaze turned thoughtful as he delved into the science of tornado formation. "Tornadoes, on the other hand, are some of the most powerful and destructive weather phenomena. They usually form in severe thunderstorms, where warm, moist air collides with cold, dry air, creating an unstable atmosphere. When wind shear occurs, it can cause a rotating updraft, which can lead to the formation of a tornado."

He looked back at Ko with a glint of excitement in his eyes. "I have a theory. What if we could use the Force to create a controlled version of these natural processes? By manipulating the moisture and temperature in the air, we might be able to induce a thunderstorm or even simulate the conditions needed for a tornado to form. It could bring much-needed rain and change the climate of this region for the better." he trailed softly.
Braze continued, his voice tinged with a sense of awe and respect for the monumental task they had undertaken. "You see, what we're trying to learn here is not just any Force technique. The Stormforged Wrath is the fusion of wind and electricity manipulation- and more I think, and when mastered, it can create a highly concentrated and volatile electrical storm. This storm is incredibly destructive and can be directed at specific targets, causing immense damage over a wide area."

He paused for a moment, letting the weight of their task sink in. "But here's the thing, the reason it's 'forbidden' is not just because of its devastating power. It's because this technique is nearly impossible to control once initiated. It poses a significant risk, not only to our enemies but to innocent lives and even the user themselves. The raw power it commands is like a double-edged sword, and it can easily spiral out of control."

Braze's expression turned solemn as he added, "Moreover, channeling such aggressive, destructive power can lead a Jedi down a dark path, making them more susceptible to the temptations of the dark side of the Force. That's why it's crucial for us to learn it with the utmost caution and responsibility. We need to find a way to harness this power while ensuring we never lose control of it, for the sake of everyone around us."

Braze gazed up at the expansive desert sky, contemplating the vastness of what lay before him. He knew that manipulating the weather, especially in such an arid and desolate environment, was an immense task. But he was set to harness the power of the Force to create a storm, even if it was a daunting challenge.

He began by drawing on his knowledge of pyrotechnics and aerokinesis. With focused intent, he manipulated the temperature in the immediate vicinity, creating a localized increase in warmth. As the air warmed, it started to rise, creating a small updraft. Braze then used his aerokinetic abilities to coax the rising warm air into swirling patterns, gradually building an updraft that reached higher into the atmosphere.

Drawing on his understanding of meteorology, he concentrated on the moisture content in the air. With precision, he pulled water vapor from the atmosphere, gradually forming tiny water droplets. These droplets began to cluster together as Braze continued to draw moisture from the surrounding air, creating the beginnings of cloud formation.

The process was painstaking, and Braze had to balance the variables carefully. Too much moisture too quickly, and the clouds would dissipate before forming. Too little, and there would be no clouds at all. It was a delicate task that required a deep connection with the Force.

As the cloud formation took shape, Braze knew he had to electrify the atmosphere to complete the storm. With intense concentration, he extended his power to generate electrical charges within the clouds. The air around him crackled with energy as he continued to infuse the clouds with electricity.

But controlling the power of the storm was a formidable challenge. The energy he channeled was unpredictable, and there were moments when lightning sparked dangerously close to him. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he struggled to maintain control.

In the end, Braze achieved a partial success. He had created rain clouds, and a light drizzle began to fall. However, the storm was far from the powerful tempest he had envisioned. It lacked the intensity and electrical fury he had aimed for.



Location: Drytopia
Tag: Braze Braze

A lesson in weather and meteorology was not what he was expecting from Braze today. He found it kind of funny that he was explaining these things to Ko. Someone who had come from a world we’re the winds and their tempestuous powers were still revered. Some very traditional Kel Dor would even say that Ko’s double syllable last name made him and his family unlucky. That it could confuse the wind spirits of Dorin to mistake us for their own. Or so the myths went at least. He hadn’t been to Dorin in over a decade, so he wasn’t as familiar as most of his kind were with the ancient legends.

For the most part the elder padawan remained silent. The idea of bringing life to a place like this sounded rather daunting, and he was unsure of if it was even possible. Terraforming was a long and difficult process that normally involved bringing foreign plants and life to a barren world. Instead of waiting for the billions of years it would take to grow it all from scratch on the same world.

What was most concerning however was all the dangers that were involved with what Braze was trying to do. Ko was internally taking note on how he might want or not want to train his own padawan if the time ever comes for him to take on that kind of responsibility.

The Kel Dor watched as Braze began to try and pull off the maneuver, or at least how they thought it was supposed to work. As far as Ko knew, they still didn’t know the specifics, only the vague idea of how it works. They were basically trying to reverse engineer the power based on its description and name.

‘Looking’ up Ko observed the change in weather and conditions caused by Braze’s manipulation. “Wow, that’s better than I expected.” He said, showing that he was rather impressed considering how much the odds were stacked against the younger padawan. Given their limited experience, not really knowing what ‘Stormforged Wrath’ was, and the environmental conditions. The fact that it was even drizzling in such a dry climate was an accomplishment in it’s own way.
Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Braze's small figure cut a solitary silhouette against the vastness of the desert, his face marred by a frown of deep disappointment.

Braze's shoulders slumped as he watched the sky, his expectations dashed by the gentle rain that fell where he had hoped for a tempest. The Stormforged Wrath was supposed to be his grand achievement, a symbol of his prowess and skill. Instead, he felt as if he had conjured little more than a gardener's sprinkle.

He let out a slow uneven sigh feeling the absence of the Emerald Tide Kyber crystal more profoundly in this moment ; once his anchor and source of confidence, was a now a void he felt with every attempt at harnessing the Force. The crystal, was now tainted and in the hands of Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru . The loss of the precious little gem was something he’d been trying to mask for some time but it had left him feeling exposed, raw—stripped of the armor he didn't realize he had worn until it was gone. His true arrogance and pride had been wounded with this failure.

"It's not fair," he muttered, the words barely audible over the rain's soft patter. His boots began to trudge back and forth across the sand, each step punctuated with a simmering of discontent.

He had sought to summon the Stormforged Wrath, to call forth a tempest that would prove he didn't need the crystal to be powerful, to be worthy. But as the rain fell in gentle sheets, his grand vision unfulfilled, Braze couldn't help the petulant outburst that escaped his lips, "This isn't enough," he grumbled, the words lost to the wind and water.

The rain grew heavier, and Braze's pacing quickened. He became drenched by the unrelenting downpour. His robes, too, were sodden, clinging to his frame, making each movement Weighed down.

As the water continued to seep through and soak him he shook his head, there was inner turmoil, his mind a whirlwind of self-doubt and stubborn pride. However, the desert around him, so often a landscape of unchanging dryness, now bore the mark of his efforts—a change, however slight.

As he moved, the rain gathered in the creases of his robes, the droplets coalescing and streaming down in rivulets that mirrored the paths of his thoughts. He was alone, without the crystal's comfort, without the surety it lent him. Yet, the rain continued, indifferent to his frustration, a natural force that he had called upon and bent to his will.

. “Wow, that’s better than I expected.”
He halted, his eyes tracing the path of the water as it soaked into the thirsty earth, giving life to the lifeless. there was a shift in perspective as Ko’s words reached him. Braze felt the weight of his own expectations lift, replaced by a grudging acceptance. He had envisioned a typhoon, a demonstration of raw power. Instead, he had brought rain to the desert. It was not the victory he had imagined, but it was not in fact a defeat either.

Braze's hands, once balled into fists of vexation, now rested open. He turned his palms upwards to the sky. He was raw, yes, and stripped of the crystal's influence, but he was also himself—just Braze, no artifices, no crutches. And Braze had made it rain.

The realization settled upon him, quiet and profound. Without the Emerald Tide, he had felt diminished, but perhaps he had also been freed. Freed to fail, to succeed, to grow. The rain, modest as it was, was his doing, and his alone. It was a whisper of potential, a promise that he could be more than the sum of his fears and doubts.

The rain was not the Stormforged Wrath, but it was a beginning. And in the desert, beginnings were everything.

Braze had stopped moving falling still,he was a statue, a figure frozen in time. Slowly the tension began to ebb from his body. He blinked away the rain from his lashes and took a deep breath, the cool air filling his lungs and calming his stormy temperament.

In truth he wanted to use this as an opportunity, he had wanted to prove himself, to show that he was more than just a child playing at being a Jedi. But as he stood there, soaked to the bone, he couldn't deny the truth that whispered with each drop that fell from the heavens.

He had made it rain.

In the desert, where water was more precious than gold, he had drawn forth life from the sky. It was a small victory, perhaps, but it was truly and certainly his. A smile cracked the stern facade he had held, and he laughed—a short, disbelieving sound that was swept away by the wind.

Braze extended his arms, palms up, and closed his eyes, allowing himself to just feel the rain, to really feel it. Each drop was a word in the language of the Force, and he was beginning to understand the conversation. Mastery wasn't just about power; it was about perspective.

As the rain soaked him to his core, Braze realized that sometimes, the smallest acts of the Force were the most profound. He had set out to create a storm, but perhaps the true storm was the one he had weathered within himself.

Laughing with almost manic glee he fell backwards and just plopped down against the wet earth staring up in to the rain clouds over head and taking a few exhilarating breaths.


Location: Drytopia Wetopia
Tag: Braze Braze

It wasn’t very difficult for Ko to sense his friend's disappointment. He wondered if Braze just had a different perspective on the situation. There was clearly something more to this that the Kel Dor was unaware of. He just stood there for a while longer, neutral as the rain fell on him and soaked into his robes. If he had known it was going to get this wet he would’ve brought his heavier cloaked robe too. But considering how dry it had been, the thought never once crossed his mind.

However, it seemed as though his simple words had an effect on Braze. There was a sudden and abrupt change in their emotions. Ko felt like he understood how the younger padawan was feeling. It was a feeling he could empathize with deeply. The desire to prove yourself, to be worthy as a Jedi. He has also felt the rush to grow up and to stand as an equal among the mighty knights and masters of The Order. But after everything he’s gone through in the last few years, continuing his journey as a Padawan, Ko hasn’t felt that same fire inside himself anymore. Instead of a raging flame, whose heat strives to reach the heavens. He's feeling more river now. Flowing down towards their goal, connecting with smaller streams and growing in strength and volume as it nears the vastness of the ocean.

Listening to Braze’s laughter Ko ‘watched’ as they fell back into the mud. Taking a step closer, he crouched down next to them. Not letting anything other than his feet touch the wet ground. Even though his rather boring robes had earthy tones, he didn’t desire getting them dirty with more ‘natural’ colors.

At this moment he felt a sadly unfamiliar presence. He felt the pleasant energy of his echo stone once more while he wore it as a necklace. Although still tired and groggy, it seemed as though in this moment it wanted to awaken from its slumber. Perhaps it picked up on how he was feeling now. Gracing Ko with its energy once more.

“How are you feeling right now Braze?” Ko had a decent idea, but he felt it would be best if the Echani boy could put it to words himself. He was glad that Braze didn’t seem to double down on his frustrations. The older padawan didn’t want to remind him about the agreement they had, and that he would shut Braze down if it seemed like things were getting out of hand.


Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Braze, still reclining and resting against the mud, felt the weight of Ko's question settle over him like the weight of the rain. He opened his eyes, flashing a glance and, meeting the gaze of his friend, and for a moment, he simply allowed the rain to trickle down the contours of his face, contemplating the right words to express the storm of emotions within him.

Finally, he spoke, his voice a somber calm, "I feel... small. But not in the way I expected. Not insignificant, just... part of something much larger. I am… grounded… I am humbled… I am just so one… with everything. I’m just a spec of stardust, Ko…” Braze offered thinking about his role in the context of the whole. “I feel… free.” braze chirped before laughing a little more, a sound of pure release, before he propped himself up amidst the downpour. Braze was covered in mud that the rain washed away slowly but surely. He smirked with a devious little grin gracing his features and a glint in his pale jade green eyes.

Braze playfully flicked a hand through a forming puddle sending a spray of sandy water towards Ko.

“I think… I will try again…”
he declared, rising to his feet with a surge of vigor. He threw his arms wide, embracing the thrill of the moment, reaching out to the Force to coax the rain into something more. The rain responded, growing in intensity, each drop at his command.

The winds began to stir, at first a gentle whisper that soon grew into a that of howling gales. The storm responded to Braze's call, the skies darkening as the rain transformed into a deluge, the winds escalating towards the fury of a hurricane. Braze's focus was absolute as he sought to mold the tempest to his will

Yet, as the storm's might swelled, so too did the toll it took on him. His breaths came in ragged gasps, his arms trembling with the effort of maintaining control. The winds whipped around them, a vortex of raw power that threatened to overwhelm, yet at its heart, where he and Ko stood, there was a deceptive calm—the eye of the storm.

But even as Braze's strength waned, his resolve did not. He fought against the burgeoning chaos, his stance defiant, even as exhaustion clawed at his limbs. And then, as his knees buckled and he collapsed, arms still raised in a silent plea, the storm began to abate.

The winds eased, the fury dissipating as quickly as it had arisen, leaving behind the steady pour of rain. Braze, kneeling in the heart of the tempest he had wrought, was a figure of both triumph and defeat. His chest heaved, and his arms finally fell as the rain continued to fall, drumming their pattern of calm.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

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Location: Drytopia Wetopia
Tag: Braze Braze

“That’s good… Well I think it is at least.” He just didn’t want to hear that Braze felt frustrated or defeated. Or shackled by expectations. To Ko it sounded like he was experiencing The Sublime to some degree, where things were being put into perspective. Something that Ko had experienced years ago when he was about the same age as Braze. Albeit, likely a little less metaphysical.

However, Ko flinched from the sudden splattering mud that Braze subjected him too. But other than that Ko just let out a soft sigh as the rain washed it off his face. Stepping back a little as Braze announced that they wanted to try again.

‘Watching’ as the Braze once more attempted to conduct tempestuous energy around them. He certainly has an effect on the weather. Making it harder to stand up straight. Needing to brace for the strong winds unless they wanted to find themselves knocked over. Ko could tell it was taking a toll on Braze, who was rapidly draining themselves of energy.

Ko was thinking that he was using too much of his own power to do this, not harnessing the latent energy already present. Although this world was largely barren and lifeless, The Force did not exclusively permeate in living matter. Then again this wasn’t entirely a skill that Ko has fully grasped as well.

As Braze fell some and the weather began to grow calmer. Ko stepped beside him. Leaning down some he brought a hand down to give him a supportive pat on the back. But before he made contact he stopped for a second. With a wave of his hand he telekinetically cleaned the mud off some of his clothes before finally patting Braze.

“I wish I could give some advice, but I’m still not that familiar with the technique. I only have a vague idea of how it’s supposed to manifest.” Ko said, being honest with his own ignorance. Mainly being here to monitor and look after Braze more than actually partaking in trying to understand ‘Stormforged Wrath.’ Sensing something, Ko looked up. A few seconds later there was a mild rumble of thunder past the dense clouds above them. The high altitude and relative thinness of the air here made the boom created by lightning not as loud.


@ Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

Braze lay sprawled in the mud, his body pushed to its limits, teetering on the edge of consciousness. Each breath was a labored effort, his chest rising and falling heavily. The storm above mirrored his state, growing more intense, as if feeding off his exhaustion. Lightning forked across the darkening sky, followed by the deep, resonant rumble of thunder that seemed to vibrate through the very ground beneath him.

The rain intensified, pelting down harder, each drop a sharp sting, The storm's fury escalated, with bolts of lightning illuminating the sky in brilliant flashes, followed by thunderclaps that echoed like the drums of war. It was as if the elements themselves were challenging him, testing his resolve.

Braze's eyes, heavy and struggling to stay open, flickered with each flash of lightning. His mind, caught between consciousness and the beckoning darkness of exhaustion, grappled with the reality of his situation. He had pushed himself beyond his limits, and now the storm seemed to be spiraling out of control.

In his semi-conscious state, Braze could feel the raw energy of the storm, the electric charge in the air that made his skin tingle. The boundary between himself and the tempest above blurred, and for a fleeting moment, he felt as if he was part of the storm.

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Location: Drytopia Wetopia
Tag: Braze Braze

Ko glanced back down to Braze, recognizing just how gripped with exhaustion the younger padawan was. Under his mask Ko ‘gritted his teeth’ over this. Knowing that he was going to need to chastise them for starting something they couldn’t finish.

The electrical storm continued to escalate. Ko gripped Braze’s body to pull him up, knowing that they needed to get out of here now. They stood out as the tallest targets in their surrounding, and he had no desire to be smited by lightning this afternoon. As Ko tried to start carrying Braze he paused suddenly, feeling a fuzzy tingling sensation graze across his skin from static electricity.

Because of his mask Ko couldn’t tell, but Braze would likely begin to smell a sulfuric tinge in the air as well. Quickly Ko tossed the younger padawan aside and back into the mud before taking a sturdy stance. Bringing his hands down Ko harshly clenched his fists as if to grab a hole of the planet’s crust beneath them. With a strenuous grunt he he hoisted his arms up with his entire being before too large pillars of stone shot out of the ground on either side of the two padawans. Where they met at the apex of their height like a narrow, rocky tent above them. Not even a second later a blinding light saturated the landscape around the duo…

Following this a deafening crack of thunder blasted through the air around them as the large stone pillars Ko quickly formed to shield the two of them busted apart over him. Sending smaller rocks and dust flying in every direction. Blasting the Kel Dor padawan backwards and having him tumbling into the wet, muddy sand.


Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

As Braze was abruptly tossed aside by Ko, he let out an involuntary squeak, a sound of surprise and disorientation. The sudden exposure to the intense light and the deafening thunderclap jolted him from his exhausted state. For a moment, everything seemed too bright, too loud, and then, as if someone had flipped a switch, the world around him muted.

Braze's ears rang with that high-pitched whine, the kind you hear when you're too close to a loud explosion or a thunderous noise. It was as if the world had been muffled, the sounds around him distant and distorted. He tried to get up, his movements sluggish and uncoordinated, his body protesting every effort to move.

As he staggered to his feet, a wave of vertigo hit him. The ground seemed to tilt and sway under him, and for a moment, he wasn't sure which way was up. He squinted through the disorienting light, trying to locate Ko, concern for his companion momentarily overpowering his own discomfort.

Finding Ko, Braze attempted to make his way over, each step a battle against the spinning world around him. His perception was surreal, almost dreamlike, as if he was moving through a thick fog. Shapes and colors blended together, and he had to rely more on instinct than sight to navigate.

Despite his severe disorientation, Braze's thoughts were clear on one thing - they needed to get back to the ship. He reached Ko's side, offering support as best as he could in his weakened state. Together, they stumbled through the chaotic landscape, Braze's senses slowly returning as they moved.

The journey back to the ship felt like an eternity, a blur of lights, sounds, and sensations that Braze couldn't fully process. It was only when they finally reached the safety of the ship that Braze allowed himself to fully acknowledge the toll the experience had taken on him. He leaned heavily against the ship's hull, taking deep breaths, trying to anchor himself back to reality.

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