Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sting Ordo

Sting Ordo

Height2.08 meters
Weight135 kg
Force SensitiveYes


Large pale skinned human with long dark hair and dark beard. He wears a grim visage, wearing black leather and armour, usually carrying a solid iron bar. Rides a mean bike.

  • Swoop Bike
  • Mandalorian Beskar'gam
  • Mandalorian Blasters
  • Mandalorian Iron Bar
  • Mandalorian Iron Chain

Before imprisonment though a career criminal, Sting was a far more measured person, disciplined but also possessing patience and poise. He retains discipline and determination, but is now unleashed, prepared to do whatever is necessary. Hates weakness and non-Mandalorians.


Hardened by surviving
Skilled Warrior




Sting was born on Dxun to warrior parents, living in a Mandalorian covert on the jungle moon. When he was 13 the boy went through his rite of passage to become a man. In time he joined up with a local swoop gang, quickly rising through the ranks. By the time he was in his twenties he was making a significant profit in the criminal underworld, based out of Corellia.

In the underworld, Sting first met a Force user willing to train him, a former Jedi Knight, who allowed the young man to develop his talents. Curiosity piqued by learning, he sought out others, some less willing than others, to learn from. Occasionally he was forced to end a potential teacher before they became a threat, but he built his knowledge and understanding through constant practise in his criminal enterprises.

By the time he was thirty years old, the young Mandalorian had gained a rep on the street, and among the other Mandalorians as well, as a warrior who sometimes ignored the laws of the land, but was a good friend to have. Unfortunately for Sting, he was arrested during the reign of Ra Vizsla, and shipped off to the prison world of Belsavis.

Though incarcerated with little chance of escaping before his sentence was up, the criminal warrior continued to hone his craft. There were all manner of nasty scum locked up with him, and his true tutelage began in the yards and walled off security zones of the prison. Unable to access his resources, Sting was forced to rely on his innate talents and his mind to survive, and eventually thrive.

By the time he was released from the prison, Ra Vizsla was long dead. His boys though, some of them were still around, and his bike was waiting for him. Sting rode away from the prison, determined to get back into the galaxy, and back into the action.

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