Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Step of Control

Taeli stretched as she looked out onto the cityscape of Coruscant. She was very briefly back on the capital before she would be going off to fight and take worlds for the One Sith yet again, mainly to relax but there was another reason. Her youngest sister needed to start training, even with the Force still all wonky.

"Melori," she whispered to herself, thoughts running through her head. Her youngest sister would be a bit more acquainted with the world now, but that still would leave a massive amount of hatred towards their other sister within her and she needed to protect her from . . . others.

Sending a message to her sister to meet her in this spire and that she needed to only follow the instructions sent in the message, Taeli waited for her youngest sister. Today would be the day she learned some control of her Force powers.

[member="Melori Raaf"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
“Melori Rae…Melori Rae…Melori Rae.” She’d been practicing the name as often as she could and walking to meet her sister, she was muttering it under her breath over and over.

And she’d done some thinking too. Her hatred for Corvus wasn’t going anywhere but it was a distraction rather than a focus and her time to exact revenge would not be now. So she decided to tell Taeli as much when they met.

As she headed for the spire she was a combination of excited and nervous - a contrast to her time at the Corellian Academy where she’d always felt a fraud and so much in the shadow of her sister, she genuinely hated every minute. But she’d heard that the One Sith had taken the planet from the Republic and wondered what might happen with the former Jedi building. Turning it into a Sith Academy sounded a wonderful idea and she wondered what her sister might think of the idea.

But there was plenty of time for that, so she held her head high and entered the room her sister had designated for the training and saw Taeli standing there. She smiled quickly and then forced an impassive look on her face. She was here to learn and simply couldn’t wait to start.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Melori Raaf"]

"Good morning, Melori," Taeli said, smiling at her sister pleasantly. It was good to see her looking much better now that she was out of that hospital and was able to move about and eat more. "I trust you've been getting well acquainted with Coruscant while I've been away these last few days with combat missions?"

Regardless of she answered, today's lesson would be more of a simple one than anything else . . . unless her sister blew past her expectations. She could see that happening, but it would depend on how this training would go from the start.

"So I figured today we could get to know each . . . do arts and crafts . . . oh who am I kidding, today we are going to be tapping into that power you've got inside and learning how to draw it out more frequently and under your control. If you do really well, I might show you some more advanced techniques you'll be learning in your studies later on."

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
There was a focus about Melori that was different from before. When they'd first met, she had a one-track mind. That was still broadly the case but her focus had definitely shifted. Her goal was now to achieve the freedom her sister spoke of back in the hospital. Corvus would simply be a step along the way - not the destination.

She was also finding the whole sister/Master relationship hard to get right. They felt like quite different aspects of her life and she wanted to compartmentalise them - maybe that was another family trait? But she reconciled the two. During lessons she would be the Padawan - and expect no favours. At all other times she was the doting little sister and expected to be pampered!

She'd spent her time since the hospital recovering her strength and taking in the city. She'd never left Corellia before, so found the place fascinating. She'd also taken to running to build up her muscles that had wasted in her coma.

But all of that paled into insignificance compared to what was about to happen. She was finally going to learn how to control the Force - and properly. Not that feeble effort she used to make with the Light-side - but her true calling, to unleash what she felt within and never understood until this moment. She'd always been a wild child but that wasn't just the rebel in her, it was her true nature trying to escape. Her sister appeared controlled at all times and she wasn't sure that was her true path, but she was willing and eager to learn.

So she smiled broadly as her sister spoke and awaited the first instruction.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Melori Raaf"]

"So, we have to unlock that potential inside you, the one the Jedi didn't view as worth much of their time or effort to unlock," Taeli exclaimed, coming up to take her sister's hand in hers. That might have been a subtle dig at the Jedi, another way to start shifting blame to them and not Corvus, but it was also true.

"Close your eyes and allow me to show you just what exactly you can wield once you can call upon it more often," she whispered, and as her sister would close her eyes, Taeli began a surge of dark side energy into her sister. As she did so, guiding her sister towards that inner place all Force Users had to go to access their powers she kept whispering.

"The dark side is emotion, Melori. Anger, pain, fear, lust, love. These are what make us strong, the ability to be human. You must seek out the passion that burns within you, and claim it completely. Harness it, control it . . . embrace it and you shall soon find that spark. When you find that spark, latch onto it and never let go."

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
At the mention of the Jedi, Melori scowled. They’d considered her too weak to take as a Youngling and only accepted her into their Order after they thought her sister had died - no doubt out of some sort of pity. This thought distracted her and she almost didn’t listen to her sister’s words - but she just managed to catch herself in time.

However it had raised her anger and as Taeli asked her to close her eyes, she could feel the animosity bubbling under. And it was joined by a power that was both familiar and alien. It was like…the Force. It was similar to what she’d been taught to access back on Corellia - but whereas that was wispy and ethereal, this was strong and substantial. And it seemed to latch on to that anger - feeding it. Or was it the other way around? She couldn’t tell but she did know how good it felt. Anger and the Force embraced and in her desire to feed the joining she ransacked her emotions and threw them into the mix. Her jealousy if Corvus, her sadness at her family’s death, the love of her eldest sister. Even emotions she could not remember experiencing at the time contributed. The pain as she lay in the wreck of the Jedi ship for almost a day - without any pain-killers and only the fear of being discovered to keep her company.

It was like discovering a private energy supply she’d been carrying around with her for her whole life and never knew existed. In fact, it wasn’t like that - that’s exactly how it felt.

“I feel it. I can taste it, and it tastes…delicious.”

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Melori Raaf"]

"Good, now I want you to embrace that emotion, that power you feel, and reach outwards that ball over there," she said, standing up and moving over to stand next to the ball. "Use the Force to pull it towards you. It might not work immediately, given the state of the Force and this is a beginning lesson, but try all the same."

While she was being cautious about buoying her hopes on what she would be able to do, Taeli fully expected Melori to quickly gain a grasp on the simple technique of harnessing the Force to do what she wanted. This exercise might be simple, but this was all about her little sister gaining the beginnings of control over the vast amount of power within her.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori had understood the theory of Telekinesis. Like any Youngling, she was given basic instruction in a few Force Abilities - but her weakness in harnessing the Light-side meant she was always the poorest pupil in the class - and why no Master would consider her as a Padawan.

So she felt a little foolish - wondering if she’d even be able to move it, let alone pull it towards her. She closed her eyes and immediately started to draw from the Light-side of the Force before opening her lids abruptly and stopping herself. “Bad habits and all that,” she said with a wry smile, before trying again.

This time she focused on her emotions. Her insecurity was a start, plus the memories of failed attempts back on Corellia that had made her the butt of so many Youngling jokes. Her face burned from the remembered embarrassment and often humiliation. This in turn fed her anger and it welled up inside of her. She wasn't even focused on the ball, her hand was outstretched but she was dredging up memory after memory - pulling them all in, determined to remember every jibe and insult.

She remembered a fleeting moment of pain and then opening her eyes lying on her back, her head clearly throbbing from where it had been struck by the ball. “I’ll keep my eyes open next time, eh?” But as she opened her eyes, she felt..different. Taeli would have seen the difference in her irises. She had tasted the Dark-side and controlled it for the first time. She felt truly alive in a way she never had before. Whereas previously she would hang at the back during lessons, hoping to be overlooked, now she felt invulnerable. She had no idea this was just her misplaced arrogance - but the feeling was satisfying none the less.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
"Good work for a first attempt," she said, smiling at her sister. She could sense the arrogance developing there, within her sister, and she would need to make sure that wouldn't be a problem too much. "And yes, do try and keep your eyes open next time. Right now it could be a ball, but later on it could be a lightsaber or other weapon and you don't want to have your eyes shut from that."

Using the Force she placed the ball back on the same spot, and continued saying, "Now try again, and be quicker about it. You have to harness your emotions faster, draw them into yourself and subjugate them to your will."

She could see the dark side flickering in her eyes, and while she couldn't help a touch of a proud smile to form, she knew this was just the beginning of this lesson.

[member="Melori Raaf"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori nodded at her sister’s instructions and got back to her feet. This time she quickly remembered the sensation and held out her hand. The ball twitched but no more than that.

Clearly her ability to control the Force was proportional to her access to her emotions. She needed to learn to access them quicker but also have a deep enough connection for the Ability she planned to use.

But a ball ought to be relatively simple to control. So she closed her eyes momentarily and drew on a single thought laced with emotion. The moment the saber failed to activate when she pointed it at her sister’s eye. The ball lifted and travelled towards her. Pleased with the result, the thought evaporated and with its departure, the ball fell to the ground.

She nodded and chastised herself verbally. “Stupid girl. Keep the fething emotion going.” She picked up the ball and placed it back on its spot. Then she looked at Taeli, “Again?”

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
"Yes again, remember to keep your emotions constantly bubbling," she said, explaining to her sister that she was on the right track with having to stay in touch with her emotions. "Let me show you what I constantly have access to."

Opening her Force presence for Melori to sense, and nothing more, her sister would get the feeling of love she felt towards her, but also the burning anger and hatred for those that destroyed knowledge, for the hypocrisy of the Jedi, the despair and rage she felt at even just the thought of what thsoe boys on Lorrd had tried so many years ago now to do to her.

"You constantly have to be tapping into your emotions while harnessing them to your will," she said, once again hiding her source of power. "Now, tap deeply into those emotions you have within and use them to send that ball zooming into your hand."

[member="Melori Raaf"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori scowled. She was making progress but she wanted to be even better and learn faster. But she understood the value of listening and understood what her sister was saying.

She composed herself and - as her sister had one - she considered all of the powerful emotions she had. One by one she counted them off and held them in a place in her mind. A central place where they could fester and grow, feed off each other. Her hatred for the Jedi was primary. Her intense hatred for one individual. And the love of her sister. There was no room for the love of her siblings or parents. She felt at best ambivalent towards them.

This time she turned to face the ball and held out her hand. Tapping into the internal energy source - in much the same way she'd been taught to draw on the Light-side, she saw the ball wriggle and then move slowly to her hand. Without being asked she returned it to its original resting place and did the exercise again. This time it zipped to her hand and she held it and turned to face her sister. "Better?"

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Melori Raaf"]

"Indeed," she said, smiling proudly at her sister. She was getting the hang of the exercise now, but now it was time to test her further. "So I ant you to do it again, but this time you'll encounter some resistance that you must overcome to bring it into your hand. You'll need to draw more on those emotions and your powers to overcome it, but I'm sure you'll manage."

With that said, when Melori would go to summon the ball this time, Taeli would grip the ball in her own Force Grip to keep it in place on its starting position. Nothing too powerful that Melori couldn't overcome if she focused more, she didn't want to show Melori just how powerful she was until needed beyond her source of emotions.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
She was arrogant but she wasn't stupid. She was an Acolyte - and a brand new one at that. Her sister was a Sith Lady and would dwarf her abilities. At least for now.

She knew what was coming and although she knew this was a test she would easily lose if her sister put her mind to it, she wanted to show her Master what she was capable of. So she tapped into that source of emotion and applied the same amount of power to move the ball - except this time it didn't move. So she slowly but surely applied more and more power. Every now and then it would wobble and finally it ripped free of Melori's restraint before flying into Melori's hand.

But the effort was taxing and Melori felt as though the reservoir of energy had been drained somewhat. How much she had left in the tank she didn't know - but wanted to find out. "The Force is infinite, I know, but am I right in thinking that my access to it is limited. And that until I develop my control and access to the Force, I shall be weak by comparison to others? What I'm saying is - push me to my limits, help me get there faster. I need to grow and I shall be relentless."

Her voice was calm and controlled now and her eyes slowly returned to their natural blue. "Do we go again?"

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
"You'd be correct," she said, rather happy her sister caught that detail. "Until you receive more training in controlling and expanding your power, your ability to use the Force will be weak. Think of it like a muscle that must constantly be strengthened, and as you do, it grants you access and the ability to learn more advanced techniques. For instance. . ."

Trailing off, Taeli leveled her hand at the far wall and a writhing stream of electricity lanced from her hand to leave a black smudge on the wall, even if it gave her a massive headache from the Force being all bent out of shape right now. A demonstration was needed for a more advanced technique for Melori to understand.

"Now, once you receive a bit more training, you'll be able to conjure small sparks and shocks of lightning for instance, or have finer control of a Force Grip or Push or Pull to do other things to your enemies," she explained before going back to the subject at hand. "I'm going to grip the ball in the Force again, with a little more power behind it, and you are to try and summon it again. We will stop when you say so."

[member="Melori Raaf"]

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori listened and learned. Unlike on Corellia, she was giving her full attention. It may have been down to the success that already eclipsed what she’d learned back at the Green Jedi’s Academy – or it may be due to the fact that this was her true calling. But either way mattered little. She was burning with a one-track focus and would be relentless in her pursuit of strength – for through it she could then attain power as she moved through the path the Code had laid out for her.

She watched as Taeli issued Force Lightning. And what she saw, she wanted.

“Then I shall practice every waking minute. You must test me ruthlessly.” Her eyes were morphing back into the yellow hue they were before. “For I shall never say stop, you have my word. Without strife I will not advance.”

Her face was now chiselled in concentration – as she expected her Master to put up a more powerful resistance. Holding her hand out to the ball she called on that reservoir, now depleted. So she bit her bottom lip so hard that drops of blood appeared. The pain fuelled her emotions and she once more attempted to pull the ball towards her, to overcome not her sister, but her Master’s test. She would not be found wanting.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Melori Raaf"]

"Already spent are you?" Taeli asked, tilting her head in amusement as she attempted to use pain to fuel her emotions and in turn fuel her powers. She was learning quickly, but her reservoir of emotions was almost depleted for now . . . strange. Taeli knew there was far more than what she had been using, but for some reason Melori wasn't using that. Time for a little motivation then.

"I must say, while you've been doing quite well, my other apprentices mastered this exercise faster," she said, pretending to sigh from disappointment. "Come on then, show me that you're better than they were at this stage."

Telling her she was slightly behind other apprentice would surely light a fire in her sister, jealousy and anger towards them and quite possibly some directed at her temporarily, but it seemed necessary to draw Melori out to using one more example of the powerful emotions she had bottled up inside.

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Melori was frustrated. She thought she’d been doing well – but clearly not well enough. And she would not be told she was in any way a disappointment – not again. She’d had a belly-full of that from the Jedi, and her parents. She downright refused to be considered the weak-link again.

“I am not spent. I am not slower.” Her voice was slow and even but far from calm. It was simply seething. Her eyes deepened a shade and red started to form around the edges of her irises. “You will not, ever, EVER consider me to be inferior to anyone, do you UNDERSTAND.”

She started to pull the ball to her with all of her rage, the jealousy and the humiliation she felt. In the front of her mind was the day the Academy turned her down. ‘She’s got nowhere near the potential of her sister,’ they’d said. She probably wasn’t supposed to hear but she did. ‘Such a pity.’ A pity? A pity? She wanted no pity from the Jedi, or anyone – let alone her sister, her Master. Her intensity grew as she channelled all she had to make that karking ball come to her, Master or no Master.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]
[member="Melori Raaf"]

There it was, that underlying emotion and power that she sensed within Melori and had been begging for release. She had had plenty of surface anger and hate, but that could only go so far when using powers. You had to tap into the core emotions, the ones that never truly died or faded away and it seemed Melori had touched them with just a few simple words from her.

"Then take the ball!" Taeli exclaimed, keeping her Force Grip at the same level, but she could feel it slowly, ever so slowly, starting to move towards Melori. She was powerful, perhaps more powerful than her other apprentices already. She just needed some motivation to seize what she felt, and apparently, that hatred she was tapping into was towards the Jedi who rejected her from the Academy.

"You, my apprentice, are far stronger than you think or ever knew," she said, watching the ball wiggle from her sister's rage and whatever other emotions she was rising within her. "Prove to me you're that powerful, prove to me you have what it takes to be a Sith. Better more importantly, prove to yourself that you are not a disappointment, that you are special, that you . . . are . . . superior to those Jedi who looked down upon you."

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
Such a pity, such a pity. The words ricocheted around her head, bouncing around and growing ever louder. And she could see the decrepit old Jed’s face, a look of contempt on his face. If Corellia hadn’t been taken by the One Sith already, she’d kill them all now by herself. How dare they?

This entire scenario played out in her mind in a fraction of a second. She could feel the power rise within her, the deep and powerful emotions fuelling her control of the Force. She was no Jedi, the Force was a tool for her to use.

“I am to be feared,” she said quietly as she poured more and more energy into pulling the ball into her hand. “Jedi will kneel before me and beg for mercy – but none shall be given. The weak shall die. I shall stand over their dead bodies in triumph.” And still she poured more energy into pulling the ball.

[member="Darth Arcanix"]

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