Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Statuses and Comments Glitching


Maybe I've missed a memo or something and it's just down or bugged right now, in which case I apologize for reporting this, but I can't see statuses or comments. I can see the notifications for them and for when I'm tagged in them. However, when I try to click on one, I get this every time;
Sorry, we couldn't find that!

Sorry, we could not locate the page you are requesting to view. Please click here to return to the community index

Need Help?

Okay, so I just found that typing this seems to work, but for some reason, clicking a username or a notification won't display them.


Noooo... I said I couldn't see them all. I never said anything about not being able to add more. o_O
Edit: And yes, I said I can see the top ones. They don't display listed on profiles anymore and my comment notifs are broken.
I mean, honestly I don't care now that I've found a way to see them, even if it takes that tiny much more effort than usual


And now the shoutbox is missing...............
Unless you got rid of it entirely. I really don't get on enough to hear about these kinds of things.


With all due respect, this is still a problem, I am still getting notifications and I still cannot see them. It is very frustratung. The only way I found to fix it is to use the new default theme, which makes the shoutbox come back too, but has an incredibly tedious layout.

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