Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Starting out

Well , I just stumbled upon this site . And I'm already interested in role playing . But , here's the catch , I dont know anything about forum or role playing in general . So , forgive me if I act like a noob.
Well, ya just did! That's all there is to it. ^_^

Welcome to Chaos. As a forum RP, we divide up our stories into threads. A single thread may just be two people, or it might be dozens. It might last for ten posts and have less than 1000 words, or it could be a major novella with 30+ pages of text. Doesn't matter, as long as it was a fun scene/story/arc to write.

This is a freeform RP site set in the Star Wars universe, 800 years after anything from the movies and about 700 years after anything from the EU. This means that nothing that could even vaguely be considered "canon" is anything more than a legend. There are no living Skywalkers or Solos who can prove their lineage, any "galactic empire" or "galactic republic" has no guarantee of even vaguely resembling the canon government, and user-created content like the Primeval and the Eldorai is totally accepted.

Our fearless leader, Tefka, has a full thread about getting started, linked here. :)
Welcome! If I can help you with anything, let me know!

If you need to get started with characters, factions, I think I can give you some nice imput!

Also, to tag a member, click the @mention beneath their profile pic, type it, or type [member=name here]

Forum roleplaying is a lot like writing a story. :D Act as if you were the character themself and how you think they may react to certain situations. It can be a lot of fun when your character is interesting. Remember though, an interesting character doesn't necessarily have to be a tragic character. c: Coming from me considering that's all this character is is ironic, but I have several characters outside of this forum. An interesting character can be a character with just a fun personality, or a mad scientist or something like that lmao.

I had a warm welcome to this forum myself and I'm definitely looking forward to staying. If you need a guide to help you roleplaying, PM me and we can practice if you want :'D As [member="Kana Truden"] said, we were all new once.


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