Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Contest Starship Design for Corpos in Darkwire!


Darkwire as a Major Faction is a bit more complicated than most because in our threads we typically play as "the little guy" in our own stories. The territory you see on our map isn't controlled by the Darkwire criminal organization, but by the Corporate Authorities of Denon. These are our in-built "Bad guys", and we affectionately call them "Corpos".

Since we have a few members in our faction that play as our lovable Corpos, we decided to give them something neat to do and expand the flavor of our little haven of Cyberpunk-ness. So we're making a Starship Design Contest!

Right now we have 5 main villains for the Darkwire narrative, and they make up the "Direx Board" for the CAD. They will eventually get their own NPC submissions just like this one, but below I am going to list all of their personalities, and what they are requesting for a personal ship to act as their own "flagship". Below, we shall describe these members' personalities and attributes, and also fill in requirements for any ship submissions for them.


From Left to Right, Marlene Starlight, Larz Blackheart, Diviak Manfloon, Luminous Sun, and Qantian Xopsaloff

  • GdN7dLh.jpg

    Ms. Starlight is the leading figure in military tech and is the biggest financial contributor of Corporate Security, CorpSec, the police-soldiers of the Corporate Authorities. She manipulates CorpSec for her own benefit and poses the greatest threat to Darkwire in the entire Corporate Authorities. Cunning and astute, she will take out anyone in her way towards her final goal to become ExO.

    Size: Bigger is better up until it is too large a target to miss (Think Star Destroyer/Battlecruiser range)
    Armament: Weaponry is her main focus here, she wants to be able to demonstrate the strength of CorpSec not only by the size of her guns but by the brightness of their explosions.
    Function: Although the ship should be an intimidating symbol, it should more than anything be functional for delivering CorpSec personnel in great numbers, fully equipped, and with enough firepower not to be toyed with.
    Style: As long as it looks intimidating and powerful, she could care less how it looks.

  • JElLHxU.jpg

    Darkwire Netrunners often find themselves on the virtual run from Larz Blackheart and his army of slicer droids. This cyber-security chief is a mastermind of the Holonet and all its sub-services, including the underworld CryptNet. His code is a complex matrix of endlessly spiraling encryptions. He is a mastermind of slicing and a formidable foe for Darkwire, and sometimes, a powerful ally.

    Size: The smaller, the better, as long as key features are maintained. (Think Frigate or less)
    Armament: Weapons are not important for this build, and focus almost exclusively on the function.
    Function: This should be a vessel that exists ten orders of magnitude times larger in cyberspace than it does in real space, which is to say Larz wants this to be paramountly an Electronic Warfare hub.
    Style: Stealth. Although it isn't the main function, this ship should be small and difficult to detect both on scanners and visually against the backdrop of space. Its general aesthetic should reflect this.

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    Mining companies the galaxy over gather in the dark shadows of his presence and fall before the red gaze of Diviak Manfloon whose influence on the Direx Board is almost next to none. He has spent his life harvesting worlds of their resources, ecosystems annihilated and entire populations financially devastated to further the wealth and goals of the Mining Union.

    Size: Size is not necessarily important (Think Frigate to Star Destroyer, but any size will do)
    Armament: Weapons should be designed for escort duty, and piracy prevention first and foremost. Capturing thieves is better than killing them, for interrogation purposes.
    Function: This vessel should be the most impressive of escort vessels, carrying and bringing protection to various mining vessels and equipment. Tractor beams are a plus.
    Style: Nothing flashy. It should look like an escort, provide the function, and nothing more.

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    Powerfully and mysteriously attractive, Luminous is a mistress of seduction and the leading corporate figure in the Entertainment industry. She frequently works with underworld syndicates to source Twi'lek and Zeltron slaves for her pleasure palaces, and spice for her pseudo-legal spice dens. She has become a source of frequent income for Darkwire as she hires Shadowrunners to eliminate competition.

    Size: Not as important as style. (Think Corvette to Cruiser, but any size will do)
    Armament: Protection should be the foremost consideration, and when needed, disabling weaponry that is typically less-than-lethal. Otherwise, go for flashy stuff for the people on board.
    Function: Pleasure and entertainment, everything else is secondary to ensuring a fun and safe environment for those welcomed on board.
    Style: This should be the vessel of envy for everyone that lays its eyes on it, let your artistry go wild but classy.

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    Qanatain is both the most loved and hated figure on the Direx board, venomously despised that he holds almost every single member on the board to an incredible debt, yet revered for his ability to produce funding at a moments notice. His ancestry with the Banking Clan has made him excessively rich. He will abuse the debt of others to swing votes in his personal favor.

    Size: Bigger is better, full stop. (Think max length Battlecruiser)
    Armament: Exotic and expensive! As many different types of weapons from across the galaxy that you can reasonably manage, the more unique and creative, the better! (Does not necessarily need to be fully functional or synergistic with the ship's other weapons)
    Function: Status, this ship should reflect its owner's overwhelming financial status over the other Direx Board members. A deck dedicated to everyone that owes him a debt (or just the important ones, however it fits in!)
    Style: Eye-catching. Use all that ship space to make it glorious without it being necessarily garish, though this is less important.


The contest will take place on July 17th, to give contestants time to develop their submissions in Pre-Factory, and then they will be judged by Darkwire staff (myself, Daiya Daiya , and Rika Rika ). Once we have selected the five ships we like most, all participants will gain some form of reward for their involvement and the winning submissions will have their writers receive a reward(s) of their choice (things like contracts and business deals in Darkwire Space, or bling/factory/codex stuff if they prefer). Also, to be clear, you are not limited to choosing one, you can make a ship for each of them if you feel the muse for it.

If you are interested in participating, let me know below!

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After a lot of deliberation, the staff team is now ready to announce the winning ship designs for this contest!

First and foremost, for hitting all of the requirements in a stunning ship specifically crafted for their chosen DireX, AMCO AMCO 's "Midnight Vulture" wins the contest! Congratulation Adrian, we thank you for participating!

The runner-up goes to Malicar Malicar and his "Death Monger" Submission, we thank you for participating!

The rest of the ships submitted to us will be used in the following ways:

  • Larz Blackheart's Personal Ship: Midnight Vulture
    • Larz Blackheart's Fleet: N/a
  • Qanatain Xopsaloff's Personal Ship: Death Monger
    • Qanatain Xopsaloff's Fleet: N/a
  • Diviak Manfloon's Personal Ship: Intrusion
    • Diviak Manfloon's Fleet: Intrusion
  • Luminous Sun's Personal Ship: Gentry
    • Luminous Sun's Fleet: N/a
  • Marlene Starlight's Personal Ship: N/a

Once again, thank you Adrian, Malicar and Credius for participating, you will be justly rewarded for your participation. If you have any specific requests, don't hesitate to let us know, and we'll get working on it ASAP.

I hope this was an enjoyable contest for everybody!

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