Welcome to Stargo Forge Works: a corporation dedicated to bringing you the finest, Alchemized goods in the Galaxy! We specialize in the metallurgical side of the Craft and have a fine selection of weapons, armor, and accessories available for purchase. Our inventory will be updated regularly and announcements will be made highlighting the newest goods. All items can be purchased via credits or other assets (such as vessels, artifacts, knowledge, etc.) Credit checks will be performed. Satisfaction is guaranteed...and remember, we deliver!
Product Listing
- Nightbrother Fighting Knife: A quality bowie knife that would suit practically anyone! It is impervious to lightsabers and will literally never dull! - 10,000 credits. Sold w/scabbard.
. - Sentinel Dueling Glove: Wield your saber with confidence! These gloves are impervious to lightsabers and fit comfortably under your current gloves and armor. Never worry about losing a hand again! - 20,000 credits. Sold in pairs.
. - Ring of Aspiration: Apprentices! The Galaxy is a tough place to survive, but Stargo Forge Works is going to make it a little easier. This ring will aide in clearing the mind of distractions and even has some Force energies to give you an extra boost. - 8,500 credits. Limited Stock.
Stargo Forge Works is more than happy to create custom weapons, armor, and accessories for its customers; or to improve their existing possessions through alchemy. Please note that commissioned works are only available for purchase via assets; as Stargo Forge Works cannot place a single figure on a unique, created work. (OOC: Furthermore, please do not request the alchemization of restricted materials.)
Commission Examples:
- The Gauntlet of Hod Haran: Absorbs the energies of lightsabers/blasters and unleashes them as a powerful blast.
- Devorah's Song: Possesses exceptional cutting power. Is the intersection of Force Imbuement and Sith Alchemy.
- Ha'rangir: Can shatter any beskar-grade/ lower material.