Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars Phonetic Alphabet

A: Akkdog
B: Bantha
C: Condor
D: Dewback
E: Echo
F: Fondor
G: Gundark; Gungan
H: Hutt
I: Ikopi
J: Jenet; Jango
K: Krayt
L: Lepi
M: Mynock
N: Nexu
O: Orbalisk
P: Pylat
Q: Queen
R: Ronto
S: Sarlacc
T: Tusken
U: Uniform
V: Vultan;
W: Womprat
X: Xray
Y: Yeoman
Z: Zabrak;

It's a work in progress, but here's a simple phonetic alphabet people are of course free to use for military RP on the site. I find it works quite well, though any suggestions for better words are always welcome!

I use a clear mixture of sentient species names and creature names for this one, though over time I'm sure we can identify words that sound better.
[member="Ali Hadrix"] The thing about Phonetic alphabets, its designed to be quick, easy and distinguished from each other. The old PRE WW2 one was replaced because US allies couldn't properly pronounce some of the words. Which is why we have Echo instead of Easy and such. Why to us some of those words are very common to the countless trillions they wouldn't be. I would suggest keeping to easy galactic basic words.
[member=Arumi Zy]: 6 years Army mate, I'm familiar with the changes in the phonetic alphabet. ;)

And you've got good points there, which is why I'm always open to editing the list to utilize better words that are more varied in their sound utilization and come with clearer and more distinguishable consonants. This is a work in progress, that's supposed to be fun, not meant to be perfect.
[member="Ali Hadrix"] 4 years Marines :D

Hey always happy to help, a lot of people civvies dont understand the phoenetic alphabet and its purpose. Ill look a round for some more star wars words that have easy pronounciations and would be more well known. i think Nerf would be one that every thing knows. Since its a major domesticated creature where as the Nexu might not be so much.


Morality Policeman :)
[member="Ali Hadrix"]

Typically, when I do this, I'll just use famous canon Star Wars characters.

Off the top of my head...

A - Ackbar
B - Bane/Binks :p
C - Calrissian

K - Kenobi

M - Mothma

O - Organa

S - Skywalker
T - Tarkin

V - Vader

Y - Ysanne

[member="Ali Hadrix"]

F and C now rhyme :)

My two cents on possibilities:

A: Ackley

E: Eopie
F: Fambaa
G: Gizka

J: Jedi

L: Luke

O: Ordo
P: Protocol
Q: Qek

U: Utai
V: Velker
W: Wampa
X: X-wing, Xesh
Y: Yoda
[member=Arumi Zy]: Nice, cheers to that! I think Nexu works better than Nerf just because it has that second consonant, making it a hard sound and easier to hear.

[member=Kolir Chr'angold]: Hmmm...good point. Do you have a better suggestion for "C"? The "F" options were kind of thin.
Bunker-level Normal

I like the idea of using generic words, rather than people's names. Names fade in significance, while terms are usually timeless. A dog is a dog, but Lassie is a pop culture reference that will soon be completely forgotten.

[member="Ali Hadrix"]

This is really cool! I'm going to bookmark this for future reference. Can you keep the OP updated with whatever you decide?

Also, I like Jenet versus Jango for J, due to the reasons I stated above.
[member="Captain Jordan"] [member="Beowoof"]

Unless, perhaps, you used obvious Star Wars names (ones considered common IC) for the convention. Remember that the NATO phonetic alphabet makes use of certain names itself: Charlie, Juliett, Mike, Oscar, etc. In that way, if the name is common and distinctive, you could never mess up the initial letter because it is easily recognizable. Along that line:

A: Antilles

might be a good option. I think planets might be better proper nouns though. But I also am not sure what the specific guidelines are for choosing these :) There are umpteen options of course, so I tried to pick the more famous (in terms of IC... I doubt most denizens of a galaxy far, far away would know where Hoth is). Here are some:

A: Alderaan / Ando
C: Coruscant / Carida
E: Etti / Eshan / Endor / Elrood
H: [a good non-planet name might be Holo] Halowan / Hapes
I: Ithor
J: Juvex
K: Kuat
L: Lannik
O: Omwat / Orto [o is a tough one!]
Q: non-planet possibility is Quarren]
U: Umbara / Utapau
V: Vortex
X: Xa Fel

[member="Ali Hadrix"] props on coming up with this idea. I can't believe there isn't already a comprehensive list!

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