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'Star Wars Battlefront: 2' due 2017

Connor Harrison

EA has announced 'Star Wars Battlefront: 2' will be released next year.

Promising to feature "bigger and better worlds" and content from "the new movies", this could be a redeeming game to counter the overall disappointment of the first. Will this cover the prequels, original and new trilogy or just another specific era?

Sounds like SW games are coming as fast as the films now...

Star Wars Battlefront was the biggest mistake that EA ever did to succeed Battlefront 2. It's horrible! I really hate the new battlefront and I think EA really f'd it up big time with it.

No more Singleplayer
Allot of crap is just... bad
little to no character customization

._. Typical EA.

Atleast the graphics and stuff are beautiful and the gun mechanics work like Battlefield. I'll give props for that.

I mean I hate it so much, I like it.

I hope BF2 will bring back the magic and stuff. No more BS season passes.
Well-Known Member

There is single player. There just is no story to it.
Gameplay wise, it's fantastic.
Honestly, I feel there is TOO much customization. There should not be IMPERIAL STORMTROOPERS without their regulation helmet. They shoulda stuck with decals.
Season passes are pretty typical of a lot of games these days, you will likely see for the next one too.
Not really honestly, you only play to win if you want the DLC immediately. If you're patient like me, this isn't a problem because I'll eventually get the DLC when its either so cheap it might as well be free... or actually free! Otherwise, I can still dominate the map with the original equipment no problem.

Connor Harrison

[member="Fatty"] [member="Sereniama"] I do hate the Season Pass, I'm not used to them in games and I'd never openly spend the equal amount I paid for the game just for more content. I mean, apart from the new maps and characters, that's all I'd want but I can't justify £12 per Expansion Pack. Just gonna wait it out.

There's enough to crack on with out there minus the Expansions and P2P DLC.

But TOTALLY agree with the helmetless Stormtroopers - I NEVER play without a helmet, it just takes away everything from the authenticity of the Imperial side.

Filius Stellarum

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Fatty"] [member="Sereniama"]
I've never played the game, but I have played Battlefront 1 and 2 extensively so I will do my best to give my impressions:

1. I think you should be happy with character customization at all. The original games didn't have it; you played the same stock figure for every class. At least Battlefront allows you to mix it up a little.
2. I think it is great that you have so much freedom to say what weapon you are carrying into battle and all that. It does take away a little from the original game, where you had to know how to play your class because you were stuck with a particular weapon the whole match unless you completely changed classes.
3. As far as singleplayer goes, I agree with Sereniama. The only single player I've heard of is like some sort of campaign and a survival mode. I may be wrong on this, but anyway the whole thing of the original game was you fighting as a single soldier, in a single battle, in a map full of AI opponents. That's how it worked, and there are very few shooters out there that do it that way. There are none that I can think of off the top of my head that actually put you as a single grunt in a major infantry battle. Call of Duty comes close, but in the older ones you are usually in a small group because that's how combat worked in WWII, and in new ones you are an elite soldier often fighting alone or with a partner. Now Call of Duty does have some infantry battles, but you just don't get the same sense of it like in Battlefront 1 and 2. In Call of Duty every singleplayer battle is scripted. You don't get the sense of actually being there because you have no freedom to attack what you wish or just run around shooting people and not even worrying about objectives. Battlefront 1 and 2 were essentially multiplayer deathmatches without the multiplayer, and that's how they should have stayed for people who don't want to play multiplayer and have to deal with all the trolls or feel like they suck because they keep going up against ace players.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
2. I think it is great that you have so much freedom to say what weapon you are carrying into battle and all that. It does take away a little from the original game, where you had to know how to play your class because you were stuck with a particular weapon the whole match unless you completely changed classes.
not really there was only like 12 weapons in the game when it first came out and if you pre ordered you got the strongest weapon in the game early access. With the dlc I think you got 4 more.

THe customization was mostly meh, not really worth it to have and a season pass in games is usually 20-30 bucks expensive but all DLC is usually bought and pre-bought for the future, some extra's thrown in.

I am hoping they learned their lesson and the new stuff won't be cut from the game and locked behind the season pass while they offer the bare minimum of content. Sure the game looked amazing, it sounded amazing but it played like a generic shooter, felt stripped of the meat like some of the other games have. At least Call of Duty while releasing something every year makes small improvements for good or ill, no space battles, no single player beyond tutorials and mostly boring modes.

Though it is a star wars game so likely get it and pay attention to if it is going to have a premium $120 edition again with the season pass
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Couldn't agree more, and the fact that the first one did so poorly and disappointed so many, will only drive more people into buying the next one in the hope of seeing the improvements Battlefront is missing. Said improvements that shouldn't warrant yet another title in the franchise but should be put into an update/patch for the current game, not for the price of a full purchase but for free.

They've sold us half of a game, so that they can sell us the sequel and we as consumers will throw our money at them because they promise more.

Don't get me started on the season pass...
If they fix the no external headset support

I would be happy.

As it stands, I've not touched Battlefield in a couple months (partially because I also got my hands on Fallout 4).

The Primary problem I had with it, as I said in another rant of an article I wrote, is that it is essentially.

Star Wars Battlefront: Because Kark Teamwork.

Their decision to focus on the console based communications (meaning that you had to pause, go to the message section in the console, type out the message then send it; or have that person as a friend in order to rapidly speak to them) is a problem. If you're like me, you often don't play it with friends or you're on at different hours.

That means that you can't coordinate with the people you're playing with, you can't talk to them or help them in any significant way beyond just zerg rushing the objective.

I've been put on teams where the other players on your own team will literally stand in your line of fire or start shooting at you or throwing their grenades at you just because they can.

The game as it stands in a mess, and I honestly thing it needs more than a year and 3/4 before Battlefront 2 comes out. It needs to be in development at least until 2018 - 2019.

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