Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Star Cops: The Icon of Blood

Rann stared at the broken glass of the bedroom window as the bright lights of Coruscant shined through, reflecting off of each piece of transparisteel that managed to linger behind on the carpeted floors.

Coruscant Security combed through the rest of the room as he stood, cataloging their findings and taking pictures of the scene.

One Jarrus Kormik, known scumbag, lay dead in a puddle down at the bottom of the city skyscrape. Thrown from the window, it had seemed like an ordinary robbery.

But even the rookiest beat cop in the room knew that something else was happening here. The only question was what.

Stepping away from the window, Rann walked over into the living room and surveyed the carnage.

There was a dark side energy that radiated throughout the room, touching everything. Rann could feel an intense hatred and desire coursing through every fiber of carpet, every splinter of wood. Walking over to a table, he reached his left hand out to touch the surface and immediately that feeling of darkness, anger, and hate shot through his entire body causing him to recoil away from it as quickly as he touched.

“I need everyone out of this apartment. Now.” He ordered, looking around. The officers around him looked at him and then each other before agonizingly slowly shuffling out of the space.

Once it was cleared, Rann walked into the center of the room and kneeled down. Exhaling slowly, he closed his eyes and opened himself to the Force hoping it would be able to show him…something that could illuminate what happened here.

Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

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