Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SSB Auction : Sasori, Justice Shipping, Vanir Technologies

Humming quietly to herself, Domino tapped in her bids. She didn't expect them to stick but she wanted to see if the bidding pool would react to her entering or not. The ships and tech were interesting but not really something she felt like she had to have, even the real estate was more of an 'ooh, interesting' bid though you never knew. Could come in handy and she could rent most of it back out for passive income. Spotting Matsu, she sent the jedi a little mental wave. [member="Matsu Ike"]

Lot-K: c1,005,000
Lot-P: c205,000
Chi didn't go out in public much anymore, not since the fall of Rendili to the Sith, but she'd come out to get her mind off that and had certainly dressed for the occasion. A waist-length cape covered her shoulders and came around to meet in the front, covering the tunic she wore that came down to form an loose dress that fell over her breeches and short boots, all in the bright pastels that looked so good on her people. Most of what was on display looked to be weapons or rather expensive trinkets and tools. All useful, just not for her; at least until she got to the ships on offer. One of them immediately caught her attention, a diplomatic corvette already painted her favorite colors. Luxurious and well-armed to boot. It was however horrendously expensive, still... It'd make the perfect base ship. Biting her bottom lip in hesitation, she input her bid.

Lot M: 200k
Mira blinked softly as she was outbid for Lot K - by an astronomical amount. With a shrug she'd continue on paying attention to the other lots. Just seems she'd have to press harder elsewhere.

Of course, she'd take relative information down. It'd have to be in her report to her grandfather, [member="Ember Rekali"].
Kaile was here because she had a pocketfull of credits and honestly...

It was really hard not to get a little bit overexcited about the auctions. Kurt was off somewhere, but here she was, off in a corner seat with stars in her eyes and maybe grabbing the datapad so she can place bids just a bit too tightly.

There were a few things she was really interested in, but she wanted to wait. She couldn't let herself bid early too fast! Had to scope things out.


Just... try not to go too crazy, Kaileann!

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Making enemies of Sasori wasn't in the cards, and Darkwater's good side was a place worth staying. For the time being, Selka stopped bidding on the two small land lots.
Lot P: 210k
Lot Q:200k
Ever have one of those moments where nothing was working?

Now was one of those times for Mira, it seemed her datapad was on the fritz. She began to shake the device wildly and out of nowhere, perhaps drawing the attention of some bidders around her before banging it against the side of her chair a few times.

Finally, it gave off a noise that caused her to stop beating it against the chair - she'd set it down back in her lap and stare at it for a moment. The numbers would spring up on her screen and display correctly this time.

So she wasn't outbid on Lot K by that much - well poodoo.

Mira quickly began punching in a responding bid.

Clan Rekali bids $1,050,000 credits and one contract for Lot K
A new mask, face-plate a blank, nondescript black, the padawan seemed almost... artificial in appearance, as he entered into the expo. He'd been practicing the art of suppressing his presence, and was not quite here to bid. No, he was more here for educational purposes. And mild curiosity. He'd take a seat, preferably out of the way, and away from any direct light sources.

After shooing away one of the serving droids bringing refreshments to the guests, the padawans face-plate angled towards the datapad in hand. Scrolling through the various items and bids, he did a double, then a triple, and even a quadruple-take. No....

Yes, the sneaky bastard did it. The padawan stared in horror that his name was apparently up for auction. "A.... date.....!?" He'd hiss to himself, staring at the pad. The prospect boggled his mind. Then, relief washed over the padawan as he realized, those entertaining themselves with the auction found the weapons, ships, and other such things far more enticing and entertaining. He'd contemplated bidding on the date himself, in hopes to deter another from 'buying' him for an evening.... But.... what if such an action drew attention.... No... the padawan would watch, and wait.... if need be, he'd try to swoop the bid at the last minute, so long as anyone who did try to purchase him didn't bid too far outside his budget....

Thus, the anxiety inducing waiting game began.... Damn you [member=James Justice]!
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Mira Rekali said:
Clan Rekali bids $150,000 credits on I, one contract job.
She was looking at some of the people who had come now and Domino showing up was something surprising as was the senator. She rather liked some of the ideas and could support a few of the things while the bid for the small area of bespin held thankfully and more bifs came from some of them. A smile on her face before she was typing in a new one. <Lot I: 165,000 credits> Simple and she as going to have to pay attention to the one jedi selling himself on the auction block. Make sure no untowards men or women or maybe hutts tried to take him home with them.
I was almost bakrupt but still wanted some fancy new tools or simply some new comodities. It was good for my psyche to buy new things, and that's exactly why I was with only 10.000 credits. I wanted that Stealth Rifle, but the bid was too far from what I could afford. My second thought was the Anti-Tank Rifle, which no one had even touched yet. I also wanted to know the powerful people who would be here, and I was delighted to see them, hoping I could meet one or two after a few bids or after the whole auction.

I also wanted that date with the Twi'lek but, hell... That was the triple I had.

In any case, I simply put my bid on the lot I wanted, hoping that no one would pay attetion to this little rifle.

[ Dave bids 5.500c on lot B ]


Well-Known Member
"100,000 credits and the contract with JAC, on D. 450,000 credits on H." Damien called out. He was getting bored...

Waving down a waiter he ordered a bottle of whiskey be brought to him.
Mira’s datapad pinged and she maneuvered her fingers along the clear surface – she took a moment to read the information and waved her hand.
Clan Rekali concedes ceases bids on Lot D, Lot I and Lot H.
Clan Rekali bids $100,000 credits on Lot L.
Updating bids....


Sasori + Marketplace
Prefers barter over straight credits.
No bids
  • Sasori Joshū: Special converters able to make materials and food
No bids
  1. [member="Jorus Merrill"] A comprehensive set of Baobab Astrography star maps for any five starships of your choice. Market value: ~130,000cr.
No bids
  • Odominious Unit: A joint stealth unit developed as a basic device for hiding from sight.
No bids
  • Sasori Toolkit: A multiweapon toolkit able to have a weapon for any situation
@Kaileann Vera $1,000.00
[member="Kaileann Vera"] $1,000.00
  • Sasori Circlet: Environmental force shield able to protect from cold, heat, dryness, acid rain and poisoned air
No bids
No bids
  • Tani Farms: Have your own sparkbee farm, make your own honey
  1. [member="Hion the Herglic"] x1 Tani Farm - the services of two Darkwater Security guards, free of charge, for one year

  • Tani Jar: Want to afflict crab armor with something strange? Want to have alcoholic honey? Do you want to have something that can make honey bbq be quite literal? Well the delicious and rare sparkbee honey has you covered
  1. No bids



Auctioning off:
Barter is preferred, though credits are acceptable.
  • -x1 A date with Twi'lek Jedi Master stardust - 30,000c No bids
  • -x1 3 month shipping contract with Justice Shipping Ltd. - 1,000,000c No bids
  • -x1 1 month contract of exclusive use Justice Shipping's Mercenary Army security detail 1,000,000c No bids
  • -x1 A date with the dashing Kitty Jedi, and dynamic masked hero of the weak, Ryn'Dhal (With love, my freind:D)- 30,000c No bids
  • -(x3) A private army of 100 soldiers to your preferred specifications, trained by the best and brightest of Justice Shipping Ltd's veterans. - 100,000c No bids



Vanir Technologies

Auction Lots
Barter preferred.

  • Lot A : 1x SI-17 Stealth Blaster - Fires Completely Silent & Invisible Bolts
    [member="Pauul Farrlo"] Lot A - Two Assassinations and 17,000 credits

  1. [member="David Abarth"] 5,500c

  • Lot C : 2 x VT-Particle Gatling - Vehicle Mounted Particle Rotary Cannon -Starting bids at $5,000

  • Lot D : 1 x VT-Needle Disruptor - A powerful disruptor that pierces all forms of armor including Phrik, Beskar, and Vonduun Crab Armor -
    [member="Darth Pikiran"] 100,000 credits and the contract with JAC

  • Lot E: 1x VT-Grav Glove - Repulse Glove that Mimics Force Push/Pull
    Clan Rekali bids $15,000 credits

  • Lot F: 1 crate of 12 Directed Charge - Anti-Personnel Armor explosive
    1. Clan Rekali bids $15,000 credits on Lot F. X2 Tashai Talismans

  • VT-Disruptor Lens - Lightsaber Modification that allows one to cut through Yuuzhan Vong Amphistaffs and Vonduun Skerr Kyrric.

    Lot G - 1 x VT Lens
    1. Clan Rekali bids $130,000 credits each on Lot G
  • ​Lot H - 1 x VT Lens
    1. [member="Darth Pikiran"] 450,000 credits
  • Lot I - 1 x VT Lens
    1. ​​[member="Matsu Ike"] Lot I: 165,000 credits

  • Lot J: 1 x VT-Nerve Helm - Allows a NFU pilot to match and exceed the reaction times and perception of Force Users
    Clan Rekali bids $500,000 Credits on Lot J.

  • Lot K: 1 x VT-Command Throne - Allows a single person to control an entire Starship with minimal Crew
    1. @Domino Lot-K: c1,005,000
    2. [member="Mira Rekali"] 1,050,000 and I think one contract job.
Multi-Person Ships
  • Lot L: 1 x VT-Sliver - Civilian Luxury Yacht
    1. ​​Clan Rekali bids $100,000 credits on Lot L.

  • Lot M: 1 x VT-Starhawk - A Well Armed Diplomatic Vessel
    [member="Chi Chuchi"] 200k

  • Lot N: 1 x VT-Varactyl - Fast, highly modular, Escort Freighter Starting bids at $100,000

  • Lot O: 1 x VT-Gundark - Heavy Freighter
    Clan Rekali bids $125,000

Cloud Nine - High class luxury vacation city located on Bespin

These areas may include markets, personal estates, administrative centers, and virtually anything else relevant to business and luxury homes, as needed.

Available in lots and estates of 5% (1.675 cubic kilometres) and 1% (0.335 cubic kilometres).

  • Lot P: 5% -
    1. ​​[member="Selka Ventus"] 210k

  • Lot Q: 5%
    1. [member="Selka Ventus"] ​​200k

  • Lot R: 1% -
  1. ​​[member="Matsu Ike"] 75,000 Credits.
  • Lot S: 1%
    [member="Hion the Herglic"] Lot S - 60,000 credits.


Things were starting to get hot! Kaile bit her lower lip, feeling the adrenaline rush hot through her. O-hh she could just not stand still. She was getting antsy. Should she bid now? Should she wait?

This was quite troubling and for the moment, she understood why people could get carried away in this.

"Dang it!" she cursed under her breath, only to curl her fingers around the datapad and put in her first bid.

  • Sasori Toolkit: A multiweapon toolkit able to have a weapon for any situation $1,000.00
  • Ranger's Sheath: Modular containment sheaths for the toolkit $1,000.00
Aeri would quietly contemplate the products of the auction. Considering the most recent events, and the reputation that followed with Justice Shipping, she was apt to make the most of that and bid now.

  • -x1 3 month shipping contract with Justice Shipping Ltd. - 1,000,000c
  • -x1 1 month contract of exclusive use Justice Shipping's Mercenary Army security detail 1,000,000c
  • -(x3) A private army of 100 soldiers to your preferred specifications, trained by the best and brightest of Justice Shipping Ltd's veterans. - 100,000c x 3
Domino was distracted from all the pretty pretty holograms by some girl banging her datapad around before her own beeped by her side. Oh, she'd been outbid, how terrible. Well this might just be the chance to turn some assets in storage into something she wanted to use. Dropping her bid back down, she added a squadron of heavy-hitting fighters to compensate. It was actually quite sad really, these had been used to fly escort for her when she was Vigo of the Black Suns, they even retained their color schemes from that time. It was like selling a piece of very deadly history. As for the city... perhaps she was being a bit greedy there. She just liked the idea of owning a classical little area with shops and restaurants; maybe a little complex of luxury condominiums too. Wait, she already did that on Vaynai in a rather idealistic sea-side town. Maybe she should use it as an opportunity to expand her Lotuses, they'd be ecstatic to have a secondary location in another luxury area.

Lot-K: c1,000,000 & 12 Devastator fighters
Lot-Q: c215k & 1 kilogram of Aurodiom


Sic Vis Pacem Parabellum
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Ships and weapons were of little use to the Togruta Jedi, He had his own ship and weapons. However when Justice Shipping offered up a date with a Twi'lek his attention picqued and his hand raised to place his bid.

Ryker Bids 30,000 credits for the date with Stardust.
[member="Danger Arceneau"] please disregard Dv8's bid. Forgot to switch chars.

Ships and weapons were of little use to the Togruta Jedi, He had his own ship and weapons. However when Justice Shipping offered up a date with a Twi'lek his attention picqued and his hand raised to place his bid.

Ryker Bids 30,000 credits for the date with Stardust.

And just so my boy don't feel left out...

Ryker places a bid of 50,000 credits on a date with [member="Ryn'Dhal"]
Alyesa had no real reason to attend auctions - until now. She had worked with some of the vendors that were on the auction block and some of the items that appeared were of interest - especially the one about the date with [member="Ryn'Dhal"]. Now, she knew very little about him - but he was a very courageous being and she never got to thank him for what his actions that day. Well, what a better way than to take him on a little date.

House Organa bids 75,000 credits on the date with the Jedi known as Ryn'dhal.
Mira stared at her screen and looked over towards [member="Domino"] and then back to her screen. Of course, like before - she withdrew the bid from Lot K and for good reason of course.

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