Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Spying isn't always Dangerous

Aurna went over the notes and files left by her Aunt Alli. It seemed she had worked with stealth technologies before, on a ship known as the XR-17 Liberator, and other projects. Aurna scoured the notes, while they were straight forward using the tech was a different matter. She threw the folder and sighed loudly. Why didn't it seem to click. The notes of her aunt made it all seem so easy but she was missing stuff, perhaps she should go to school or something, Aurna felt she was good but could be better. Damn it all she sighed and kicked up her terminal and began searching some stuff on the educational resources that she had access to. Perhaps she could learn more about the applications of stealth technology, her aunt's notes were cutting it.

The articles weren't that helpful at first which made Aurna want to quit but that wasn't the way. Aurna sighed and went to the next source, it seemed that not many shared their outlooks on stealth, so she began just looking up relevant design resources. She didn't want to admit her lack of knowledge, she would make it through. Her latest reading was text books of grad students to try to make sense of it. Yes she had an engineering team but well she wanted to understand the stuff that her company did. If that meant she had to lock her self in a room it was fine. Plus it made being apart from Alva easier. It was better to keep busy.
Aurna signed and got up, getting a caf and resting her brain. It was starting to come together. She could at least understand the theory, but she would definitely need her engineers to do he installing. To produce the schemantics for the nanites to make this new drone would be a challenge. The problem with constructing with nanites is the blueprints had to be extremely detailed. Down to the molecular make up of the parts. It made any thing produced by them take extra long to develop. It was frustrating but their speed made up for it. Their small imprint on her factory floors told her it was worth it even if it meant she had to have more experts than ever before. She sighed and called in Sara Janrand.

"Sara can you make sense of this? " She asked point to the latest attempt at designing the thing she was attempting to build. "

"Well Miss Vern, I told you, you should really leave that to us, it is what you pay us for after all."

"I know but I like doing it, especially since Alva is busy doing things on her own."

"Well if you insist, You have a few problems, the sensor masking system is missing some components, and well that is fine for a first attempt at a dampner system, if you look up decartes principles of engines, you will see that to proper handle the exhaust, that you can't do what your proposing. "

"Is it that bad?"

"No, you are doing well for someone who has never done this before. .You should just work with us more, how about you give us your ideas like you have now and we handle the specifics? "

"I guess that is a better use of my time. I just want to understand it all. Thanks Sara, for baring with me, you are the best lead engineer I could ask for. Take the design with you. I am going to give my brain a rest."

"No problem miss, have a great evenign. I will ensure your product does what you want it to, don't worry. This is why you pay me the big bucks. "

"You know it"

With a giggle from both women, the separated and Aurna sighed into her bed. She wished she was better at this stuff, she could telly ou the protocols to get into a network or make an program that could grow into an full fledge A.I. With help of course but she had a better understanding on that she felt.
Aurna looked over the schemantics coming from Sara. She smiled, they were much better than what she could manage. It was crazy using the nanites they were able to build the stuff on something as tiny as their drone. She wondered anyone would want to use it. It was something that wasn't really available currently and that worried her. It could be deployed from a bigger stealth craft thankfully and well it would be really interesting to see if anyone liked it. It was a unique product, for a unique need. To spy on planets you didn't own. She thought about maybe putting some kind of communications scanner, but she was afraid that would make it light up so to speak.

It was a challenge that was for sure. They had a long way to go. Aurna approved the latest bunch of schemantics for the prototypes. She began searching her emails.. it was amazing how many of these mails one got. She sighed going over the procurement forms, granted those were easier with the nanites building most everything. They just needed raw matter so to speak to be turned into the various things in the prototypes.
"Sara, how is it you know how to do all of this? ."

"Lots of study and practice mam, there is a reason your Aunt hired me and convinced me to leave Baktoid to help you, she didn't tell me how smart and determined you were though. "

"Ah, your making me blush. I am not that great, I have a lot to learn All I have is raw talent and a knack for this sort of thing."

"Your too modest Miss, you are smarter than you think. You just have to get the hang of things, by the way did you get the latest results from the prototype, it seems we can't quite nail hiding it from sensors. "

"I know, I was thinking about that, what if we used a material that helped pass through the enemy sensors, if there is such a material."

"We will look into it Miss, I promise. Now what did you want surely you didn't call me up here just to talk. "

"I just wanted to thank you for everything you have done for Tanlab, and just wanted to make sure all was well. See you next week?."

"That we will, I suppose, see you Miss. "
Aurna smiled as she read through this weeks progress report from bed. She giggled as she knew Alva would be back soon and she couldn't linger. She typed a quick reply and then quickly made it look like she was doing non work things before they both fell asleep. Aurna was a light sleeper though and woke up far too early. She unlike Alva who slept as long as you let her didn't sleep much. So she sneaked to her desk and started reading the latest in tech news. It wasn't anything too fascinating. She scrolled through and realized an article about her nanites were there. "The future of building? " She giggled and read it , fascinated by how good her pr rep was doing.

That was when her email beeped, she checked it. They had deployed a drone around Hypori and then scanned for it, testing it's stealth ability. It was always fun to see the results. The fun part, they had lost it. They couldn't scan it but they couldn't control it either. Aurna sighed and rolled her eyes. How did you lose the prototype? She connected to the Tanlab vpn and traced the connection, realizing that it had stopped responding too. Then suddenly the sensor reports blared as it appeared drifting away and powerless, the power system had failed. The miniaturization of the reactor had failed them. She sighed and sent the orders to retrieve it and start over. They were so close but apparently not close enough.
The power source had been worked on and fixed numerous times, prototypes built and dove into by experts in those matters. It was clear, they were going to have to watch the power units on these devices closely. Granted as most of the device would do is float in orbit it was fine. Then they hit a breatkthrough, well more the realized that the nanites had a glitch in the make up of the reactor. It showed that they were not as perfect as everyone believed and showed that Aurna wasn't crazy for demanding increased Quality Control on products made by Nanites. She sighed reading the reports.

Aurna sent a email playfully saying to Sara.

"I Told you, that one couldn't assume what they built had no defects."

"That you did, I am sorry, I will give my recommendation to QA that the proposed increase in their budget isn't as unfair as I once though."

"Well thank you, have fun with the next test. "

Aurna sighed and giggled a bit. It would figure that something like that would happen. She couldn't wait till the next test, it was promising.

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