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Spores on the Wind (Vong & Clans of Mandalore)

Qiilura’s sun shines on my fur, and the settlement of Kad’Harang is further along than the last time I ventured to my homeworld. After the Mandalorians saved a good amount of our population from poaching slavers, a new capital city was commissioned to act as a waypoint and dissemination zone for Mandalorian infrastructure.

I was never prouder of my son, when @Gaius Cadera took his place on the Council. At its’ head no less. Now, strange messages and sensations filter through the Gurlanin on Qiilura.

Fights are breaking out in the streets for no discernible reason. Folk are going missing much like the beginning of our troubles with slavers in times past.

Gurlanin are curious sapient beings. Our penchant toward many-skins, or shapeshifting, makes us valued across the Galaxy for espionage and secret work. We can infiltrate nigh anywhere. Communicate silently with our brethren.

Although we are not Force Users, there has been long debate of our abilities, and where they fit with the Force. Yet, the Mand’alor did not fall into semantics, when she took Qiilura for the safety of my People. The Infernal reached out with the dedication I built into her through years of caring for her as a child. Thus, when I required a hiatus to tend my People, [member="Yasha Cadera"] sent my ship laden with goods, supplies and gifts for the Gurlanin of Qiilura.

Yet, I sense an ill favour on the wind. Running through the forest in lupine form feels… cautious. Hazarded. As if there are secrets waiting to be revealed.

Panting in the sun, I rise on my paws and lap at the clear water of the river. Nearby, members of my Pack are lounging or tussling around, ears pricked and twitching.

Perhaps I should go back to Kad’Harang and check on my fellow Mandalorians…
Qiilura was a world of interest to her for many reasons,mostly that being the natives having the power to hide from every form of detection and take any form they wish if she could utilize this gift it will possibly eliminate the need for masquers all together. But for now she had to dawn using the painful creatures to fit among the crowd of the marketplace in this new city that's still being built.

She kept the guise of a standard tourist as she recorded and took in every genetic data detail she could find, She could things at the microscopic level with her biotic upgrades to her eyes she kept her gear in there organic pouches and her amphi-staff where it could hide and avoid detection as well as be where if she need's to use it she can call upon it quickly.

For now she kept her standard demeanor looking subtly for weakness's that can be exploited once she returns here with the main fleet to lay claim to his world, She cant wait for such a day to come so she can play with this world how she sees fit and create more children for the vong war machine.

[member="Ambrose Cadera"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]

Zhaelor Anor

Docking Bay
Once more under the guise of a Duros, the captain of a shipping transport, Executor Zhaelor Anor took in the sights and smells of the planet Qiilura. The boarding ramp was lowered, with several concealed Yuuzhan Vong operating as crew members using masquers. The world was of particular interest due to one of the native species, the Gurlanins, who were able to shapeshift. It was an impressive and useful ability, and it was the Executor's hope that his shapers might be able to discern methods for mimicking - or even procuring - the capacity for the Yuuzhan Vong. Having such power in the hands of the Intendants would be unbelievable, allowing them to move freely through the galaxy, paving the way for the incoming invasion...

But, it did not seem wise to overreach before seeing it something was possible.

The crate Zhaelor carried was lined with supplies for the capital. Basic things that sentients tended to need, such as food packages, power packs, and other similarly disgusting technology. There were also larger crates being brought out of the cargo hold of the transport, crew using hoversleds, with the cargo within being of particular usefulness. If things went as planned, as Zhaelor suspected they would, the larger crates wouldn't need to be opened... but if they did, then woe to any who dared face what was within.

<<"Ghorza,">> Zhaelor called up into the ship, speaking in perfect Durese thanks to his inserted tizowyrm, as he put the smaller crate down near a stack. <<"Unloading is almost complete. Have you prepared the map of the city? We will meet Elafuh near the market.">>

Soon the hunt would begin in earnest...

[member="Ambrose Cadera"] | [member="Elafuh Thaal"] | [member="Ghorza Yim"]​
Hope is the elixir of life. (retired)
Docking Bay
Aboard the Duros Freighter
The young shaper was proud of her new biot. Since being in the Known Galaxy, Ghorza had utilized a common insect found most everywhere and remade it into an aerial drone much like they used a viewspider to spy within a specific area. Once one or several had done a grid flyover of an area i.e. city quadrant, the insect would come back to its home base and literally poop out what it recorded onto a flimsy paper to which she could make into a visual map for her fellow Praetorite Vong. There were still some tweaks to be made, but v1.0 was a go.

<<"Yes. I will be right there, Zhaelor,">> Ghorza answered in equally good Durese thanks to her tizowyrm, then she picked up the prepared map and exited down the boarding ramp.

The cloaker worn by the Vong allowed the Shaper Initiate to look just like a female Duros. As disgusting as it was in so many ways, Ghorza had taken to her new persona and looking like a spacer when masquerading around.

<<"Is it true human males do not like to ask for help with directions?">> she asked the Executor innocently yet there was a bit of humor infused as she handed over the folded map to their leader.

[member="Zhaelor Anor"] | [member="Elafuh Thaal"]​
[member="Ambrose Cadera"]​

ADDEN: Ghorza is not a PC any longer. Please disregard post~Thanks.
Qilura a planet stardust was but barely visiting, she moved forward off the shuttle and looked around the land, it was beautiful say the least and started couldn't wait to walk off to the grass and just explore it without much of a care at all. Simple fact she came without armor even showed she was merely here to camp put and see things out there.

However even as she stepped off and started out something dudnt feeling right, blank spots within the force where there shouldn't...she hadnt brought her guards at all....she moved off and decided she would camp out near the town just to see if things went south
As she continued her roaming she met up with other vong warriors that where disguised as Duros tourists and sent them off to there respective locations to wait for the command, She continued walking around as she mostly was looking for places for her new toys to flourish she was mostly waiting for [member="Zhaelor Anor"] and her apprentice [member="Ghorza Yim"] to arrive so that they can begin.

She was getting impatient but she knew better then to try and take anything by herself without coordination other wise this will go pear shaped really quick, She looked around at her surroundings and in her mind she was visualizing it terraformed to her liking and was already mentally picturing places for her work to commence and what creatures to create from the Gurlanin species that resides here.

[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"][member="Ambrose Cadera"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]

Yorik Krul

Qilura was the name of the infidel world. One among millions that would feel the wrath of the children of Yun-Yuuzhan. The shapers and intendants could sneak and scheme. Yorik was a warrior. He did not sneak. The Matalok that carried his warriors into battle exited darkspace and began its descent towards the world below.

The red mqaaqits glowed deep in his bony sockets as he looked over his warriors, clad in Vonduun Crab armour and holding amphistaffs.

We come to cleanse this world. The Gods are with us. Glory to Yun-Yammka!

The roars of the assembled warriors were incomprehensible as each roared out a personal pledge to the Slayer.

Yorik didn't smile. Their response satisfied him. Moments later the corvette analog halted its descent. The time had come.

A sphincter on the wall irised open to allow the warriors to deploy. Qilura stretched out below them.

From the air, Yorik and dozens of armed and armoured warriors dropped towards the ground from a height of several meters.

Do-ro'ik vong pratte!

[member="Elafuh Thaal"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Ghorza Yim"] [member="Zhaelor Anor"] [member="Ambrose Cadera"]
[member="Yorik Krul"] [member="Elafuh Thaal"] [member="Ghorza Yim"] [member="Zhaelor Anor"] [member="Ambrose Cadera"]

A fire sat before her, rather then having a heater to cook the food she went back to the very basic way of doing so finding it calming as she roasted some meat over the fire. The crackling bro8ght a relaxed sigh from her lips as she tore a bit of skin off and looked it over before taking a bite and nodding to herself satisfied at the rather sweet tasting meat

Removing the cooked animal she began eating slowly, eyes glancing about as that weird feeling persisted. Suddenly she felt a massive blank spot within the force. Her chewing slowed as she realized what it was....something dark from long long time ago.

She looked to the fire, quickly extinguishing the flame and made the camp look disarrayed, then she grabbed her sabers and sword attacking them again as she moved into the grass slowly heading for the area she felt was blank

If it was what she thought...force be with this planet
There were predators on the wind.

My paws thunder on the earth as I run toward the incursion of [member="Zhaelor Anor"] shifting down, landing in the new city. As I run, the gurlanin are moving, our intrinsic genetic telepathy coordinating the warriors in the city and informing the one-skinned Mandalorians of the threat falling.

Falling deeper. If this is true, and there is a force coming, they will recognize quickly that Gurlanin do not bow quietly.

“Ping the Mandalorians. Has anyone seen anything of this scourge? What tipped us off?” [member="Yorik Krul"]’s ship descended toward Qiilura, and I snap a growl.


[member="Elafuh Thaal"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]
The scent of death hung heavy under the darkened canopy of the jungle. The taste of fear, adrenaline, and anger danced upon his tongue as it lanced out testing the air. He knew he was close. The nearly imperceptible path nearly invisible as his prey was using a game trail to mask her passage. Yet it was there for one trained in the art of a hunter. However just barely.

Kneeling on the trail his hand lightly ran over the crushed foliage of many passages of varying sizes creatures. But it was here that his attention was drawn. For but a few feet the trail was nigh unmarked. The prey had erased traces of her passage and in doing so had masked the trail of other creatures who had passed recently. It was a subtle mistake, but a mistake nevertheless.

Rising he motioned for the other hunters to move along the trail. Their silent lope forward made them as wraiths. Where he ran past a tree his figure never continued with the others who followed along, their passage continuing until they we're out of sight, and eventually, out of hearing.

Slowly the sounds of the jungle returned as the Interlopers we're judged gone by the natural inhabitants of the planet. The prey continued to wait, no sound, no scent, no trace of her presence revealed. Seconds stretched into minutes. Minutes into hours.

And then a shadow rose from a burrow in the ground. A black furred snout rose to test the air. No sign of the hunters were found. Slipping free of her hiding place she heard a noise and froze, eyes flashing toward the sound.

The last thing she saw was the edged point of the amphistaff entering her orbital socket.

The shadow detached from the tree where he had been waiting. Waiting and watching for his prey to feel safe enough to exit her hidden cache. Now he moved to where his prize lay, the amphistaff slithering up his leg to settle around his waist. Reaching down he plucked the body from the ground and draped it over his shoulders before heading back to camp. He was careful not to jostle the pouch too much as the young pups rested within.

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