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Approved Species Species: The Saorsa

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  • Name: Saorsa
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Orenda
  • Language: Basic
  • Average Lifespan: Some Saorsa can live up to 200 years, and they reach physical maturity at 30 which is when the growing process ends and the aging process begins. Puberty begins at 15 and can last 5 years as adolescents grow into their powerful bodies. This is generally when a Saorsa grows their horns.
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Upon first glance, a Saorsa native appears rather, well, primitive -- As they do not have much modern technology except what they find or what they are given, they wear clothing they make themselves and wield weapons made of local metals and materials. Many Saorsa also sport coloured ropes wound around their arms, representing the clan they owe allegiance to depending on the colour. Red is the colour of the Sarang, the largest clan, for example. Their eyes are also noticeably bright-coloured and reflect light, their teeth are sharp and able to tear into raw flesh, and their fingernails are also hard enough to pierce an animal's hide, leftover traits from their truly primitive days. They're a relatively lean and muscular species as well, with health issues such as obesity almost non-existent due to their global diet and lifestyle.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average height of adults: 1.70m
  • Average length of adults: N/A
  • Skin colour: Saorsa range in skin colour anywhere from a lighter grey to a sooty black, and on occasion have pinkish undertones. Depending on the familial line, some Saorsa wear bodypaint or tattoos of specific importance, heralding back to great battles and ancient ancestors.
  • Hair colour: Their hair ranges from white to grey to black, and has no tonal shift outside of that spectrum.
  • Distinctions: Noticeably, the Saorsa have horns - Males have consistently larger, curlier ones that connect to the browbone, while females have smaller ones that are set farther back on the skull. The horns function similar to fingernails, and if it is minorly damaged it will grow back and heal over time. However, if it is severed in a violent manner, it will be amputated and unable to regenerate. A Saorsa who loses one or both of their horns holds great respect in all clans, as the general consensus is that they lost it in an epic battle or hunt. Some family lines also carry a genome that allows them to produce thin, spindly prehensile tails; though this genetic occurrence is rare, more predominantly female and restricted only to certain groups of people. If two carriers of the gene reproduce, there's a strong chance their child will develop one, however. A Saorsa must have two copies of the hereditary gene responsible to grow a tail, and if someone has only one of them (I.E. simply a carrier; this is similar to how blue eyes work in Humans), no tail will be exhibited. So, if two 'tailed' Saorsa have children, there's a 100% chance that their children will also develop tails. Lastly, retaining this trait from their prehistoric forms, most Saorsa have the vocal chords necessary to produce an intense 'roaring' noise, comparable in sound to a lion. This is used often as a battle-cry, a challenge, for long-distance communication, or as an intimidation tactic.
  • Races:
    ​​The Sarangi
    Members of the Sarang clan have their own denomination; being a part of the Saorsa's 3 largest clans means they make up a good chunk of the population. Known for their peacekeeping and passive ways, they are a large horde of an estimated 3000+ Saorsa coexisting peacefully under the Sarang family, who have led their clan for just over a thousand years.
  • The Yakowi
    Farmers by trade, the Yakowi hail from the Yakow clan, the second largest pack of Saorsa. Numbering only half of the Sarang clan's enormous numbers, they occupy some of the only healthy grasslands on their planet Orenda and also have large herds of Banthas, Mesa goats & sheep that they graze there. The Yakow family is ancient and wise, and this is the clan with the largest ratio of Force-sensitives to non-Force-sensitives.
  • The Schiami
    Healers and engineers, the smallest of the 3 biggest populations is the Schiama clan. Those from this clan's vast territories, the Schiami, occupy the more volcanic northern reaches of Orenda. They welcome outsiders with open arms into their clan, predominantly escapees from the mining camps, and have expanded their knowledge about the greater galaxy and technology itself. The Schiama family, however, is one of treachery and backstabbing, with the most predominant cause of a clan leader falling being murder or poison.
  • The Minor Clans
    Not every clan consists of a thousand+ members. Many other clans are smaller, consisting of 2-5 families only. They occupy small territory and do what they must to survive without being swallowed up by 3 of the bigger denominations. People from these groups are said to be 'from the minor clans'.
  • The Exiles
    Clanless and abandoned, Saorsa who break clan law are cast our from their family, clan and territory, and are branded with the mark of the exile. Many are left to aimlessly wander, buy their way off-world, or meet other exiles to form rag-tag 'clans' of their own. These roving tribes are considered more as lawless bandits than actual clans by fellow Saorsa, however, and are often targeted for attacks and raids.

  • Built Like A Bantha:
    A Saorsa is naturally strong. Even those considered weaklings are generally built enough to perform hard labour and can still deadlift a fair amount. This makes them powerful warriors, hearty and able to travel long distances for their nomadic hunter-gatherer-farmer lifestyle and excel in close-quarters-combat. Give them a blade or a vibrosword and they will turn their enemies into red ribbons. Their all-meat diet helps with this, as it ensures they have plenty of protein in their system to build up raw muscle.
  • Eyes Of The Feline:
    The Saorsa have evolved to have a tapetum lucidum present in their eyes much like a modern-day cat or dog. This allows them to see far more clearly in the dark than most others, giving them an edge in night hunting or travel. Their pupils reflect back green or glowing when a light source is directed at them (Such as a flashlight).
  • Carve Your Heart Out
    Retaining their sharp teeth and even sharper claws from their animalistic heritage, the Saorsa essentially possess natural weapons. Their talons are strong enough to rip through an animal's fur and hide, and their canines can easily break skin and tear flesh for consumption. However, a Saorsa would not dare turn their claws and fangs on a fellow; only on lessers who deserve to be eviscerated.

  • Slower Than A Drunken AT-AT
    The trade-off for their exceptional stopping power is that this species is not built for speed. While the females are considerably more dexterous, they too struggle with sluggish reflexes that are practically built into their DNA. To put it mildly, they could stop a bullet, but they couldn't evade one in the first place. This also makes them clumsy blaster wielders, which is why many prefer hand-to-hand combat or wielding melee weapons.
  • Ew, Veggies...
    As the Saorsa are meat-eaters, they can't consume or digest plants or they will become unbelievably sick. It's generally not recommended to feed vegetables or fruits to one, and some might even take being served them as an offense.
  • The Sky-Fallers Came
    The Saorsa are intrinsically afraid of anything relating to the wider galaxy. They had a brutal introduction to the wider universe and get overwhelmed by the scope of it all, and are terribly useless with technology (Their lack of agility plays into this weakness significantly; advanced skills like mechanics and piloting are utterly lost on the greater population). They are a primitive tribal species, after all, and have hardly moved past the Bronze Age.
  • Shadows Shroud Us
    Because of the lens present in their eyes that lets them see better in the dark, they suffer in daylight -- They can't see as far as they can at night, and are sometimes dazed by bright lights. This is why many of them remain indoors by noon on Orenda, to avoid hurting their eyes.


  • Diet: The Saorsa are obligate carnivorous, and are unable to pass plant matter in any capacity. As consuming legumes, fruits, or anything planet-based makes them violently ill, they are restricted to eating only meats (It's common practice for healers to use plants as a vomiting inducer, in the event it's necessary). As this dramatically cuts out many vitamins necessary for survival, the Saorsa are known to eat every part of an animal they kill, such as the hooves and skin, which they prepare in a way that makes it palatable. However, they're able to consume the meat either raw or cooked, their system is built to process both. Eggs and dairy products from domesticated creatures or scavenged from wild nests and beasts supplement their diet and provide the majority of their nutrition.
  • Communication: The Saorsa used to speak an ancient language that has been lost over hundreds of years, but were very quick to pick up on Basic, which is now the predominant language among them. Some mystics within clans keep this old tongue alive, but the majority of the population has forgotten it.
  • Technology level: Medium-Low -- Certain clans possess more tech than others, but the Saorsa generally do not create tech themselves. They barter for what they have with the mining groups on Orenda or scavenge, but don't actively seek or develop new advanced technology out themselves.
  • Religion/Beliefs: The Saorsa believe in the 'Life-Force' (Their interpretation of the Force) that is channelled by their Force-sensitive monks and shamans. These religious figures are in honoured positions among tribes in their own celibate covens, performing various duties such as helping give birth to new children, performing naming ceremonies, healing, officiating marriages and educating.
  • General behaviour:
    Deeply sentimental and emotional, the Saorsa are loyal to clan members as if they were bound by blood. As each clan is made up of several families and one ruling family, inter-marriage happens often. On occasion, ruling clan families may band together and unite their tribes to create a stronger force. Saorsa court partners through, like most things they do, violence; if a man is able to defeat his chosen bride in combat, they will be permitted to marry. If he loses, he must wait a whole month before challenging her again. On rare occasions, a female will issue a challenge to a male instead of vice-versa. Ironically, these uncommon matches are known the produce the strongest bonds. The Saorsa believe if you are able to clash horn-to-horn with someone who you will swear to protect to death, you will understand them better than anybody else and thus forge an unbreakable bond.

    Marriages are conducted by the mystics of the tribe, who utilize the Force to ensure that the match before them is both loyal and true. Once wed, most couples will average 2-4 children, with multiple births being a common phenomenon, believing to be traceable to the fact that Saorsa descent from feline-like creatures who would have had traditional litters. Education of these offspring is handled almost exclusively by the ruling female of the clan family and the clan mystics, who seek out any potential Force sensitives within the veritable gaggle of kids that the clans always have around to see if any are fit to join them. Commonly taught skills are reading, writing, and fighting-- In particular hunting --and, depending on the clan, things like farming, medicine and even technology can be passed down to the next generation.

    The Saorsa is a more nocturnal-leaning species, able to operate in the day but prefer the cover of darkness for hunting and travelling. Their eyes allow them to see unimpeded in the dark which is why they tend to be more active after the sun sets. Skilled night hunters, a pack of Saorsa could leave their tribe at sundown and return at dawn with enough food to sustain the clan for up to 3 days.

    In the event of betrayal or laws being broken by a member of the clan, they will be trialed and most commonly exiled or put to death if their crimes warrant it. Saorsa are very strict about this, and will not be lenient towards those who disrespect their rules. They are also intensely distrustful of outsiders in most occasions, but there are exceptions to this. They did not have a gentle birthing into the galactic scene and still harbor festering wounds from it.

The Saorsa are believed to have evolved from ancient horned felines that once dominated their planet of Orenda, and remained undiscovered so long because of Wild Space's nature. Developing an upright posture and more powerful techniques, the Saorsa advanced at a relatively slow pace in terms of intelligence and self-education. Their horns, once used as powerful weapons to aid in hunting, became little more than decorative features, and their tails all but disappeared except in a few genetic lines. A nomadic people, the Saorsa stay in clans of families led by a dominant one, roving across the Orendian countryside much like the herds of animals they track.

They remained uncontacted and undisturbed in Wild Space for thousands of years until the year of 2 BBY, wherein the original Galactic Empire installed mining garrisons on the Saorsa homeworld of Orenda, in order to harvest uranium. This is looked back on as 'The Time The Sky Fell' by the Saorsa people, who were undoubtedly traumatized following the sudden advent of spacefaring people and technology. While they were left mostly unmolested by the Imperial forces themselves, the Saorsa were able to get their hands on their first pieces of technology thanks to them.

After the fall of that Empire, they returned to relative obscurity, the shroud of Wild Space providing them with safety. But it didn't take long for the vultures to descend, and over the next few hundred years, mining operations would begin to take over the old Imperial facilities, this time getting more... Aggressive with the locals. While for the most part they tried to maintain a distant relationship, the quickly-corrupting mining corporations would attempt to woo the locals into working in the uranium mines, often taking willing workers away from their families to never be seen again.

This led to the organizations to be feared by the Saorsa, who viewed them as evil outsiders who would kidnap their children in the night. This was only spurred on by escapees from the fortresses who would bring back groups of off-world workers with them, speaking and attesting to the horrors endured within the uranium mines.

At the moment, the Saorsa people are neutral and owe no faction or government allegiance.
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