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Space Elves and Kar'zun

This thread shall provide a brief guide for the Space Elf races and the Kar'zun, complete with links so that those who are interested in writing or interacting with them can easily access pertinent information.


Of all the space elves, the Eldorai are the most developed, technologically advanced and widespread across the Galaxy. They have a matriarchal culture and can be compared to the High Elves of myth.

Historically, they are also inspired by 19th century Japan and China, being a proud, ancient civilisation that was forced to adapt to a changing world after being forcibly opened up by more powerful outsiders.

They originate from the planet Kaeshana on the doorstep to the Unknown Regions, but were forced to migrate when a massive asteroid devastated their homeworld, turning it into an apocalyptic wasteland where survival is a daily struggle.

An Eldorai remnant remained on post-apocalyptic Kaeshana, whilst the main body migrated to Tygara. Recently, Firemane Industries and the Tygara-based Eldorai Matriarchy launched a humanitarian mission to aid Kaeshana. Unfortunately, things went south when the imperialist First Order sought to subjugate the planet. Despite the best efforts of the Order of Fire, the Eldorai and the Galactic Alliance, the imperialists took control over the planet, though the allies were able to evacuate many Eldorai.

The Tygara-based Eldorai are governed by a theocratic, absolute monarchy, led by the Star Queen. The Eldorai are a polytheistic race, but believe in a supreme goddess called Ashira, and the Queen is seen as a her viceroy. Sadly, power struggles have been common, and so the Eldorai court tends to be the site of game of thrones style politics. However, the calamity on Kaeshana, as well as the resurgence of the Sith has forced the Eldorai to look beyond petty struggles for power and prioritise racial survival. Thus they have begun to disperse across the stars, seeking to found colonies and one day liberate their oppressed brethren on Kaeshana. Their best warriors are the Angelii, an all-female corps of Force-users who use elemental powers to serve as palace guards and shock troops. The Exodus has humbled the Eldorai and forced them to be more open to outsider influence, but they are very proud.

One can find Eldorai not only on Tygara, but also in the Free Worlds Coalition, the Outer Rim Coalition and other nations. While a number of members of the Eldorai diaspora acknowledge the Star Queen as a religious or moral authority, there are equally many who reject her in totality. These so called Dashdae (or Dark) Eldorai vary in ideology, some seeking a return to a 'pure' government and rejecting collaboration with outsiders, others having revolutionary agendas, such as the creation of a matriarchal republic, equal male rights or a socialist state.

Eldorai are physically weaker than humans and have a faster metabolism, but as a tradeoff they are dexterous, agile and immune to many diseases. In that regard they are typical Space High Elves.

If the Eldorai are typical High Elves, then the Vashyada are the archetypical Wood Elves. Being distant cousins of the Eldorai, they evolved on the world of Tygara, guided by the teachings of a 'demigoddess' called Tylania, who can broadly be considered to be a Galadriel type figure.

The Vashyada mostly live in the south of Tygara, deep in the forests. Once they fought a great war against the dark queen Mystra. Like Tylania she was a daughter of Ashira, but unlike her sought to impose her rule upon the world. Uniting both the Xioquo and Qadiri under her banner, she was only repelled when Tylania called upon the power of the Light.

Eschewing conquest, the Vashyada have lived in isolation in their forests, ruled by a Dyarchy that consists of a King and a Queen. Men and women are relatively equal in their society, since all hands are needed, which ironically makes them the most socially progressive elves despite being technologically inferior. They are surprisingly tough, strong and excellent scouts with keen senses, but also deeply fragmented in various polities, which makes concerted action difficult, and more vulnerable to disease than their cousins. Both the Qadiri and the Xioquo tried to conquer the Wood Elves, only to realise that the peaceful forest-dwellers can be tenacious fighters if pushed into a corner.

Overwhelmningly, the Vashyada favour the Light Side and are deeply spiritual. This gives their Force-users potent healing abilities, mental abilities and the ability to commune with animals. Those who draw upon the Dark Side are shunned, for their ways are seen as ruinous. Contact and trade has recently been established with them by Firemane. There has recently been a push amongst the Vashyada to open up and adapt outsider tech, which has caused culture clashes. Still, the first Vashyada have begun to leave the forests and explore the rest of the world, some even joining the Order of Fire, which knows no racial barriers and welcomes them into its ranks, for they are good scouts, pathfinders and hunters. Conveniently, the Abregado-Rae Guild of Hammers has been manufacturing bows and arrows that are actually useful in combat. So, yes, you can make a Space Elf Legolas, look cool and actually kill things with arrows.

The Xioquo are another sub-race of the Eldorai. The so-called Children of Darkness live in the mountains and caves of northern Tygara, residing in a place called the Underealm. Cunning and ruthless, the Xioquo name has become a byword for cruelty on Tygara. This is a little unfair since the other elf races are hardly pure as white snow.

The Xioquo resemble the drows of Fantasy and live far beneath the earth in a place called the Underealm. They are known as vicious pirates, slavers and darkside Force-users. Centuries of isolation, resentment and oppression have left their mark on their society, where dark mistresses held the people in thrall and directed their hatred against outsiders. Their technology can be compared to the 19th and early 20th century on Earth. The Xioquo were taught that it was their destiny to rule Tygara and that one day their immortal Queen Mystra would awaken and lead them to glory.

The battle was brutal and the casualties staggering. Mystra was awakened, but slain by the Alliance after proving her evil nature. Now the Xioquo stand at a crossroads: Some embrace change, especially freed slaves, others seek to turn back the clock. After being defeated by the Eldorai and Firemane they are now experiencing life without genocidal Dark Sided rulers. A few of them venerate Siobhan Kerrigan, believing she liberated them from the tyrant Mystra. Their new queen is a lightsider who balances morality with a commitment to ensuring that her people can chart their own course.

Xioquo are agile, see much further in the darkness than humans or other elves, and their dark skins allow them to blend into the shadows. The Force is strong in this race, though most become darksiders. However, having lived in the darkness for so long, they are vulnerable to the sun and other bright lights. Their skin can blister in the sun if left exposed, which is why they must wear covering clothing.

Xioquo have begun to explore the world beyond the Underealm, some joining Firemane, others seeking their fortunes elsewhere. Some of the Xioquo who have left Tygara end up in the ranks of the Sith or other dark cultists.

Of all the Tygaran natives, these are the closest to the Eldorai. They live in a part of Tygara characterised by deserts and are renowned as skilled navigators. Culturally, they are inspired by Ancient Persia and India. Qadiri are stronger and hardier than Eldorai, but still physically weaker than humans. They are tailored to survive in the hotter conditions of central Tygara. The political landscape of the Qadiri is highly fractious.

Nominally all accept the Saoshyant, a religious figure comparable to a Pope, as the highest priestess of the Goddess Kashara, but her temporal power is questionable. The most powerful ruler is the Shâhbanu of Amikarese Empire, Semiramis, but her nation is one among many monarchies, principalities and republics that jealously guard their independence. By and large, the warlike Qadiri have a Renaissance level of technology, but they're eager to embrace what outsiders can offer them. Slavery is a part of life in all Qadiri states and voices of abolition are few, though Firemane is dedicated to ending this practice. The Qadiri hold warriors in high regard and cultivate a martial ethos.

Qadiri have a high Force affinity, are excellent navigators and physically balanced, forming a good mix between humans and Eldorai. They are very agile, but with enough strength to hold their own in a fight. They seem to have an instinctual internal compass, which makes them good sailors and might make travelling through hyperspace easier for them once they get there. Physically, they're the jack of all trades amongst the elves. Like all Tygaran natives, they're still rather backward and have some catching up to do. Many Qadiri, particularly freed slaves, have joined the Firemane Auxiliary Corps, serving as Sepoys. Increasingly, they are being armed with modern weapons.
Our study would not be complete without a few words about the Kar'zun, the Eldorai's former archenemies. This is a silicon-based race of rock people who once lived on Kaeshana along with the Eldorai. They are strong, tough and honourable, but also a wounded people. The rivalry between both races was fierce and they warred for centuries, before the Eldorai Queen Ariane the Great wrested victory from near-certain defeat and crushed the Kar'zun, after the Eldorai had been driven to the brink of defeat.

Relations were poisoned for centuries when she enacted a near-genocidal campaign and her successors forced the Kar'zun into reservations. Under the new, liberal regime of Queen Tirathana, the Kar'zun have been emancipated and given territory of their own. However, purists on both sides refuse to forget old grudges. When an army of Kar'zun zealots, who had fled Kaeshana a long time ago, invaded the planet and tried to wreck it with an asteroid, the Kar'zun community on the planet sided with the Eldorai, gaining greater rights in return. During the Exodus, Firemane lobbied for the Kar'zun to be saved and was able to ensure that many of their people were evacuated, though some elected to stay.

Today, the Kar'zun have been given autonomy, but a number have elected to travel the stars instead of living on Tygara or other Eldorai-populated areas. Their superior strength and durability makes tough, albeit very slow-moving warriors, which is why several have become mercenaries or bounty-hunters. They are almost impossible to mentally dominate through the Force, skilled artisans and weaponssmiths and very resistant to cold and heat. As a tradeoff, they're slow and suffer from the curse of stone. Kar'zun soldiers in Firemane's ranks form the Granite Guard.

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