Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Space Cowboy

Jai looked down as Runi spoke, though he was surprised she took her helmet off. Why the heck did she had so much confidence that he could come back after everything? Well, she did answer, but he still didn't fully understand why? He did finally pull off his hood though, revealing tied back, brown hair, and pulled down his face cover.

"I.... No. I haven't...."

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida
"The burden of our hearts may at times become too great to bear alone, Jay. Do you feel it shameful to call upon the arms of your brothers and sisters to cut a swath through enemy forces, or do you recognize the futility of doing so alone? If you could control the emotional and mental burdens that would beset you -- as you control which jobs you take -- you could manage on your own. Life, however, is not designed to allow us to live in isolation. The Manda demands we grow as individuals, but not without ensuring we also grow collectively." Runi's hazel eyes had a stark clarity and sharpness that could steal the breath from those that saw them out of the corner of their eyes. Much as the cold blue of a husky might in the deep of winter. That gaze held on the man before her as she had spoken calmly, yet with an untold confidence.

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
Jai looked down a little as he listened to Runi, her eyes catching him slightly off guard. It was like she was staring into his soul or something. As she mentioned the Manda, and that they should ensure all Mandos grow, the man closed his eyes.

"I know. I just.... I couldn't.... I didn't know how to tell them.... Managed to chase my friends off because I couldn't tell them...."

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida
"You are not dead yet. There is still time, if you feel an error was made and a correction needed." Runi stared across at the man even as he grappled with the emotional weight of his circumstances. "The alternative is to wander the dark woods alone until time or old age claim you. Perhaps you will follow a different Path in the next life, but the hardship of this life may leave wounds that hound you even then."

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
Jai looked down, taking in the words that Runi said. She wasn’t wrong. He wasn’t dead yet, and he could try to patch things up with the others. Still, he didn’t know what to do. The “dar’manda” sighed, finally speaking up.

“I…. Wouldn’t even know where to start.”

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida
"With those closest to you," Runi replied if he desired to make amends. "Otherwise, by living honorably from this moment on." Sometimes the other parties didn't want to make amends. Sometimes they weren't ready to forgive or forget when you were. In those cases you had to start living for the future and perhaps, someday, another opportunity to address the past would arise; if it did not, then the past was best left in the past.

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
Jai looked down, sighing.

“I don’t know where they are now. Don’t even know where my clan is now.” He looked back at Runi, not really sure what to say. He knew it probably sounded crazy, but he hasn’t kept up with his clan’s whereabouts since… everything.

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida
Runi nodded. "Then live your life in honor of the Manda. Trust that your Path will take you to them once more. And do not shy away from vod; for none of us should wander the galaxy alone in perpetuity." A small smile graced Runi's lips. "You are Mandalorian, if your heart wills it so, Jay."

"Would you ask me to help find your clan? I would not force them upon you before you are ready." If Jai wanted Runi's help putting them in touch she would do so, but would not for him to accept the offer. To her, a person must choose to walk their Path (even if they need a little help staying balanced and walking in a straight line).

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
Jai looked down, smiling just a little. "That would be good, thank you...." He bit his lip a little, not sure what to say as he pulled something out his pocket. An old chain code. "I probably should be honest then. My name's not Jay, well.... not quite. My buir was a beastmaster. Named me Jai'galaar. Clan Gred." He then gave a low whistle, and watched as the Strill that had been following slinked forward. "And this is Ner'a."

Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida
A small smile touched Runi's lips as Jay spoke. When he introduced the Still, the Shaman extended her hand out toward the creature.

"Clan Gred?" Runi's hazel eyes lifted to regard Jai'galaar once more. "Known for their skill in combat and manifesting the power of the Manda." Scattered like many other clans after Mandalore. "Your honesty is most appreciated, Jai'galaar Gred; I will pass on what I hear of your Clan's whereabouts so you may be reunited once more."

"And Ner'a? As it been by your side all this time?"

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
"You seem surprised, Jai'galaar of Clan Gred. It is not so surprising to learn you refrained from disclosing your identity until now. Though you have not given much in the manner of detail of your past, what you have shared explains well enough your motives. While ordinarily it would be insulting to mislead someone in such a manner, your circumstances excuse it." Runi did not find the revelation taxing. Now as for what had led to his self-imposed exile, however, all remain to be seen. Mostly that was between him, those he wronged, and the Manda, however. If he could find it in himself to right past wrongs then he will have found his Path once more.

"Should you even need to speak in private, or in need of a place to reflect and find refuge, come to Resa on Hefi. A small, remote village tended by the Mandokarla."

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

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