Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Space Arena

Cadan sipped his whiskey as he thought about the question, It was a difficult one. "I suppose I wouldn't kill 'em as soon as I saw them. And I guess they could make powerful allies. But if I ever get my hands on the ones that attack me, I'm gonna blow their karking brains out!" He'd raise the cigar to his mouth, resting it on his bottom lip before breathing in the grey smoke. As he spoke the smoke would leak out of his mouth. "And if they didn't try to kill me straight away, I feel as though I might be able to like them."

Cadan hadn't notice the fact that Vitani was a Jedi yet as she had no visable traits of one. "What do you think of them?"

[member="Vitani Amani"]
Vitani relaxed a little, knowing that he wasn't an immediate threat to her and visa versa. She did think it was unfair what the other Jedi did to Cadan and the Jackals, it wasn't very Jedi-like.

Once he asked her what she thought of them, she saw it as no problem to tell him who she really was. "I'm really sorry that what happened to you and your Captain did, it shouldn't have, Jedi shouldn't do that and I know because well, I'm a Jedi." she said before quickly clarifying why she was here. "and I'm not here to shut you down or report you or anything, I just wanted to see what it was like here." she said with a smile.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Vitani Amani"]

Shakk was in her useral cloak and hooded, and she was here yet again at her fathers wish. She didn't much like the Pirates, yet she was there, forced to speak with the Captain, now promoted Admiral. She didn't much care for the mans rank, let alone his newly found friends. He had a contract with them, they funded everything he does, and she was too keep an eye on them, now was her time. She was sent on a mission to speak with [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], yet he was busy with his gambling and fighter that she would be noticed.

Shakk enjoyed her time in the shadows, easier to manipulate the situration and work, that's why her father send her everywhere he couldn't be. Case and point, where she was now.

She did see the Admirals right hand man, the Duros Cadan, so she approached him instead.

"Cadan, nice to see you are still on one peice, I was hoping you had died by now." She said with a grin, "hope the young girl isn't being infected by you."
The cigar would drop from Cadan's mouth, only to be caught by Jasper. A brief flare of anger cross Cadan's eyes, but subsided as quickly as it arose. "Just a padawan?" As he asked the question, he heard a somewhat familiar voice.

He'd turn to face Shakk Awaud. "To your disappoint meant I am still breathing. And no, Vitani is quite safe." He'd look over to Flannigan, but he was still busy. "Vitani, this is..."
Cadan would click his fingers and look up to the roof, as if expecting the name to be plastered up there. "This is uhhhhh..." His gaze would fall upon Shakk, awaiting her to give him the name.

[member="Shakk Awaud"] [member="Vitani Amani"]
The Sith lord would seem to of missed all the fun, though being on a mission was more important than personal pleasure and at this moment his concentration was on that of remaining near invisible by the force as well as keeping his presence down to a near improbable size and yet his training in the art of the small had paid off.

Carolus's eye would simply scan each area he walked towards, searching for not just anyone but a certain someone and his determination to find them was unmatched at present. The question now though, will Carolus find the one he is after or will they escape his grasp?
Fiar Walks the hallways inspecting the space station with two men to his side, Just a routine check up reminding the strangers onboard we have security.
The Sith lord would seem to be up on his luck, it would seem that there was a welcoming committee, or at least [member="Fiarr Zikri'tvo"] with two strong looking guards. Carolus would take a step to the side as the three would walk past him, of course unknown to them that had happened and with that, the lord would turn and concentrate upon the middle-man, using telepathy to speak directly to him.

"Fur-ball, you like technology? I have tonnes of it, make your way to room 31-C but you must go alone and make sure only you know that you're there, which means- Lie to the guards and disable the cameras on your way. Hurry or I will throw all of it through the escape pod."

As he finishes what he had to say, Carolus breaks the telepathy and quickly makes his way to the room he spoke of and concentrated on his stealth, and presence within the force the entire way to the room and waited by for the fur-ball.
Fiar Scratching his Chin he nods to the random guy he turns to the men signaling for them to leave. He starts walking to the deck turning the cameras off as he goes his thinks the scrapes must be really illegal and good if he wants all this done before he gets there. Smiling to himself he wonders what it will be.
[member="Fiarr Zikri'tvo"] would open the door to the room, using his key to enter the room and once the door closes behind him, Fiar would see nothing but a simple room. Once entered more into the room, he would hear the swift sound of a saber coming alive and slowly turning, he would see Carolus's form seem to shimmer back into reality as the stealth would dissipate.

"I apologize fur-ball, your captain has opted for your death."

The tone would show genuine sympathy for the creature, though his eye wouldn't show any signs of backing down and once he finishes the sentence, would hold up his saber in his right hand and swiftly, would dash towards the fur-ball and attempt to end his life quickly.
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Vitani Amani"]

The forgetfulness of the Pirates was what she saw as their best quality, as she was a hidden agent, being forgotten was her goal. Though this time she was to be quick about this and just pass along the information, after all she was to be sent an another mission.

"Who I am, doesn't concern you," she pulled out a data pad, "who I work for is Admiral Jaster Awaud, pays the bills of your station and keeps you employed, well 'did' I guess until you moved employment."

She handed the data pad to Cadan, "Your Captain, or Admiral, might want to know we have more money for him in the near future, my employer will contact him on a later date, but on this job, secrecy is the top priority."

She didn't much mind Cadan, she just liked teasing them after all, she was paying people who wanted them dead after all. Now, was when her father would bring in the small group he invested in.
To Fiar's surprise he quickly as possible reaches straight for his sonic pistol lifting it up arm straight, aiming down the iron sights his eye lock on his target firing Immediately at the sith. A round convulsing Bubble flys out of the end of the pistol towards Sith with the speed of sound. Fiar attempting to protect his life hold his ground.
For the first time ever, a member of the Jackal's caught Carolus off-guard and with a swift kick on the ground, he attempted to dodge the bubble though was hit on his right side and due to his guard being down, sent his saber falling to the floor. The Sith lord continued his onward assault, as he arrived at the destination a solid right kick towards [member="Fiarr Zikri'tvo"]'s chest would be done and if successful Carolus would take the opportunity to unlatch his old saber, allowing the blue blade to spring to life and slash towards the Bothan's neck.
[member="Fiarr Zikri'tvo"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"][member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Sempra thwirled his fat fingers gazing upon the comers and goers. He had a hard time deciding who was running this show but he figured the Upright man had some sort of leverage around here. The security made an appearance as well. The question remained wether they would interfere in any bussiness apart from maintaining order?
flannigan and Chiasa was renowned and would probably care less if Sempra did not stir to much motion.
He kept an eye on his fellow Hutt as it pleased him their prescence in an establishment like this would be worthy of notice to the many shady characters moving about.

Finally Sempra, whilst scratching his flobbery chin, decided to make a move. The recent commotion somewhere taking alot of attention it seemed a good opportune to miss.
With a nod to his Nikto enforcer the man pushed a slave to her feet carrying a small box on a velvet pillow. The slave approached Bongo and with an overly submisdive bow presented the box to Bongo or whomever seemed to be acting on his behalf.

"A token of friendship and generosity on behalf of the wise Sempra the Hutt." she declared as the Nikto popped open the box revealing a rare specimen of the blue tree frog, not often seen outside of Nal Hutta. On the side of the creature rested a small glass box containing some of Sempras finest spice sample.

Once the gift was handed over Sempra waved to the rest of his slaves. A few of then then started to spread out in the arena. They were keeping low profiles yet eyes and ears open for a bussiness opportunity. The slaves would offer a slightly above medium quality spice to a reasonable price. If left undisturbed their stock would run out pretty quickly and further inquiries would lead back to the Hutt in the Alcove with a small pile of the spice piled up on the table in front of him.
He'd been with the Jackals for the longest time, sure they were abhorrent and the scum of the galaxy, but he was too. It wasn't something one admitted to yourself that your best friend's are monsters, but he didn't care every moment from Thraxis, bouts of anger Cadans awful jokes and the captains loud breathing these were all moment that went through his mind, it would be the last time they did too.

It started with a flutter, the hue and light from the sabre eliminating his form and figure, giving him an almost translucent look about him, his eye's grew grey and there was a silence to his breathing, a loss of motion in those slight but always constant movements that made up a living body, it was cold not for the sabre close at hand but for something else, it grew dark and not the type when the lights were turned out on an empty room, the type of darkness with nothing in it.

"The reward of sin is death." That's hard.
..."If we say that we have no sin,
We deceive ourselves, and there's no truth in us."
Why then belike we must sin,
And so consequently die.
Ay, we must die an everlasting death.
What doctrine call you this? Che sera, sera,
"What will be, shall be"? Divinity, adieu!
[member="Darth Carolus"]​
The Sith lord would not waste time, turning towards the exit and lifting his fallen saber with the assistance of the force and latching it to his belt with the blue saber still out. Within a moment his body would begin to shimmer to a see-through like state before exiting the room and if anyone would be looking in the direction, would simply see a blue saber shrink into what would seem to be nothing and the door close soon after.

Carolus would now be on his way towards where he docked his ship, spending the rest of the time on board concentrating on hiding both his presence and his appearance, upon being successful he would board his ship and begin launching sequence, dialing in coordinates and soon after, be off of the station and on his way to his next destination.
A Trandoshan, one that worked for The Jackals, saw the lightsaber dissappear. After waiting a few moments, it would approach the room, his eyes falling upon Fiarr. His eyes would darken with anger. Opening his comm up to Flannigan. "Sssir. It's Fiarr, he's dead. I found 'im, looks like he was killed by a lightsaber." By the way the Trandoshan spoke, it sounded like death was a common thing.

Cadan scratched his head as she spoke. "Moved employement? We did no such thing. Jaster gave us credits, and we are at his bidding." His grip on his glass would tighten, obviously angry by the turn of events. He took the data pad with his freehand, and began reading it.

Cadan's comm link would light up, and the Trandoshan would speak, followed by a set number, obviously a room in the station. Cadan's eyes would flare with rage. Fiarr, one of his best friends, dead? At the mention of lightsaber, he would look to Vitani and Shakk. "I won't hurt you. Just come with me. I might need back up." He'd throw his cup to the ground, the glass spinning of in all directions, as he began to run towards the room. His grip around his Raven Gauss Rifle would tighten.

[member="Shakk Awaud"] [member="Vitani Amani"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]

Shakk realized that something was wrong, Cadan was a loyal friend and wasn't much for rash decisions. There had to have been a problem, she chased after him, a strong absence was felt through the force, as if no one was near them, at least cable of using the force.

"Careful Cadan, this force user, I can't feel him at all!" She yelled after the angered pirate.

She radioed back to her commando units waiting outside the station in wait for a problem to arise, who knew if they were needed. She firmly grasped her blaster pistol and in the other hand a riot electrical baton made of Madalorian Iron. She was skilled with a weapon and could disarm a novice Lightsaber user easily.
Whirling, buzzing, noises, sounds, pictures. All of these were in ADAM's all seeing eyes, he moved through the ship at a lightning-fast pace, the best security droid a company could ask for.. He watched as his fellow crewman turned off cameras and he continued to inspect it further, with little to no results. He had manually turned off the cameras, this was no good. It wasn't unusual for the pirates to turn off the cameras, especially if they were bringing a lady of the night into their bedroom, but he did not return in time, and although the cameras had been turned off, the sound-recording remained on.​
ADAM listened intently, what were those sounds? Tumbling? Noises? What? Adam switched quickly to the hanger camera and found it operational, he watched as a shadow figure slipped into a ship, he began running the registry and seemed to hum with enjoyment, this was fun! He couldn't believe that he finally saw some action that required his attention. Meanwhile his holo-projection still floated in-front of his captain, unaware of it's surroundings. It spoke, automated. "Intruder alert, sealing bay doors." the grinding sound of the bay doors moving slowly to close before the man could escape, much too slow to catch his ship as it had already started luanch procedure. A.D.A.M. ran the man's figure through his recognition banks along with several other methods, finally turning up a single result. He spoke nothing but continued to concentrate on closing the doors, but it seemed like they never would fully shut!​
[member="Darth Carolus"]​
It was with that various lights and noises were sounding off from his com, lines of static with rumbling voices and the sound of [member="A.D.A.M."] "Chiasa, it's time to go." he'd motion standing between himself and the crowd, there was an intruder or atleast that's what the alarms said, and he didn't know how many other hostiles were in the crowd, he'd motion her forward into the depths of the Hutts booth, moving her closer to the door.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Triam Akovin"]​
Whirling buzzing, more noise. Static? No. Interference, he pulled his AI and stopped giving commands to the droids, turning his full attention to the home of the pirates, in the security room moniters would flash violenetly from one picture to the next, searching, looking... But where? Interference.. Holonet usage, money. Data being poured in from every nook and cranny of the station, men leaving with women, women leaving with men, slaves... Droids? Not his droids, not droids he recognized, too small for the camera.. A bigger droid? Larger.. Hallway, end of it.. Sitting still, looking through.. a scope? Further analysis

"Second Intruder Detected, sealing hallway."

The coms of every elite crewman begin going off simultaneously, warning them of impending danger with a simple ring
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Fiarr Zikri'tvo"] [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Thraxis"]

The doors, shutting now on the hallway where the droid remained staring through it's scope, did it know? Was it sentient? Did it know where it was? These questions needed answers, and ADAM was determined to find them out. He moved back to the main security in the arena, spectators.. too many people to pinpoint, so many weapons.. The Holo-image of ADAM stared towards his captain as he began moving away.

"Awaiting orders captain." the voice spoke, directly to his captain's ear. A transmitter? No. Maybe. He turned and stared towards the woman that had been nearest them and had spoken to the president of the Red Ravens.

[member="Triam Akovin"]

The Bay-doors, still shutting? Stuck. Something blocking them, more than enough room for the man to escape. A grinding sound came from ADAM as he seemed frustrated, his hexagonal coverings moving around slightly.

[member="Darth Carolus"]

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