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Approved Tech Soothsayer Brand Energy Sword

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  • Classification: Energy Sword
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Average
  • Good Replacement: Energy Swords in eons past have been used as a suitable replacement to Lightsabers. Mainly due to their higher effective cutting power comparable than other Metal, or physical swords or melee weaponry. As such, this Energy sword has the capability to cut through most materials with ease. However, the thicker plating, or more durable materials will take longer to "cut" or require a more forceful strike in order to make a "Clean cut." While it isn't as powerful of a Lightsaber, it is much more powerful than your Vibrosword.
  • Disruption Sword: Utilizing not just a mere sliver of a rare Etaan Crystal, known for making loud clashing sounds when used within a lightsaber, but also the combination of an Ultrasonic Vibration Generator with the usage of two Sonic based Cells. The "Blade" of the Energy sword is set at a frequency which causes massive amounts of Sonic based damage to armors, as well as the body. Secondly, it it tuned to the frequency of organics. Causing disruptions of the Nervous system. Triggering intense pain reactions from those struck by the weapon. In the past, the Nerve Disruption systems were used to extract information from those afflicted. However, when utilized in this weapon, it is turned up to 11. Causing Spasms, Alter the state of consciousness, and induce severe pain. So much so, some of the test results showed loss of feeling to areas struck, permanent nerve damage, and if struck in the head could prove fatal by messing with the brain's signals through the system. The most dangerous of which can be causing the victim to be "Brain Dead."
  • Shield-Piercer: Utilizing an Ion Cell housed within the grip of the weapon, permits the weapon to cause considerable damage to shielding systems, as well as doing damage to electrical systems should an Armor have a HUD set up, or be weak to Ion or EMP based weaponry.
  • Never Turning Off: Utilizing Reinforced Duraplast, the weapon is hardened to EMP, and Ion weaponry. Such measures of shutting down electronics will prove to be ineffective against this weapon. More over, being powered by an Isotope-5 cell means that it can be active for centuries before losing power.
  • Ain't No Jedi: Energy Swords have a severe lack of ability to defend against blaster weaponry. A typical thing Jedi and Sith do is redirecting Blaster bolts back at their attacker with their lightsaber. However, the blade of the Energy sword is extremely thin. So much so, that attempts to redirect the blaster bolt will be met with the bolt being split in two, or the blade to just simply phase through the bolt. This weapon is entirely meant as an offensive tool.
  • Laughs in Tank: The Energy sword is not super powerful with its cutting prowess. While it can cut through simple steels, other melee weapons, and do some massive damage to lighter armors, and even medium armors, Thicker energy resistant plating can find that it will take multiple cuts, more powerful strokes, or a prolonged exposure to the surface in order to cut or "melt" through the material. Unlike Lightsabers which are notoriously known for being able to cut through a multitude of metals with little to no effort.
  • Weightless Blade: As such with the Lightsaber, Energy Swords are made purely of energy. Thus having the blade nearly weightless. While its nearly impossible to actually feel any weight difference when the blade is activated, it still functions as such. Requiring training on the users part. It would take a moment or two for a random person to be able to swing this without injuring themselves or someone else.
  • Sensitive to the Ear: Due to the frequency at which this weapon is emitted at, organic creatures that have heightened senses, specifically hearing, can find it difficult to be around the weapon. The Sonic Cell and Nerve Disruptor can cause passive damage to those who have hearing much better than that compared to other Near-human species.
  • Defended for Might: Shielding systems that can defend against Ion Weapons, Sonic weaponry, and Energy Weaponry will pretty much prove this weapon ineffective. Any variation can reduce the effectiveness of the sword.
Energy Sword have been used in past instances for replacements of Lightsabers. Namely due to their more ceremonial application. However, In the years following the Four-Hundred Year Darkness due to the plague, Echani as a culture has grown more accepting of Droids. Including the creation of the First iteration of Combat Units. In fact, they were so useful and vital for guards, droid Combats, or aiming to train up and coming Echani Martial artists that they developed a Secondary Iteration. Even processing the ability to sniff out old Vong enemies during the time of the One Sith, and their usage of the Extragalactic peoples. Finally coming out with an iteration in which were used more of a policing force for the Echani.

The Echani have slowly over the years been introducing the production of Energy Swords. Namely as they have been well known for the usage of Vibroswords utilizing Cortosis within the blades, and their, arguably despised cousins, Thrysian's aptitude of Force Pikes. However, when the Galaxy changes, when Wars rage, a people need to evolve, and become stronger. This Arms race that has formed due to the various Factions of the Galactic scale rising and falling has brought forth the once Small forge of Yusanic Ironworks to come towards the forefront in creating a new series of Energy Swords that can be utilized by the Government enemies of the Echani people, and those who are allied with them to a smaller degree.


Dang, quite the beautiful sword. Loving the entire idea of this, a hyper-deadly Vibro-blade with an energy coating, a weapon fit for the formidable Echani. Absolutely adoring the historical references to Echani warfare in the description too. Very nice work.

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