Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sometimes, a girl needs her daddy....

James had said precisely the things Ben had hoped to hear. Despite the happy accident of his falling for [member="Jessica Justice"], Ben still had ambitions that stretched beyond marrying into a powerful family--though the thought still had tickled Ben when James had mentioned it. True, they were young now, but Jess was the first person for whom Ben had felt this strongly. The thought of a future that invariably included her was not outside of Ben's head. Ben did hope however that [member="James Justice"] would take the closeness of the young Jedi to his daughter as all the more reason to help him become powerful. Ben was not afraid of trials by fire, in fact it was his experiences away from the Temple, no teacher to hold his hand, from which he became strongest.

"Sir, I would neither expect nor accept anything less. I'm not one for favoritism, and I certainly believe in earning the things you're given."

He looked to Jessica, locking eyes with her for a moment. He wondered if she would be bothered by his mixing of business and personal relationships. Ben knew that James and Jessica were somewhat estranged. Maybe he could build a bridge between them again, or maybe he was jeopardizing the joy he was finding with the young woman by becoming another of her father's contacts. He did worry if she would see him as somehow tarnished, turning to crime, considering that it was his charming, pure naivety that had so attracted her at first.

"Though I do hope that my taking up work with you won't stand in the way of my developing a relationship with you as Jess's father. Right now, allowing that to grow is most important to me."
She flush, a bight, furious red. It thrilled her to hear her father effectively approve of Ben, but even more, giving Ben the opportunity to become the man he'd need to be too protect not only her, but himself, from the world that being with her would bring down upon him.

When Ben nervously brought his eyes to Jessica's to read her reaction, he'd be rewarded by a more than moderately thrilled grin gracing that blushing face. She gave an energetic, though surprisingly controlled, nod of approval, before glancing to her father. "A request? Can we nae give him any jobs that has him doing work with, or like, Thraxis?"

She's never actually witnessed the man in action, but she's seen him at a distance. He was terrifying. The sensation of dread he instilled in the young woman was palpable just in the mentioning of his name. A slight shudder, before she snapped that grin back on her face. She had all but forgotten her Red, which now lay smoldering in the ashtray. At that moment her cute little form was bouncing ever so slightly with excitement. With only so many words, she and Ben had been effectively betrothed, by her own father no less!

[member="James Justice"] | [member="Ben Corscifine"]​
James was getting tired. Just--physically, his body was starting to protest by the battling he had done. He was sure Ben would be getting tired sooner than later and no fellow interested in his daughter would be sleeping in a hotel when James owned luxury rooms. Five bedrooms alone for his, depending on how slummy he felt and how many women he was entertaining that week. He was sure he could spare one for Ben and another for Jess.... right? He'd have to check how many women he had this week.....

"It won't," James assured him, "I am of the mind ye know a man the best when ye get to work with him. Ye see his work ethic, his mentality, his person when he be workin alongside ye. And in this business? Ye need people ye can trust. Its deadly, and ye wanna know ye back will be had when it looks like its gonna be ye end, not some fool lookin for a paycheck." He shifted slightly, "I can teach ye a lot. Leadership, inspiration, deal makin', how to win the battle before it starts not here," he said tapping his blaster, "but here," he tapped his head, "And like ye said, we learn by people bein' round us."

[member="Ben Corscifine"]
[member="Jessica Justice"]
Perfect. It was perfect. Ben had a chance now to prove himself again. Though he would never admit it, Ben felt the most fulfilled when he was validated by his superiors. Though the masters had changed, already his subconscious was forming a new structure of feedback--James and the members of his company would be his teachers. He would focus on earning their trust and respect--and Jessica's, too, of course. Ben found himself nodding along before James had finished his small lecture. "Yes, sir. I would appreciate that so much. I promise I won't let you down."

Then a wave of fatigue hit the young man harder than anything had that day. It really hadn't fully registered with Ben, the events of the last serveral hours. He had been in a massive firefight, he had taken a life, he had been shot. He was in shock for the entirety of the rescue and this conversation, and relaxing with a drink had sapped the last of his artificial energy. It would have been apparent to anyone in the room that the boy needed to sleep. In an exhausted daze, he looked to Jess and smiled. "I'm glad you're safe," he stumbled to say sweetly.

[member="James Justice"] | [member="Jessica Justice"]

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