Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some Planet. Some Where...

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Danger and Myra had just finished setting the baking sheets into the oven. With advanced technologies in food heating and preparation, they would be done in a few minutes.

Eggs, fried rashers of bacon, and pancakes were the order of the day for breakfast. A fresh pot of caf along with Alric's cup of black tea was set along the table.

"Go on now, wash your hands up and set the table." Danger told Myra, giving her a tiny little bop over her bottom in encouragement. Chuckling as the youngling ran off to the sink to wash her hands, Danger shook her head. She went about on cleaning the counter from the dusting of flour and the dirty bowls.

Alric and Nel would be here soon enough.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Things were quiet, as they always were between himself and Nel. A few times the woman commented about the architecture of the farm, how something was familiar to her or foreign, how she liked this or that. It was all very pleasant and nice, but Alric could tell that there was something still on her mind. Nel wasn't exactly the best at hiding her emotions, it was why she hadn't really expanded Vanir much. Social skills were a rather important aspect of a CEO, at least if you were planning expansion.

If you weren't however, if you wanted to focus on the internals and efficiency...then someone like Nel was perfect.

The woman was beyond brilliant, far more intelligent then Alric could ever hope to be. She could design entire space stations within a moments notice, create powerful weapons, perhaps even warp reality with her very thoughts...well maybe not that last one, but there was no doubt in Alric's mind that Nel was one of the most intelligent people he'd never met.

"Just up here." He said as they stepped into the lift.

Nel didn't ask why they weren't taking the stairs, she knew better.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

"You got the plates, sweetie?" Danger would call over her shoulder, catching sight of the youngling carefully set the round white plates upon the dining table.

Myra gave an empathic nod, moving from one seat to the next. She had yet to remove her apron, so she was still a bit covered with that light dusting of flour. It was adorable really.

"Alright, get the fixings with the forks and such." A faint click, click of claws came trotting into the kitchen. It was Mr. Tuggles. As expected, the Tuggle began following Myra much like a lost pup.

A giggle came from her direction as he butted her with his head, demanding a bit of affection.

Shaking her head, Danger brought the cups of caf and tea over to the table. She'd set the platters of breakfast in the center afterward, allowing for everyone to pick and gather what they wanted to eat at their leisure.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He wondered briefly why Nel was here.

In truth the thought hadn't actually come to him until now, but curiosity was getting the better of him. There weren't really many things that she couldn't talk about over holo, in fact Alric couldn't think of a single thing that wasn't able to be addressed over a simple holo-communicator, or perhaps a conference. He frowned slightly as the turbo-lift came to a stop, holding in place as the doors slipped open. A shrug rolled over him inwardly as he stepped off the lift, bidding Nel forward.

They crossed the short bridge into the kitchen.

"Honey." Alric called out so that Danger wouldn't be too startled.

Myra of course would be shy at first, though she knew of Nel she'd never actually met the Liran. After the Ithorian on The Foundry however the Liran would hardly be anything to look at. Nel looked more human then she did Alien save for the points of her hair.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Myra was quick to run over to Alric, where she promptly clung behind his pants. A bit of extra flour might have gotten on his trousers, but nothing to be anxious about. At the very least, Myra’s expression wasn’t worried as much as curiously cautious.

Meanwhile, Danger beamed a broad smile over at Nell. “Good mornin’ Miz Nell,” she told her. The Queen of Trade gave a wipe of her hand, and then outstretched it to the Liran in greeting.

“A pleasure as always.” Likely it was something really out of the ordinary for the woman to see Danger in a sort of domesticated role, most of the public eye saw her as a more gracious and perhaps, untouchable conglomerate owner.

“Got some breakfast ready if you like. Just make yourself at home.”

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric swept his hand through Myra's hair, gently running his palm over her head and tussling black locks for a moment. He half stretched, then looked over towards Nel. The Liran looked uncomfortable for half a moment, but then seemed to force herself to drop that thought away and move towards the table. She greeted Danger with a warm smile and a word of hello.

"Thank you."

The Liran said as she took a seat.

Alric followed after her not soon after, taking up Myra and putting her into one of the chairs that sat around the table. He waited for a moment so Danger could join them as well, food placed on the table and everything looking home. He smiled slightly as Myra almost completely ignored table manners and began to dig in, Nel watching the little girl for a moment before returning her attention to the adults at the table. She looked at Alric, then Danger, then blurted out what was on her mind.

"I'm resigning as CEO."


Well that would explain it.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Well, that was... unexpected.

Alric would catch the slight widening of her eyes, the subtle movement of her head turning to catch his expression. Myra didn't pay much mind to the slight tension, she was happily enjoying grabbing her food.

That was about the time the oven gave a beep!

"Well, let me go get them biscuits," Danger said with a winning smile, keeping herself cordial and pleasant. In reality, Danger was on high alert on the inside.

What could have happened that would make Nell want to resign? Did something happen at Vanir? And more imporatantly, she mused a she stood, ambling over to the oven.

What did this mean for Alric?

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"I can't handle it anymore. There's...there's too much. The Foundry was my project, my first and only, the thing that I poured my heart and soul into. The Negotiation with the board, the deals with all the other corporations, everything that went into construction...the fortune we spent on buying back almost full stake in Vanir Technologies. Everything, all of it is just too much. I can't do it anymore Alric, and I won't. I've already handed in my resignation..."

Alric could tell there was a 'but' coming.

"But the board will only accept it if you step in as CEO again."


Yeah that made a lot of sense. It was really the only thing Alric could think of in that moment, having yet to process exactly what that would mean. He had just told Danger that they would be taking a step back from running corporations, and with the Foundry now completed...well Vanir Technologies was about to launch itself into the galactic center. He frowned for a moment, then slowly began to shake his head. The Tetan couldn't do that, he couldn't do it to Danger, he couldn't do it to Myra. "No."

He finally said.

"I just told my wife we won't be getting involved in...well anything." Nel's face almost immediately dropped.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Things certainly were escalating quickly. Danger didn't have to look far, Alric's blue eyes met hers in that instant. He meant every word he said. It was there etched on his face, in the line of determination over his jaw. He had brought them here, both Myra and Danger, to take a step back. He would not go back on that commitment now.

The question was now what would happen with Vanir? With the board of directors? It was troubling. Danger had her own thoughts and views on the matter, but like always, when it came to discussing business that was left be unless the other asked for advice.

Taking the sheet of biscuits out, the woman set them to cool on a rake. While Alric and Nell continued their conversation, she would quietly collect a few to bring back to the table.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]


Alric could see the disappointment in Nel's eyes.

It was painful.

In an odd way Nel reminded him of his own daughters. That was preposterous of course since the woman was nearly two hundred years older then him, but she had a way about her...a severe lack of social grace that made you want to take care of her. It was really rather odd, but for her species Nel was actually quite young, so he supposed that it made sense in an odd sort of way. He frowned for a moment, letting out a sigh and looking towards Danger.

"I can't, Nel." His words were more gentle this time. "I begged my wife to take a step back, to live our lives here in calm and peace."

He looked around. "What kind of hypocrite would I be if I turned around and became CEO?"

There was an odd question of what would happen if Nel resigned anyway. He imagined that Vanir would go through a period of instability, that the board members would panic...and then everything would be up in the air. It would be the perfect time for someone smart to swoop in and take control of the company. Nel knew that, Alric knew that, Danger knew that. The only one in the room who didn't know that was Myra and she was enjoying her pancakes too much to care.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Things were starting to... escalate. Alric's voice may have lowered an octave and he might have repeated what he said in a calmer tone, but the growing tension was there. This was not the sort of conversation one had around the breakfast table. That thought would be expressed over Danger's face when Alric would catch her expression. It didn't need to be said, it was clear enough. There was time to talk business, but honestly, here? In their new home? While they were trying to eat?

No. Not after he asked her to please separate things. To take a step back.

Nell was very obviously upset, and the situation needed to be handled with care. Danger understood that. However, perhaps it would be better if Alric took Nell to one of the offices within the manor. A more comfortable area where Nell would be able to fully disclose comfortably what was going on.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

He tipped his head back and sighed, slowly shaking as if he were annoyed. "Let's not do this over breakfast."

His eyes shot to Myra for a second who was still happily obliviously.

"There's an office." There were actually several dozen. "We can talk there."

Alric shot Danger an apologetic look, though in truth it was more of a pleading glance. He didn't know what to do in this situation. For the first time in his life he was actually denying the thought of power. He'd never done that before. Vanir Technologies was poised to become one of the largest, and one of the most central ship building corporations in the entire galaxy. That was a power that didn't even exist right now, and he wanted to simply push it away.

The idea was new to him.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

The question was, what did he want her to do about it?

This was something that he'd have to decide for himself. While he did give a silent plea, perhaps it was best to first discuss with Nell and find out what exactly happened. It wasn't like the company would fall apart in one day. Finding out what went wrong, what are Nell's concerns, and just what is the state of Vanir now was what was important.

So she kept her cordality as she simply gave an encouraging smile. "Perhaps just talking it over some would do some good. I can get you both something to drink."

Myra finally began to notice something was off due to Alric's shift in tone. Her grey eyes swung from her plate in mild confusion to both Alric and Danger.

"It's alright honey, you enjoying your food?"

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Alric tussled his daughters hair.

"Just some boring grown up stuff." He told her. "Nothing to worry about."

In truth it really wasn't.

How Vanir Technologies ended up wouldn't really effect them in the end. Though he owned much of the company and benefited from it's success, it most certainly wasn't the end all be all of their wealth. Danger had more then enough money to sustain pretty much anything, and Alric himself still held a small personal fortune that went far beyond whatever Vanir could provide him. The truth was they didn't need the company, but unlike Titan, Alric actually cared about Vanir. "Come on, Nel."

He stood from the table and lead the Lira out of the Kitchen.

The office wasn't too far, and it would be better to keep Myra away from the argument.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

While that may have reassured Myra some, it didn't completely. In her mind, Alric and Nell hadn't even touched their food. Was everything okay? Were they mad? The lady seemed to look upset. Her tiny brow furrowed in confusion, fork held up over her plate with a tiny square of pancake barely holding on.

Were they gonna come back and eat? What if it gets cold? Myra had so many questions and didn't quite know how to vocalize them. Not yet. Instead her expression darkened with worry.

"Go on now," Danger bent close over to the youngling, pressing a kiss upon her temple. "Finish your food. They'll come back in no time."

Well, as soon as they are done. Something done plumb told Danger that perhaps Alric and she were going to be having another lengthy discussion sooner than expected since the last.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

The conversation that went on between Alric and Nel was pretty much the same as it had been at the table. They hadn't waited to get until the office to begin speaking again, instead starting right up as soon as they entered the turbo-lift.

Alric didn't blame her one bit of course, she was eager, stressed, and a little bit unwound. "I can't do it, Nel."

The words fell from him as he placed himself in the large chair at the desk.

"I can't." He repeated. "I promised Danger. I know what you're going through, I went through it, but if I take up the job again I'll be busier then ever."

What was he supposed to do? He couldn't very well do the exact thing he'd asked Danger not to do, and in truth...he didn't want to. Vanir was precious to him, but in all honesty it wasn't worth his family, it wasn't worth the rest of his lifetime.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

It wasn't, however, easy to soothe over Myra's concern. With her becoming upset, she was no longer hungry. The faint click, click of claws against the floor precluded the small whine from Mister Tugglers. A big, black wet nose gave a little nudge to Myra's right thigh.

The youngling set her fork down, glancing down at the Tuggle. He plopped his large, wide head on her lap in response, looking up at her with his large black eyes.

"How about you go feed him honey." Danger suggested quietly, aware that if the attention was diverted to Mister Tuggles, Myra would become at least distracted for a time.

In the meantime, Danger gave a slight frown. Her fingers gave a little tap upon the table, the chair beside her sliding out as Myra slipped out of her chair to go feed the Tuggle.

What exactly had gone wrong?

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

The conversation didn't change much after that, though Nel did explain exactly why she no longer wanted to be CEO.

Ironically it wasn't because the company was failing or anything bad had happened, but just the opposite. The Company was doing too well, and Nel found that the better the company did, the more it required her attention and the more it demanded of her. She couldn't handle the pressure. Alric understood pretty well, it took a certain type of person to actually be able to take all of that attention and funnel it into something useful. Nel had done well, but...well things were getting too much.

"I just can't, Nel." He reiterated once more. "I know it's a lot of pressure, I know, but...well look at me. I'm supposed to be the happy family man, and if I go back to being CEO Danger will absolutely crucify me."

Bit of an exaggeration. "There has to be some other way."

Something that they could do, some trick they could play...something.
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Myra and Mister Tuggles quietly ambled over to where his empty bowl of food and water lay. The youngling was very careful about making sure that she fed the Tuggle. The only issue is that Mister Tuggles would get a bit too excited at times and more often than not, his big fluffy tail could get in the way as it wagged excitedly.

While Myra took to grabbing the scoop and doing her best to not spill too much of Mister Tuggles food out of his dish, Danger rose from her seat. She wasn't sure how long Nell and Alric would discuss things, but odds were that their food might get cold. It wasn't the way to start out breakfast, but at the very least, she could put it all away and serve something a bit more fresh for later on. Maybe some fruit.

In the meantime, she was sure that Nell and Alric would at least want something to drink. Quietly, Danger set to pouring Nell a glass of water. As Alric had barely touched his tea, she would bring that over to him.

"Myra, honey. I'll be right back."

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

The two of them sat in silence for the longest time. Alric wasn't sure what more to add to the conversation, wasn't sure what more could be added at this point. Nel wanted out, Alric most certainly didn't want back in, so what were they supposed to do? The Board of course couldn't force either of them to work, but they knew well enough that without one of the two of them Vanir Technologies would lose a massive amount of market share and would likely quickly collapse in on itself.

With The Foundry opening there was an even bigger risk in that. Investors saw The Foundry as a grand thing, which of course it was, but if the CEO left right after its completion? That was a red flag of epic proportions. There wasn't anything wrong with it of course, but...well perception was everything.

"What about Rigor?"

Nel asked quietly, Alric giving her a funny look.

"He could do it. Or at least, most of it."

Rigor was a droid that had been...well an accident. Originally designed as a series of Medical Droids Rigor had become something of an oddity. There had been a glitch in his programming that had allowed assassination protocols to slip in, and apparently that same glitch had allowed Rigor to undergo an extensive amount of 'learning'. Unlike many other droids Rigor could intake information, process it, then not only retain it, but actually utilize it.

It made the droid unique, but also dangerous in a way.

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