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Approved Species Soltarans

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Average male and female Saltoran



An Elite Soltaran masked and unmaksed in thier suits

Name: Soltarans

Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Solovarna
Language: Soltarian
Average height of adults: (Average Soltarian) 2.032 meters (Elite Soltarian) 2.3622 meters
Skin color: Green
Hair color: None
Breathes: Type 1 (breathable)

Average Soltarans are able to lift 2x their normal body weight; Elite Soltarans can lift 3x their weight.
Soltarans are able to survive in extreme heat.
1 foot tongues that act as a second nose and have poison prongs on the underside to string people if they lash out with them.
The poison in their tongues is able to paralyze in up to 8 minutes and remains effective for 15 after it has fully infected the victim.
Elites do not have the effective tongues but instead are more muscular and have sharp teeth.
While they do not have visible ears the Soltarans have small holes that act as ear cavities that can hear sounds.

Without proper equipment Soltarans, both average and elite, can suffer from extreme cold. Exposure to cold weather will often make them slower (anything below 30 degrees celsius ).
They cannot digest salt or sugar as it can be poisonus to them.
Unlike there distant ancestors Soltarans cannot regenerate a limb if it is cut off, same as other species.
Exposure to high sound can often be dangerous to a Soltaran as its ear cavities are smaller than humans, making it easy to deafen or stun

Both average and elite Soltarans green scaly skin. The pigmentation of the skin can be either a lighter green or darker green, usually pending on if it’s an average or elite. Average Soltarans have small rigid sails on their heads, on the top and on the sides, and tend to have bright eyes like humans. Elites do not have the sails and instead have rounder heads as well as red eyes.

Average Lifespan:
Average Soltarans can live up to 50 years maximum. Elites only live to about 25 years.

Races: Reptilian humanoids.

Diet: Mainly omnivores, eating certain plants along with meat and fish and insects. Anything with sugar or large concentrations of salt and sugar, e.g. salt water, can be toxic.

Communication: Verbal, holocommunication, written, radio.

Soltarans are a very advance tribal type of cutler. They all have different colonies spread across their world, all with a designated leader who commands the overall tribe. Most of the tribes tend to be ruled via matriarch values, the females being considered stronger than males. While it is not an overall agreement as there can be male rulers it seems to be a larger majority. The elites of the Soltarans, while not as intelligent as average ones, are very respected and cared for by the people.

Aside from apperance there is no real difference from the average Soltarans and the Elites. They both share common ancestory but developed differently. To the ancient Soltarans they considered them to be different from them, which was why they were considered "Others" or "Second breeds" for a time. When their uses were found they were changed to the Elites and offically considered "Soltarans". Even though this was discovered about 50 years ago from the current time, the tradition of calling them Elites has been kept, though more respect has been given to them.

The naming of a Soltaran is varied because the name of a Soltaran is also a word in the Soltarian language. While the name can be changed to be either masculine or feminine, depending on who it goes to, the name tends to refer to something in the person’s life. It could be their profession, something personal in their lives, something in their parent’s lives, or even something that describes them in relation to an object like a river or mountain. These names are the first names and, due to how common place the same name can be, secondary names are used. These names are usually original names but using another name in the same form as the first is an option. As such you may often find Soltarans with the same first name, but to find with both first and second is next to impossible.

This only applies to the average Soltarans as Elites are often provided short and less elegant names. Some tend to have the same names but not within the same tribe or group. If there are they one must either change his name or must kill the other for the write to keep that name.

All the colonies across the world are united even though separated by at least 100 miles. Each colony has a leader who is voted for. These leaders not only command their cities and forces but are also representatives for them as well. When matters of great importance must be met all the leaders/representatives meet in the capital city of Indagora to discuss set matter. Indagora does not have any leader as it mainly acts as a hub for trade and political matters.

The Soltarans honor certian days of advacement in their culture's history. One such day is the unity of all the colonies across the world, this celebration being called the "Aldurhah" or Day of One. On that day everyone celebrates with grand feasts and parties throughout the colonies. At night each colony lights a large urn present in every one at the same time as a sign of their unity. This has been held as a grand tradition for the past thousands of years.

Artwork of the Soltarans tends to be a singular theme: admiring natural beauty. Most artwork consists of landscapes of the more gorgeous areas and landmarks of the world and even self portraits of those that are considered the more beautiful of the Soltaran people, be they male or female. Any other artwork tends to be ignored or looked down upon as the Soltarans admire real beauty instead of ficticious.

Technology level:
The technology is advanced but not as much as most of the other species in the galaxy. They have developed laser technology, holocommunication capabilities, and radio technology, tracking abilities, flight, submergible vehicles, multi-terrain vehicles and life support suits. They have yet to develop the power of space travel or atomic weaponry. While they do have vehicles akin to boat or ships these are used mainly for relaxation purposes. Flight is the main use of transportation for supplies, recourses and so on. They have only just began to develop on the idea of space travel but have not perfected it as of yet.

General behavior:
Soltranas try not to be aggressive but can be easily provoked. Matters of who is stronger than the other or the rite to a mate are often settled in brawls or matters of intimidating the other out of the challenge by hissing at them. Elites can be worse but they are often kept away from the public and are monitored by superiors so they do not become too out of hand. Otherwise the Soltarans are much like humans in temperament in an average lifestyle or environment.

During the early developments of the Soltaran people one rule was crucial: survival. Early Solovarna was similar to Earth, only instead of apes and primates evolving it was reptiles who became the more dominate species. Much like early man Soltarans developed the tribal society and hunted for food and clothing and other important materials. Leaderships were established and other tribes soon began to meet and communicate with each other.

Among the tribes found were those of another group very similar to the Soltarans and yet not; these eventually being called the Elites. While early cavemen did not cooperate with the Neanderthal tribes the Soltarans took to these creatures as brother tribes, establishing peace among most. The more violent tribes were wiped out but those that maintained their peace were eventually inducted into the Soltaran culture, thus adopting the name of Soltaran. During the early periods these newer Soltarans were often called “others” or “second breed”.

As time went on as the Soltarans began to develop a more stable culture, the Others had more trouble developing. This was mainly due to their limited intelligence and greater irritability. While some wanted them killed other Soltarans were able to convince the populace of their uses as laborers. The compromise was that the Others were not destroyed but were also excluded from the regular Soltaran populace. Colonies far outside of Soltaran cities were developed where a number of Soltaran handlers to keep them in check. They were only ever brought out of their colonies for labor during the day and/or night before being sent back to their colonies.

Decades passed before the discovery of a rare metal on Solovarna: Telmanium; meaning “cold strength” in the Soltarian language. This metal was found to be very durable, able to withstand pressures and was extremely durable against all of their weapons. It could only be found in the colder areas of the world, even underwater in the deepest trenches of the ocean.

While some of it was reachable with what technology the Soltarans had other sources were too dangerous to travel to. Soon the Soltarans found another way of getting as much Telmanium as possible without risking their lives: using the Others. Advanced suits were created to keep the Others well heated enough to travel into the colder regions on the plant and the colder trenches in the oceans. With the guidance of their Soltarian superiors they were able to harvest and mine more Telmanium. Because of their contribution to the advancement of the people the others were soon renamed the Elites; though this title is both true and false in that they may be stronger and more durable but are not as intelligent or live as long as life as an average Soltaran.

With more Telmanium as a resource the Soltarans developed more capable technology. They used it to establish small bases in the colder regions of the planet as well as vehicles to transport into those more extreme regions. This has helped develop the Soltarans into the people they are today.

Notable Player-Characters: None yet

I would like to have this species be introduced into the galaxy as one of the newer races to be discovered, or at the very least to be communicated with by another species. My hope is that as they progress they go through a few problems along the way, mainly being introduced to the Sith, slavers, how their resources can be used for dangerous means and so on. More or less I want them to adapt to the Star Wars universe in the same way humans would when finding a large galactic society exists.
@[member="Darth Tyrana"]
I sense a Doctor Who fan…Silurians, Ice Warriors and almost Sontarans…oh my!

On another note, it’s an interesting entry. There are some changes and clarifications needed though.
  • What is the difference between average and elite? Are they a separate race? You mention they’re similar like homo sapiens to Neanderthals, but does this mean they are completely separate species?
  • The strengths and weaknesses are entirely unbalanced. The lifting weight is quite impossible. Lifting 10 times their weight would equal over a tonne, which is not going to work. I suggest twice is more than enough for average, and three for elites for a short period of time.
  • How are they able to crawl on walls? This works with insects and lizards only because of their light weight relative to the wall, and because all four legs have the same endings.
  • If they have no ears, how can they hear at all?
  • Telmanium, is that a new metal you’ve created? I’d need to know more about its properties and specifically how resistant it is to lightsabres. We don’t allow the creation of such materials because of the dangers of exploitation.

You’ve done some thinking on this, so I’ll say this is a good idea in theory. Let’s see how we go fixing it up. J

1. I am a Doctor Who fan indeed and, well, looking back on the episodes I noticed how the Ice Warriors almost looked like Silurians in a way (don't ask I don't fully know either lol) so I thought it a neat idea to make that a concept for the species.

2. Looking at the facts you bring up science-wise you make a good point. I'll change those but I'd added them just to try and give a more alien feel to them aside from just being lizard people. Kind of too much looking back.

3. The Elites are in fact the same as the average Soltarans, since they both share common ancestory. I was writing more from the Soltaran's POV in that they didn't know that and thought them different, which was why they weren't thought of as actual Soltarans at first. I can go back and clarify that in the description.

4. I've already submited something to explain the Telamanium.Yes it's a new metal I've made and no it's not resistant to lightsabers, even I know that's going too far lol. It is very durable to most firearms and pressures from deep sea diving and so on. Mainly it's there to serve as another reason why the galaxy would be interested in the planet since Soltarans are to be a recenlty discovered species.
@[member="Darth Tyrana"]

LOL, possibly. The new series Silurians look similar I guess. The classic series ones are very different.

Yeah, Please clarify from an OOC perspective who they are and aren't. You can keep what you have, but have a bit which is out of character too.

I just saw your tech submission just after I posted, haha. But yeah, I have no problems with that if it is approved.

@mention me when this is ready for review.
@[member="Darth Tyrana"]

Looking good. Only thing I'd change is the 3 foot tongues. Reduce it down to 1 foot. 3 feet is...very long.
"Exposure to cold weather will often make them slower (anything below 40 degrees)" <-- 40 degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit?
@[member="Darth Tyrana"]
40 Celsius is very hot. That's over 100F. Are you sure that's what you mean? Few places outside equatorial deserts get that temperature for very long.

Sort that out and this is approved.

Damn me and my not knowing science lol but okay I changed it to Fahrenheit if that means it's cold lol. This is why I'm so glad I finished all the sience I'll ever need to know in school
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