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Approved Starship Solseha Etsed-class Starfighter, XSF-M4 Interceptor Variant

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Intent: To sub an updated version of a canon starfighter for future submissions and role-playing.
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Manufacturer: Visanj T’shkali / Sienar-Janus Fleet Systems / Incom Corporation / Vrotoa Industries / Locke and Key Mechanics / Segroth Materials Corporation
Affiliation: Visanj T’shkali / Closed-Market
Model: Solseha Etsed-class Starfighter, XSF-M4
Production: Limited
Material(s): Reinforced Stygian Triprismatic Polymer Duraplast, Reflec-based Shadowskin, Solarium Glasteel, Malreaux Lacquer, various starfighter and electronic components.

Classification: Starfighter
Length: 7.3m
Width: 10m
Height: 3.8m
Armament: Low
Defenses: Low
Squadron Count: Very Low: 4
Maneuverability Rating: Very High
Speed Rating: Very High
[SIZE=10pt]Hyperdrive Class: [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Average[/SIZE]

  • Exceedingly fast and maneuverable, the M4 is a top-notch interceptor starfighter, able to use all six engines in concert to achieve blistering speeds, and enabled with upgraded maneuvering thrusters and inertial dampeners to allow for matched agility.
  • Variable weapons array allows for wide spectrum of combat options, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, making it a deadly ship in the hands of a skilled and savvy crew.
  • Powerful onboard sensors, communications, and ECM suite further expand this craft's capabilities.
  • Weapons systems (See Description Below) have varying power and rate-of-fire abilities, and pilots and gunners must know and understand these to use them effectively. For example, all four wing-mounted cannons can be fired on a target simultaneously for a powerful volley, however this lowers the firing rate considerably. Inversely, they can be fired alternatingly, with rapid rates of fire, but lose their ‘hitting power’ by fifty percent.
  • The launchers and heavy forward guns of other variants removed, the M4 is less powerful offensively, relying on the average firepower of its four wing-tip cannons and dual heavy turret alone.
  • “Defender’ shield systems are relatively underpowered when compared to more contemporary shield systems, and will not sustain too many direct hits from today’s more powerful weapons, and thus pilots must rely on their skills and the exceptional maneuverability and speed of their fighters to compensate or risk lowering survivability.
  • The XSF-series are not meant for novice pilots, and in the hands of less experienced or skillful pilots, much of the advantages offered by these ships are nullified if not outright wasted, as due to the complexity and nuance of handling them a less capable pilot significantly lowers their effectiveness and survivability rates.
  • Designed for Humans or Near-Humans only, and most other alien species cannot use them due to design constraints.
  • Due to design configuration, unarmored/unprotected crew using the ejector seats may be severely injured and will not have life support available upon ejection in space.

The XSF-M4, is the least offensively capable variant. The four wing-mounted Taim & Bak IX4 laser cannons are average-powered but can fire simultaneously or alternating, providing either a more-powerful single shot with a slower rate of firing, or less powerful but fast firing lasers useful in tracking fast-moving enemy craft. The Lb-14 heavy turret, a notable feature of the original TIE/sf, offers powerful cannons (ranged much the same as the front-facing guns just described) which can provide full 360-degree firing capabilities. Not as highly-powered as other starfighters, the XSF-M2 relies on varying options with regards to range, rate of fire, and power scale, to emerge as a well-balanced if moderately-armed starfighter that relies on expert piloting, speed, and exceptional maneuverability to make it the incredible fighting platform it is.

Due to space constraints and power management concerns, sacrifices were made regarding the M4’s shielding. The older Chempat “Defender” shield generator system was used instead of more powerful contemporary shields due to its stability and low-power draw to performance ratio. As a result, the defensive suite here is low in comparison to other space superiority fighters, requiring the M4 relies on speed and maneuverability as well as expert piloting to make up the difference, holding to the old philosophy that the very best shield is not being hit in the first place!

The M4 has a small array of countermeasures, most notably a compact high-performance ECM suite which is part of the ship’s overall stealth package.

Propulsion Systems:
The M4’s main propulsion derives from the P-sz9.7 twin ion engines mounted on either side of the “Eyeball”. Noted for their terrific speed capabilities, these comprise the main engines of the starfighter. The four 4j.4 fusial thrust engines generally serve to act as supplemental power plants, however in this interceptor variant, they are also utilized to provide incredible speed boosting capabilities, similar to the effect of a SLAM system, only without the dangerous risks of over-taxing the engines and causing burnout scenarios, due to the improved power management efficiency of the XSF design. Overall, the M4 is a terrifically fast starfighter, easily outpacing most standard starfighters in use today.

Where the M4 truly shines is its extraordinary maneuverability. Enabled for both deep space and atmospheric flight, the presence of the S-foils ensures better stability and allows for a great range of aerial acrobatics. The hyper-efficient power management systems permit skilled pilots to virtually stop on a dime, roll, and take off once more, reversing direction almost instantaneously even at high speeds, and the craft’s agility is honestly second to none, able to nimbly ‘dance’ and move through crowded battlespace effortlessly.

Onboard A.I. and Computer Systems:
A special A.I. was developed for these new ships, which would not only assist in piloting and navigation, but also act as a battle computer, aiding the crew in all facets of combat. With heuristic programming, the A.I. could also ‘learn’ a specific crew’s strengths and weaknesses, adjusting to maximize performance over time. In addition, the onboard computer’s overall space requirements were greatly reduced by utilizing several components aimed to this end. Notably, the ship uses a variety of advanced avionics and navigational systems, targeting systems, and power management components to enable maximal performance, turning a small starfighter into a versatile and potent platform capable of extraordinary feats. Powerful long-range sensors and communications arrays enable secure, encrypted hyperwave communications and precision target acquisition and exploitation capability, making it an ideal platform for aerial combat.

Designed as the space superiority variant for the XSF-series of starfighters, the M4 stands as a wickedly fast and terrifyingly maneuverable interceptor.

Minimum Crew: 1
Optimum Crew: 2
Cargo Capacity: 25kg (Including survival equipment and medkit)
Passenger Capacity: N/A
Consumables: 3 days

[OOC - HISS and Segroth PGA Coating removed per Factory Suggestion, 9/16/2019]
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