Soliath Devin Talith
Family Man

Intent: To finally sub the armor that Sol has been running around with for a year.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Soliael Devin Talith
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Soliael
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Duralium, Lanthanide, Trimantium
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 10kg
Quality: 8
Special Features:
-Blaster Resistant
-Blade Resistant
-Slugthrower Resistant
-Armorweave Cloak
Soliael's Crusader Armor is not special.
It is not alchemically forged, it is not blessed by the force, it is not made of Beskar or Phrik, it is simply plates of overlapping metal.
Though Soliael had the capability, the means, and the power to create a more fanciful piece of armor he ultimately decided not to. The Moross Crusade from its beginning had but one force Order, that of the Crusaders. The Crusaders were generally powerful force users, each one trained for war and only war, as a line of defense against those who would see Moross burn.
The Crusaders grew into something of note quite quickly. Founded within the outer rim there were thousands of untapped force sensitives to recruit and train. This swelling of numbers from dozens of different worlds, many of whom had not fully developed quickly evolved into the Crusaders forming their own identity apart from the normal force orders of the galaxy. This identity was born in the war and constant blood of the Moross Crusade leading to the Crusaders taking on an almost medieval look, their armor and practices reflecting that.
Soliael, having founded their order and trained more than a few of the individuals within it, such as Eleanin Gazrin, was well aware of the Crusaders traditions, practices, and even fashions.
When it came time for him to journey out into the galaxy separate from his identity as a God but still a representative of Moross it was easy for him to don the disguise of a Crusader. The armor he forged for himself was not too far off from what Other Crusaders wore, it kept in with their traditions, though like all other Crusaders it held a unique look about it.
The Armor as stated above is not alchemically altered or changed in anyway. It is forged of an alloy of three different metals Duralium, Lanthanide, Trimantium. Duralium and Lanthanide have been a long known alloy to create powerful armored plating that could withstand powerful strikes from both blades and blasters, the Trimanitum was latter added to the armor as a way of upping the alloys tensile strength. This later addition makes it much harder to crush the armor, meaning it's far more difficult to bend of break the plates in anyway. It also makes the armor incredibly effective against most slughtrowers.
The armors composition means that it is resistant to most forms of blaster fire and all but the sharpest of blades. Concentrated fire can of course break through the armor, and a dedicated blades-man will eventually find his way through the thick metal plating, but both would be rather difficult. The Metals themselves are not lightsaber resistant, and thus the Jedi weapons will easily cut through the plate-mail.
The design aspects of the Armor lend themselves to the ancient days of Byss, a look that appealed to Soliael and one that he found amusing. The plates of Duralium, Lanthanide, and Trimantium overlap in quick segmented parts, increasing their strength, the gauntlet, pauldrons, and even greaves jarred with heavy spikes to use in combat, and the helmet stuck up with two separate 'wings' which were fitted with a comm-link fed into the helmet.
To top the armor off Soliael donned a single red cloak spun of armorweave giving the armor a slight chance to resist the slash of a lightsaber, if properly positioned.
Though Moross is now faded into the Fringe, and the Crusaders have taken a back seat within the galaxy, Soliael has deemed it fitting that he would continue to don the armor. Perhaps it is a commemoration of his past, or perhaps it is because of the change in his fighting style, but Soliael has enjoyed wearing the armor more and more as of late, rarely being seen without it in the field of battle.