Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So, You're Going to Starve Me?

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Erich Lor

Erich kept walking, he didn't necessarily ignore her he just had other things to worry about right now. The Garhoon moved quickly through the citadel, checking the blaster he had picked up and making sure the weapon still functioned. When he founds that it still worked he breathed a sigh of relief. If he was going to take down this Citadel he would need his weapons back, one blaster alone wouldn't do it, especially this piece of junk. He knew where he needed to go, the armory.

With his peripheral vision he made sure to check that the girl was still following him, when he noticed she was he nodded to himself slightly. His ego told him that she was now slightly enthralled by him, something that often happened with women.

For a few seconds Erich closed his eyes. He had seen a map of his citadel almost three weeks ago now, he had meant to scout it. For a few seconds he walked with his eyes closed, then he realized where he was on his imagined map and he slid open his eyelids. He turned about and walked past the girl once again heading in the direction they had just come from, then he took a stark left down a hallway. He followed that path for a few minutes until he found what he was looking for.

He found what he was looking for, two men stood outside of a door with rifles in their hands. Erich watched them for a second and then reached a hand up to his face putting a finger on his lips. He motioned for the girl to stay silent and in place, and then he moved forward from the hall.

Oh boys. Do you happen to know where I left my armor? Im afraid I forgot it when I entered your quaint little prison.” The Guards immediately turned towards him as his voice rang through the halls. By the time they brought their blasters up it was too late however. Erich raised his blaster pistol and fired. Four bolts struck the first guard, killing him instantly. Then the Garhoon rushed forward with a massive burst of speed. He grabbed the other guard and slammed him hard against the wall, cracking the concrete and breaking several bones in the mans body “Sorry, too slow.”

With a loud snap Erich broke the man's neck.
Spencer continued to follow the Garhoon, she was determined to find out his name and why he would kiss her like that. Her fingers ran along her lips as she wiped away the dry blood, never in her mind would she have thought she was going to be kissed by a cannibal. He looked towards her and motioned for her to be quiet. She didn’t understand what was going on and what his plans were in this place. Still, she remained quiet and understood her place. Either way, she knew she could help him if he needed the help.

As he moved forward, Spencer covered her eyes while she heard the blasters going off. After a moment, she looked through the holes in-between her fingers to see that he was okay. For some reason, she smiled seeing that he survived. It was then she was able to see the strength of the Garhoon. Spencer remained in her place and she wrapped her arms around her shoulders as she watched him destroy the second guard. Her hands quickly covered her ears as she could feel the panic and then the fear the men feel before the monster destroyed them.

She took several deep breaths and then regained her composure. Standing up from her crouched position she waited for him to move again so that she could continue follow. Spencer didn’t know or really understand her infatuation with the creature.

Erich Lor

Erich continued his parade of murder, although he took a small pit stop. He let the second guard drop from his grip, taking the mans keys. The Garhoon slipped the key into the door and unlocked the massive vault. The door swung open to reveal hundreds of different blasters, armor, and other weapons. Erich smiled for a few seconds, he did love the sight of weaponry quite a bit, although his own seemed to not be present.

The Garhoon stepped inside of the armory, and began to search for his things. After a few minutes he spotted a chest at the end of the room. With hope in his eyes Erich walked up to it, and smashed the lock on the chest. Slowly the lid opened and the contents inside made him grin. His armor, mask, pistol, and most importantly his gauntlet all sat within the chest. Erich grinned, almost giddy with excitement. With his equipment he could most definitely take down this citadel.

Completely disregarding the fact that there was a young Jedi following along with him Erich stripped down, completely. In a matter of seconds the Garhoon was completely naked. Across his entire body were dark blotches of ink. If one looked closer than just in passing it was quite easy to see that the ink was more than just random patterns. It was an artistic tribal scene, one that if read correctly would tell Erich's entire life story.

The tattoo's were intricate beyond all belief and reading them would take several hours, hours which no one had ever had. Erich of course received them through his tenure in many different prisons around the galaxy. They were a tradition, although one he seldom talked about.

Before Spencer could inspect him too closely Erich slipped on his armor, it only took about a minute but eventually he was once again fully dressed, including his oh so famous mask. Lastly Erich picked up the gauntlet inside of the chest, he placed the gauntlet softly over his forearm until it locked into place. A grin settled on his now hidden face, he now had everything he needed.
Spencer followed and then her face turning a deep crimson as she realized what he was doing. She wanted to turn away, but her eyes were locked on his frame. He was strong and it showed, but before she could really examine and appreciate what she was seeing he was already dressed. She came back to reality and she looked down at her bloody and ripped tunic. Looking around, her pack should have been locked in her also along with her lightsaber.

She slipped into the room and moved towards the opposite corner. The Garhoon could still keep an eye on her in case something decided to surprise them in here. She knelt down and found her pack just thrown aside. It was probably because they didn’t know where to look for the valuables. Reaching in she pulled out her extra clothing and started to strip down. Unlike the Garhoon, her skin was untouched, smooth and flawless. The light reflected softly against the soft light color of her skin. Her face was still red from seeing the Garhoon in his full glory, but she wasn’t that good at covering herself from his vision. Her arms rose as she pulled on her tunic, which revealed everything to whomever was looking in the room.

She grabbed her lightsaber and clipped it to her side and she was ready. Spencer ran quietly over towards where he stood ready to follow him again. Crossing her arms loosely across her mid-section, she waited for him to move again. They were still trying to move unnoticed from her understanding and talking would only mess up his plan – which could cause her, her life.

Erich Lor

BOOBIES. Is what Erich thought as he peered at her naked form. The Garhoon was entirely shameless in that respect as in many others. He raised an eyebrow and took a mental pictures of her, but then eventually decided to look away...just as she finished dressing. Today hadn't been that bad of a day after all, or so it seemed. Erich smiled to himself as the girl approached him, he turned his head at her and then nodded slightly in acknowledgment of her.

This was where the going got tough. Between here and the throne room there was a veritable army of guards. Most of them were not full time soldiers, conscripts and slavers. Still quantity usually beat out quality. Erich knew this. He was a well trained soldier, but even he couldn't take on an least head on.

“If youre going to keep following me. Stay quiet and out of sight, there's going to be a lot more killing.” Erich didn't care if she saw dead bodies, that much should already have been apparent by now, what he cared for is if she got in the way. He needed to kill the Queen, if the guards saw she was dead and they weren't being paid...well it wouldn't be a problem anymore.

With that being said Erich moved forward out of the armory, as he passed the two dead guards he picked up one of their radios and keyed in the frequency for all. “Hello, this is your nightmares speaking. I Highly suggest those of you with a low tolerance for pain, death, and evisceration run away screaming and pissing yourselves now. If you think you have what it takes though, then stay where you are and come face your fears.”

The Garhoon laughed into the radio, a mad cackling laugh and then he crushed it into a thousand pieces. Erich walked through the vault doors and out into the corridor, he took a left and then opened his hand. A light shone within his palm, and quickly it extended outwards into two branches. After a few seconds the branches formed into a bow, and Erich's fingers wrapped around it.

He heard the sound of boot steps from down the hall, and another grin settled on his face. Be brought up the bow in his hand and came to a stop. He waited patiently for the coming onslaught of guards.
“ I can…help…err”

Spencer responded in a hushed tone as he gave her orders. Of course she was going to keep following him. If she was going to get out of here in one piece she needed to follow someone or have someone with her that could help her. He mentioned the fact that there was going to be killing, she figured as such since she was with him. He wasn’t eating though so she felt a bit more at ease.

Using the force, she lightened her step so that no one could detect her. She had learned a little bit of stealth from the temple, but she was no master of it. Hiding behind one of the ledges she looked out from behind and watched him. She didn’t know these emotions she was feeling. She was utterly infatuated with him, but it wasn’t just the kiss that caught her attention. It was the ruthlessness and the shift in emotions that she gathered from him. He seemed to be simple with his emotions. They were easy to follow and she didn’t feel so confused with him.

She tucked her head farther down behind the ledge as she heard the footsteps. She could feel a mixture of emotion coming from the group that was coming towards her. They were angry and fearful – they had probably seen the carnage he had committed in the cell blocks. Once more her fingers touched her lips as she tasted the blood still lingering in her mouth.

Her hand called the lightsaber to her hand just in case someone took notice to her. Other than that she would listen to the Garhoon and remain quiet and hidden.

Erich Lor

As soon as the guards rounded the corner Erich began his attack. It was almost instant, and insanely precise. The Gauntlet that Erich wore was dubbed the Recurve gauntlet, it was a simple machine used to create a plasma burst. It was powered by the same kind of powercell that a Jedi Lightsaber was, two in fact. One of these power cells created the bow that he held in his hand, said bow could be used to block and stop certain objects up to a lightsaber, although it didn't have the same cutting power that a lightsaber did.

The Second powercell was used to create powerful plasma blasts that originated from the top of the gauntlet, this was the actual “bow” part and it was what Erich was currently using. As soon as he saw the first guard Erich pulled back the nearly invisible string of light, and then almost instantly released it again.

A plasma bolt jumped forward and struck the guard in the chest, killing him instantly. The bolt's were strong enough to go through stormtrooper armor, just like a lightsaber. The Garhoon repeated this cycle almost a dozen more times until finally the guards learned and stayed behind a corner.

In respond Erich moved up against the wall, quickly slinking towards the corner. He rounded it and grabbed the closest man he could, placing the guard in front of himself. Then he drew his own pistol and fired three more shots, killing more guards in the process.

It was ridiculously quick and precise. Erich slaughtered his way through almost two dozen guards over the course of about ten minutes. Most of them died from blasters shots or plasma bolts, some however had their necks snapped. The entire process seemed to be entirely too rehearsed as if the Garhoon had done this a thousand times.

Eventually Erich reached the end of the guards, a pile of bodies laying behind him. A comm-link somewhere shuddered, and a voice, a quite regal one could be heard.


The voice yelled and screamed at the top of her lungs. Erich grinned and walked over to one of the bodies. He picked up a random comm-link and spoke into it. As he did so he looked at the girl, staring up and down at her. “I'm alive, and you'll be happy to know ill be seeing you soon...Your Majesty.”
Spencer watched never taking her eyes off the Garhoon. There was something about the way he was so precise with his killing. Every moment had a purpose and nothing seemed to faze him. The guards were like glass shattering before his strength. The gore didn’t bother Spencer anymore she was mesmerized by the man as he just destroyed everything. She remained where she stood and then silence fell upon them.

Looking at him still, she felt her face red and her heart raced. She didn’t understand the things her body was reacting too. She should be terrified at the sight of the man or monster. Her thoughts were broken as she listened to the female voice shouting over the intercom.

He looked at her. She felt his eyes burrowing into her soul and her heart skipped a beat. He spoke and she quickly prepared herself to follow him – remaining quiet.

Erich Lor

Erich watched the girl for a few more seconds, then simply turned about. He stepped on several of the corpses ahead of him hearing silent cracks of bones underneath his feet. He had one person left to kill, the so called Queen of this planet. This had originally meant to be a group operation. A team of twelve Omega Pyre soldiers would have busted into the citadel, subdued all guards and civilians within and then would have executed the Queen lawfully leaving behind the symbol of Omega Pyre as a message to any other Warlord.

This was essential, they were in essence trying to establish their credibility with the galaxy. This so called Queen had completely ignored Omega, insulting them and spitting in their employers face. So this had been their response, although Erich had gone slightly overboard with his part of the mission.

He shrugged slightly as he rounded another corner. Instead of paying twelve men now they would only have to pay one...and perhaps a smaller sum for the girl, she was the reason he got out after all.

The Garhoon stopped in his tracks all of a sudden as he realized what he just thought. Money for the girl? What the hell. He had never before had a thought like that, one that looked out for someone else instead of just him. Erich frowned slightly, but then kept moving.

At the end of the hall he found a large set of double doors, The Garhoon quickened his pace and reached the door in no time, sending a solid kick into their center. The heavy wood creaked and cracked, and then slid open.

Inside was the Queen still sitting on her throne. Besides her stood two guards, each aiming their rifles towards Erich and Spencer. The Garhoon frowned, and reached up to his face. He tore off the cloth mask he had been wearing and looked towards the Queen and her guards. “Every single man within your employ not in this room is dead.”

He paused for a few seconds then shifted his gaze to the two guards. “I suggest you two leave as well.”

For a few seconds the two guards looked back and forth at one another, and then they dropped their weapons and ran past the Garhoon. Erich grinned as the Queen yelled at the two men calling them cowards. The Mercenary smiled at the Queen and as he did so his Teeth began to grow into fangs.

“W-w-what are you?”

Erich began to move across the room, taking careful measure steps. “I am your better. I am your worst Nightmare. I am the creature that you fear lives within your closest. I am Erich Lor, I am your end.”

With a sudden rush Erich jumped forward. In an instant he was in front of the Queen. He grabbed her by the throat and pushed her up against the back of her throne. For a few seconds he stared her in the eyes, his wide white fangs hanging from his mouth, then he bit into her. Unlike with the guards Erich was careful this time. He chomped into her neck, biting deeply into her flesh and then in a matter of seconds he entirely drained her of blood. Then he simply let her fall to the ground, dead.
She took cover so that the queen didn’t see her. Spencer knew she should probably protect the woman, but for what reason? The man had to have a reason for coming here to kill her right? He also did spare her life she had no reason to step in and hinder his operation. This entire time, in her mind she figured he did his best to make sure she was safe while she followed him. Ducking behind one of the pillars in the room Spencer watched intently on how he was going to dispose of the woman.

The Jedi had gotten used to his methods of killing, but how he did away with the Queen was more elegant. She felt something as she watched him dig his fangs into her neck draining her of the very essence of life. It was in a way…beautiful. Moving from her hiding spot she moved closer as he continued to devour her. He spoke his name and she mouthed forming her lips at every letter. She finally learned his name – a name she would never forget.

The sound of the woman’s body falling to the ground echoed leaving the two in silence. The sound of her boots sounded against the hard floor of the throne room. The young girl stopped staring at the monster with infatuation and interest. She bit her lip for a moment and then spoke calmly like she had while in the cell with him.

“Erich Lor…simply fascinating…”

Her heart raced as she spoke his name for the first time out loud. She didn’t understand why he did this to her and why she couldn’t fully control her body – she had learned techniques in the temple, but nothing prepared her for Erich.

Erich Lor

Yes, im quite amazing.” Erich said absently to the girl as he looked at the Queens corpse. He stared at the dead woman for a few seconds then reached up to one of his fangs. He pricked his finger on one of them and drew blood. Slowly he drew a symbol on the thrones back, it was an arch with a dot in the middle. It was the Symbol of Omega Pyre, whoever would come to replace the Queen would know. You either play ball or you end up dead.

The Garhoon inspected his drawing and then shrugged. It was good enough to send a message, or it should be if one wasn't a complete idiot. He turned around and walked towards the girl, his mask still laying on the floor next to her. He grinned and his mouth slowly returned to normal as the fangs within grew to normal size, his eyes as well turned back to their normal blue.

As he came up to Spencer, Erich looked down at her with a grin on his face. From all one could tell from his face they could have just taken a walk in the park. “Now little Jedi. I believe its time for you to go home.”

He gazed at her with all the confidence in the world. It seemed to be less of a statement and more of a rich command.
It was over. Their time together was over. Spencer should have known it would end up like this – everything though felt like a dream or maybe a nightmare that didn’t end to badly. She looked over at the symbol, she had never seen anything like it . She stared at it taking a mental picture of it so that she would know that when she saw it – he was around. He stood in front of her, his voice just as powerful as before commanded her to go home. Blinking a few times, she wondered why she had stayed around for so long. Either way, she enjoyed the show she was given.

“I believe the same Sir, but will I ever see you again?”

Her hazel eyes scanned his face; he was so different from when she first had met him in the cell. She was so scared and prepared herself for death. Yet, here she stood in front of the monster she was supposed to be fed too, he minded her presence and made sure she made it out okay. This place was safe for her now because of him and she was able to return to the temple now. She didn’t want too yet, she wanted to stay near him – the simplicity of his emotions made her comfortable and able to enjoy her own emotions. Shaking her head, she reached out for him wanting to touch him for some reason – to make a connection.

She stopped herself though, not fully knowing how he would react. Her had hovered over his chest as she looked up into his blue eyes, he felt untouchable.

Erich Lor

Erich looked at her, apparently she had grown attached to him. Well it wasn't like it hadn't happened before. He was strong, smart, and rather insane and for some odd reason many women found that rather attractive, far be it from him to question why this was, he rather enjoyed the attention that it got him. Plus usually there was sex involved and everyone loved sex. The Garhoon looked down at the girl, then smirked slightly.

He leaned down and once again kissed her, there was still blood on his lips, it was kind of a must when one was dealing with him. At the same time as he bent down to kiss her he also picked up his mask, it was actually quite the sly move. Then he abruptly ended the kiss and turned around rushing to one of the windows near him.

He stepped on the open ledge and called out. “Probably.”

Then he simply left. He didn't do this to be dramatic, or romantic or anything of the sort, he just knew he couldn't go out the front door. Erich was entirely covered in blood, from his head down to his tow. If any official at all saw him like this he would be arrested on sight, if not shot. He needed to go over the roof tops and get out of the city...after making sure the Girl actually left, at least she could go out the front door.
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