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Approved Tech Snowfall

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Image Source: (manipulated by myself)
Intent: To provide Thurion Heavenshield with a sword reforged from an ancient blade discovered on planet Midvinter.
Development Thread: (Jorus Merrill aquiring Phrik)
Manufacturer: Valkyri blacksmiths
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Thurion Heavenshield
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Phrik, Durasteel

Description: While reuniting with his long lost father [member="Thrand Dawnbringer"] after having crashlanded on Midvinter, father and son set off to find him a way off the planet so that he may resume his duties elsewhere. The journey was an arduous one, that saw them climbing mountains higher than any other, defeat a dreaded Hrothwûrm, and narrowly escape a horde of Vinterbound undead. It was during their escape that they encountered the lost Valkyri blade called Snowfall by pure chance, but the sword was broken in the ensuing fight for their lives. Once they were in a safe location, Thrand told his youngest of the legends surrounding Snowfall and of the tales mothers and fathers would tell their children for countless generations, just as he now told his own son.

Saddened that such a mythical blade should have to meet such an unsung end, Thurion set about to reforge it into the splendor it once held, but also upgrade it for the modern era. He contacted [member="Jorus Merrill"], a fellow member of the Levantine Sanctum, and was granted enough Phrik to fashion the blade from it, which would come in handy should he have to defend himself against energy weapons such as lightsabers. The chappe, crossguard, grip and pommel were made from durasteel, which would be its weakest point. He returned to Midvinter to have their finest blacksmiths rework the sword into its new and improved form. While not his favoured weapon in a fight, Snowfall is a more-than-capable secondary resort should he be disarmed and lose his lightsaber in the heat of battle.

The sword itself is light enough to wield with one hand, yet large enough to accommodate two; the natives of Midvinter are far stronger and larger in size than the average human, making this weapon a one-handed sword in their eyes, but most humans would have to resort to use both hands for a more secure grip and better control their swing. It is beautifully adorned with Runian (the Valkyri language) inscriptions and masterfully balanced, allowing its user to utilize it for maximum effect with minimal effort.

Classification: Sword
Size: Hand-and-a-half (bastard sword)
Length: Blade: 130 cm; Hilt: 2o cm
Weight: 5kg
Special Features: Highly resistant versus energy weapons, most notably lightsabers.
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