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Slicers Gonna Slice (Open to All)

The Chiss's shoulders heaved as he breathed a sigh of relief and slumped back in his seat. The Sith kid was looking for a slicer. Way to be paranoid, bud. Somebody should talk to that kid about those heavy-handed recruitment tactics.

Now maybe the Shard would settle down and they could go back to discussing those cybernetic implants. And when the deal was done, perhaps he even could pick the Shard's brain. The Chiss was genuinely curious about the Shard named [member="Bond"] and its Droid body. Maybe the creature would even give him a peek behind the curtain on their technology and their mysterious culture.

[member="Dashal Vance"] [member="Xavier Vi'dreya"]
[member="Xavier Vi'dreya"] [member="Bond"] [member="Dashal Vance"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

Nar Shaddaa. She loved this planet like no other. Juma juice, spice, Twi'lek's. It had everything she could wish for and then some. Yet sometimes it got to her. The planet's upper circles reveled in their credits and splayed glorious neon signs that praised their monetary god without reprise, and she hated them for it. For that reason, and that reason alone, Arali had slipped into the Manufacturing Sector. It was dank here. The lights less harsh, the people rougher. It was the real face of the planet. She had heard tell of a small, off the grid cantina - it sounded perfect. Out the way and unknown. There was even talk on the deeper ends of the holo that there might be work here for a slicer of her caliber. She made her way in unannounced and made a beeline for the bar - the taxi ride from her habitation block had been tediously long, and a drink was exactly what she needed.

"Juma Juice."

It was all she needed to say to the service droid - any more might have invited it to try and communicate with her and she simply wasn't in the mood for droidtalk. A small part of her contemplated linking her datapad to it and scoring her drinks for free for the night, but that wouldn't have been right - This was a slicer bar, and slicers looked after their own. She could save the effort for the upscale bars. The places that really wouldn't miss the credits. Besides, sometimes it felt good to pay - Normality had it's merits from time to time. Arali took a perch on one of the stools at the bar, and waited patiently for her drink to arrive...
Fascinating. In all that time of flapping his lips, and moving his tongue - it had seem to fall on completely deaf ears. Perhaps the kid was deaf - and that would be quite hilarious to find him unable to hear the vocabulator that was transmitting messages of peace and laying down of arms to the Sith who was attempting to get to Cyrax. Honestly, if the kid had looked hard enough around, he'd find slicers of every type and prowess under the dimly lit rooftop of this underground dive bar. In point of fact, just about everyone who was here was one of the brand - and certainly to be that there were various levels of skill in the gathered sentient cloud tonight, the bets were favorable that you'd find what you need if the price was rich enough. Dash however knew a lost cause when he saw one, and this certainly fit the bill. One thing was for certain though - he'd never heard the end of it from her.

"Imagine that, someone that doesn't kowtow to that tongue of yours." DARCI's voice echoed from the floating black sphere that zipped back and forth behind Dash's head, keeping a slightly creased brow on the slicer's forehead as the youth shifted from his plot of table and moved back towards the bar itself. "I might have to get an autograph." The genuine sardonic quality of the AI's tone was clearly evident. Dash was very fond of his virtual companion, but there were times when the mute feature was of a coveted dream that he'd yet to install. Problem was, she controlled the SPHERE as much as he did, and possibly even more. He was after-all dealing with a self-aware system, with her own designs.

"You might have to get thumbs first." The Hapan's retort came back in an annoyed but still jovial tone of mockery. The pair bickered quite often, it was part of the AI's charm, but was still one of the best assets in the Galaxy. Dash didn't look like much, but he put his skills up against any and all, and rare few understood just exactly who they were dealing with when he was in the public eye. When behind his console, and his intelligence was geared up on a mission that both excited and drove him, competition was a laughable concept for someone who built his own AI from scratch on one of the biggest backbones the holonet had to offer. Then again, he wasn't a glory hog, unless there was want to have praise from the female community. A hand plant to the cushioned seat came as he hopped aboard, and struck his boots to the rung below, swiveling the chair a full three sixty in the process. There was a new addition, a female to his right, and possibly a slicer of their own breed. One of those rare mythological creatures that cropped up from time to time.

"Point of context. I don't have hands, that's what you're for."

"So glad you said that."


"Because..." Dash quipped back and snapped his fingers. The repulsor lift tech on the droid suddenly stopped, and the orb dropped into his palm. "...this." Safeguards even the AI didn't know about was something he highly enjoyed (mostly because it pissed her off). A series of hand movements brought the orb up and over his hand, and around the other side in smooth movements that were both graceful and elegant. As well the entire time, a soft grumbling could be heard as DARCI's voice etched out a syntheized tone of displeasure at being so 'manhandled'. "Play nice darling." He chided the orb before his teal eyes shifted to the right to glance at his nearby stool partner. "She's cranky right now, but you don't seem to be. Pretty good with facial recognition, but I don't recall you - been hiding in proxy land?" His question to Arali came with a winning smile from his handsome Hapan visage.

[member="Arali Shala"]
I sat back down across from [member="Cryax Bane"], gesturing to [member="Dashal Vance"]. I shook my head, and I rolled my head on my neck in an expression of annoyance.

"You see what I mean? Guy's too lucky. He sneezes, and a girl comes to wipe his nose. I'm a smooth talker with no looks, and you're looks with no tongue."

I shrugged, and opened my hands.

"Basically, I can build most of what you're asking for, except for the predictive setup. I don't know if something like that can be miniaturized that far down."
The Chiss wanted to protest, but Bond was totally right. Women wound him into a bundle of nerves. Case in point: the pretty human or near-human who just entered the bar.

"Tell me about it," Cryax muttered. He wondered how Shards even bred in the first place, but that was a question for another conversation. It was "go time" to seal the deal on the implants.

"Whatever you can build for me, I'll take." He said. "Can you install it too? Or do you have a referral for the installation?" He hoped it was the later because wasn't sure he wanted the rather large metal creature mucking about in his head.

I laughed. Hard. Me install implants? When I finally regained my composure, I shook my head.

"I wouldn't install the implants even if I could. I genuinely hate reaching into people. No idea who would be willing to do it, though."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Juding by the feeling of unease that drifted across parts of the bar, Arali took a half guess that something had happened here that wasn't exactly fitting for a place that clearly enjoyed being low-key. Still, she didn't exactly worry herself about what had happened prior to her entrance - after all, it was one thing being followed by trouble, but an entirely different thing to go hunting for it. Still, her right hand drifted down to a part of her jacket, resting on the unseen holster of her silenced slugthrowing pistol. This was the grittier end of the planet, after all.

Her drink came.​
Her credits left.​

Despite her efforts to avoid trouble, she couldn't help but be compelled to listen in to the back and forth between [member="Dashal Vance"] and the spherical droid that moved and flicked around him like some kind of high tech fly. Internally she questioned its usefulness - a droid could be sliced into, re programmed or shut down without too much hassle. Maybe it existed to aid him in slicing? Again, she couldn't figure out why anyone would want that. She had opted to have her tools carefully concealed in her own flesh. Cybernetic upgrades could be found from the tips of her fingers right up to her eyes - She'd turned herself into a living interface with technology, yet to the common onlooker she appeared to be just another human.

The one she had been observing moved.​
He spoke.​
"If you knew my face then it would be time for me to get offworld." She said, taking a sip of the foul looking drink sat in front of her. Arali's voice was soft and well spoken, but her dialect was hard to place it seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. "Interesting droid." The comment was added in merely to drift away from who she was. She had no intention of making new friends; after all, she was still wanted for various crimes, and advertising who she was, even in a place this far off the grid, simply wasn't a wise idea.
The Chiss sighed testily. Did the Shard's sarcasm have an off-switch? "Ok, I get it. I'll figure that part out myself. Just let me know where and when you want me to pick up the tech when it's ready. And also a quote on the price would be good."

He figured that Bond would probably want a down-payment now and the rest later. Money wasn't going to be an object now that he had full-time work with as Secretary of the Red Ravens. It might on the surface look like he was pushing papers for them but...his thoughts trailed off as his Datapad pinged. He held up a finger at the Shard to signify "one moment please."

Leaning back in his seat, he rested his feet up on the table, and his fluorescent red eyes scanned over the Ravens message. He knew he probably shouldn't keep the Shard waiting, but this was work-related and when dealing with criminals this callous, it was usually best to put their interests first.

I sighed, and leaned across the booth, my eyes glowing as I tried to figure out what the hell I was doing. This guy was a member of the Red Ravens, the guy I'd threatened earlier was another Sith. Barely a pup, sure, but still another Sith. And the smooth-tounged silcer over there was most likely [member="Dashal Vance"], from the sound of it.

Cryax was typing away on his datapad, and the other slicer was chatting up the pretty girl who'd just walked in. I let my mind wander...

[member="Cryax Bane"]
The Chiss finished up his business and looked over at the enormous metal creature. "Sorry about that. My associates need some help with an urgent matter." His red eyes briefly flickered over to [member="Arali Shala"] and [member="Dashal Vance"]

"Now, where were we? Oh yes, the implants." He thought for a moment and squinted at the Shard. "I have no idea how long these things take to build, but is there any way to expedite their manufacture?"

Cryax needed to have the most cutting-edge tech and he needed to have it now. His low tech Companion2000, however brilliantly modded it was, was no longer going to suffice in his new position.

Anonymity was often a slicer's best friend - or was that code? Certainly staying out of the line of fire, or line of sight was a boon to their cause. Rare few were known in any shape or form, and were skilled in various ways of keeping themselves out of the proverbial lime light. This seemingly carefree and silver-tongue Hapan for instance was far more then meets the eye. This personality they saw, it was a means to an end, and while he thoroughly enjoyed every single bit of it, there were parts of his life, and more importantly his skill set that he didn't let on. The fact that no one would look twice at him and suspect anything but a smooth talking cut-up was entirely by design, but that didn't mean he also couldn't have fun with it. Some slicers were way too uptight in his opinion, and needed to learn to loosen up a bit. Sure most of what they did was illegal, and the chances of getting caught only increased when you started to let go, but that was half the fun.

Digits gripped the black orb, shifting it back and forth across his palm and back of his hand in an intricate and somewhat aloof version of contact juggling. Dash was a youth of many hobbies, most of which included doing something that would impress of draw attention from the ladies. Other people had their weakness, and the fairer gender was certainly ranking up there on the scale at which Dash would swoon. Don't get him wrong though, he'd be first in line to admire and drool over new and advanced tech. Cybernetic implants were fascinating things, but he'd never botch his own epidermis to riddle himself with interfaces that might give him a few seconds head start. The Hapan was o'naturale, and he preferred it that way. No amount of nip/tuck plug and play was worth it to gain that extra level of security. As it stood, attempting to get a bead on the droid SPHERE that was moving over his hands, shoulders, and arms was going to be far harder than anyone gave him credit for. Honestly he'd like to see someone try - but then they'd have to have a reason, or perhaps just an itch at good slicing sport.

"Playing the drift game - common theme among our own, not entirely the best for social agenda. Most turn hermit; dug into their preferred hidey-hole, and others just get that permanent scowl. Not the most flattering of facial expressions." A smirk touched his visage as he let the orb levitate over his palm, watching it rotate back and forth as if some unseen force were managing it's movements - and in retrospect, there was. "Security can get too much of a labor, even if it is a labor of love. We live on borrowed time, Blue, there may be a way out here and there, but life's not worth living if you're keeping it all bundled up." Why'd she get that nickname? - Well the blue hair was a dead give-away, and Dash always came up with something when he was putting that motor mouth to good (or at least friendly) use.

"Perhaps she doesn't want to be the most opulent spectacle in a place like this." DARCI's voice chimed back into the conversation, reminding Dash that not everyone in his line of work was of the social type. Some were inherently disabled against the flattery of words, and the banter he seemed to naturally come across. Truth be told, Dash's personal ability to smooth-talk was for the ladies only. When not on his preferred turf, having social interactions with people who weren't hip to his techno-vibe was quite hard for the slicer. His thoughts were fast paced and inherently gifted, making it hard to adjust with the idea of friends his own age. He didn't duck social convention or the dating scene, but an honest to goodness friendship was rare for the Hapan. He just didn't do well with what he dubbed as 'normals', unless they were attractive.

"Are you calling me Shiny, babe?"

"That wasn't the first adjective that came to mind."

"Behave yourself, we've got company."

"Pot...Kettle, nice to meet you." The sardonic tone of the SPHERE's voice echoed out in tones unmistakable as Dash rolled his eyes, shifting his focus back towards his bar stool company. DARCI was quite a handy feature in his arsenal - sometimes even better than his wit and charm. They did tend to argue and bicker, and that was the apparent design since he certainly didn't want some kind of pedantic yesman following him around. He had enough ego on his own, than to have something stroke it twenty-four/seven or however long the current planet's rotation dictated a day would be.

"This? It's a glorified commlink, but that lovely acerbic wit you hear drumming through - she's a keeper, despite her attitude. Her name's DARCI, and she's a bit more than interesting." No response from the AI on that line, because she was either blushing in all shades of virtual red, or possibly being entertained by some new holo-viral that was out and about, learning about it even before Dash did.

[member="Arali Shala"] | [member="Bond"] | [member="Cryax Bane"]
The droid and it's Hapan spoke too much, she decided. Or at least too much too quickly. She tipped her drink slightly in the direction of the odd duo with little other signs of interest, opting instead to remain quiet throughout his onslaught of loose tongued chatter. It's not that she didn't welcome the conversation - indeed, she often pined for someone to ramble on to into the early hours of the morning, however she had no intention of being thrust into the limelight tonight. The droid was right, she thought. She most certainly didn't want to be the most opulent spectacle in a place like this. Especially considering the oversized scrap bucket talking to the somewhat itchy Chiss not too far away. Her optical implants shifted and whirred slightly, bringing up streams of data for her without intruding on what was going on. She enjoyed having her own private UI. It allowed her to multitask more efficiently. Truth be told, she was taking images of the young hapan's face, and attempting to cross reference it with Nar Shaddaa's holonet, to see what results came up. Arali was always a fan of knowing who she was speaking to before she really bothered to talk to them.

"So I see..." she said, in relation to the droid. D.A.R.C.I. was certainly fascinating, but she didn't think she'd be able to put up with the constant backtalk. Arali liked her droids to be quiet, to the point, and above all efficient. Talking back simply didn't factor into that idea. "So tell me, what brings a somewhat loud, all over the shop Hapan to this particular part of the city?" The question was as much insult as it was small talk. She figured the Hapan to be slightly arrogant, and most certainly cocksure. Arali knew he was a slicer, almost everyone here was, to some level, so the question was simply pleasantries - small talk, if you would. Nothing more than a way for her to pass the time while she figured out just who the hell he was...

[member="Dashal Vance"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Bond"]

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