Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skyrim: Wyrmstooth DLC

[member="Vrag"] thanks for that, it does look really interesting. I'll try it and see how it is!

Jay Scott Clark said:
Beware. I'm at 41 mods, hundreds of hours, and still growing strong. It's a sickness.

Yeah, what he said. It's quite easy to no-life on this game hard. I've been playing on and off since it came out and there is still stuff to do.
I still haven't finished exploring my unmodded version of Oblivion...
There's so much to do...

Like going nuts with console commands when you're in a bad mood and just killing everything :devil:
Well, there are USB slots on the 360. Has anyone ever tried to download the mods and other DLC, slap em on a USB and see if they'll load on the 360?

I'm really stretching here. >_>


Disney's Princess
Lorelei Darke said:
Well, there are USB slots on the 360. Has anyone ever tried to download the mods and other DLC, slap em on a USB and see if they'll load on the 360?

I'm really stretching here. >_>
Nah. I've loaded my saves over to the USB and then edited them for gold, items, and such. But these mods don't work that way. :(

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