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Faction Six Thousand Stagnant Years (Warlords of the Sith)

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows



It should be obvious that Sith magic stagnated after the genocide of Korriban.

Sith have guarded and hoarded the same handful of spells ever since.

There is no reason this pathetic state of affairs should continue.

With the advice and consent of the Sovereigns - Vora Kaar Vora Kaar , Darth Voyance Darth Voyance , and Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield - I invite you to a contest of innovation and commitment.

In three weeks' time, I will welcome you all to the great training halls on the

Those of you who have managed to create a new Sith spell by then are invited to demonstrate.

The Three will choose a winner, and will employ that new spell - named for its creator - against our enemies.

Ashin Varanin, Darth Desmius




One of the great training halls could fit, oh, dozens of Sith if not more. Dozens were already here - instructors and senior students, guests and dignitaries. Ashin sat in a simple chair, looking down over the training area and the observation tiers.

"A true talent for Sith magic is rare," she said, and her voice carried throughout the great hall. "But perhaps a few of you have found it within yourselves to create something new within that sphere. Anyone here who has created a new Sith spell is invited to demonstrate. I'm sure our leaders agree that great innovation will reap rewards as surely as laziness will." She gestured to the area set aside for the three Dark Sovereigns. "To the winner or winners - the glory of being immortalized in history."


"...who's first?"


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Darth Immortuos

Darth Immortuos.

It was unsure where he came from. But it was obvious enough the overall topic caught his interest. Greater forces often pulled in a vast range of audiences, this was the summary of the sith lords own journey. Immortuos himself had dedicated his life to the rediscovery of Sith magic, knowledge and arcane arts. His reasons were his own but today he as perhaphs the best sith sorceror that was alive...well not alive, considering the state he was in physically. A lifeless husk.

Every piece of knowledge and magic has a price. A price that must be paid.

Being in a room full of hungry students brought him back to the days of One Sith.

Before its fall...

Above watching the students fail or succeed was a greater interest. Immortuos was looking more at potential and personality.

He was looking for a apprentice.

Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin
Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
Darth Voyance Darth Voyance
Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows


The goal here was to see if any of the Sith had succeeded in creating a new spell. Ashin took non-negligible pleasure in seeing some of them caught between the promise of glory and the threat of failure. And success was far from guaranteed.

As various powerful Darksiders deliberated privately on whether to demonstrate whatever Sith magic they might have developed in response to the challenge, Ashin spoke up again from her chair.

"We're fortunate to see Darth Immortuos here, master of the Rancidus Order. Perhaps you'll be the one who stands out today, Lord Immortuos - you have a reputation for sorcery. Have you created a new Sith spell, some innovation that transcends the canon?"


Factory Judge
The chance to see what the Warlords could offer, was too hard for Vora to pass up. Bringing his own apprentice, Tash, The Dark Sovereign of Strength attended this meeting of the minds. One in which would allow for the many Sith to join, a chance to not only further the studies within the force, but also allow them to be recorded in history as the Sith who had discovered this twisted, manipulated, form of the force.

Ashin Varanin. A once presumed Sith who had once been Emperor of a long defunct form of the Sith Empire. It was not difficult to find information on the Empress who had presented a coup against the previous Lord, Darth Mordin. Nor her exploits later in many forms of the force. Notably, writings that Vora himself had followed in some form. Standing stalwart against enemies using the force to highly supplement combat as a whole.

Three Weeks ago, Vora would have never expected for this Sith to have contacted the Dark Sovereigns of such an idea. With their many upcoming exploits in Sith Magic, and Alchemy, as well as a host of Lords who drew deeply within the hidden magics of the force. Namely, the ever corrupting, ever powerful, Dark side.

Standing there with arms folded across his chest, Vora waited for whomever may come forward with powers or abilities which could be expounded upon greatly within not just the Warlords, but the Sith community as a whole. Of course there would be some to hide such for themselves, and spring it upon the last moment, surprising all. However, should even a modicum be shown today, All sith would learn and become stronger today.

Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin Darth Voyance Darth Voyance Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield Darth Immortuos

Jacen Novastar




Of the numerous Sith present, it was a certain acolyte who took the initiative to step up where his peers had previous not done. He waded out from a group of acolytes near the edge of the room, each of them having found their way into the small clique that Jacen had put together to serve his interests at the academy. Compared to the others, none of them were really an impressive sight to see.

Such a small number of acolytes were incapable of much in the grand scheme of things. But the sole one of their number to step forwards proved a cut different from the rest. He was a confident bastard at first sight, sporting a set of impassive eyes that remained purposefully oblivious to the gazes that now settled upon him as he stepped into the spotlight.

He entered the center of the room for all those to see, quiet and seemingly in wait. From the opposite side of the room there stood another group of Acolytes, thrice the size of Jacen's group and with a Pureblooded Sith at their head. Their leader moved forwards with an alchemized blade in hand, seething with hatred that appeared to be targeted towards Jacen and his "comrades" to his rear.

Jacen shoved his hands into his jacket's pockets as his fellow Acolyte bellowed a challenge and insults in his native tongue. He wanted revenge on behalf of his brother, or at least that's what was openly stated regarding their feud. In reality the finale to their feud had been a long time coming. Since his arrival at the academy, Jacen had been scheming his way upwards on the food chain, targeting those who were foolish enough to fall for his ploys in an effort to gather what little influence the Acolytes were able to fight over.

His final ploy against this specific individual had manifested itself in the form of a challenge. One that allowed him to seek vengeance for his recently killed brother, and perhaps impress those gathered at the same time. It was a typical finale to one of the many bloody feuds that took place since his arrival. Jacen couldn't help but let out a chuckle as his rival began claiming victory before their duel had even began.

"What a fool."

He mused loud enough for the Sith to hear. Jacen had let the man's hubris fester for so long that in the end he'd given himself up as a Guinea pig without even knowing it. A smirk crept its way onto Jacen's face as his pureblooded rival responded to the taunt with further hubris and rage. He beared down upon the unarmed acolyte with impressive speed and technique, only to see the culmination of his training prove useless as a result. Jacen weaved around the blade's edge, dancing away and out of the Acolyte's reach as he repeated an incantation beneath his breath.

He was met with blade by his rival, only to respond with sorcery in kind. His eyes smoldered a radiant white in response to these incantations, a rising black mist permeating off the floor, coalescing around his form with each movement of the hand that guided it towards his body. Unnatural lightning jolted through the mist, growing in intensity with each passing second.

The Sith's hesitance to move forwards would only last for a few seconds, his efforts once more redoubling on striking down his rival. The blade fell down upon Jacen, striking his form with a clean hit that should've splayed the acolyte in two. His blade was absorbed into the mist and held in place, unable to be removed even as the Sith dedicated all his strength to pulling it out.

Jacen flicked his hand forwards, pointing a finger at the center of the acolyte's chest.

"You were dead before you even arrived."

Part of the mist coalesced with the arcing bolts of lightning traveling within it, jetting forwards from the point of his finger and into the chest cavity of his now deceased rival. An opaque blade burst through the man's back, spraying what remained of his life's essence across the ground for all to see.

Jacen snapped his fingers, releasing the sorcerous magic he'd manifested in an instant. The mist dissipated in an instant, and with it the blade that pierced his rival.

A hand rested over his hear as he dipped his head towards his instructors and those who'd gathered for the day's events. It was an offering of respect, given his improvisation of baiting one of his rivals into becoming a live target to test the magic he wished to display. Either way he was satisficed with the outcome, and walked back over towards his group.

Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin Darth Voyance Darth Voyance Darth Immortuos Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield Vora Kaar Vora Kaar


Darth Immortuos

Slightly taken back by the sudden spotlight of attention the dark lord stepped forward. His scowl hidden under a heavy scarlet hood.

Is this a challenge?

The thought came to his mind instantly. There was a silence before any words were spoken. Though his face was covered, the tilting of Immortuos’s head suggested deep consideration and thought.

“ I hav-“ The sith lord stopped has if he had been interrupted and turned his gaze toward Jacen Novastar and his display of innate power. The scent of blood was unmistakable and ripe for Immortuos’s new senses.

The perfect opportunity.

Levitating himself down to the student and apparent victor, he inspected the body of a dying man and spoke in a lower tone. “ Do you wish to live?” It was a simple question.

Choked on his own blood the defeated student did his best to motion an answer. A mixture of fear, anger and hate as he slowly bled out.

“ Heheheh.” A chuckle echo’d in the chamber. “ Your timing was...impeccable.” Immortuos stooped closer to Jacen. “ Well done.” Drawing back the dark lord nodded his head and began to clap. A golden armored hand meeting a foul ghoul one with a clap. The youngsters display was worthy of admiration.

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
Darth Voyance Darth Voyance
Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield
Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows


Ashin sat forward, replaying her short-term memory in detail. Jacen Novastar's incantation - a new one as far as she knew, and she'd heard many - had surrounded him with a tenacious shield of black mist that trapped his enemy's sword. And the mist could extend away from the body into a bladelike form or spike, and it could conduct lightning. As a defensive specialist, Ashin found herself impressed. Immortuos seemed impressed as well.

"Your spell works against a sword - what about other attacks? A lightsaber, a blaster, an explosion?" Ashin glanced around the room's assembled Sith. "Does it work against the Force?"

Not that an acolyte's spell could withstand Master-level attacks...but Ashin was more than willing to watch him try.

One of the gathered Dark Brood Knights took the hint and raised a hand. Lightning snapped out between him and Jacen Novastar.



Jacen Novastar




Jacen was humble, at least on the exterior, in the face of those who congratulated him for the display he'd put on. Respect was given to those who deserved it, whereas his fellow apprentices would find themselves pressed for anything similar. The appearance of Immortuos brought about a curious glance as he lingered over the dying man left in the center of the room. For a moment he considered if the two had any mutual connections, and what his next move might be if that reality came true. He muttered a few choice words under his breath, his hands finding their way behind his back. The essence of the dark side coalesced within a cupped hand, readied and prepared in the case that he'd made another enemy on that day.

The Sith Lord joined in the small chorus of applause, and Jacen offered that same humble visage that he put on from before. It soon turned sour after the line of questions from another would segue into a secondary display of his abilities. Lightning arced out from a third Sith on behest of the woman that put together the event.

Words were already being mouthed as he threw his arm forwards, the swirling sphere of energy now visible to those present. He launched it forwards as he guided the mist upwards from the ground with his other hand, attempting to condense it around his form with haste. The lightning and his own blast of condensed energy would purposefully not intersect. Assuming his technique was not up to par and his death came as a result of the lightning, Jacen would make sure that both him and the Sith in question would suffer a similar fate in the end.

The lightning would indeed crash into his form, but the protective nature of the mist would dissipate the energy after a few seconds of appearing fried to all hell and back He snapped his fingers once it was over, shifting his attention back to Ashin and not the fate of the one on the receiving end of his force blast.

"The spell can be used to resist the force, yes. I'd assume the more powerful the Sith, the more splendid the resistances would be. Granted I haven't perfected it yet myself, but it is quite capable of resisting the force and energy-based weapons. Slugthrowers with a high-rate of fire have the chance to sneak a round or three through, and unfortunately if one were to be hit with an explosion head-on, they would find themselves just as dead as the pure-blooded fool that bled out on the floor."

Darth Immortuos | Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin | Vora Kaar Vora Kaar | Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield | Darth Voyance Darth Voyance

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Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows


"Bah, don't bask too much in praise or oversell your strength. A shield is a shield, no matter how clever, and you're an acolyte. Know your limits. That's the only way to transcend them - and be taken seriously in the process." Ashin raised her voice. "Clear out the dead man. On to the next demonstrator."

A couple of the Pomojema's people, Sith in their own right, removed the fresh corpse. Sith Purebloods were vanishingly rare in this day and age: the body would have any number of uses.


Jacen Novastar Vora Kaar Vora Kaar Darth Voyance Darth Voyance Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield Darth Immortuos
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Darth Immortuos

Immortuos's attention diverted back to the student on the floor. Crimson-yellow eyes seethed from within his hood at the body. I could use him. Little did he know tha the host of this very event also may of had the same thing in mind. Great minds often thought alike. The body itself had many uses but to Immortuos specifically, The dead acolyte may as well of been still alive. Concentration on the student broke when the order to drag the body away was given.

Heavy robes dragged on the floor over a smeared pool of blood as Immortuos himself took to the stage. The question of "Who was next" still lingered but now no more. Pulling a book from his robe sleeve, Immortuos opened the rough looking leather book and studied specific page in silence. Raising his head his gaze sought the floor below followed by the outstretching of his own sickly left hand. Fingers contorted in odd manners. Breath words and chants were hissed from his lips.

A strange jagged symbol was scorched into the floor like flesh receiving a tattoo, but only briefly before it faded into obscurity and vanished. As if it was never there.

" Observe."

The sith lord levitated himself back and away from the symbol. The golden gauntlet on his right hand parting space in his attire only to reveal a rather disturbing sight. Bodies mangles together about a single figure. A single creature was loosed from Immortuos's whole. Hunched over it looked around squinting at the lights and flicking its bloated tongue where lips used to be. They had been eaten away. Even now its maw moved up and down apon its own inner cheek. Gnawing on the inside. With a sniff its eyes grew wide. Almost to the point of bulging out of the sockets. Excitement, rage and hunger tempted the creature and it showed physically.

It desired to consume everyone in this area but there was also something else. A quiet dominion and greater will that held it in place.

This poor being was afflicted with Blackwing. A very deadly infection which in itself was the result of sith alchemy. Arcane arts, botany and the darkside was the beginning of its origins.

" Walk forward." A finger pointed straight ahead from the Sith Lord and the creature acknowledged. It obeyed. Walking forward till its rotten foot lay dead where the same jagged symbol had been once engraved. With a flash of white light it reappeared with increasing intensity. Volatile. A eerie scream struck cords within the force as the symbol caved in on itself and torn the material plane of this reality open to the size of a Hutt ball. Falling to the floor the undead creature scurried and attempted to escape but gravity seemed to pull at its body toward the floor and into the new black void.

Its legs finally gave way in a strange tumble of twists and breaks. It left the creature clawing the metal floor, its nails scraping against the material. As soon as the hole has opened, it closed in the blink of an eye and severed the creature just below its sternum.

Immortuos lifted his head from the ground and the events he had stirred and shifted his body in a way that suggested he was now turning his attention toward Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin .The left hand of Immortuos shook lightly in place. The same limb that was used to cast the spell. Due to his physical state he could not feel it. Not fully.

And so he waited for the questions to begin.

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
Darth Voyance Darth Voyance
Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield
Jacen Novastar

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows


Ashin's heart rate jolted up as Immortuos revealed himself to be a construct of Blackwing victims. She'd fought Blackwing more than once and had a healthy fear of it. The collective inhalation that ran around the room could almost be called a gasp, undignified as it was. His revelation ensured the absolute attention of the crowd. The moment was a piece of magic without magic. It was genius.

And then he used that as a springboard to demonstrate a power that nobody here had seen before. It was a display of such power that Ashin found herself chewing on insecurity - not her favorite path to the Dark Side by any means.

"Lord Immortuos," she said, and cleared her throat. "To my eye, that was a new Sith rune, a trap that weakened the target with a burst of lightning and then forcefully drew it into a...partial teleportation effect. Is that accurate?"

She knew it was. She also knew it was ryvving terrifying.


Darth Immortuos

Darth Immortuos

" You are correct. " He responded simply but rolled his eyes in the shadow of his hood. There was much more that went into the spell than the over simplified observation that was just stated. Ashin was indeed a character Immortuos had heard of many times before in the past. Though back then the title of Darth eluded him. He was known only as Nulgath Zardai. A eager and arrogant student of One Sith teachings. While he had respect for the feats and accomplishments of this woman. Meeting Ashin here, now and like this for the first time was...strange. Part of Immortuos wondered if age had dulled her senses or maybe refined them to a point. Made her even more deadly than she could of ever been before.

" When it comes to Sith magic. I have given much, if not all, of myself to its knowledge." Decrypted hands took hold of the hood covering Immortuos's head and majority of his face. With a pull it was yanked back and his visage unveiled for all to see. Sulfuric yellow eyes like orbs burned in their sockets peering about the arena. Immortuos's appearance was very similar to that of the undead creature on the floor crawling about, only he looked more grim and twisted. Decayed flesh preserved by unknown effects. He was a walking corpse for lack of any better terms.

" Gaze apon me..." He whispered to himself.
" Everything has a price to pay."

Jacen Novastar
Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin
Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
Darth Voyance Darth Voyance
Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield
Factory Judge
Darth Immortuos was a man who Vora had come to understand and learn of within these recent months as his tenure of the Dark Sovereign. While outwardly his demeanor was stoic and unwavering. Inside, the darkened man cracked just a little. A flash of portals opening on a world, with the dead flooding in. Eyes closed during the proceedings of the Sith Acolyte while another seemed to challenge him. Where upon the challenger perished. Vora returned to the present in time to see the aforementioned Darth Immortuos hanging over the student. Dying, but barely there.

The black dome tilted ever so slightly. Why not end the weakened individual who challenged them? Was not the Sith about strength over any challenge? As the man was being dragged away, the gaze once more turned to the decrepit Sith Lord.

The summoning of a Sith familiar, one that looked rather intimidating, was drawn over the top of a Rune based spell. One upon which arcs lashed out. Debilitating the creature before ripping it into a void. Only to close and sheer it so that it was separated over a distance. A spell in which would trap unsuspecting users. Darth Desmius spoke up. Asking if what happened be correct to our eyes. While it was a very simple explanation, I am sure that the rune itself act as the seal. One that could only be activated per the creators choice. One where a change in the runes used, could allow a specific group to be targeted, or allow only a specific group to pass, but activate upon all others.

Following the confirmation of such from the individual in question, the cowl of the man was removed. Exposing a face that not even a mother could love. One that reminded the Sovereign of Strength of necropsy, and a medical term, Necrosis. Flesh that died, and flaked, or is slowly eating away at the still living host. With a man so devoted to the Dark side of the force, it had corrupted him upon a level in which few had seen before.

"Let the visage of Darth Immortuos be a sign unto you. The Magics performed today are not mere simplistic feats of the force."

The deep and guttural, metallic voice spoke from the blackened helm. Vora speaking of Sith magics in which many would find... unnatural.

As much as Vora wished to simply stand there and enjoy what others had brought, the Sith Acolyte standing up showed that anyone could practice, but the decaying lord showed true devotion to such craft. Vora himself wanted to show off something he had been working on. While it was mere trivial to someone who would be well versed within the magics, and the force, it was a notable improvement in which Vora found fascinating.

Stepping down from where he could overlook the main open floor upon which others could perform, Vora walked easily towards the center. Footfalls fell silent. A sharp intake of breath came from the respirator system followed by the exhale. One could only confirm it as centering one's thoughts. The blackened gloves shined one another upon Vora's palms. Rubbing for a moment as though to warm his hands up. Taking his time, the Lord brought both hands up. Extending outward of himself with hands wide open. Slowly, a shade formed in front of him. Coalescing into that of a sword. It would be unmistakable as a weapon once belonging to one of the various Light-side orders.

Upon summoning the weapon, it was drawn. The ring of metal leaving leather seemed to echo louder than it should have. Taking the weapon, a gentle hand was used. Dropping the scabbard while gloved hands allowed the blade to rest. Gripping the blade, the sudden and explosive nature of Vora's actions was met with the sword being brought down over his knee. Snapping the blade as if a twig. Breaking into three separate pieces. Guard, belly, and tip.

With the belly of the blade clanging upon the ground, it came to a stop eventually. Without uttering words, Vora dropped the tip of the blade. Making all of his focus upon the weapon's grip and guard. A section of the blade of about 6 inches was left. A hand gently placed upon the break, A light formed from the gloved hand. As Vora began to remove his hand from the cracked and broken sword, the crack never left his hand. Slowly his hand moved further from the guard until a completely new, and reforged sword took its place. Completely mirroring what had been broken before.

Once more, held openly, and slammed downward upon the knee, the blade this second time, retained its form. Not breaking despite the knee taken. To prove furthermore that the blade was even more resilient than its previous counterpart that still lay upon the floor, the edge was slammed downward upon the ground. Clanging loudly time and time again. Using the tip, the edge, and even the flat of the blade. Yet it would not break.

"The force, and dark magics are powerful in many destructive ways. Yet, they can also rebuild, strengthen, and fortify one who seeks such usage."

Indicating for Ashin to draw closer, Vora took a couple steps as well. Turning the blade around so that she might inspect it herself. That it was no illusion nor act of trickery.


Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin Darth Immortuos Jacen Novastar Darth Voyance Darth Voyance Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows


Ashin accepted the reconstituted sword. She picked up the broken blade as well and compared them against each other.

"So far as I can tell," she said, "the new sword has the weight, balance, and cross-section of the original. Either this is an excellent, permanent Force construct - or, Sovereign Kaar, you've created matter or drawn it from elsewhere. Which is it?"

She tapped a sequence on a control wristband, and a pillar came up from the floor. Inside was a ysalamir on a nutrient frame. She stepped into the Force-null bubble without hesitation or fear, and examined the sword to see whether the blade disappeared or began to degrade.


Vora Kaar Vora Kaar
Factory Judge
A smirk formed underneath the helm. Ashin would not let anything get past her. Knowing the few ways it could be done. This only showed that she didn't just have an understanding, but a working knowledge of the force as a whole. Vora found this appealing. She did not disappoint with any action she took seemingly. For that, Vora did one of the rare and few things he would likely never do.

Reaching down, he began to fumble with his hands. It took a moment, but he revealed his hands. Caucasian skin tone. Not pale, but not tanned. Well kept nails, but there was something clearly wrong. It was with the slow sliding of armorweave sleeved material that exposed his arm. The veins visibly blackened, and damaged. Flesh becoming more and more pale to almost become white. Pulling it high enough, to show just the slightest bit of his bicep just above his elbow.

"Many actions require a sacrifice in order to not make, but convert new material. As many Sith of old know, Blood is one of the most powerful forms of being a conduit for the force."

Slowly, he began to replace the sleeve and gloves. An audible groan as though merely touching himself caused him pain. Either way, he focused on it for a moment before continuing. While Ashin did remove herself to inspect how a Force Nullification field could act, The man himself could feel the force removed from him as he was just close enough. Yet the blade stayed there. Merely losing any glow, or force related effects it could bestow to the user.

"This creation relies upon my knowledge of what I am replacing. That blade belonged to a dear friend of mine years ago. Knowledge and wisdom of the weapon in question is a must. However, it is much easier should it be tied to the force."

Indicating to the corpse of the beast Darth Immortous had used earlier, its flesh was rapidly decaying to the point of being completely unnatural. Unlike the blade held by the woman Sith, it was healed like any kind of being of the universe was. As if being healed from the force, and entering a force nullification field, would suddenly cause the wound to return.

"Much like beings of the universe can be healed, weapons, armor, tools, or otherwise are no exception to that rule. With a multitude of pathways to restoring a beings mind, body, or spirit, there are multiple ways to restore an object. This is the one I have found to be less demanding, and less intensive."

Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin Darth Immortuos Jacen Novastar

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows


The Sovereign had dodged part of the question, she realized as she handed him the sword. But the blade remained tangible even in a ysalamir field, and that was as much an answer as she could expect.

The ysalamir column slid back into the floor. Ashin leaped high and took her seat again on an observation tier.

"So far we've seen three impressive new pieces of Sith magic. Jacen Novastar with his grasping black-mist body shield. Darth Immortuos with his consuming trap rune. Sovereign Vora Kaar Vora Kaar with the power to heal a broken sword stronger than before.

"I have my own...humble offering. Some of you have seen it in action."

At an unseen signal, the bleeding Pureblood acolyte was dragged out again, near death.

"When Exar Kun's commitment to the Dark Side was in its infancy, a cave-in on Yavin Four trapped him underground and crushed his body. The spirit of Naga Sadow told him to commit - to give himself to the Sith way. And in return, Sadow used a rare and agonizing Sith spell to heal Kun utterly.

"I know this spell. I combined it with Darth Bane's ability to feed off pain."

She raised her hands from the armrests and made the appropriate gestures. Down in the middle of the demonstration area, the near-dead Pureblood screamed.

And in under a minute, he pulled himself to his feet, only to bow deeply in the direction of Ashin and the Sovereigns.

"His own pain powered much of the spell once it started," said Ashin. "It's a serious piece of magic, but I'm far from tired."

She stood up again.

"Lords and Masters...who's next?"


Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Darth Bellum Darth Bellum Kascalion Giedfield Kascalion Giedfield Darth Mutilice Darth Voyance Darth Voyance Darth Interitus Darth Interitus
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Romund stood by and watched the upstart Siths show their stuff. He came as one of the many guests/dignitaries. Himself being somewhat of a newcomer to the Sith way of teaching. When he did he refused to have a master to guide him on the daunting journey. Because although he was new to the Sith he was not new to the Darkside. He also saw the idea of having a master to serve under to hinder him and his goals.

Since he was not expecting to partake in any sort of combat he wore his simple by traditional dark brown Morellian duster that covered most of his body. His one unconcealed eye, unhindered by the patch on the other looked over those who cared to show off their stuff. First came some sort of live combat demonstration between rivals. He dared not shy away as the aggressor spilt their opponent's blood. Showing what he at first thought to be some kind of illusion. Only because Romund and the family of darksiders that made up House Sro had a natural affinity for mind tricks and illusions. One of the main reasons their old fiefdom commanded such loyalty. But that proved to not be the case as they seemingly slayed their opponent with the mist.

Next came a rather mysterious individual, one with seemingly just as much determination but with less of an air of confidence as the last. Showing off a rather grotesque demonstration of what he imagined to be some sort of animated construct made up of the remains of several people. Like some sort of Sith Golem. But once more he was proved wrong as the demonstration something else entirely.

The host of the event, Ashin picked up on what was happening far sooner than Romund could. That made sense to him however, she was quite the veteran on the matter.

Once more a third individual came. A Dark Sovereign. Romund personally found it unbefitting of such an individual like Kaar to be showing off what they too had come up with lately for what he saw as essentially Sith show and tell. Surely he would show off something truly impressive, after all they were a Sith Lord, of one of the highest among the fledgling feudal organization. But what they showed off was nothing to scoff at either. With an ability like the one they demonstrated it seemed a little difficult to picture the possibly boundless applications for it.

Ashin then also seemed to get their own time in the spotlight at they saved the butchered rival from earlier. Before asking who in the large room could be next. Romund very much knew that he would not being going up. Not now and probably not at all during the event. He wasn't even really as into developing something new from nothing. But was more interested in finding new applications for old techniques...

Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin | Vora Kaar Vora Kaar | Darth Immortuos | Jacen Novastar
Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin | Vora Kaar Vora Kaar | Darth Immortuos | Jacen Novastar

She wasn't comfortable here.

In fact, Ceri wasn't entirely certain what she was doing here in the first place.

Something had pulled at her.

This was a right company for her. Why? She didn't know. But the individuals displayed impressive powers. Things that ought to scare here, but she had looked on impassively as it went on. Only internally a part of her was fidgeting. One broken body was healed in pain and stood up, before bowing. She eyed the Pureblood.

Watching for signs of deception.

None could be found. It was genuine. Remarkable.

Her hands wrung as the silence went on after Ashin's last question. Who would go next? Ceri looked around, expectantly. But was surprised to see that some people were staring at her. Why would they-


Somehow she had found herself on the training floor. "Um." Ceri blinked owlishly, looking around and then up to the figure in the armchair. She felt... familiar to her, but the green-skinned lady did not recognize her. "I have worked on something..." This she knew instinctively. Yes, she had been working on an interesting feat. Hours staring at her own mind and wondering why it had such a hard time keeping grasp of even the most recent event. A second figure rose up, a wide toothy grin, casual and confident.

Perhaps someone who thought they'd make quick work of the new blood and make a name out for themselves.

Either way-

She whispered the words, hooking her fingers by her side in the right shapes, and just like that the other Sith stepped through the invisible threshold. He blinked, slack-jawed for a moment and looking around like the room was entirely novel to him.

It was, of course, an experience that Ceri was very familiar with. This familiarity did nothing to dispel her next instinct- Stepping forward quickly and slamming the end of her stick into their face and as they doubled over, slammed it over their head. The Sith topped over unconscious. Ceri grimaced there and stepped back, before looking around and back to Ashin.

"Um. I have been experimenting with Mind Rub? It usually is a direct application, but I have managed to anchor it to a location. I know it's not exactly... an entirely new power, but I believe it is still helpful." A groan from the Sith on the ground underlined that sentiment.

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