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Approved Species Sith Warlord

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  • Intent: To bring back a canon sithspawn creation and improve upon them while adding in some new weaknesses
  • Image Credit: Dragonball Super
  • Canon: Battlelord
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Sith Warlord
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Aza'zoth
  • Average Lifespan: 200
  • Estimated Population:
    • Semi-Unique: Battlelords
    • Unique: Warlord
  • Description: Normal looking at first but a bottle of endlesss fury and rage, the battlelords can change their own body mass with the darkside pushing rage and hatred into strength and sspeed. Making their bodies bulk up to sizes no one thought possible. The darkside aura tainting them and as their rage increases their body mass increaes becoming more and more muscled as well as taller. They are identified in two distinct styles.. the battlelords that function on battlefields leading soldiers and the Warlord.. a primary battlelord able to command the lesser ones.
  • Breathes: Type 1, Type 2
  • Average Height of Adults:
    • 2.5-3mm (Battlelords)
    • 4m (Warlord)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Black to White
  • Hair color: Black to White
  • Distinctions:
    • Thicker skin
    • Yellow Eyes
    • Heavy darkside Aura
    • Increased stature
  • Races:
    • Battlelord: The standard formed... commanders on the battlefield and large built for fighting.
    • Warlord: The highest of the battlelords through combat and experience. Only one exists at a time and it is in a constant challenge to keep themselves controlled by the strongest.
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Aura of Domination: The Battlelords and Warlord command the soldiers of the empire, their aura with the darkside inspires them through fear and excitement of rage to fight to the point of sanity and then they will not stop.
  • Dark Aura: The Battlelords and Warlord are extensions of the darkside and create in a small bubble around them (generally five meters) that pulses with the darkside and becomes more heavy with their rage.
  • Force in Balance: The battlelords of old were created bound to others and this granted them hardened skin able to repel small knives and give them additional strength. THeir skills have been augmented to heal themselves the longer they are in a fight and the more wounds they inflict upon their enemies.
  • Force rage: The Battlelords and Warlord through the force and darkside are stronger and by lasting. Able to simply fight with devastating weapons for longer periods of time as they augment their bodies.
  • Former Self: The Battlelords and Warlord have their former skills and powers to rely upon augmented for greater physical strength with the power of the darkside. They can look normal until they become angry and unleash their rage and fury.
  • Dark Purity: The battlelords are forged and recreated through darkside rituals, their connection to it is unmistakable and cannot be hidden. They practically exude the darkside from their pores and their blood has darkened into an almost black liquid of corruption.
  • Darklight: The Battlelords connection to its minions and by results the connection of the Warlord to them can be severed and weakened by the use of the lightside of the force. Incinerating their connection to the darkside and possibly them along with it.
  • Lumbering: The Battlelord and Warlord are not fast, they are powerful, dangerous and able to command the battlefield. Their speed has been reduced and they lumber forward presenting a target to their enemies.
  • Subservience: The Battlelords and by extension have gained their presence through dedication to the darkside and their masters. Their will are tied to them and orders are followed without question. (Hands, Eye, Voice, Dark Lord Himself)
  • Former Self: The Battlelords and Warlord are empowered, created and built to fight, to be monsters on the battleflied but their skills are only as great as they were in their former lives. They do not receive a power boost in their skills, they do not learn how to control everything they must still learn it, must still train just now they have dominion and power over beings weaker then them.
  • Force Light: Being sithspawn the battlelords and warlords are tied to the darkside of the force and so it makes their capabilities stronger but it also makes them vulnerable to force nullification and force light. It can harm them or render them almost into a coma when not present.
  • Diet: Omnivore: Basic food groups
  • Communication: Verbal, telepathic, force aura
  • Technology level: Their level of technology depends one who they are with. Vong weapons and biots could end up being used,
  • Religion/Beliefs:
    • The culture of the battlelords has changed slightly where before they were created and used solely for battles against the Republic with a singular purpose. The need for them to adapt and direct to changing situations has created a pack mentality.

      There is the alpha, the Warlord who is first above the rest, commanding the betas who them command the lower ranks of the empire. Their power follows the vision of the Dark Lord clearly as they have only been chosen for their pure dedication to the cause of the One Sith.

      When one falls in battle his energies and power is remembered as the munin the essence of their power and ferocity being remembered by the others. The second in command can challenge the Warlord if they believe themselves stronger (with sanctioning by the Dark Lord as with the rest of the sith)
  • General behavior:
    • The battlelord function as standard beings within the one sith, following the vision of the dark lord. The major difference is their conviction, only the most loyal, most dedicated and skilled are given the power to command legions of the siths forces. Going against the vision or the darkside is not acceptable and many pay for it with their lives.

      When on the battlefield they are beasts and machines of war moving and wading into enemy forces with weapons and their powers of the darkside as their aid. Legions of soldiers and sithspawn at their beck and call as their rage and anger suffocates the lightside of the force or overwhelms commanding the powerful force nexuses of the Unseelie to strengthen and maintain their presence in the darkside.
The Sith battlelord was created in ancient times and used to turn the tide of battle, had it not been for the Darkstaff incident they might have survived on Cularin..... and that legend, that legacy was what Kaine Zambrano sought with his apprentice to reawaken long ago in the old empire. Experimenting on the subjects he had slaughtered and captured to try and create stronger, faster soldiers who would serve him loyally.

The blackblades were powerful, they were loyal but why waste them when he could make beings who pushed the riff raff onward sparring his men training and organizing them, The pair began and found only failure as she was not strong enough to meet her masters needs and power. After visiting Karin Dorn (before Kaine killed her again) Balaya gleamed the power of the sith master but didn't learn any of the spells from her needed. Instead she found the need and hints in the archives.

More beneficial chances came when she was able to download to her datapad the Korriban computer records before the the Republic took the planet. Escaping with her apprentice Eruni the future Darth Tyrana. With hints and notes on the ritual Balaya began thinking of ways to work on it. Employing the One Sith to gather her subjects in exchange for lessons as she ascended to the rank of Lord within the One Sith. Going to Tantorus and finding the priest class of purebloods... was even better.

Now armed with powerful magic users, a base knowledge of the ritual Balaya went to work practicing on Gamorreons to twist their bodies and bend their wills. She wanted to create the battlelords and with her success with the Unseelie and Seelie sithspawn, her power to gain contro of the Akure leviathan and command of Sithspawn as the ritual became perfected somewhat with changes in parts. She displayed the power by altering one of the talented sith apprentices.

Sitara Qin was everything she had hoped for and more taking to her new role of command and sending her fellow apprentices against one of the baby leviathans to kill it for her master. Her skills in the darkside growing compared to the master who had trained her. A small part of it being humor but there was something that needed to be said. Balaya didn't like having others do something unless she was willing to do it herself to a point.

She prepared the ritual again.and subjected herself to it, creating a stronger battlelord fueled by her submission and command of the darkside as well as cybernetic implant. The pink skin hardening to a pink smooth hide that could deflect small blades and her enhanced bones readjusting as she gained more stature with the powers of the darkside. She dubbed herself the first an only Sith Warlord, command of the Battlelords and much like the hydra queen and Tsavong controlled the Vong.

So to did she control the sithspawn and legions, binding Massassi to them and giving them the procedure to empower themselves and grow stronger, grow more powerful. Balaya has since refined the process for creating the battlelords and servants of the darkside... using what she has mastered of force creation and her knowledge of the darkside they aare more potent but still in small enough numbers to be commanders. Vong upgrades and shaping has largely been abandoned instead for purity of the darkside and the force.

With that purity she worked to test it on herself becoming the Warlord of her battlelords... testing the power more and mroe with th firebirds as she worked with many of them to turn the procedures into what they were using to twist the minds of their members into loyal servants. The battlelords are hulking brutes who can be used in battle fields but also as ket commanders on ships that will be sent into scenarios to lead strike teams or as weapons of massive destruction.
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Hmm. Very interesting... I even saw my species mentioned int he dev thread. A few things;

1.) if these are canon-based sithspawn, can I get a link to the canon version?

2.) Aura of command... SO you're saying they can handwave Leviathons at their enemies?

3.) Ability to transfer wounds? How severe of a wound can they transfer? How long does it take to transfer them?

4.) 10-200 battlelords? I assume that's a typo?

5.) Communication: Telekinetic? Do you mean Telepathic?

6.) I may be wrong, i'm not a Vong expert, but don't most Vong biots require vong heritage or vongforming of some kind, as not to be rejected?

Overall, this looks like an fun species. This'll be interesting to see in action.
[member="Darth Praelior"]

Handwaving leviathans was not the intent but the One Sith control several including the Akure Leviathan that is five times the size of a standard one. There are also the battle hydra's and legions of other sithspawn for use and battlefields that need handlers.

The canon for transferring wounds to those under the battelords command was pretty fast as they continued to fight and were more dangerous with how many they had under their command.

Ehh kind of, the battlelords are supposed to be commanders on a battlefield. When in an invasion for an entire planet having them scattered across the planet high numbers are good. Low numbers for those who want to be transformed into one

Yes yes I do mean telepathic

Vong biots require vong shapers yes and the One sith have several with the option to get upgraded on their resources. A number of vong biots and equipment is utilized by One Sith forces without heavy shaping already.
Alright, I apologize for the wait.

Darth Praelior said:
Their ability to transfer minor wounds to the ones bound to them provide additional durability.
What's your definition of minor? At what point does the wound get to bad to transfer?

Is there any limit to their control of sithspawn?

I would like another weakness, as you're basically making yoruself a Kryptonian that controls monsters. The potential for abuse is high. Not saying you would abuse it, i'm just saying anyone that uses the species has the potential to practically become a god. It dosen't have to be a major weakness, just notable.

Again, I apologize for the wait, and I apologize for the complications. I'm simply trying to ensure that there's no living tanks that can control hoards of the most dangerous monsters in the galaxy.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
Mrrew said:
What's your definition of minor? At what point does the wound get to bad to transfer?
Slashes are minor, some burns are minor, decapitation is major, dismemberment is major. If you stab them with a sword or saber it can depend on where they get stabbed. Though the heart they will and can be killed. Battlelords are durable in the campaigns they were hard to kill but not impossible.

Mrrew said:
Is there any limit to their control of sithspawn?
Well that would depend, honestly Balaya has spent since her first thread with Kaine learning how to control sithspawn. She has a couple dozen threads using them, she has created them, she can command them. They would still need to work to learn but many of the sithspawn like battle hydra's were docile unless commanded by a darkside user. Less need to fully train then have the power to exert your will. You would as with everything major have to train yourself to control the beasts.

As for abuse it still requires the ritual to be created, Balaya so far is the only one who has it and she has not told anyone her work. Kaine may know as her master but he doesn't use alchemy on these levels or sith magic. Silara/Sinna has been on the receiving end of it to watch. I do know there could be abuse and that is why I made the weakness to force light stronger compared to the canon where it could just free the ones a battlelord is bound to. I'll get another weakness in there for you and hope this answers your questions.
It does answer my questions, thank you. And i'm glad that the ritual is restricted.

This shoul dbe good to go once the new weakness is added.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
That former self bit is everything I needed.

I do really like this, will be very interesting to see in action.

Again, i'm sorry about the delay, I was simply making sure it couldn't be godmodded. Obviously, abuse and suffer.

Approved, pending secondary.

[member="Darth Praelior"]
Submission Name: One Sith Battlelord
Link to Submission: One Sith Battlelord
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex: Update to current standards and fix subs

Submission Name: The Nightmare Child
Link to Submission: The Nightmare Child
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex: Update to current standards and fix subs

Submission Name: The Pit
Link to Submission: The Pit
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex: Update to current standards and fix subs

Submission Name: The Golden Ropo
Link to Submission: The Golden Ropo
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex: Update to current standards and fix subs

Submission Name: Al-Khali
Link to Submission: Al-Khali
Reason for Moving to Pre-Codex: Update to current standards and fix subs
Please include a list of changes and don't forget to tag Codex Staff when you're ready, or, you can use the "Ready for Judgement" Pre-Fix.

Ylla Caeli'runa

Balaya Praelior Zambrano Balaya Praelior Zambrano Good evening, I only noticed one thing that really needs to be changed. However, echoing those before me, abuse and suffer. But a very interesting concept here and I like the adaptations you've made to the canon Battlelords. Just an extra reminder that things must be learned as far as the Force goes, which you've covered as well.

My concern is with the Races field of the sub. Here you've listed the Battlelords and the Warlord but there isn't a description under either. If you would like to expand on these two under Races, please add in that content. If not, please remove the text and replace it with N/A. Similarly, the Apprentice, Silara, is there an NPC or PC character bio to be linked for them. If not, that's perfectly fine, just a curiosity on my part.

As always, please let me know if you have questions/concerns or give a tag once edits are completed.
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