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Sith Invasion Rewards: Open Lessons

[member="Sidi"] [member="Liskarr Drek"] [member="Alaki"] [member="Eikrie Daom"] [member="Urak"]

Balaya had been impressed with the state the apprentices had preformed at, so much so that after she had returned from Alderaan she had made a posting of open lessons for the multitude of apprentices they had. She had been trained by Kaine Zambrano, she was one of the stronger alchemists and sorcerers in the One Sith.

That was why as the near ten foot cybernetically enhanced Zeltron stood there in the warden cloak with her large ankle length of fiery hair. The large bastard sword made from alchemically hardened experimental phrik alloy, her eyes enhanced and colored purple while they took everything in.

Then there was the real prize, above the open area her pet, the beast Glitter loomed at the fifty meter tall leviathan brought its head down and touched her large hand as the massive beast almost cooed between rows of sharp teeth and the presence of the darkside energies around it.

"Come to me apprentices"

Note: All who wish can come in, those who participated in the invasions will have a chance to possibly get a reward from the sith alchemist.


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Urak, amazed by the sheer size of Glitter, stood back in the shadows, knowing if he got near its (claws?) fangs he would be done for.

Urak grabbed both lightsaber hilts and put them in together in the form of a saber-staff.
Urak asked, Balaya, "What do you wish us to do?" then kept to the shadows out of sight again.

[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Atrace"]
A small figure veiled under black robes made her entrance in the scene, soundless steps carrying the young Dathomiri in a stealthy yet elegant pace. Her pale hands removed the black hood from her head, and once uncovered her yellow eyes moved up to the Sith Lord before bowing her head in respect. The silver and blonde hair of the girl was up into a high tail that enabled it from falling into her face.

She then looked at the creature, not keeping her eyes on it for long in case the beast reacted negatively to staring, which she had learned from her childhood in Iridonia, most did. It was an intimidating sight to say the least and although it ignited a slight spark of fear within the teenager she could not help but feel curious. She stayed silent, usually she would not speak unless spoken to when in presence of a Sith, and awaited for her orders standing some meters away from the other Acolyte that had arrived before her.

[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Urak"]


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace saw the massive beast amazed by its size he gripped his saber tightly, he thought to himself finally a challenge worthy of his talent's he quickly got to cover using the force to tell every movement the beast made.

He thought to himself what does lord praelior wish for us to do are we expected to kill this animal or are we supposed to study it so many answers were yet to be answered yet Atrace was confident he would please the mighty sith lord.

Lunasi Vizsla

Pandora had seemed to be looking from a distance. The academy of the sith was nothing but, backstabbing. It had to be done in stealth, but she was strangely enough not thinking about any of those things. Her enormous amount of sensitivity within the force, she had from little was showing. The powerful dark force aura that was resting around her body. It was currently being slightly held back for not being unleashed for a fight yet by her master. She looked over towards the Darth that wanted the apprentices. She giggled from as she came around the corner, "I smell weaklings~", she had said before giggling once again. She placed her left hand in front of her mouth as her body was now showing towards the acolytes and [member="Darth Praelior"]. It was seen that her was covered with bandages all over her body. Praelior might've had the knowledge about a very young child that had been with the inquisitors under false accusation.

She stepped closer as her eyes were showing, her eyes were like a crows eyes, pitch black. It was easily to see that the girl was not scared of any of them. She had already fought a sith lord before, what would three simple acolytes be able to do against her, when her emotions would be let loose. Her emotions held back currently one emotion, which was rage. All negative emotions were currently out except for rage. This would only be used when the girl was allowed to go crazy. "I see, a lord..." She told herself, "I want to take out their eyes~" She said hoping to make the apprentices angry enough to fight.

[member="Liskarr Drek"]
Her yellow eyes darted into the direction of the girl that was muttering something about weaklings in a way Liskarr found obnoxious. The anger in her started pumping slowly through her body after the last words where said but for the dissatisfaction of the girl she just kept it tightly contained inside of her; Liskarr knew the difference between a taunt and an actual threat and was indeed pleased with the newly built anger that she would later use to strengthen herself in battle. Her own dark aura started spreading from her to the surroundings, the Dark-side of the Force was strong within her and although it did not surpass that of the girl it was something certainly peculiar. She did not reach for her light-sabers yet and she wouldn't until she was ordered to. Her attention had abandoned the girl as quickly as it had been drawn to her and she was now focused on Sith Lord, [member="Darth Praelior"] rather than in the other Acolytes that had attended to the training session.

[member="Pandora Liline"]


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Urak was slightly angered, but more excited because he relished fighting. It was deep down in his blood, he always fought, ever since he was a child with his brother. Although he did not attempt anything yet, Urak then looked at Pandora Liline, with a look that showed how he was going to hurt her soon, but not that she could see it either way in his hood.

Urak said to his brother, "This is going to be fun." Then held his saber-hilt tightly.

There was tension between the Acolytes as they awaited Lord's reply. They all knew what was going to happen though, and Urak was pleased by the turn of events that are about to unfold.

Looking at glitter through his hood, which you could not see through. Still impressed such a beast is controlled by the dark lord, but then knew why. It was power.

[member="Liskarr Drek"] [member="Pandora Liline"] [member="Atrace"]


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace looked at pandora with anger in his eyes his mere presence at this training session was to become stronger in the ways of the dark side of the force; he knew that sooner rather than later he would get his chance to kill her it all depended on the sith lord standing infront of them. He looked over to his brother Urak "she thinks she can beat us haha we will show her the true power of the dark side"

Atrace watched Pandora Closely studying her every move. he could see the confidence in her eyes, he saw pride and pride is often a persons downfall. As Atrace watched the angter within him rose with every second his hands sweating as he gripped his saber waiting for the opportunity to strike at the acolyte, He waited for the sith lord to return to give hiim his instructions all the while plotting Pandoras death
Balaya turned her head as she felt each of them and she held up her hand while she turned. Not speaking yet for a moment while Glitter looked at her fingers waiting for the snap. She let it be heard through the force and the large leviathan roared bringing one of its large claws up and to the side of them. She spke letting her voice boom and resound for a moment the beasts head tilted and a snort of scolding hot air came out.

"Enough, we do not fight each like rabid nexu, you are sith apprentices serving the dark lord. Your station, your purpose is to enforce his will upon the galaxy and bring order to the chaos. A united galaxy with a single thought, a single ideal." She moved now looking at them and lightning crackled in her hands before she let a small bolt come out. "And to those who ascend you will learn the secrets but remember this above all."

Now Glitter was moving his claw and another came down to make the area smaller. "The One Sith do not kill each other unless it is sanctioned by the Dark Lord, you can plot, you can scheme but death, is forbidden. We are a family, we are a single ideal, flawless and immovable, something the jedi and Republic fear because they cannot stop us anymore then one can stop an avalanche."

"Now line up and tell me each of your names."


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Urak stepped forward out of the shadows infront of the dark lord, and he told her his name, "Urak".

He was wondering what would happen next, although ready for a challenge.
He looked at his brother, and back to Balaya. Let down that he cant fight the other Acolytes.

[member="Darth Praelior"]

Lunasi Vizsla

There was a clear difference in thinking, if Pandora wanted to kill someone, she would not wait for approval in this kind of situation. The others were already planning to kill her when they would've had the chance, but they were scared to fight when a sith lord told them, they are to remain in a line and be the perfect little obedient soldiers. There was only one apprentice, who acted smart and kept quiet.

A tear coming from her eye socket, which was actually blood. "Do you hate me?" She had asked to [member="Darth Praelior"] as her arms were slowly extending forward, getting a bit wider in range as she could see that her words were most influenced to them. "You two are weak..I am going to hurt you..." All of a sudden [member="Atrace"] and [member="Urak"] would feel a sudden grab onto their throat as the young girl was starting to choke the two of them with a very firm grip. The two of them were most likely off guard because they were wanting to attack her later on instead of head-on.

Currently she was not near her real fighting potential. Her powers were being held back till certain the certain situation.

[member="Liskarr Drek"]


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace stepped to the side of his brother he stoof at attention; " my name is Atrace my lord i am ready to serve you as you see fit even if that requires my life" Atrace took a bow infront of the sith lord.


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
Urak sensed the attack from the Acolyte and side-steps out of the way. Suprised she would attempt it so sudden. Urak was not quick for nothing. He followed up with a force push at point-blank range in a heartbeat.

Edit: if what you used was a force choke then it is not legit, because it is a knight level technique i believe.

[member="Pandora Liline"]


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace felt the grab at his neck while in mid bow he immediately grabbed his saber using the force to throw it at Pandora making her release him. the force accumulated around Atrace as a strike of force lightning lashes out towards pandora "i wasnt going to kill you not here not today but you leave me no choice"

Lunasi Vizsla

(Everybody picks a certain starting pack~ I just picked two things that help me a lot, but yea too late to come up with that now~)

[member="Atrace"] (You do realize that if you are grabbed and turned to the lord and not to me that you can't throw a lightsaber like that, lol. It would go straight towards the sith lord as your lined up in front of her.)

When she was force pushed away, she still simply loosened her grip. The girl her eyes looking towards them, "Are you two this weak?" She said as Urak came close and straight in front of her, the girl force pushed the guy away with ease. When the next guy came along with his saber, with the hand she pushed Urak away, she used it for this time to simply make it fall all the way down. A smile appeared on her face as she started to now tighten up the force in full strength. It will not allow Atrace to get a single drop of air. The only thing, he needed to ask was her to stop, if he did not she would go for unconsciousness.

[member="Darth Praelior"]

(ALlow Darth to rp first before us xD)


Umbra Bellator|Sith Assassin
As her grip loosened, Urak vanished from sight, she could no longer keep her grip on the Sith Assassin, nor could she sense him now. The dark side was a powerful ally indeed. now out of sight, Urak knew that his opponent would no longer live when he is done with her.

[member="Pandora Liline"]
Balaya stood there and watched what was happening as her hand came up again. Held for a moment ready to snap and the large leviathan looked at her almost with anticipation. She didn't need to look at it while a tongue licked at its large teeth and the claws for a moment almost hovered ready to grasp. "Enough." The threat was there and she had commanded legions of soldiers from the back of the giant beast, tell it to eat people was easy enough.


Self Proclaimed Sith Elite
Atrace smirked thinking to himself you really think you r powerful huh He uses the force to see where his target is then picks up the nearest object is he then uses the force to have it fly towards pandora Atrace now being free turns around and walks towards the acolyte known as Pandora

( and i dont have to turn around to throw a saber i can simply throw it behind me afterall i know where you are i was staring at you before the sith lord called us in line)

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