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Approved Location Sith Imperial Bacta Growth and Manufacturing Plant

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  • Intent: Forethought- to set up the Sith Empire’s Bacta supplies, independant of manufacturing outside of its borders.
  • ​Image Credit: [x] [x] [x] [x]
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Structure Name: Sith Imperial Bacta Growth and Manufacturing Plant
  • Classification: Plantation and Industrial Plant
  • Location: Tiss’Sharl | Yavin 4
  • Affiliation: The Sith Empire
  • Accessibility: By necessity, these facilities are located in deep jungle. Roads leading to them have occasional checkpoints, monitoring traffic in and out. While not locations anyone can randomly walk into, both military and civilian contractors, as well as approved business contacts may gain clearance. Small landing pads require clearance to approach, and would not accommodate ships much larger than those necessary for shipping.
  • Security: Armed security checkpoints are manned by Sith Imperial Legion. Regular patrols through the surrounding area and the plants themselves are stages at random intervals, making discerning a schedule difficult from the outside. The Plants themselves are protected by perimeter power fences, automated turrets, and security droids. The Plants have external blast doors, armor plating and Ray Shield Generators. Heavy Surveillance systems in place are well monitored. Three ion anti-aircraft turrets, located on either side and in the center of the installation are in place as deterrents for ships that do not have clearance- the Empire would prefer to take any pilots alive versus obliterating a potential source of information. An Emergency Deflector Shield, to protect against orbital bombardment can be activated, but it is a power drain on the stations. When under the protection of the shields, all non-essential processes will cease, plunging the station into emergency lights and grinding production to a halt.
  • Description: In the depths of the jungle, the Sith Empire has transplanted and started to grow the necessary ingredients for the creation of bacta in their own borders. The plantation areas are little distinguishable from the jungle itself, as that biome is necessary for the growth of key ingredients. The Manufacturing plants are a series of stout, heavily built grey edifices- Domed and squat, much of their active levels are located underground.

Tiss’Sharl Business Hub: Made from shining glasteel and brushed alusteel the Tiss’Sharl Business Hub is a gleaming beacon of Tiss’Shar ingenuity and Imperial industrial expertise. It contains offices, board rooms, fully-functional laboratories where big customers can receive a taste of the produce and more. All in an attempt to show the whales of the Galaxy that the Empire is serious about its commitment to export bacta without ideological interference.

Artificial Biomes: The artificial biomes are situated underground in controlled environments to ensure optimal growth gains. Bacteria are grown in specialized tubes, spores are spread and in cooperation with rogue Vratix they are secreted into the eventual end-product of Bacta. This is the nerve center of the Imperial efforts. They are tightly controlled, regulated and secured against outside interference.

Laboratories: Centrally located in each individual facility, the state of the art laboratories are connected to the biomes by a series of tunnels and lifts that brings the raw materials to them for refinery.In addition to the work of making the bacta itself, Imperial Scientists are given reign for further experimentation in the field of bacta refinery, medicine and related topics. The Empire hopes that new and exciting discoveries will come from these labs in the months and years to come, all for the glory of the Empire, and the continued elevation of its citizens.


It was shortly after Mirial, the Ruusan Accords and Muunilinst that the Sith Empire realized that the dependency of bacta from Alliance space was a threat to their own territorial integrity. Under the aegis of the Saaraishash a mission was established to attract rogue Vratix who were dissatisfied with the humanocentric corporate dominance over their native planet.

Promising relative freedom of research, Imperial scientists worked hand-in-hand with the Vratix defectors to establish secretive laboratories within the thick jungles of Yavin IV and Tiss’Sharl. Funds were funneled into state-of-the-art equipment to start researching ways of replicating artificial atmospheres and bio cultures that would ensure red alazhi would thrive outside of Verkuyl and Thyferra.

Through much experimentation they succeeded in establishing underground biomes that are keyed specifically to optimal bacta growth.

It was decided early on that putting all their eggs in one basket was a risk factor that the Lord Inquisitor could not allow. For this reason alongside the original experimental site, a second world was designated to house Imperial growth domes. The production of bacta on Yavin IV is strictly for domestic purposes to ensure a secured means of bacta consumption by the Legion of the Empire. In contrast to that the Tiss’Sharl facilities were established later with the same framework in mind, but with the addition of a sprawling business hub looming up through the forestation.

Whereas the Yavin branch is secretive, restricted and limited in its shipping tendencies, the Tiss’Sharl branch has involvement from the Tiss'shar, an extremely business-minded sentient species, who have been pushing for commercial outputs.

All in an effort to eventually undercut Thyferra and its main export produce.
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