Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sin Your Way To Hell (Seven Sins)


Naga responded by grabbing the kaleesh and merely slammed him hard into the floor twice. " This is not the time or place to be fighting each other you idiot....this is a forming of a group....groups do not fight among est each other or try and start a battle with someone who can crush you with there finger and not give you a second thought......continue with this and ill do worse then slam you into the floor kaleesh...... i have a low tolerance for people who wish to simply fight amongest them selves....that is why the sith tore them selves apart in the past...and i do not wish to see a contain your self before i loose my temper."

[member="Nomkneer artzhul"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Lord Mythos"] [member="Darth Vizios"] [member="Asajj"] [member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nomkneer felt Darth Rapax' close in on him, Nomkneer quickly blocked his arm and whipped his lightsaber to his left knee. Nomkneers hatred was flowing through him like a stream on a mountain, he used deadly sight upon Darth Rapax' left eye, the insanity within Nomkneer had once again rushed in like the winds of the storm. Nomkneer at this point was the embodiment of fury, Darth Rapax would be a fool if he were to underestimate Nomkneers skills.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


Naga snarled and back off when he used deadly sight on his eye ....the pain was immense but he learned to endure.....his ....transformation recently as it where was more painful then any simple injury.. He wanted to rip the kaleesh apart of that but he chose not to...not if all hell do is use that ability on him again...infact he kept his hand over the injury. and waited to see what [member="Darth Ferus"] would do about this first.. [member="Nomkneer artzhul"]
Nomkneer not cared about anything, only two things, the guy who almost slammed his face, killed his tuka'ta, also his words never intended to be for creating a fight. All he was clearing out is that a leader should be as strong as he should be wise, the ability to make the right decision in the roughest of times is one of the greatest of attributes a leader could have.

Nomkneer didn't understand why Rapax reacted such way, but he didn't cared at the end of the day, he had past grudge with Darth Rapax that led him to the actions he did today. Nomkneer wanted to be a sin but he knew that there was external work being done to prevent this goal from happening. "I did nothing wrong Rapax, learn your place, i was only making an honest opinion about who would be the best leader for this group, not start a sins battle royal, fool".

[member="Darth Rapax"] [member="Darth Ferus"]

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