Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Simple Sigs


Active Member
@[member="Karolus Krupp"]


Active Member
The reason i don't do quotes around phrases is because not all fonts come with them (" ") and using basic quotes with original fonts sometimes can look silly. FYI everyone.


Hi @[member=CHANI] - love your work, and wonder if you could make a sig for me?

I'd like to use any of this image for the background:

And any of the pictures below that you think look good blended in:

If I could have my name: Eros

And the following quote: "Nobility is not a birthright. It's defined by one's actions."

So just a nice, mythical heroic feel to my guy who is a protector and guardian for the Sith.

Thanks for your time! :)
Heya, I wonder if you could do me a small signature, about the same dimensions as your own (maybe a little wider)

The image/s can be any of Eva in Chronicles of Riddick with a spacey/pilot theme.

The quote: "Junk? I see only potential" - with or without the quotation marks - alongside the name Kyra Sol if possible?

Please and thank you.
Can you do a sig with this as the background and this faded in? Or if you have a better pic of the coruscant skyline that would be better, that would work. For the wording, it would need to have my name (Kara Teerah) and have the phrase "Beauty killed the beast." Thanks in advance! Your work that I have seen is really good :)
I know I am new here but I was wondering if I could use your skills?

Name: Elijah Francioux
Picture you would like manipulated:
Original Pic
Quote: Sometimes it's best not to remember...
Any kind of overall theme/style: Artists Choice(?) My only request with regards to the picture is to have both the male & female's faces with her glove in the signature (even if its just cropping the image and adding text (doesn't matter honestly)). However I am not picky and trust the artist completely!
Thank you for your time!

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