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Silver Sanctum Mission [Hard Ore]

Mission Name: Hard Ore
Mission Location: Subterrel
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Mission Objective: Mercy mission to free trapped miners in a collapsed cave and provide healing and supplies.​

Kei pulled out a mission description and showed Jaret the datapad detailing it, they had come in with part of the old army of light, then silver Jedi, now silver sanctum coalition reserve fleet, which had been doing a simple scan of the area when trouble had occurred, sending word to the temple for aid. It had been a long time since this small set of ships had been the main guns, and their equipment looked somewhat old putting it mildly. Now serving in a humanitarian role, like Kei an ex general often did, the fleet reached out to those worlds in need to offer a helping hand.

The interdictor star destroyer named the beacon only had a skeleton crew today, and so the small party they were sending down only consisted of Kei, Jaret his padawan, a handful of infantry, medical and engineering teams sent from the wildcards. As the two small shuttles they were in blasted out toward planet, the men were in good spirits, even though the miners below had been stranded for some days, and the caverns of subterrel were vast, they were old hands at this sort of mission.

It was Jaret’s first trip out of the temple with him on a mission, and Kei was keen to make sure the young padawan was safely looked after, he’d even insisted on wrist locators between the two of them. “These should show you where I and the medical teams are at all times.” They were echani by design, activated by a movement of his wrist in a certain direction, or just voice commands now. Kei gripped a handrail above him, "hold on to that," telling Jaret to do the same as the shuttle hit the atmosphere, sparing no time for a gradual descent.

[member="Jaret Sha'Co"]​
[member="Kei Amadis"] [member="Jaret Sha'Co"]

"Hmmmm I don't want to get up." The padawan laid there just looking at things, her natural state of readiness for the day somewhere between sleepy and preparing to go to sleep as she rolled over onto her stomach. The feeling of the pillow more then enough before the droid wqas pushing her and she yelped. Falling out from under the covered with her face impacting the floor, the sigil glowing while she heard and remembered why she had been making sure to get enough sleep. She was heading out with another master instead of just her mother and needed to make sure to show she wasn't some foolish padawan. Her body rolled over and she was grabbing at the clothing and robes quickly to get dressed and out there. One hand extending as she pulled the blade of the rose to herself and secure the blue gem stone on the belt of Sylvar's robes that she had found and was wearing. The ancient jedi master even coming to her in a dream and giving her some advice on how to deal with her sister from time to time before the padawan was running to go and meet the jedi master. She was running for the shuttles to join them and head down to the planet.
Was Kei being over protective? If he were, Jaret didn't mind.

Jaret brown robes were somewhat crumple, and his clothes underneath were much the same. He had a small satchel filled with a torch, water and some food. At his belt he also wore his lightsaber, given to him by his Master Kei.

Jaret reached up and grabbed the rail, and looked down to his wrist locator. It was an interesting piece of technology. "Do you think the miners are okay? And how many are there? And how long have they been down there?" Jaret quickly close his mouth, realizing he just bombarded his Master with questions, questions that Kei would have answer anyway.

It was obvious that the Padawan was nervous, and excited.

[member="Orihime Ike"] [member="Kei Amadis"]
[member="Orihime Ike"] made it just in time before they had blasted, off, helped on board by the strong hand and a firm grip from the Jedi Master, the door closing behind her. She was also given an Echani wrist device and personal tracker, “Padawan Ike” Kei said with a firm grin. Kei was certainly being overprotective, he wanted things on Jaret's first mission to be a happy reminder in days to come.

“Got unconfirmed reports of three dozen below ground, more above, and at least one completely cut off shaft. ” A medic answered [member="Jaret Sha'Co"], before Kei even could.

“Two or Three days Jaret, their water will be out now.” Which meant they didn’t have more than a day left or so left. Sheltered you could make it three weeks without food, barely, but with no water you had three days, and exposed in harsh conditions markedly less than that. Thankfully they had something to focus on! “Brace,” came the call from the pilot, and Kei nodded to the handrails above, looking to both padawans, “hold on.

The shuttle rocked unsteadily through rough cloud cover, they had no time to pick an easier route through the air currents, they just cut right through it via the most direct route, buffeted about by atmospheric winds and moisture from side to side, with a bump some cargo came loose with a bang. Zipping down at speed, the g’s pressing against the hull were not unnoticeable even if dampened to protect those inside. “Breathe steadily, focus on the force around you, or whatever brings you peace.” Kei said to settle either of them, as they shot toward the subterranean structures below, getting ready for the jolt of a landing to follow. Jaret's Master seemed to radiate calm now, steadfastness important, but also care for those around him in every move.

[member="Jaret Sha'Co"] | [member="Orihime Ike"]​
[member="Kei Amadis"] [member="Jaret Sha'Co"]

Orihime got on the ship and was listening as her attention was on a few of the things. letting the force flow around her and into her senses to push it outwards to search the area down on the planet. She wanted to work on things and have it all be good... or at least make a good impression on the master as she stood there straight and ready for anything with her blde on her hip looking like a shoto for right now. The rbe pulsing with lightside energy and she was ready for it checking and rechecking her hair to make sure it didn't come undone or show bangs hanging out. "THank you for having me."
Jaret nodded, taking in the range of numbers that were trapped. The amount of people that were trapped. And they had no food, luckily there was a limited supply of water for them. "That's alot." The padawan said uncertainly, would they be able to rescue them?

As Orihime enter, Jaret gave her a polite nod. "Hey, I'm Jaret." He said with a smile. Although that smile quickly went away as they all enter the rough patch of turbulence. The padawan's knuckles went white as he gripped onto the the hand rail. He closes his eyes and waited until they landed. This was the third time he had flown, and he wasn't liking it one bit. Jaret reached out to the force, focusing on the calmness radiating from those around him.

[member="Orihime Ike"] [member="Kei Amadis"]
Subterrel's surface.
Acid clouds parted through the toxic atmosphere above, breaches to the structure below could prove fatal, anyone exposed above without breathing aid would already be in trouble.
"Subterrel is toxic after too much exposure on the surface, below ground the air is double filtered." Small breathing masks were being offered to each of them, and packs with a spare, Kei wasn't taking any chances here with his padawans or the men and women with them.
Subterrel Underground

Outer atmospheric shield lowering, their ship was held a moment as the pressure was equalised between the two energy fields, then the inner shield came down, venting any toxicity from the surface before it reached the main facility. Down here the tunnels were overgrown, there were some small droids cleaning but most of them appeared to be offline or in some sort of shutdown mode.

Breath masks on, their ramp lowered with a bump against solid ground. Their new floor was cold, the noise of dripping water echoing like the footsteps of those coming with them. One or two of the engineers began checking the structure to see if it was still intact, they nodded to Amadis, supposedly it was safe ahead, at least this far in. With a creak the door began to be cut into, a burning of the control interface making it give way. A few hopeful faces greeted them and laughs, inside they met a group of the first miners, the lucky ones who had made it this far, they were low on food, and suffering from exhaustion at pulling at the rubble.

"See how they are and what they need." Kei looked down concerned, attending to one of the women closest to him, letting the padawans move with one of the medical teams, and seeing how they did. Always there but now in the background, letting them use their training.

"At least two more landslides, one here, one further in." An engineer told all of them, while Kei tried to comfort the closest miner as best he could.

The landslide ahead looked like it would take some work to move, and the tap tap tap of one group of miners on the other side could be heard, those that had almost made it out, probably weaker than those next to the food crates here, "Jaret, give me a hand." Moving this many rocks could take forever, but kei wasn't using his hands as he began to work on the stack. "Slowly, start at the top." Behind them hopeful groans and voices could be heard....

[member="Jaret Sha'Co"] | [member="Orihime Ike"]​
[member="Kei Amadis"] [member="Jaret Sha'Co"]

She looked at the breath mask and was letting the golden circlet gleam with its environmental shield to protect her from poison but still took it sliding it around her neck in case as she closed the robe a little getting a look at the two of them. She was ready to begin and had the best intentions with th healing cubes her mother had made. The medics and healers teaching them in Shri-Tal over just being around as she rubbed her hands together. "If there is a breach we should have the purification, my mother made them for missions like this master Amadis." She moved offering a smile as the saber hilt extended into a walking stick and gleamed with the force energies near her circlet.
Cadan had heard stories of those who hadn't wore masks on the surface of Subterrel, and he quickly grabbed a hold of the mask and slapped it onto his face. It was a weird feeling but he got use to it.

At Kei's orders, the padawan rushed to the first miner he saw. The man was exhausted, deep blue bags under his eyes. His hands were calloused and cut, most likely from moving debris. "Are you alright?" The moment Jaret asked the question, he knew it was a stupid one. "Sorry, here." Jaret passed on his canteen with his apology. He wished he had the special healing cubes that Orihime had to help the miner. Then Kei had another job for him. Jaret raced to his side.

"We got this." The young padawan said with a smile. He began to feel the force around, he could feel the hope of the miners on the other side, and he drew from that. Not of the fear, anger or sadness of the miners. But their hope. Jaret could feel the Force surging through him. The padawan reached out his hands, focusing on the rubble. He could feel it like he was holding it. Then he began moving it, saftly to the side, avoiding placing it on any other miner.

[member="Orihime Ike"] [member="Kei Amadis"]
“Thank you Orihime,” Kei nodded to the healing cubes, not sure how to use them, but he'd follow her lead. Drip drip drip of toxic moisture above, undrinkable, perhaps there was a breach? Kei offered his flask of water to those injured at the entrance instead and was encouraging [member="Orihime Ike"] to do the same, “what food do they have left, any signs of exposure?” The Jedi Master let the padawan and medics handle most of their needs, while he and [member="Jaret Sha'Co"] worked on moving rock after rock in the force. It was a laborious task, and Kei would often slow Jaret down when he felt or saw there was a danger in the rock below the one they were moving. “Steady Jaret, doing well, watch the rock below each one you move, always” a lesson to look a step ahead of each move you made.

Eventually a refugee poked their way through and started desperately trying to crawl through the rocks, unsettle some of them, “hold on, just one moment longer, almost there.” Kei’s technique at settling a calm in those around him was pushed outward to ease the tension and agitation of the other. The Miner was still scared stiff but he backed off a step,

Dust fell from the mine shaft above with each rock moved, “easy does it,” he nodded up to the roof. The rubble was obviously unsteady and the further they got in, the more that would be true. Finally they could see faces, and there was room enough for Jaret and/or Orihime to get through, “see how they are,” Kei worked on trying to sense the condition of the tunnels roof, closing his eyes and focusing.

One group down, no caveins yet….

[member="Orihime Ike"] | [member="Jaret Sha'Co"]​
[member="Jaret Sha'Co"] [member="Kei Amadis"]

She looked at both of them while moving, careful and ready as the people they were meeting with drew her attention. She was bringing out the water in a flask and her other hand held the cube while she showed Kei. Less how to work it and more just how it worked glowing in her hand as she pushed the force into the cube. The blue aura within it glowing and becoming warm while she was using it to heal what she could see and any lingering effects of the poisoned waters dripping. Her small bottle for them to drink from and the padawan was moving back a little she she held the cube setting more energy within it. Her circlet protected her and the blue gem on her belt was well great for containing energy.
Jaret took on his Master's advice. Jaret watched every rock underneath the ones he moved. Those that made the ones underneath tremble he until he moved a few others. Small beats of sweat began to form on the padawan's mouth and nose.

Jaret quickly took a sip form his water then move to the small hole. "I'll start moving from the other side." The padawan said as he slide through the hole. First of all he checked on the injured, those who could help move rocks began widening the whole. He passed around his bottle of water and got straight back to work.

"Only help if you can. But do so slowly, watch each rock underneath the ones you move." Jaret echoed his masters prior warning. He wanted to make sure everyone got out safety.

[member="Orihime Ike"] [member="Kei Amadis"]
Jaret used the others to help, Kei for a moment felt pride that his padawan had done that on his own, coordinating with them, even those stranded as one team. If it wasn’t so critical to get the people out of there, the Epicathix would have stepped back to see what else Jaret would do on his own initiative. “Well done Jaret, keep watch on the structure while we work.” Dust falling from the ceiling showed a hazard but because they were being careful it didn’t give way.

Orihime’s gadget would have impressed his engineer companion [member="Fyor Nayus"] into the early hours of the morning and beyond in study, but was surely beyond Kei’s technical ability, watching her to mimic how to work the device, he broke away from Jaret for a second and began to assist a man who was shaking from what looked like toxic exposure of a sorts, watching Orihime as the Jedi learned one more healing art and its focus. "You have great care Orihime, how do they look?"

Encouraging both. Sadly one of the miners was none too keen to stay here a second longer and up and tried to run through the rubble! Kei was beginning to react but Jaret was closer, how would he calm the man?

Though the first group of trapped men were close to being freed, however the run and work further unsettled the roof in the entry way, more dust falling, a distance behind and somewhere deeper within the second group of trapped miners needed their aid, and any delay could mean life and death, further collapses always a possibility. "Either of you sense where to head next?" Kei had an idea, he was seeing if they agreed and training their force sense at the same time.

Sorry ladies and gents, posted in the LOA thread about the delay, back now. Feel free to make the next group trapped wherever you like, or I will.

[member="Orihime Ike"] | [member="Jaret Sha'Co"]​
[member="Kei Amadis"] [member="Jaret Sha'Co"]

She was watching the people there and working on it with a small nod of her head to the jedi master while she was moving with them and continued to hold the cube. Seeing the ones here and moving while she brought her hand out and focused on the force energy with her hand as she was sending it out to work on the ones there. Jaret was moving the rocks as uncovered the ones who were trapped and she was working on them while the force was telling here there were more trapped and Orihime froze for a moment. Feeling the force and energies as she breathed in deeply and exhaled to focus the energies around herself. She wanted to make this into something of a triage if they could and she moved to the side reaching out to try and clear the area of as much dust as she could. "There is a small area we might be able to bring them to, the cube only creates so big of a ring for the healing energy."

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