Image Source: Here
Intent: A personal encrypted datacron for Silara Vantai/Darth Vitium's private use for recordings and such.
Development Thread: Audiolog - The First Night (Blog)
Manufacturer: Silara Vantai
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Silara Vantai
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel
Description: A glorified recording device, Darth Vitium(Silara Vantai)'s datacron was created for the express purpose of recording her private memoirs, whether it be a stressful day or spoken excerpts of recollections of a trip into ancient ruins. Although plans are in motion for her holocron to be made, Silara settled on creating a datacron for the short term to ensure that she can vent out her problems to a device with no means of communicating back to let off steam. Stored on this datacron are countless hours of ramblings by the Sith Lord ranging from her concerns with the Republic to her joy at having a sister.
Primary Source: N/A