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Approved NPC Siege-master Ukrauth

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Name: Ukrauth, Siege-master of the Underhold, Second-in-command of Warchief Malgrog
Loyalties: Ukrauth's initial loyalties lie with his Warchief, but his true loyalty lies with Emperor Zambrano, and he has secret ambitions to one day replace Malgrog as Warchief of the Graug Horde of Fornow.
Role: Ukrauth is the chief Siege engineer of the Graug Horde, and is the architect behind many of the Graug's newest innovations. He also acts as Malgrog's second-in-command, and his word is almost as respected as the Warchief's.
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 31
Species: Graug
Force-Sensitive: No

Appearance: Ukrauth is a powerfully-built Graug, and his form is ever enhanced by the heavy black plate armor that covers him. His armor is made from metal provided by the Santhe/Sienar Corporation, and had been forged in the heat of the forges of the Underhold. Like most Graug, he has not a single hair upon his monstrous head, and his mouth is forever split with a brutish sneer filled with teeth and tusks. His skin is the texture of charcoal, and is covered with a multitude of burn marks and scarring from his years as a vicious warrior and a dedicated smith.

Personality: Ukrauth is an ambitious and hungry individual, always looking to improve his station in life. Perhaps that is the reason why he so passionately wants to replace Malgrog, whom has not ambition to increase his position in life, but rather seeks out endless slaughter and mutilation instead. Unlike Malgrog, Ukrauth has a degree of sinister cunning to him, which has allowed him to circumvent many others who were talented or powerful enough to take his position in the Graug Horde. He is not above using treachery and deceit to destroy those who could pose a threat to his personal ambitions, but he is smart enough to keep such tendencies a secret from his fellow Graug.

Weapon of Choice: His favored weapon is a large and powerful maul that he calls the "Slaghammer", which was forged in the fires of the Underhold and has been augmented to deliver an explosive burst of fire when striking an object.
Wealth: Ukrauth does believe in the value of wealth and commerce, but so far has not yet concerned himself with it. He does, however; own quite a large sum of Graug currency.

Combat Function: Ukrauth's most favored way to wade into the thick of battle is astride his war-beast, the armored Glycon he affectionately calls, "Skulloc". However; when not astride his massive beast, he can be found surrounded by his personal guard, the Iron Maulers, and following his Warchief into the thickest of battles. He follows his Warchief into such confrontations due to one-half loyalty, and one-half to be there the moment when Malgrog falls in battle against his foes and to swipe the mantle of Warchief up before anyone else can. Besides using the "Slaghammer", Ukrauth also has a menagerie of ranged weapons forged by Graug hands.

Skills: Even before coming into Kaine's service, Ukrauth was a renowned warrior just from battle instincts and self-training alone, but after being trained by Kaine's battle-hardened Blackblades his skills with all manner of weapons has only just improved. He has also learned mechanics dealing with the most up-to-date tech of the galaxy, although he still prefers Graug tech above all else. Ukrauth also has been known to have a better affinity with beasts than some other Graug, which has allowed him to better connect with his war-mount and other creatures in his menagerie.
Notable Possessions: His war-beast, "Skulloc", his weapons & armor, and various trinkets important to the Graug culture.
Other Notes: There's not a whole lot else to go in about this character, other than that he was born on Gratos and quickly became affiliated with the Old Empire when Krag brought many Graug Hordes over into the Empire's service. Then after the Old Empire collapsed, Ukrauth found his service in a new Warchief, and a new Emperor.
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