Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ship of the Sun (George O Rourke)

[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight looked at him as she gave a nod. It wasn't always a problem for her but she was moving towards the world with a smirk on her face though. "Alright then, we'll go about this another way." She was looking up while she tested the wall and lept up to a small ledge and grabbed the wall looking. "We'll go up the old fashioned way, without cllimbing equipment so I want you to make it carefully and check with the force for loose rocks as we ascend."

With no grappling hook they would have to go up the old fashioned way and clime up the wall. It would be dangerous but with the force guiding them it didn't seem like too much trouble. "Alright sounds good to me Master." George replied as he jumped up to a ledge on the wall. Placing his hands over the rock he could feel if they were loose or not and which ones to grab onto. He begun climbing up the wall. Rather quickly.
[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight looked at him moving and she was jumping letting her robes act like glide wings as they caught a little draft going up for a moment and she latched onto the wall. Her attention going to the other things before she was moving and jumping again kicking off a section of wall to get up higher and higher. She knew she could survive.. just become a bird and glide or fly down to the bottom but she was giving the padawan a visual of where she was jumping so he had an idea where it was sturdy and pulled herself up onto a platform.

Following Master Knight up the wall was quite fun. They both jumped from rock to rock quickly and effortlessly, like monkeys up a tree. Flawless. As they reached the top they pulled themselves up onto the platform, The big Nautolan had quite good upper body strength which helped him climb with ease, with the addition of the force guiding him up it was a great climb and quite enjoyable. "Here we go Master, we made it to the top," George said looking around the top of the platform.
[member="George O Rourke"]

She looked at him standing there on the top as the stone had some gaps and area to see. Crystals to collect the light and redirect it down through the rooms but they were dirty as she looked around and straight down. "Down there it looks like a ritual circle, those usually had massive crystals for collecting the sacrifices force energy." She was debating how to get down there safely beyond her flying down but she left her attention to getting the padawan around while she was thinking about it. "I thought there would be something up here but if this is an ancient temple that was used by the darkside there may be a vault down there." She was pointing and now this would be a fun thing for experienced jedi to jump and... "I can somewhat carry you down but you'll need to be very still."

It was an interesting place, the holes in the stone with crystals inside harnessing the light to distribute it to the rooms below. Genius. But these came with problems, the ground in front of them was broken making movement difficult, well for George it was difficult. He would have to find his own way down there seeing Master Knight had the ability to fly. "It does look interesting, we should check it out." The young padawan replied before realizing the difficult of getting into that space. As Master Knight suggested she could carry George down, but he would have to be very still... "I guess that would work." He replied slightly hesitantly. George wasn't light, he had a strong build and wasn't exactly short. It would be a touch ask, but if Master was game, so was he.
[member="George O Rourke"]

"Just don't squirm." She was looking at him and the robes shifted into wings and she was standing there. Their look from the sleek and leathery ones able to support her weight normally changed to something heavier for a bulkier creatures while her hands went under at his armpits and she lept extending the wings into the air and slowly gliding downwards while she could see more of the temples levels from here. The rest of the descent into the lower levels came while the light changes from slightly natural to almost a filtered red with black stone. The older bottom sections of the temple showing they had been in use with tattered tables when she touched down placing her hands on her knees. "Carryign someone is not as easy as it seems."

Master Knight decided to take George down with her, carrying him down. It was a tough ask but Master Knight was up for it. She picked George up under the armpits and gently flew down looking at all the other levels as they descended. "Wow, look at all the floors yet to be explored." George said with a big smile, trying to look around but not move too much.

As they touched the ground George took a few steps away from Master Knight to allow her some space to re cooperate after the difficult descent. "I bet Master, we'll move on when you're ready." He said as he looked around.
[member="George O Rourke"]

She stood there breathing in a little and letting herself rest. The bottom level of the tmple was quite a sight to behold as KNight took it in and there was well not much. SHe moved to a seat and sat down retracting the wings as well as her long hair to be nice and short while she ran a hand through it. For now she could rest and regain her strength as she watched the area around herself. Sensing what she could and breathing in and out before she rose up again taking her time. There was a bookshelf and her fingers were going over some of the books on it before stopping at a blank spot and she was looking around now. It was large but she couldn't see anything while walking around. "These texts are copies of several sith documents." The darkside texts were not something she had expected while moving through the are and towards a large hole in the wall. It brought her attention to the chamber beyond and there was more bones around a raised section of floor and a large box. She was moving towards the box with her head turning to look for traps or something while the smell of death and all the different bones. "Whatever is in the temple made this its nest, be careful." She was looking over it now while moving ahead towards the box as she brought her saber out and slashed the lid and side spilling out a large book. Knight moved towards it while she picked up the book. "This one isn't a copy it is the original."

As Master knight moved away over to a chair to sit down and rest for a moment George took the time to have a little look around the most bottom floor of the ruins. A bookshelf was about the only thing in the room, other than a gaping big hole in the wall on the other side of the room it was practically empty. As Master Knight got up and moved toward the bookshelf she looked at the books, noticing they were of sith origins. Well the copies were. "Why would they have sith books here? Well copies anyway?" George asked as he moved over standing beside her as she looked at the books. As George continued to look at the books Master Knight turned and headed for the hole in the wall. Noticing that his master was no longer beside him George looked around the room in search of her before seeing her almost at the entrance of the wall.

George made his way over to the hole as well looking in to see a big box on a raised platform, but that wasn't what caught George off guard. The smell was horrific. Random bones laid around the room in no particular order. Master Knight grabbed her lightsaber ready if anything were to happen. George followed suit, gripping his Blue bladed lightsaber hilt in his right hand. "Alright Master, this is getting a little weird. So much darkside stuff here." He spoke just as Knight slashed at the box as books came pouring out. As Master Knight picked one up she was surprised to see that it was an original sith text. Something was very wrong here.
[member="George O Rourke"]

She was looking at him and around as the sight of the book came to her. Th collected texts she could make out. "Those sith books are very informative and contain more then just sith knowledge there is also everything on different darkside sects. It makes it valuable and dangerous at least in the wrong hands. The copies were made for other groups but the original still hold the power." She was holding the book and didn't open it but the wrapping containing the texts was what they needed before she was head with it in her pack. "Whatever is here is not something we are going to want to meet and not something we are going to want to let keep this." She was moving towards the shelf with her sabers and slashed to slice the books and wood. "We won't leave the copies but an original text hold power, the man who made it evil and needs the shadows to dispose of it."

"They are very powerful then, they could be very useful." George replied as he watched as Master Knight stashed it away in her bag. Careful not to open the book just now, in case there is something inside that would hinder their escape. With no sign of the beast that lived in the surly almost time for it to return. Master Knight had decided that it was better for whoever was living here not to have access to the material outlined in the book, so she decided to destroy all the copies. Lightsaber in hand she slashed at the bookshelf, it crumbled into pieces and the books laid chopped up on the floor. "Have we got everything we need from here? Do you think the beast or whatever is living here will return soon?" He asked, seeming slightly worried as the more time passed, the better the likelihood of them coming face to face with whoever lived in ruins.
[member="George O Rourke"]

She looked at him and gave a nod. "Something tells me the laws of irony will have it returning soon, another rule when being a jedi never insult the force or gods of irony... they'll make sure you are very very sad later on." She was looking and there were stairs they could run up as she was motioning and moving. "Well we did want to explore the temple, we can do it while running, who knows we might see something interesting." She started moving now and let her eyes flick around while adjusting her sabers and bag before taking off at a pace the padawan could keep up with and they wouldn't run into a creature blindly.

Master Knight like always had some wisdom to give. This time about irony. George chuckled a little before realizing the seriousness of the situation. "Of course I would do that wouldn't I." He sighed as Master Knight located some stairs, giving George the motion to follow. As he ran behind her up the stairs she spoke about the exploration of the place. Laughing with every stride George replied. "Just think, we could explore double the amount we would have been able before."
[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight looked at him while she was moving and his comment about exploring more then before wasn't lost on her but she also wasn't planning to be in somethings home with its stuff... never something you can just explain away even if they are something dangerous and darkside. Her aattention was on the stairs and taking them up while workign to recall what she had seen coming down as on the edge of her senses there was something coming. That knot in your gut as she ascended the stairs leading the way through into one of the hallways where it stopped and running checking the rooms to find another staircase leading back up when there was a pair of mewls with crashes. "Hurry hurry."

It was obvious to George that now was no time to joke. Knight didn't reply and moved even quicker up the stairs. And with good reason. George could feel something else around them. Not too sure where or what it was, just that it was coming there way. Knight shouted to move quicker up the stairs. George didn't hesitate, legs moving a mile a minute as his feet swiftly pushed him up the stairs.

As they reached the top of the first stairs George was a little lost. He hadn't taken much notice of the layout of the place on the way down. Too busy looking at everything else and marvelling at well, flying. Lucky for him Master Knight had some idea of where she was going. He followed her and stuck right on her tail. He knew she could go faster but she was moving slightly slower so George could keep up. What a nice gesture. But they would have to move. They needed to escape before whatever lived there managed to get to them.
[member="George O Rourke"]

The movements and the sounds were there now as Knight led the way and they were standing out a platform just below the main enrance they came from. Ascending up one more level would put them on track before whatever it was came at them. Then she saw it looking up at them and could feel the darkside off it as well as anger and more. The thickly muscled beast with horn protruding from its head, cloven hooves and a swishing tail as it and a second one next to it wore ragged clothing. Knight was looking down at them as she motioned. "Head up now." She motioned for the padawan and then was jumping when she noticed they were almost three times her size.

After making it up the first flight of stairs they both noticed something below them, two mighty beasts stood there, huffing and puffing, ready to blow them right down. The darkside energy feeding off them like a bad smell. They could feel it like the beast were right next to them, even though they were three floors down. "Ahh they are huge..." He said aloud moments before Master Knight beckoned him to get moving. Today was not the day George wanted to become darkside beast food. George followed Master Knight, hoping they could get away before the beasts caught up to them.
[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight kept moving and ascending with the padawan, leading the way as she heard it and the beast was there below snorting and leaping it sounded like. The massive bulk of the body impacting on the stone while it sounded like things were collapsing. She kept moving and the exit of the temple was right there in front of them while she lept for it with the wall smashing. A large three meter tall beast with thick horns coming from its head and a snout coming out as it was still running down the stairs and swished a large tail with Knight reeling. Her body shifting so she could stop and back pedal just enough to change their direction towards the side of the temple and run down the ridges with the second one coming.

As the pair of them moved up towards the exit they were so close they could almost smell the fresh air outside. As Master Knight leaped to exit the room another beast came crashing through the wall, knocking her back. The exit was now covered and they would have to find another way out. Narrowly avoiding the hit from the beast George watched as the force of the hit pushed Master Knight back. She slid across the room. With his heart pumping and his mind racing he saw that Master Knight had managed to change her direction, turn the hit into a boost and headed off in another direction, George followed, right behind her. They would make it out of this temple, he was sure of it.

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