Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ship of the Sun (George O Rourke)

[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight looked at him with a smirk on her face. "I know right, you crash eight ships and suddenly you're deemed a bad pilot... or something. It isn't like I tried to stuff just got in the way... like doors or buildings." SHe was sitting there as they continued to head down to the planet with the sight of the jungle and the shuttle wasn't exactly a bad thing, it did function bette and she had learned they could pump these out really quickly. Store dozen's of them in a cargo hold and then use them and disassemble them to save space... It really was kind of a great thing to have when you thought about it and the shuttle touched down. The back ramp opening while she got up and the sounds of the swamp came.

George smiled as Master Knight spoke, she had an interesting personality and had quite a good sense of humour. As she finished George replied, "I definitely understand, those doors just always open and close straight in front of you, there is no missing them." He said with a little laugh as they made their final decent into the jungle. As the back ramp began to open Master Knight began getting up and readied herself to leave the shuttle. As the doors opened wider the smell of the swamp entered George's nose. Not particularly nice smelling, but would have to do. George was sure he would have missions in smellier places than this. He got himself up and double checked he had everything ready to leave.
[member="George O Rourke"]

"Exactly." See this padawan got it, he understood the evil doors that would get in the way while she was walking and she was looking around as the ramp doors closed with her excitement and small bounce to her step. "See how this is a place where you can really practice. The trees, the swamp, the dirt all of it is soemthing you can use while you fight with a saber. The basis of sokan is to use the environment to your advantage. So we shall begin as such." Knight was moving towards a swampy area and the water could be seen with slick rocks one could trip over as in the distance the sight of a massive temple was peaking over the jungle. "That is our destination and if you slip the water is deep enough. Use the environment and the rocks to hope around." She started moving towards the temple with one foot touching the rock as she pushed off onto another and moved across the water.

As the pair entered the swamp a temple could be seen off in the distance, that was our destination. Master Knight spoke of Sokan, it was quite interesting to George. As he looked around he noticed one small problem between getting from the ship to the temple, the swamp in front of them only had small rocks to move between and falling off meant a nice cold, wet, disgusting swim. As Master Knight began moving around with a little extra pop in her step. She told George the key to making it, it was up to him now to see if he could make it. "Yes Master." George replied looking at the grim chances of him making it to the other side dry. As Master Knight elegantly bounded between stones George began to follow. Bounding onto the first stone was fine, he had his balance and in a fluid motion was able to jump to the next. As he landed his foot slipped, clamping both feet down onto the small rock was George's only choice. As he regained his balance he thought for a second. I must use the force and focus, it will guide me through. With that George bounded onto the next rock, his foot stuck like glue before bounding off again. He was getting the hang of it leaping and bounding towards the temple.
[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight was payin attention to where she was going but also sparing moments to check on her padawan. She hadn't really trained many that stuck around this long but it was a good thing and most seemed upset when she suggested they fly so people weren't worried to much. Her attention was on the here and now as she was running and bounded off a rock stretching with the force to push herself a little higher above the water and landing on a bank for a moment. The temple still seemed so far away but the swamp was getting easier to navigate as the sounds of where creatures were moving came to her and Knight jumped up to a branch kicking off it and propelling herself forward to another and then another.

George following his Master as close as he could then notice her change paths. Instead of moving from rock to rock she moved onto a near by bank as she looked around. George could see that there was not much around other than trees and swamp but it seemed like she had a better insight into what was around, even if she couldn't see it. Intent on following his master he too bounded towards the bank, unbeknown to George the bank was a little but further away than he though. He had already his stretched his physical abilities to the max moving between rocks but now he was all out of length. He bounded towards the bank, but fell short landing in the shallows next to the bank. Lucky for him it wasn't the middle of the swamp that would have swallowed him up. George quickly bounced up to the bank as he watched his mater flawlessly move into the tree line above. "How do you do that Master Knight?" George asked as he watched her bound from one branch to the next.
[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight stopped and was looking at him as she stood on one branch with the wind blowing at her hair. THe thought of it on her face as she spoke looking him over. "It is to use the momentum and inertia your body creates while moving. With the force you can throw it in different directions to move faster, jump further or even run along walls and ceilings... In this case bounding from rock to tree and keeping your speed is important. Though there is a risk involved, you need to remain focused and careful lest you shift to fast and slam yourself into a wall or something sharp. It will be doing it with several times the impact. It is why I am wary and nervous trying to teach it to some, though you might be able to use it."

George looked up as he listened to his Master up high on a brach of a tree. He listen and understood what he had to do. Concentrate and build up speed whilst going from rock to rock then focus on a branch to jump to. In theory it didn't seem all that difficult, but putting it into practice was something else. "Understood Master, I'll try and join you up in the tree soon." George replied before springing into action jumping from rock to rock before setting himself up to jump to a close tree branch. As George landed on the last rock there was only seconds before he would be off up in the air again, he needed to focus on the branch, feel the force flow through him and push it out his legs. Before he knew it he was up in the air cruising towards the branch. He could see the branch getting closer it actually looked like he would make it, but the tree branch was slightly too far away, his feet dropped below and almost missed the branch, he flung his arms up to try and catch the branch. Lucky he managed to hold on. Using his upper body and core he managed to getting himself up on the branch. But something was wrong, he felt as if the branch was about to give way under his weight. The look on his face towards his Master was the look of utter fear, the fear of dropping to the swamp below with noting to help him out of the situation.
[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight was watching and moved towards her padawan as she kept her attention on him. A look of concern at his fear but she was letting the energies roll off of her. "Careful careful." There was movement while she was jumping and making wings extend from her back while she hovered in the air with a small gust of wind from the force. "Remember your footing and seek to allow the force to become second nature. It will guide your feet before you can think about it." Knight touched another branch as she flew up and was gliding overhead towards the temple in the distance.

George managed to get to his feet with the tree intact. He listened to his Masters words, ...allow the force to become second nature. Ran through his head before he gently pushed off the branch onto one not to far away. George was beginning to understand the force, the way it works and most importantly how to control it. He continued to swiftly glide between branches allowing the force to guide his feet. It was working well, branches were flowing by and the temple was growing ever closer. Master in the air and Padawan gliding through the trees, it was beautiful the flow that went with them. Following the same pace they made their way ever closer to the temple before them.
[member="George O Rourke"]

The massive size of the temple was getting larger as knight touched down at the base looking at the smooth exterior that she couldn't get a large grip on but there were some plans that they could have. Slowly as she waited for her padawan to arrive the jedi shifted her wings back looking for the stairs or entrance to get inside. Her attention was on both while she was moving with her hand out touching the surface of the stone as she spoke. "Very good, you are getting better and inside once we manage to get inside you'll be needing all you have. It is easy to get lost as we make our way to the top."

As his Master made it to the base of the temple she stopped and waited for the young Padawan to make it. As George continued to hop from branch to branch with more speed and more precision it was clear that George was learning a lot from his Master. As he landed neatly next to his Master at the base of the temple he spoke. "Thank you Master, you've taught me a lot. What exactly is inside?" He asked as he watched Master Knight attempt to find something in the wall in front of them. How exactly do we get inside of this thing. He though to himself as he looked over the structure that stood large before him. It almost seemed impenetrable, but he am sure Master Knight had an idea to get them inside.
[member="George O Rourke"]

She had a small smirk on her face less knowing and more mischievous while shrugging. "I do not know but that is the fun. Unexplored temples, ancient ruins, finding ways to get inside. Never know what you're going to get." She usually would just fly up to the top and go from there but leaving her padawan in the swamp alone while she tried to find a way to open it well. She couldn't do that while moving with her attention towards the walls while she was looking. "Normally I'd well fly to the top and go inside but now well now I am not alone so leaving you out here by yourself as I try and find a doorway could be dangerous."

As George looked at the big structure in front looking for any hint of an opening his Master replied telling that she also had no idea what was inside either. "Ahh I see, I guess its all about the mystery." He replied still looking for an entrance. Seeing that normally Master Knight would just fly to the top of the temple and find a way in that way, but with George's company it she though she shouldn't. "There must be an entrance somewhere here..." George said as he began walking along the perimeter of the temple.
[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight was in agreement with him while she was moving around and searching, the sound of her hands touching the stone. She was tapping and looking as moving around to another side there was some stairs leading up to the center it looking like and a platform. She was looking and pointing up as she stopped at the bottom of the stairs and held her attention while she was looking up. Thick hooved tracks before she crouched down and spoke. "There is something that came this way and it was large." She was looking up. "Be careful and stay close, if it is dangerous we'll backtrack and get out." She dug in her belt for a marker they could use while she moved up towards the entrance to mark their path.

As both George and Master Knight began searching the wall for an entrance the stones of the wall stuck out in odd ways. Although the odd shapes and sizes it added a slight touch of uniqueness to it. However that isn't what they were here for. They were here to find the entrance to the temple. As George moved away from his Master she turned the and stopped. Signalling to come down to her Master Knight had done it. Around the corner of the temple was a set of stairs. Great and all it was there were large hoof print in the dirt. Warning of the dangers ahead George nodded. Reassuring his Master he understood what could lie ahead. "Yes Master, right behind you." He said as they began making their way up the path.
[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight looked at him and gave a nod as she ascended the stairs with a grin on her face for a moment. Taking them two at a time before she was going inside nd smelling the air of the temple's interior. It reeked of something wet and rotting as she could see the plants becoming mulch with some fruits or stuff. It was rancid and covered in flies before she kept going in and the air cleared becoming more stale with the sounds outside being muffled. She was walking and activated a glow rod to illuminate the area while her senses flared outwards to find what she could around the temple.

As the pair of them moved up the stairs George bouncing from step to step waiting to see what was beyond. As they reached the top and turned into the room a putrid smell over took them. "This is really bad." Referring to the smell rotten fruits that surrounded them. As they moved deeper into the temple the smell subsided and the darkness grew. Master Knight activated a glow rod in which they could view the room. Sensing out anything that could be of valuable information. They began searching the room looking for interesting discoveries.
[member="George O Rourke"]

She was looking at the padawan and nodding a little in agreement before continuing on. "Maybe so but a jedi should be without fear but not without brains." SHe wasn't going to say face everything cause sometimes the best advice was to run and fight or warn others. As the ruins gave way to stale air that thankfully hadn't been touched leadinginto a large central chamber that went down into lower sections of the ruins. Knight looked up seeing the different levels andthere was a dome but it looked different. "The dome looks like a large cap more then anythign from in here, might be something at the bottom if you have your grapple gun."

"I do understand that Master." George replied as he continued to search out the room. "Running into a battle with no fear might help convince you that the battle will be won. But the head must also believe the battle can be won." He continued as he made his way to the main chamber he could see the many different paths leading off from the main room. Master Knight asked George if he had brought his grappling gun. "No Master, I didn't think it would be necessary. Might have to find another way up." He replied looking up at the Dome that Master Knight referred to. It was large and what was inside was only but an imagination to George, he looked for another way up.

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