Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ship of the Sun (George O Rourke)

[member="George O Rourke"]

Knight was running and the temple was huge as they were this high up, her attention was on some of the things hearing the snorting from below where it hd crashed out offering some of the more dangerous parts. Knight was looking at what they had as she brought out her comlink. "Bring the ship here." She was listening for it while as they were outside seeing the jungle while she was pointing and spoke. "Run into the trees and I'll distract them, the ship is coming and it can outrun them easily." She had a grin on her face though while rolling and the robe shifted away as she had her blades at the ready. The tonfa's prepared to attack while only one of them was chasing them but she could feel them.

George followed Master Knight around the temple, but it seemed to be of no use. The beast had crashed out below giving them a few extra seconds to escape, but it wouldn't have been enough. It was much faster than them in a straight line, which would have been the only way out. However Master Knight had an idea. She called in the ship to come to our location, it could easily outrun the beast, but the problem was getting to it. She decided it would be better if they split up. She would head off in one direction drawing the beast away as George ran into the forest to escape. She was putting her life on the line for George, but he knew she would come out fine. He listened to his Master and done exactly what she said. Splitting away he jumped from the temple and using the techniques he had learnt prior from Master Knight was able to use the trees below as stepping stones on his escape.

As the beasts cry grew faint with every jump it seemed George was out of the woods so to speak. But he couldn't help but think about Master Knight, was she going to be alright. He kept his eyes and ears open, waiting for the ship to come over head. Nothing yet, but he would have hoped sooner rather than later. For Master Knights sake.

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