Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Lahmia deWinter Lahmia deWinter

Months had passed since Scherezade had first met her cousin Lahmia. She'd been immediately close to her, or at least felt so, and their meeting had ended, Lahmia had said that she could always call on her. So far, the Sithling had not; it wasn't too long after that meeting that almost everything changed, and suddenly she was no longer in the Southern Systems but instead had moved to the Unknown Regions. Like her mother sort of had done, moving to there from the Core. Had Lahmia known her mother? Or least known of what her own mother had done in the Unknown Regions so long ago? She wasn't certain; but there had been other things that were much more important to talk about.

But now not only had enough time passed, but a thing had happened as well. Her sister, Madalena, had been taken as a prisoner of war by the Coalition after their rebellion had failed. She had still not returned. Discordia had assured her that people were working on it, and almost everyone at this point knew that the moment they had a scrap of information, the Blood Hound would go in blades swinging to her get back out.

Still, not those were the reasons she decided to invite Lahmia now. Aside for her sister, everything else was… At least for Scherezade, somewhat settled. She still hadn't chosen a planet-side (origin this case, station-side) house, choosing instead to remain on her ship. People no longer treated her like something stuck to the bottom of their shoe. She was… Much happier here. So perhaps the time had come.

Eve, the capital city of the space construct known as the Scintilla, was the biggest sphere in the bunch. From space, it looked like rounded metal, with tunnels leading to and from it to other spheres. Inside though… Inside was designed to look and feel like a proper planet. With air and lakes and skies and everything else that went with it. It was a design built on something she had scribbled down two years prior, when she'd been fresh out of the pebble and didn't know much. But it was working now.

And this was to where she had called to her cousin. Instructions had been sent as well; the dockyard was outside of the sphere, but there were enough speeders to bring her cousin from there to the top of the Tower, where Scherezade had emptied out the luxury who-knows-how-many stars so that it would be open to serve only her, her cousin, and her cousin's entourage. In the corner, Baal was taking a nap.

Scherezade took a seat, not touching the cheese cubes just yet.
"My Queen, we have arrived."

Lahmia's face was buried in the neck of a male, with fangs and fingers holding the creature in her grasp. A few seconds after the announcement, she cast the weakened figure into the waiting arms of attendants. With a pleased hiss, she strode forward upon her bridge as though nought had happened. "Inform Control I shall attend presently, and secure berth for mine ship."

The Winter's Kiss had snapped out of hyperspace in close proximity to the Scintilla. It made no attempt at a long distance arrival followed by a gradual and disarming approach. Perhaps those watching their surround had been alarmed; it mattered not. Such was their task to see friend from foe. If they had deigned assail them it would be of no concern. The Winter's Kiss could weather such a thing with hardly a scratch.

Her green eyes beheld the spectacle her cousin had claimed. It spread out among the stars in curious fashion. It captivated the Devoratrix who had not seen its like before, and brought a smile to her dark lips. This was pleasing and appropriate for her cousin to have such grandeur, Lahmia thought.

The long lost deWinter turned and strode back down the bridge. There was no point dawdling. Her cousin had called for her after this short spell, and Lahmia was quite interested in whatever had drawn her note. Perhaps she just desired to speak again. Lahmia was not a mindless brute only sated in combat -- though sating combat was. Even so, part of her hoped there was cause. Something they could do for one another. Something dangerous.

If people gawked at the red woman and her tail as she set foot in their web of spheres, Lahmia paid them no mind. If anything, she loved being unlike any other. None could be mistaken for Lahmia deWinter, Outsider, Scourge, and Queen.

Unlike their first meeting, Lahmia brought with her a small entourage of muscular or fierce men and women of various genetic backgrounds; most of which came from outside of the Rim. Lahmia entered the chamber with a smile, and seemingly with no regard for it being a trap as her gait was quick yet graceful, and her eyes set straight ahead in search for Scherezade. Who else, after all, would be worthy of Lahmia's attention?

She knew her cousin had arrived shortly before she was actually there. Other than the usual stream of information coming directly into the Sithling's commdevices, there were small things that made her notice the very minuscule and subtle changes in the air. It was not something she noted too often, and she knew that most people were not as finely attuned to it as she were in specific instances; for her, it was when family was there. She knew that when she finally would be reunited with her sister, she would feel it as well, and much stronger.

As Lahmia entered the floor, Scherezade was already standing, half bouncing, and ran to her cousin for an embrace. If there was any formal protocol that was to be followed, she didn't know if it, didn't care about it. This was family at a private event, even if one of them had actually brought an entire entourage with them.

"We have a private booth," she said with a sweet smile, "your guys can sit anywhere they want. Server droids will be coming soon enough."

While her words were nothing but polite, it was hard for the Sithling to contain her excitement, and her body language was bubbly-jumpy in response to being so close to her cousin again. Now that they were re-meeting, it was hard for Scherezade to grasp why it had taken her so long to reach out, when she could've done so much before now. She'd also remembered that Lahmia was a blood drinker, and had arranged for blood and blood based cocktails from various animals and species as well. The chef had not even blinked when she'd asked it of him days ago, and she knew she had a good dude in the kitchen.

"Come come come," she encouraged, leading the two women to the booth, "How are you? How is it being back in the galaxy? What have you been up to?"
Lahmia grinned as Scherezade closed the distance. The red woman's arms were spread open to receive the energetic welcome of her family. Anyone else trying such would have been planted face-first into the ground by Lahmia herself or her entourage. Not Scherezade, however. The Pirate Queen had even made a point to remind her entourage not to impede or harm the woman in any way without her express order. That did not expose her recklessly; if by some horrific twist Scherezade turned on Lahmia, their minions would combat one another and leave the Queens to do personal combat -- as it should be.

A soft laugh followed her dear cousin's thoughtfulness. "By all means. Sit," Lahmia instructed those that had come with her. What the two had to speak of was not for their ears. Their presence was a performance for the people in the streets -- and, of course, a safeguard should anything go awry. Surely Scherezade's security would not allow such, nor would the woman herself ever betray Lahmia, but she hadn't survived centuries by inviting death to her bosom.

Naturally, the red followed the paler creature to the private booth at her request. "I hast found these 'hyperlanes' in the galaxy, which many use to transport cargo and personages. A delightful road to whereto mine crew and I hast taken interest. We hast no want of resources, and captivating fortifications hast we found. Several predators sought to chase us away from their hunting grounds; yet I remain, and some remnants of their crew serve." The Devoratrix laughed merrily at the good fortune. Why should she be ashamed of conquering and taking what was hers to take? It was the way of things. Many in this galaxy seemed to soft to know this, but that did not make it so.

"And what hast thou been privvy toward, cousin? I do not recall thou mentioning a web the such of which we now stand, nor having found thou this side of the galaxy." Lahmia regarded Scherezade with a smile and a playful sparkle to her own green eyes. "Hast thou plans in motion?"

Sitting. Scherezade was hating the sitting right there and then. Half of her wondered if perhaps her cousin would've enjoyed the Garden of Death more than this place, here at the top of the Tower. It was almost alarming how preciously little she knew of the deWinter who had survived living beyond the rim of the galaxy and then returned, but… But this was merely the second meeting. There would be more. If her wish was ever granted, there would be so many more that the blood connection would never matter again.

And while Lahmia's entourage would take things like security and such into consideration, Scherezade knew that for the moment, there was nothing to worry about. External threats would have to go through the tunnels to get into Eve and she would know about it long before they were out of them. For internals, there were other measures. Eve was built for greatness and it was still growing; the smaller than it could've been population made for relative easy surveillance, at least for the time being.

As Lahmia spoke, Scherezade hung on to almost every word, letting the tale of her cousin's adventures take her on a wild ride of adventures that she wanted to hear more about. "Were there no hyperlanes before the Gulag?" she asked, realizing that she didn't really know. Her grandmother's memories had never concerned themselves with such, "And what do you mean, several predators? Who'd you meet? Did you kill them good? Where did you find these captivating fortifications?"

And what had Scherezade been up to? To that, she gave her red skinned cousin an impish grin.

"I've begun to capture my dreams," she answered, "I've left the previous place and found someone who saw many things the way that I did. And now we are building… this," and with that, she motioned to the view outside the window. There were few words she herself would've used for it beyond amazing and captivating; tall buildings surrounded them, yet still set sufficiently apart so that they could see them give way to smaller buildings and then to greenery, lakes, and more.

"This city is called Eve," she said softly, "and it is the capital city of the Scintilla, which we are building. We are going to end this era of the galaxy and leave the door wide open for another one to begin."
The Devoratrix's right hand lifted to hide polite laughter behind it. "Mine cousin, I know little of this galaxy. Once it may yet have been mine home, but the ship that set sail was lost as I was lost long hence. Truth, I am pleased with how much knowing has survived the onslaught of centuries. Mine early days afar were not as gentle as mine latter." Preserving the databanks had not been a high priority in the beginning. Keeping the ship in one piece able to stay one step ahead of those pursuing them... It was a minor wonder the Old Basic language files had survived and Lahmia had not returned speaking a language none knew. "Fortune then the first we claimed held a trove of knowledge for us."

"Thy galaxy is not as mine, but hath its predators. I found them most entertaining for a time. If thou wouldst like, mine crew can send list of their Captains. Perhaps thou wouldst know some; yet, with how swift they fell before me, I wager not."
The red woman smiled across at Scherezade, quite pleased to be looked up to with such enthusiasm. Not as a Queen, but as...well, quite strangely, a grandmother. A woman that had seen much with countless tales to be embellished just a bit for the sake of the telling.

A lift of her dark brows followed her cousin's claim on her dreams. Lahmia listened intently as Scherezade spoke of building this strange web in space. This city Eve... was the sphere that connected within Scintilla? Admittedly, its design was quite novel. Only possible in this galaxy, of course. Such a curiosity would have been short lived in the stars Lahmia hailed from. It would be interesting to see such a thing completed.

"I like thou tone, and thy aspirations. One must ne'er become complacent. Ne'er too comfortable. Thy enemies will see this and slip a dagger between thy ribs elsewhile." Lahmia would be the last one to dissuade Scherezade from this path. "Might thou hath a yarn to spin, Kin? Of plots to see a new era dawn? Thy galaxy could use more," she paused and tapped her lips for a moment, "life." It did not seem like quite the word she intended, but it sufficed.


Mine early days afar were not as gentle as mine latter. Scherezade nodded, not giving voice to the fact that she wished it would be more or less the same for her. She didn't need the gentleness when it came to warfare, to burning down all the stars. What she needed was her personal life to stop accumulating so many different traumas. A long time ago she had entertained herself with the idea of how things could've been different if instead of pain and hurt she would have instead inflicted the damage on those who had sought to break her so badly, down to her very core. But she knew it would not have made a difference. The damage had run to deep. One day, she would be considered among the greatest Warriors in the 'verse, and still the scars would be there, hiding under the armor and the walls she had been constructing.

But in front of family, in front of family that she truly believed would be part of her life, even if not be there every day, she could not wield those walls. Not fully. The only tiny bit that remained was the result of fear of loss, of abandonment. But not lack of want, or lack of trust.

Scherezade blinked, forcing her attention back on her cousin. She had no idea who these predators and their Captains could even be, but she had no doubt that Lahmia made short work of them. If it wasn't for the genetic soup that made her, it would've been the name. deWinters always rose hard or fell harder. It seemed the middle ground did not truly exist, at least as far as Scherezade knew. And Troves of Knowledge… Scherezade smiled. If that was what her cousin lusted for, there were many ways for the Blood Hound to deliver.

"I'm good at assassinations, infiltrations, but the god and proper sort of intrigue is not among my skillset," she said with a little smile, "so I have taken to doing what I do best. My aspirations will most likely end me up on more than one bounty list."

Peeking to the side, she saw the servant droid just wheel up to them. Food and drink orders were quickly placed, and her attention returned to Lahmia immediately after that.

"I will bring to the destruction of the Sith Empire. The Confederacy. The Silvers. The Republic. The Imperium. To any and every large government out there that believes it can continue to greedily gobble up galactic territory that does not belong to it. That thinks it can expand borders and swallow up so many planets because they made a deal with a nearby planet and saved them from this or that mundane danger that could've been solved in a thousand different ways. I have grown disgusted with governments that practice interplanetary control, so I will burn them all down. Even in times of peace has most of this galaxy never known the freedom of not being controlled by others. It is time to show them that their peace is truly nothing but a lie perpetuated by the government residing over them."

Leaning back in her seat, Scherezade smiled. It was not the small smile that Lahmia had seen many times on her face before now, the smile of someone who worried that she had said too much or not the right thing. No. It was more than clear, by her tone and the language of her body, that she believed in the cause, and believed in the flames that would change the face of the galaxy.

It had not been that way in the beginning. Initially, Scherezade had joined mostly because of her sister, and then because it was fun to be told she could point her weapons and go kill kill, go destroy destroy. And then she had realized… Things would be different here. Things already were. Was this home, for the girl? Perhaps it would some day be. But it certainly was closer to anything else she'd experienced during the near two years prior.

"But we are still learning, still growing," she sighed, "we have taken up arms against a large government once and were driven off. My sister is still in their clutches. But we will have her back. And the next time, we will win."
"It matters not," Lahmia replied casually to Scherezade's comment about bounty lists. "Let 'em all mark thou for death. Wherein they come, leave only their bones. Tis better in this manner to preserve and grow in strength." As someone that was intimately familiar with being pursued by all manner of creature that thought itself her equal, Lahmia held no concern over others seeking her cousin's head. The Devoratrix felt the longer the list of her rivals, they better. They would come and she would slay them all. By some chance there were a stronger... t'was the way of things. Adapt or perish.

After their orders were placed, the red woman listened to her cousin's words. As Scherezade spoke, Lahmia's smile grew, as did the warmth -- or the furnace -- of her eyes. She leaned in and shifted a touch closer to her kin. Toward the end, the tips of her fingers graced black lips while the peaks of her fangs peeked out from behind them. A soft, heated breath followed. "Let them all burn," Lahmia agreed wholeheartedly. Spare a few pockets of resistance, of course, so life did not become tedeious and dreary in the wake of endless chaos, but lay waste to those of strength by all means. Show the masses your unrivaled power. Prove to yourself that you were the pinnacle of evolution, and none could oppose you. "Thou shall become the mightiest warrior of this galaxy. The corpses of thine enemies shall litter the stars, and those that follow 'em shall cry thy name in terror."

Some had called Lahmia 'insane' for her bloodthirsty ways. Cruel and wanton in a desire for destruction. Few of the enemy's number had been worth retaining as her crew laid waste to their enemy; what they thought of her, she hadn't a mind to care. It was not savagery the Devoratrix sought, but genuine struggle for survival. Worthy foes that pose threat to life and limb. Such things excited Lahmia most certainly.

Scherezade might usher in a glorious revolution to this galaxy. Lahmia might bear witness to the creation of another much like that she truly called home -- a region consumed with bloodshed and strife. The strong would rule -- those of body, mind, and spirit. It was the most honest form of existence that treated all equitably. You survived or you died.

"Tis not shameful to withdrawal for a time. There is no limit to thy body, mind, or that of those thou command -- if the spirit is firm-set." While victory was always preferable, so long as you lived there was always another chance. Time to improve, to study one's enemy, and to strike again.

Though news of Scherezade's 'sister' being captive... "Sister?" Lahmia had calmed herself from before. "Have thou plans to reclaim her? Should'st me or mine ship aide thou, Kin, thou hast yet to ask."


"Let them all burn," Scherezade repeated with a smile. But would she? Could she truly become one of the mightiest Warriors of the galaxy? Part of her knew that the answer was, without a doubt, yes. Another part of her could not help but wonder how much she was going to succeed in screwing it up before she even got close. Still smiling, Scherezade swallowed that other part down and took a sip from her drink. Now was not the time for such thoughts.

The question of sister though, wiped any smile off the Sithling's face. Madalena was still held captive by the Outer Rim Coalition, and with every day that passed, Scherezade felt the guilt gnawing on her insides. She was not allowed to go and fetch her sister, was not allowed anywhere near their space, and there were several people watching over her to make sure that she did not.

"I am told to trust the Agents," she said quietly, "that our ruler is working to get my sister back and in one piece. I am constantly assured that she is not being actually tortured and that I need to practice patience."

But the Sithling was not a patient woman. She was passionate, moved by her emotions, and prone to moving before thinking. To her, not being able to go rescue her sister, was out right torture.

"I trust this place," she said earnestly, "and Madalena and I were on different fronts all together, so I know it's not my fault that she was captured, but her own. And yet… I want my sister back. And if I do not receive her back by the turn of the season, I will go to the Outer Rim Coalition and burn every planet down until they produce her and give her back to me."

Shaking her head, it was all too easy to see that she was trying. Trying very hard not to give into the blood lust that could just as easily be directed at the civilians of Eve, making their way to and from work only a few hundred levels beneath them.

"I need a good fight," she finally admitted, giving Lahmia a little smile, "the Coruscant underground can provide it no longer. Maybe I should go to another part of the Core and randomly punch people. Would you like to join me?"
Ruler? Lahmia's composure was not altered by Scherezade's words, but they were a bit of a surprise. Obviously the Pirate Queen did not spend time skulking the affairs of others -- not even her cousin, whose location had been absent a time. Partially since Lahmia had only just returned and had minimal contacts. Partially because she was not seeking to lay claim to the galaxy -- yet. There was time. An Energy Vampire weathered such things gracefully.

That said, the Devoratrix expected her cousin to be the 'ruler' of this region. Though perhaps she deigned to let another deal with the minutia of ruling in favor of participating in blood sport instead. Lahmia could hardly blame her. Fortunately, her own crew did not need monitored despite being inclined toward 'anarchy' as those of the Galaxy called it. They feared their Queen from top or bottom of the hierarchy and knew well enough to perform their tasks with dedication.

It was commendable to see her cousin fight to be "patient." Not because murdering people was wrong, but because you couldn't always kick your enemy's door down and slaughter everyone without a plan. Part of survival was knowing when, where, and how to strike. Patience played into 'when' heavily. So long as this ruler was not teaching Scherezade this lesson for its own sake and that there was thought behind why now was the wrong time.

A fang-filled grin was returned to her cousin's last thought. "T'would I. Yet, know I do not restrain mine hand. If I enter a field, tis nary an foe that remains. Is this why thou seeks to merely strike them?" Lahmia was well aware of her lust for battle. It was ingrained in her. There was no 'simply choose not to kill them.' It was not a matter of one's will being stronger than mere temptation. Every instinct in her makeup desired to slaughter prey once prey was found. Would merely punching them avoid this fate? It could. Provided the other person didn't fight back afterward.

"Never would I turn down an invitation by mine cousin," she added, interested in any such like it in the future.


"I didn't know Madalena had been taken until we were all making our way back to the Unknown Regions," Scherezade sighed. Would it have mattered if she'd known? Scherezade had been in the castle itself, whereas Madalena had boarded another ship just outside of orbit. It would've taken stealing a pod to get there. But had they not already been so far away when she realized her sister was not among the injured aboard the flagship, she would never have left in the first place.

"I put enough fear into those who fought us on Zonju," she gave her cousin a little smile, "we might have lost, but their win was far from an easy one. We made them work for it every inch of the way, and the next time, we will emerge victorious."

Anyone trying to claim otherwise would quickly find themselves silenced by both words and deeds. Scherezade's personal file, as much as it existed, was extensive and impressive. She accepted short term losses because that was part of life and there was no way to avoid that unless you avoided doing anything. But those were small lessons, a step towards her eventual win.

And as Lahmia had not voiced her surprised regarding the ruling, Scherezade could not guess that her cousin thought of it at all, and thus an explenation about Scherezade's view or rulership and the future had been spared.

"I would love to see you fight," she said earnestly, "You smell deliciously of strength and power. Even without knowing a smidge about you, I would've easily pegged you for a fighter. And not because of your looks."

But then… Of the genetics, Scherezade knew some. But was Lahmia closer to a Warrior, or closer to a Sorceress? Was she even part of the dichotomy that Scherezade was so certain existed until she herself broke it without ever meaning to?

"How did you get into it, anyway?" she asked. deWinters weren't exactly known for being completely noncombatants, but every single one of them had their history, had their reason, "When did you decide that violence and fighting and killing were part of what you were going to do with yourself?"
"It shall be so. The battle is ne'er over so long as we draw breath," Lahmia agreed. That Scherezade lost did not diminish her cousin in the Devoratrix's eyes. On the other hand, it was because Scherezade was so strong on her own that such reprieve was granted. A servant refusing to fight out of a desire for self preservation would not be tolerated. Else why had they pledged themselves? If they had desired to forge their own path such should have been true long hence. Punishment for abandoning one's duty was most severe aboard the Winter's Kiss. "Perhaps thou will call upon me, when the time is right?" It was something of a surprise as much time had gone since last they spoke. Then again, Scherezade may not want to appear dependent on her cousin.

A low purr grew behind a widening smile as Scherezade flattered her cousin. Would she truly love to see Lahmia fight? Surely she should not even deign to humor such a thought. deWinter had strong constitutions -- or so Lahmia had written down centuries ago. To say nothing of her cousin's abbreviated tale of conquest in this galaxy. Yes, the other woman would handle the sight solidly.

Laughter bubbled forth at the question put forth. "Were there any other reason I hast long since abandoned it. Once the Winter's Kiss appeared in this far off realm we were apace set upon as exotic meals and possessing curious technologies. I lost crew by the dozen. Necessity drove me to crush mine enemies. Necessity and then..."

The bright light eager in remembrance diminished a bit and Lahmia's lips pursed in thought for a moment. "I took a Lover there. A ruthless, efficient killing machine she was. Tore the limbs from her foes. Braved the perils of exploding ships. Slaughter was as natural as breathing." A breathy sigh fell from her lips as her eyes wandered away to one side. "She inspired me in so many ways. Wherein it came time for us to say which was the stronger, and I emerged the victor, I took her essence and made it part of mine own."

Lahmia's eyes slid back to Scherezade after managing to hurry over the hot coals that was the memory of her Love's demise. Dark lips parted so the fangs could be bared in the light. "It is a part that hath ne'er wavered e'en after I hast taken so many other essences. Her's is a constant in mine life, as is her thirst for battle. I'ld as anon die as 'settle down' as those of thy galaxy put it. One of mine children had been just in striking me down would I became so weak as to forbear battle."

Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter

"I could," Scherezade half said, half asked. It didn't matter how many times Lahmia said it in different ways, the mere offer of assistance from family was alien to her ears. The galaxy was a cold place for someone who still held memories of the family's warmth of old, and it seemed often that most of their family members preferred to generally not be around than be there.

And as Lahmia fell into telling the tale of her past, Scherezade leaned forward again, hanging on to each and every word. She could see it in her imagination, the hunger, the desperation, the fights, and then… And then Lahmia had done what Scherezade had thought she never could. She killed her lover. Not for the first time, Scherezade wished that she and Lahmia had found each other earlier, two years ago, before the downwards spiral. Mybe knowing her cousin back then would've given her the courage to do what she hadn't done, what she'd run away from every time someone else put it on the table.

"It sounds like a fairy tale of blood and violence," she finally whispered with excitement, "you even get your happily ever after – always part of each other."

Scherezade leaned back in her chair, taking a sip from her drink. Her imagination had run rampant and wild. But what was it really like?

"Could I see?" she asked. Her voice had come out smaller than she wanted to and she cleared her throat before trying again, "If you're willing, I mean. I learned a year ago that I can do…. Things, with other people's blood. If you'd agree, a prick o the finger at the right moment, while you yourself are focusing on the memory of that fight or any other, would let me catch glimpses of it too. It's not always perfect and there's always a thick layer of deep red over it, but the rest…"

She bit her lower lip, and cast her gaze aside for a moment before returning it. "You don't have to," she found herself assuring her cousin who probably didn't even need it because she'd have no issues saying no in the first place, "I'm not even really sure where this blood stuff came from. Just… That it's something I can do."
Lahmia smiled as Scherezade basked in the tale. Her cousin was not wrong. The two would never be separated as she had long since lost count of how many she had absorbed; yet despite it all, her beloved's nature hadn't wavered in the slightest. A thirst for blood that did not understand the concept of 'game.' When combat was joined, only the predator emerged alive. There was room for training or 'sport,' when the enemy was not taken seriously. When adrenaline did not course through her veins and the unquenchable desire to survive did not hold sway. Tipped over the edge, however, such light hearted matters could prove fatal. Only the smarter members of her crew were allowed to spar with their Queen as a result. Anyone lacking enough self-control would almost certainly end up dead.

Still, Lahmia did not speak of these matters with just any. It pained her to think of times long lost. Being one was not the same as holding a partner close. Feeling their breath race, their heart pound, and the strength of their grasp. Sadly, they two had never been slatted to live together until the end of time. Time had always been set against them. Inevitably, one of them would live and the other would perish.

Scherezade had a curious ask in that moment then. See? The Devoratrix listened carefully to what her cousin said. It sounded like some manner of blood memory. A curious ability, but given Lahmia's own discovered talent in tearing out the essence or genetics of another and making it her own... the deWinters always had a knack for such things.

"Are thou certain?" A brief pause was punctuated by a quick smile. "I know thou hast weathered many battles, yet I never know how passionately creatures of this galaxy engage in battle. Still, if thou are inclined," Lahmia trailed off. The final battle would not be the one chosen, however. Much as Lahmia actually found this opportunity to share delightful -- a rare occurrence -- the death of her lover was still personal. Something only Lahmia held in her possession. There were other times that would yield grotesque displays of savagery, however. Many, in fact. Scherezade might find her cousin lesser than what was before her now if this power was detailed, though not Lahmia's original form. Even before the death of her lover, the lost deWinter had dabbled in melding to prolong her life and strengthen her body for the rigors of that realm.

Slowly, the red woman leaned forward and extended a hand out toward Scherezade. "deWinter blood is strong, and we hast both join across strange and powerful spells. Doth thou use it to understand thy enemy oft?" After all, it would be something to learn of her own cousin's abilities and thoughts.

Tag: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter

Was she certain? Scherezade nodded to that quite happily. The days in which her blood abilities had frightened her – not because of what they were, but because of the knowledge that she possessed this thing and that usually when members of the family possessed something of this caliber it tended to screw them up, such as in the case of her own mother and the Arduer – were days long gone now. She was confident of her abilities and the ways in which she used them.

Without any pomp, Scherezade reached to her thigh and removed one of her knives from it, sliding it on the table. "A small drop is enough," she said with a smile. There was no need to create deep cuts or permanent damage. There was so much power in blood, so much that could be gleaned or done because with so little. Her grandmother had always sought to unlock the power of it, and while her grandmother was indeed a skilled Blood Witch when it came to these things, she had never been a Blood Hound, and thus her scope had always been severely limited, especially in comparison with the things Scherezade had found out she could do without even trying too hard.

"But no, I don't use it to understand my enemies," she explained, "I use it to hurt them. I can drain them dry with a thought, or take some of their memories by force. I use it to find loved ones who are in trouble. I use it to enhance certain parts of the Force and other abilities too. If we are ever locked in battle together against an enemy and you are taken, bleed for me. I will be able to find you so much quicker that way, especially after having already received a taste of your blood."

Grabbing a bantha wing, Scherezade chewed on it carefully for a moment as she considered more of the aspects that came with her being a Blood Hound.

"It's probably the only part of me that deals with Sorcery and spells on any level," she said eventually, "When it comes to everything else, I've flipped to the side of the Warrior." First of the females in the family to be that and not a Sorceress, at least as far as she knew.

But then come to think of it… "I don't know a lot about your side of the family though," Scherezade said, "They weren't on… They weren't on Endelaan, that I know of. What was your life like before you traveled beyond the rim?"
Lahmia smiled and contemplated what her cousin said with care. Before delving into the blood, however, Scherezade had a question about lineage. "Before... What I know of that time comes from journals I made when I still resembled kin," the red woman noted to forewarn of gaps and uncertainties that might result. Hundreds of years had passed since that time, and Lahmia herself remembered little of it -- mere impression at best. "There were many in the line of succession back then. They vied for favor and power. I found such limiting in making a name for myself; all mine time would be spent convincing people of mine power, not using that power."

Laughter bubbled forth as she recalled several entries. "Perhaps, to a small extent, 'twere not so different. A struggle to survive where one's allies might not hast your best intentions at heart." Though she could not imagine it was as cut-throat as it became Beyond the Rim.

"I hope we will hast an opportunity to watch one another on a battlefield. Sorcery can be useful, yet the personal dispatch is far more satisfying." Lahmia paused to smile. She knew Scherezade would agree. "Thy favorite weapon is the blade?"

Slowly, Lahmia reached forward to retrieve the knife set on the table. Its edge was lifted up and slowly angled to catch the light just right. A soft hum rumbled within the red woman. Yes, a finely sharpened instrument. Soon the tip was pressed smartly to the tip of her left index finger. "Fortunate thou are such a warrior, Cousin. If thee knew any less the bloodlust thou may anon witness or feel would disturb. Rending of flesh, removal of limbs, and the ruthless abandon of forswear to lay waste to the foe." It was only to not stain Scherezade's furnishings that Lahmia held back. Blood letting was of no concern to her or her lover. Their bodies healed swiftly from minor injuries.

Tag: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter

"Oh," Scherezade whispered as her cousin spoke of. She couldn’t imagine what that was like. Nothing in the memories branded into her mind by her grandmother had even included that. Was it because her grandmother had kept it away from her? Or had the woman simply not cared enough to even let it register within her mind? Or perhaps… Scherezade knew she had very little information about Jonathan's side of the tree. Maybe she had no clue about how things had worked there.

But to the opportunity to watch one another, the girl nodded her head enthusiastically. Blood could flow in rivers – she and her cousin could be entirely drenched in it as they took entire fields down, leaving nothing but bloodless corpses behind.

And then Lahimia pricked her finger, and Scherezade was washed over with more emotions and feelings and scents than she had in a long while. The blood almost called her, not for family, but for the power hidden within. What Lahmia was, what Lahma had made herself to be, was powerful. Even more than Scherezade had expected when she'd explained it earlier. And now… Now the scent was there, and she could smell nothing else.

Forwarding her head, Scherezade licked the blood from her cousin's finger. For a moment, the convulsion could be seen on her face; no matter how many times she'd had to do it, the Blood Hound still did not enjoy the taste of blood, found it abhorrent. In some instances, it even made her vomit. Yet she knew of no other way to do what she did, without it.

She closed her eyes and concentrated. The blood swirled in her mouth and she could feel herself almost shrinking into it, into the memories and knowledge it had. There would be nothing she could do to take by force in this instant – all flashes of memories, all memories, anything she would see save for herself during the last few seconds before the blood was licked, would depend on what her cousin permitted, whether it was consciously or subconsciously done.

Bracing herself for both the best and the worst, she let the blood take over.

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