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Approved Tech Shielding Crystal

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Image Source:
Halo 3

Intent: To create a crystal for jedi to use to project a shield
Development Thread:

  • [x] - Testing Shielding Crystal
Manufacturer: Sasori Research
Model: Shielding Crystal
Affiliation: Jedi
Modularity: Can be used in equipment with different sizes
Production: Limited (Only A Select Group Of NPCs/PCs)

  • Crystal
Description: Designed and modified as a saber crystal that can be used in jedi equipment as they need it. Taking on a more red tinge as it was being tested with the gloves or the jedi themselves. By the jedi feeding force energy into the crystal it expands outwards creating a protection bubble around them or a small area that can enclose another person. The work and testing of the crystal on Boz Pity came as they were working on some of the things, letting them move with shield generators for the group to use and protecting the area.

The crystal though has some limitations, one using it needs to maintain the focus of the force energies otherwise the bubble will fail and using it. The reapplication of the force to the crystal is required otherwise it will after some time deactivate. The crystal once charged will channel the force energy to create the shield and deactivate when the energy stops being channeled into it. Maintaining that connection to it and the focus is needed but after some time the initial charge will dissipate and it wil need a recharge to allow for energy to be refocused through it.

Tests of the crystal in the chains on a necklace allow a bubble to be made around the jedi and some small area they can use to enclose another person. With the glove they can make a bubble around just themselves to protect themselves. Much like the lightside force amulets they can use but a little easier to access and weighing less. Some of the major limitation of the crystal is focus but it also cannot function on worlds where the force cannot be used... Or in dampening fields.
Primary Source:
[member="Orihime Ike"]
A force dome is not powered by the force. They are an actual shield system array that utilizes crystals, similar to lightsaber crystals, in order to create large shields that can cover a few square miles with the use of multiple (in the tens to hundreds) crystals, and are powered by generators/reactors.
[member="Braith Achlys"]
edited, just dropped the force dome and went for a protective bubble crystal. Force dome will be another sub for something special later and the testing in combat was of the necklace placed crystal.
[member="Braith Achlys"]

I was hoping for it to be active as long as you were using and focusing on it. Instead of a time you need to focus on the bubble as opposed to it activating and letting you continue to be offensive.
[x] - Shard of Retaliation is powered by the force and the field is maintained by focus
There is the augmented force weapons a jedi or force user can make. Not permanent force weapons but the more limited time versions like [x]

[member="Braith Achlys"]
[member="Orihime Ike"]
I'll bite for the Shard of Retaliation, but there's an added stipulation in that item that it requires re-activation after a short time. If you could note that this does not persist indefinitely and after an indeterminate (just give a vague idea of a time frame, e.g, "after a short period of time", "after some time") it requires a renewed application or otherwise deactivates by itself. (For example, from what the Shard of Retaliation says, after x long the shard no longer gives its protection until the user actually re-activates it.)
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