Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shhh we are hunting............dragons

They were on patrol in the sector newly acquired worlds that needed monitoring just in case someone else decided to cross a border and take one. Arla had listened to them as the crew went back and forth about how long it would take to finish this tour.

Arla’s group was out here to be boots on the ground. The red head was negotiating at the moment to get the team some down time. “You don’t understand if they don’t get off the ship and do something else for a bit they will go stir crazy, and this is the perfect solution. Your people can service the ship, and mine can do what they do best.”

The Captain shook his head, “You sure” It wasn’t a question, and it wasn’t an answer it was more like a matter of fact being stated.
She could only smile, “There are other teams on board, to make it interesting I’m going to make it competition between them. So we will be out of your hair, but if you get any trouble we will hot foot it right back here

She turned to leave his office, “Thanks

Down on the hangar deck a few hours later they were all stomping around in their armor, joking, shoving and making wagers. Just as she thought they would.

All right, here’s the rules. Biggest one wins, got five days to get it. Concentrate on the hunt more than anything. You can get killed out here easy. Be careful.

Arla had spent the last hour getting ready putting her things in order, just in case. If she died during the hunt only then would it all be revealed.
OK, on board, let’s go” Three transports would be taking the teams down.

Arla had on her armor, she carried her MT-14 Heavy Blaster pistol, her assault rifle, a bunch of different grenades, and she put her hand onto her chest piece it never left her, and she cared for it with precision and gentleness.

He had said to her that day to hunt one and kill it would be a great feat. She hadn’t thought of it then, she was still unsure of her steps. But a gouka dragon kill for anyone would have its own rewards. She decided to look for one, using the same skills she used when hunting shatual.
They ride down was still loud, and full of anticipation, Arla was quiet though lost in her thoughts.

When the transport opened up to let them out Arla remembered the windswept dunes, the storms, all of this wouldn’t matter though what they wanted was under ground. Deep beneath them were the tremors rocked the world, first step, find a way in. Or lay a trap to get one to come out.
[member="Arla Balor"]

Arumi took several drags from his smoke as he stood on the transport, he looked around at the younger Mando'ade and wondered had he been this naive when he was young. At over a thousand years of age the dark side master had lived longer, but much less fruitlife being trapped in dark side crystals for most of his life. He had been the Sith Empires councilor of war for a time, he ran a business and he had served with the jedi for a time even. But always he was more at home with his people, he was a Mando'ade, once the Alor of Clan Bralor in a past age.

He had decided to come on this thing to break the boredom that he found during times of peace, he was a warrior first and his soul yearned for bloodshed. Brutal and effecient the sith was a war monger to be sure and a calulating killer but he never found beast to be of an interesting challenge. He had hunted Krayt Dragons, Rancor and other far more sinister creatures for his experiments and amusement but at least for this it was a chance to prove himself to his ori'vod.

[member="Arla Balor"] " Shall we make this interesting? 10,000 credits for a wager of who brings back the best catch?"
[member="Arumi Zy"]

Arla looked over at who spoke, she was not sure who he was but he offered an interesting wager, "10,000 credits" She had to think quickly if she had the equal of that amount, and between the accounts she possessed she believed she could with some ease match the amount. She nodded to him, "I'll take the wager" What was life without a little risk right?

This was a chance to prove something, to herself, and to the vod. She just wanted to make sure that in four days she was still breathing and able to get off the planet. "I"m Arla, a few know me they'll be able to point you to me when it's time for you to pay me those credits"

She smiled, she had never spoken so boldly in her entire life. Wouldn't some that knew her be surprised. Perhaps she was growing more confident. This was a place and a time that perhaps bonds were formed.

Perhaps. She began to think about how to go about this, she couldn't track them on the sand, she needed to get below the surface. She looked around to everyone, "OK partner up, do it on your own, whichever you choose, just keep in contact. Don't want to be losing anyone on this" Did the Gouka eat people?
[member="Arla Balor"]

" Arumi Zy of Clan Bralor, Everyone calls me Arumi or Arum or some other derivative there of" he said as he took a few more puffs from his smoke as he drew open his full length black leather and fur coat revealing his twin lightsabers " No worries about loosing me" he said as he sat down on the ground and closed his eyes. The best way to find something that could not be tracked by conventional means was by using the force.

" Good luck i would say is in order, but finding them may not be such good luck".
[member="Arumi Zy"]

"Aru sounds good." She looked out across the sands then back the smell of smoke of the cigar. The long black coat. Sabers. She wondered how did he come by them.

She laughed, "no finding them. Best be ready." She took a few steps they go underground, there wouldn't be sign on the surface. But a dead sarlacc might help. She went 20 yards what was said that day walking. Maybe an opening could be found near the Rocky outcrops.

One way to find out, walk to them. She looked back at Aru, wondering would he find them first..

"Are we going together, and then hoping two show up, or are you going one direction and me the other?"
[member="Arla Balor"]

Arumi's eyes opened as he heard Arla speak, his concentration broken he stood up and shrugged. He had felt the force already calling him west and believed it most prudent to go int hat direction. " We can work together and go on killing blow, or perhaps we will find an entire herd" he said with a grin.

" I believe what we seek will be found in the west, or maybe not. Its a fickle thing reaching out to feel your surroundings, it could be anything that you find or finds you." he relit his smoke and took a big puff from it, slowly exhaling the smoke through his nostrils.
[member="Arumi Zy"]

Arla looked off toward the west it was as good a place as any, "West it is then" She was willing to take that walk. She had watched him while he kneeled though so he was force sensitive otherwise why say west.

"What does it feel like when you reach out and touch the surroundings, how is it different from what I see?" She had always wanted to ask and now perhaps she would get this answer. Were these force sensitives so...unique?
[member="Arla Balor"]

" It is the same as when you look at, when you feel, when you hear and when you taste. It is another sense to be trusted and mistrusted, honed by experience and practice" he said as he moved beside her, patting his fur trench coat down to find his pack of smokes. " When you see your meal and taste it with ever getting near it. It is much like that, your mind reads it much in the same way. But it is much stronger then that and like the taste of sight it is deceptive" he pulled a fresh smoke out and lit it.

" The force is like a sixth sense, its the same as touching, feeling, hearing, seeing and smelling all at once. It is never clear and it is hard to gauge but you learn to trust it, to feel with it" of course he wasn't generally this cryptic and he rarely talked in such riddles but that was the force. He chuckled and smiled " A little spiritualism for you, let me try it a more normal way. have you ever had a dream you swore was real?".
[member="Arumi Zy"]​

He explained and his words vibrated with knowledge of something that he had long been associated with, even though it seemed he had said something that Arla did not think she would fully ever understand. He mentioned dreams, had she ever dreamed that it felt real.

She had to think about it surely he did not mean day dreams he must mean the dreams that come during the deep sleep. Then she smiled, "Yes I've had dreams that felt like I could touch them" She dreamed of loving parents a long time ago her dreams however did not quite turn out the way she had envisioned. There were people in her life that helped to take away the sting of not having the dream.

She looked over at Aru,"A sixth sense, like a partner knowing they are there, a friend that you count on, is that a good analogy?" She believed she understood and she could only imagine having that kind of ability just out there waiting to be touched, to be used.

"Have you always had this....sense?" Were they born with it, did it come to them later, did it hurt, so many child like questions but if unasked how did one learn.
[member="Arla Balor"]

Arumi smiled at her as a parent would when explaining why something is the way it is. Not a judgemental look but one of understanding for one who had never experienced what he spoke about.

" Sort of, the force is a part of us all. It is our very being and all around us at the same time, that little prick on the back of your neck, that feeling of unnease before a ambush" he said as he took a drag from his smoke " We are born either able to tap into it directly or not, but it takes a lot of training in order for one who has the gift to be able to use it in the way say A sith or a jedi or I do. It can take decades or longer in order to acheive strength in it. I am strong in the force but a novice compared to others, a god compared to some and an equal compared to many"

" This of it this way, your weapons you couldn't just hit a bullseye the first time you picked them up, its the same principle. You may even be force sensative yourself but never knew it or been instructed".
[member="Arumi Zy"]

"So." she thought about what he was saying, "you say as a Sith or a Jedi, or could not be a Sith and be among the Vod, but you could be a Jedi but your words make it sound like you are not that either" She was careful even a bit hesitant, "what are you?"

She was going to wait to ask him about how one would know they were able to touch upon this, but first she needed to know just a little more about her hunting partner. His words though were lingering he is strong in the force, he had shown no aggression to her. He seemed quite, controlled. Aru would have to remember Arla's buir had just been the dark lord of the sith and created all kinds of damage, so this revelation that he himself was force sensitive had put her on edge.
[member="Arla Balor"]
OOC: Sorry about the delay, kid was sick well you know.

" The Sith and Jedi are religious orders that follow a stricture of dogma, zealots in their control" he said as he smiled at her " I am simply a practicioner of the force, i have no order and no dogma other then the Resol'nare"

Arumi took a puff of his smoke and closed his eyes allowing the force to touch him, and to feel with it. One of the advantages of the force was being able to feel others and to sense them " You are.. nervous, i can sense that much. Anxious at being a round force user? I can promise you i am no threat, i am Manda'yim before all else".
[member="Arumi Zy"]

Arla nodded, "It is good to know that, I've heard different stories and I'm not sure I could fight a force user alone and survive it" Her last encounter Shaw had stepped in and saved her, thank goodness. "I think there are some among the Vod that would prefer no one have such a talent" She was certain she had never met anyone like Aru before, he seemed to speak his mind and not mind who heard, or if they cared for what he said.

"To answer your question, yes I'm nervous." She tried to breathe slower to help her move about, "Well I hope your force skills are leading us to our quarry, I'm hoping if I can't kill one that I at least get to see one. Have you seen one before?"

Aru, it's all good
He had explained as much as he could to her. She nodded and began the journey on her own. This was a hunt that could help her with battles within herself. She had reconciled much. Except one thing. Skill.

While she wished she wasn't alone she did think of [member="Verz Horak"] what would he think of this. What advice would he offer? She smiled as she trudged onward.

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