Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shall we meet upon the Dawn

"Oh excellent. Is there a local drink that I should try?" She had not yet addressed the first part of their conversation.

"My mother believes in....that we are social to build relationships. Sometimes, I think we talk too much" She smiled again, "but there are many that do not talk enough. How do we give them a voice?" She looked to him, wondering if he had thoughts on that, or if he had thought about it.

[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

He smiled and started walking a bit further and towards the cafe he had talked about. There was sadly nothing special he could suggest to her thought as he walked. "The Echani aren't really known for drink so i must apologize in suggesting anything special. And after a taste of your own people's drinks, i can only disappoint you as far as ours come." He smiled at her for a few minutes more before her question came nd he thought about it. The question made his smile drop as he walked and it was something that did bring a curiosity to his mind. He had not thought about it before and this small moment made him consider such.

"Well... we hope we are their voice. There is no way we can speak for everyone in this galaxy. The thoughts of everyone in one person would simply drive them insane trying to please them all and in the end... Nothing would come to pass. What we do is what the people of our worlds had put their hope into and that is something i plan to uphold. It is something i will not let fall apart simply because their might be a few who do not think the same. I know this might sound a bit harsh, and i wish there was truly a way to understand those we are the face of... but even now i never have met the queen in person, nor most of the others around her. I have never met the average person who runs a shop on a planet in our system. I can only hope that what i do is in their best interest... ad if i don't... well then i will lose my place as their defender."
"Perhaps then the thing to do is speak with the shop keepers. There are more shop keepers than nobles."

Faith wound her way to the cafe finding a seat a brief look at the menu, "I'll have this this and this" she didn't say the words she pointed.

"Alexander what will you have" it was quiet here they could see around and should anyone approach. She liked this. "You should come to Alderaan"

She smiled.

[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

He smiled as he nodded. "I would, but i hate when people hide what they really think. Even now with our little trip here if i thought to ask they would tell me i was doing fine even if it was not the truth. There are times when you have to hide who you are to truly know what those think around you and a good ear, and concealed face will do wonders. Lady Senator." He moved his smile to focus on her before he simply waved his hand to the man beside him as a dismissive motion to show he was not thirsty or hungry.

Her next suggestion made his brow raise as he looked at her with a bit of surprise. "Oh? I must say that is not a suggestion i expected. In truth i had never thought of coming to Alderaan. Its sadly a place that i think will never truly become what it was before the vong forming. Your people had to have lost alot of history and culture in the attacks that were taken on it numerously." He was privy to a certain number of files collected by his predecessor and benefactor. Yusan was a useful man and with him back in the place of the Void, he was not ever more privy to the underworld as it was currently.
Faith nodded, "Well if you will not come to Alderaan come to Aldera it is so very much like Alderaan, the climate agreeable and the people warm and friendly" Faith nodded as her drink arrived.

"I am working on having thranta there, and my Tia is trying to see if a male manka can impregnate Edee. But for me" She took a sip of her drink so that she could continue, "it is about the thranta."

She smiled warmly at him, "And yes sometimes one has to hide, it is sad, but true. I have been fortunate in that I have not had to do so. " However agents around her often did.

"I am considering a few things for when I am no longer a Senator. I am hoping that the galaxy finds some peace before I am called home" And she had a feeling that would be a lot sooner than she expected.

[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

Alexander found himself perplexed by what he was hearing from the woman as she put before him what he was safely assuming was not a lie in the least. It was this fact that he found so odd because to him she had naught a reason to tell him anything. Much less invite him to her planet to see what it was like. To tell the truth the more she talked the easier he saw this planet of hers but yet she also turned to the other subjects she had lain out for him. He had to simply admire for a moment that this woman ha taken his thoughts further when it came to what she thought about after her duty was done.

He himself was not planning for such a thing in the least bit as it was utterly something he was no prepared to so easily think of. "Lady Organa, i must say that your train of thought surprises me. I had imagined you would be one that would not so quickly fade into the background. Though now you have me further interested so do go on."
[member="Alexander Sannes"]

"In which part Senator Sannes? Plans for Aldera, plans for myself, plans for something other than being a Senator. Or perhaps they are all the same. The political arena is meant to be temporary not a lifetime. I've spent..enough time in the Senate to know that effectiveness can be diminished with time. We become repetitive in thought perhaps fixed on what we see as the answer."

Faith took another drink thankful for the cool drink, "To take what I've learned and take it home to help those worlds under the care of House Organa likely the next part of my life. Do you see yourself as a lifetime politician?"
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

"That may be true enough but what of after then. You are correct, the political arena should never be a lifetime experience, yet at the same time that is sometimes the only way we can help those on such a wide scale. Granted for you as a Organa its easier for you to o such, being that your family holds the position that it does. But for those like myself it is something we are not so privy to." He leaned his eyes to look at a person over the way, walking past the cafe with nothing changing from his pace or his path.

"My apologies, ive always seen my life as a tool for use, so if it does come to it i shall. All i care for is the protection of those i care about, and if being a lifetime politician is how it goes, then i am happy to." His eyes turned back on her without a hint of hiding a single thing. He wasn't after all and that is the end of it. He had always seen himself as a tool, he never knew a different identity and that was the end of it. Hopefully that fact was clear in his decision.
"I guess sometimes I forget that my family offers me opportunities that others may not have." Faith really thought about that now, it was true that her education, her experience, even at times her clothing were all part of a highly crafted design to help her succeed.

She looked at [member="Alexander Sannes"] , "By tool, you mean that you are used for whatever task is designed for you?" She had to be sure of this, she did not want to say something out of turn or that sounded snooty. Sometimes she just forgot what her name was, and what things she had been given that she thought everyone had been given.

Was Alexander watching the man who had passed by, was there a concern? Were they not safe out here?
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

"By tool i mean i am an object of use, just as a pen, blaster, or speeder Lady Organa. Some are meant for greater purposes but mine is nothing more than to be a shield and sword, or even just a voice when it comes down to it." He paused and saw her glance follow his as he smiled. "That man is no different from my family in that aspect. I would defend any of them any way that was needed. Be it with a blade at the order of my queen, or words that would stop them from hardship. You are different though. You were born with a higher purpose, you are after all the leaders of your people as far as your family is concerned."

He sighed and laughed alittle. "I hope that explains to you what i think of when i speak of myself as a tool, if not then i am sorry to disappoint you with such a lackluster explanation."
[member="Alexander Sannes"]

Yes Faith understood.

"Higher purpose." Faith leaned back now thinking, "By birth we are nobility, by birth are are born with a certain responsibility to those that support our Noble houses. There are hundreds that look to House Organa and seek help. I see people all the time when I'm home, they come because they think we can fix it and sometimes we can, sometimes. I don't know how to. It's easy to give credits, clothing, food, shelter, even a piece of land."

Faith touched the rim of her glass, "Some want things like find their father, or mother. And I can look or send people to look, but sometimes I can't give them what they want. Is that a higher purpose Senator?"
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

He listened to her thoughts and it was interesting to hear them. She did have more than she may have thought she had. "A beacon." He started as he looked at her then motioned to a light post some short distance from them. "Take that for example. At night the stars are hidden by the lights and the clouds, the moon is gone and the sun has vanished. And yet that remains to ead people in better or in worse. To others they can trust it will be the for them no matter what comes to pass. That is what you are for your people lady Organa. Someone with far more purpose than a tool, where people are wielding me, they follow you in faith that your choices will make their lives better... Especially after the vong forming."
"I understand Senator [member="Alexander Sannes"] , thank you for sharing that with me. I had not thought about that in some time." She smiled though she always managed to smile, and then she took another drink.

"My Aunt is starting a refugee center on a planet she hopes remains neutral, perhaps given your desire to help others, and your home world. Maybe you would be interested in helping her, or helping the center." Faith was not recruiting just trying to find people with similar goals.
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

He listened to her and smiled as she had taken his words to heart. He always admired those who drew on a purpose and whether this woman realized it or not she had one just as all the others he had met. And just as she drank once more he returned his gaze to that solitary man whom at this point walked far past them, one of many to Alexander and yet still someone he wondered about.

What came from the woman next was rather curious for the young man though. The offer would probably seem to any other politician a plea for financial support yet to Alexander it drew his eyes back to her and filled them with a different curiosity. "I must apologize Senator Organa, I am surprised by the question in asking my aid with your aunt's project." He smiled though as the curiosity remained. "Id be glad to aid in anyway possible, both physically and if needed through the shipment of supplies or credits. But im curious. Why are you asking me and telling me about this? I mean, id have thought you would ask the people on Alderaan to aid in such a thing, or if you wanted monetary aid you would not have included myself in the suggestion of aid."
[member="Alexander Sannes"]

"There are people from Alderaan helping, but my Aunt's Refugee Center is on Alpha Mae which is already home to thousands of refugees. You could speak with her and see what she needs. I think they needed workers, people who could convince others to donate items, I think you can do that. You have a disposition of quietness, that lends to the telling of the truth, people will respect that, and in seeing that they may help." She smiled at him hoping it put him at ease, she had taking a liking to him and his manner. The tone of soothing would go far in getting supplies.

She was offering him a task, it wouldn't pay anything but it would help refugees who were fleeing, or had to flee their homes.
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

"Id be happy to do both. There is an old woman my family used to know that would be able to put together some droids. Especially if its to help an Organa, wont even ask for payment. Shes a bit grumpy though so ill talk to her, no worries there... as for my help personally, im more than happy to come and help work with your Aunt when time allows. We are still both Senators, and as much as i wish i could spend more days among others, its hard." He smiled as he already marked in his memory a note to give a call to that old woman, hopefully she will answer this time if he uses the name provided to him to get her attention. Grumpy was one word for her, stubborn would be another.

"I must say though, quietness is not one that i usually hear associated with myself. Most people here know me or dealing with problems in violent stubborn means. There was once this girl, my age, horrid deathstick problem. Forced her to sit with me for three days to help her adjust to time without them... wonder where she went to." He glanced back towards the street as if scanning for that person, the hint of curiosity shone on his face easily.
[member="Alexander Sannes"]

"Really you don't think you've been quietly contemplative as we talked, rather than loud boisterous and imposing your opinion on me?" Faith tilted her head as she waited for him to answer it was curious though the thoughts one person had about themselves as compared to the thoughts someone else looking in.

Perhaps Alexander had many hidden talents that needed only the proper circumstances in which to grow, or to take his culture and share it with others so that they could learn to change, adapt, and appreciate.
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

He looked up at her as she posed the question and couldn't help himself but laugh in that moment as she brought up the point. "Fair enough Lady Organa, but i think this time is a bit of an oddity in that point." His hand went to his chin as he rested on it, looking back at the woman with that smile on his face. "But what i usually meant is how people normally see me around here, i get in more trouble here than you would ever expect trying to help others, and its rather amusing sometimes. You should try it one of these days, helping someone get off the streets and giving them a little bit of hope through constant overwatch. Its a bit tiring but hey, its worth it."

His voice cut for a moment before looking at her once more. "Actually, im surprised by you lady organa. Your family is one that goes down in history books as great defenders of peace not only in a senate room but on a battle field. Infact what is arguably your most famous ancestor was a general that fought not one but two empires, with children who showed significant traits that i would have expected you to share. Yet as far as i know only your other family has trained those traits, why do you not?"
Faith arched a brow, "you mean the force sensitivity. I don't know, I never felt that calling, the others, except for Alyesa all show it. Perhaps it was the force's way to ensure that there were Organa still in the Senate"

She smiled. "Do others think what you have said?" She was curious now.

[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

"I am sure they assume it or suspect it. Its kind of like when you assume traits such as hair or eyes might show up... i know its a bit of a stretch and there always are those unique situations where just because someone has the force does not mean a child will or vice versa. But i had imagined you would be one with it considering the kind of person you are." He himself was one of those Unique situations. His parents, his family, they were as far as they knew not tied to the force and yet he himself was. Untrained, and unrefined but it was still something he knew was inside of him as far as capabilities went. "As for what others think, i cant truly say as i can only assume."

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