Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shakk Awaud

NAME: Shakk Awaud

FACTION: Healer Guild

RANK: Healer Apprentice

SPECIES: Crina, Human

AGE: 16

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5'6"

WEIGHT: 122 lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Dirty Blond

SKIN: White with a light tan

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, Power Unknown

Book Worm- enjoys conversation about books and would rather sit and read any book then join in activities that require moving.

Heart of Gold- Would help a compleat stranger and avoid conflict if absolutely necessary.

Quick Learner- Could be taught almost anything and she could pick it up quickly without strenuous training. (Excluding combats)

Loves Machines- enjoys fixing and working with droids and ships more then meeting people, sometimes includes adopted father.

Unapt killing skills- Uneasy with taking a life and will inflict harm to a person to disable them from further harm.

Fathers Daughter- Relies on adapted father to assist when in trouble.

Shy- Because of her fathers traveling, unable to make deep connections with other people, requires hard conversation.

A small petit female, Shakk likes loose pants that allow her to freely move anywhere, and tighter, sometimes smaller tops to allow her to mess around in the engine room of her fathers ship. When in public she dresses in the fashionable dress uniform of the crew, Mandalorian Marines. She prefers loose close that allow her full movement of her whole body and sometimes a rob.

Raised on her birth planet and home world of her biological parents, Crina. Her parents were traders by nature and had been for generations. They traveled the stars in trade of goods and supples to many parts of the outer rim. She was born on their home world and proceeded to be raised in the customary way. She proceeded to be educated till the age of 7.This is when she was allowed to travel the galaxy with her biological parents. After 3 years that traveled to a planet controlled by the Republic at the time. Shortly after there arrival though the planet was attacked by the One Sith. Bombs and troops flooded the city they occupied together.

Somehow someway, they were separated, and Shakk was left alone in one of the many refugee camps created by the Healer Guild. The times were difficult for the 10 year old child as she wondered the camp for food and shelter provided by the kind doctors and nurses. One day the Guild offered an adoption of broken family's to people who gathered in the camps to adopt there new family's. Shakk though was very shy to people she didn't know, she often hid in the Droid Bay then sleep in the tent she was assigned. There she meet a large Mandalorian who was repairing a astro-droid. This mans was @Jaster of clan Awaud, the commander of the camp at the time. After weeks of meeting up they created a bond and allowed her to set up camp near his shelter. This keep her sleeping in the confirm of her bed and not in a empty droid bay.

After many months without finding her parents the battle for the planet was over. Body's from both sides and civilians flooded the camp. Jaster was busy up to his neck in administrator work, from keeping injured soldiers from killing each other to finding enough supply's for the injured. With all this he still took the time out of his day to have small talk with the child. Weeks later, reluctantly Jaster informed her that another camp had found her parents dead under rubble. Sad and angry that her parents were dead. She blamed the One Sith for invading the planet, but Jaster taught her to control that. He feared that she would be another soldier the war would take. He took care for the child and taught we her that anger and vengeance would only make more sad children like herself. Good would only come from forgiveness and helping other continue. After learning more about Mandalorian Culture, Shakk found her new adult figure as an odd one for his background. Through teasing she gave him a nickname of "MandoTeddy" because he was a soft peaceful person to other Mandalorians. This concreted there relationship and after 6 months of being in a camp together, Jaster adopted her. Using ancient Mandalorian customs and dialect, Jaster dubbed her as his first heir and daughter. Shakk was uncertain how she felt about the man being her new father, but she didn't want to stay on a planet that held bad memories.

She left the planet with the Mandalorian, following him as he rose through the ranks of the Guild. Around being first adopted, Shakk realized she could lift and throw objects without touching them. Self training and concentration, she used this new skill to torment her new father in practical jokes, also helping her in small tasked during her chores. Doing it when no one was around, because she was afraid of being treated differently, she was unaware of what she was. She became very skilled in fixing droids as most of her fathers crew was droid automated. She was often left alone in the maintance shaft playing with DUM-series Pit Droids. With her new ability she was able to rewrite a droids programming without using a slicer. Unable to explain it she just accepted it at just a normal.

Six years after they became family Jaster became Quartermaster and Admiral of the Healer Guild. Jaster brought his new daughter to the HQ Station full of doctors and healers. At this same time jedi healers found that Shakk was quite strong in the force. She could not be taught the more advanced skills but through training with other healers she hopped to make her father proud with being a Healer Master.

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud "]- Adopted Father

She mostly uses her fathers ship to travel great distances.

Owned a Kom'rk-class fighter/transport on loan from her father.



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